First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Congrats on your baby boy Clarkyness! :)

Ugh, my mother definitely knows her comments about weight/bump etc upset me - just like she knows her constant comments about the babies name upsets me and has made me cry plenty of times in front of her, and just like she knows it upsets me when she has a go at me about wearing my PJs all day when I'm sick and not putting on makeup and "looking a mess" upsets me. (I have been sick for a week and if I don't still get up and dressed and put on a full face of makeup, she goes crazy about how pregnancy isn't an illness or an excuse to be lazy :/)
She doesn't care, its the way she is.

Aww hope you enjoy your birthday Brittany :)

As for classes, I don't plan on doing any childbirth classes as I plan on having a c-section - but I am planning on doing some other classes.
I have found some locally - one is Newborn Know-How and the other is a general Parenting class - I know they're not necessary (especially since I'm qualified in childcare anyhow, so already have a lot of knowledge and experience with children!) but they change the guidelines with whats best for babies SO often and I think my OH would benefit from the classes! ;)

I also want to do a Mamafit class and maybe the pregnancy yoga class I was reading about.

All of this is planned for AFTER the holidays! I don't have the energy right now.
hayley those classes sound really good. I'll have to see if we have anything like the new born classes here, as my SIL told me the parentcraft classes the hospital run are not good at all.

Brittany that's great that you got your registry done, and so funny about dh going nuts with the scanner! But I'm glad your registry ended up the way you want it. Now I hope that you get all the stuff on it! All the important bits at least.

Lauren your friends 10lb baby is not something I want to hear at the minute :haha: I'm terrified mine is going to be massive! Compounded by dh having a dream we had a 17lb baby :shock::cry::shock: and it must seem so much more real now that the other babies have been born - yours will be next!

Alex I totally agree about the little secret of feeling the baby kick :cloud9: it makes me so happy when I am sitting in work or something and can feel the baby kicking, and nobody else in the world knows :) and just earlier tonight I could see my tummy moving through my clothes! That's big jiggles!

The friend I have previously mentioned who is also pregnant and has been very strange (being rude to me, ignoring me, not mentioning her baby, not wanting to know anything about labour etc) found out that her baby is :pink: and she seems much happier with her pregnancy now, which is great. She still doesn't talk about it to any of our other friends, but they don't seem very interested in our pregnancies to be honest. So I made a huge fuss of her news when she told me, because I don't think she has many people really excited about her baby, but I hope this is the start of her looking forward to it all a bit more.

People always talk about feeling their babies hiccuping when they are in the womb. Has anyone felt this? How do you know what it feels like?!
Hayley, it sounds like you're taking a lot of good classes. They had so many offered at my hospital so I might end up taking more. Right now I'm just planning to take the childbirth education class. When DH did are registry at Babies R Us we did see they're having a free class type thing regarding breastfeeding so we're planning to do that. But like you said, those are for next year. Way too much going on now to try to fit in a class.

Sarah, the good thing about the baby registries, whatever I don't get, I get a discount on so that's nice. Hopefully I get a lot of the stuff that is on there though so that's less stuff I have to buy myself. And hopefully I don't end up getting disposable diapers. Really hope my mom and MIL remember to specify that on the invitations since I know not everyone looks at registries and just choose to buy what they want to buy.

Hopefully your friend is starting to feel more positive about her pregnancy too. I imagine if she hasn't been too happy about it, it makes it harder for other people to be happy about it.

Also, my mom talks about feeling the hiccups all the time but I've never really thought about feeling them. Now I'm going to start trying to pay better attention whenever I feel movements since from what I've read you could feel them anytime from 20 weeks on. And I guess they're supposed to feel rhythmic, like a heartbeat or something from what I've read.

AFM, I have ordered all my cloth diapers and they're finally starting to arrive. I actually got several of them today. I can not wait to use them on Aiden. Never thought I would get so excited about a diaper. :haha:
Sarah - Those classes I'm planning on doing are all offered at our local SureStart centre (i'm not sure if you have them in Ireland?) - all of them apart from the Mamafit and Yoga ones are free of charge, which I thought was really good! Makes them worth a try.

Brittany - The breastfeeding class would be good! When is your baby shower?

I'd like for me and OH to do an infant first aid course if possible, I know they are quite pricey but I think it could be invaluable really! I did do one as part of my childcare training but that was over 10 years ago now and things change quickly!

As for the hiccups - I've felt them maybe two or three times, but I hear they get more frequent later on. It just feels like the familiar heartbeat/popping sensation but you can tell its hiccups because its so rhythmic - you can almost time exactly when to expect the next one to come, just like when we have hiccups! Its cute but it can also be irritating lol, especially when I'm trying to sleep!

AFM I've had this damn virus/bug thing for over a week now. I'm SO fed up of it :( I'm worried incase its the norovirus!!! :/
I have a Drs appointment tomorrow anyway, so I'm going to ask them about it - I'm sure they won't be pleased about me going in to the surgery as they like anybody with these kind of symptoms to stay away but its been going on for SO long, I'm worried about just leaving it indefinitely as it doesnt seem to be going away on its own and I don't want to be ill all over Christmas :/
The Babies R Us around here is doing an infant first aid course, at least I think that's what it is. I just saw something about CPR on the flier. It may be worth it to check out some of your local baby stores and see if they do anything similar for free?

I hope the virus you have goes away soon. I'm such a big baby whenever I don't feel well and I imagine I would be even worse now that I'm pregnant since we're so limited on what stuff we can actually take.
Oh and since I forgot to answer this earlier, my baby shower is February 9th.
We really want to take some classes but haven't signed up yet. I guess I should probably do that. DH says he wants to take classes that "teach you how to get the baby here and then what to do with it afterwards." An infant first aid class sounds like a very good idea. I learned some things during my CPR certification but it's been a few years and could probably do with a refresher.

Brittany, that's great that you got your registry done after all! One less thing to worry about. I can't wait until mine is finished. That's exciting about your cloth diapers. It won't be very long before you'll be able to try them out!

Sarah, I've only felt hiccups once that I'm pretty sure of. I'll have to pay more attention from now on. But I remember it being rhythmic, and slower than my own heartbeat, and it last almost 30 mins!

Hayley, I'm sorry you're still so sick! I hope you feel better by Christmas!!

AFM, we just got back from my MIL's. We stayed for the weekend and celebrated Christmas early with her. It was a really nice visit... except for one thing. Somehow we ended up talking about booty-shorts (I think something on TV inspired this) and I don't know if it was the wine's fault or what, but MIL started telling a story about how she came over to DH's house (like, 5 years ago) to find one of his girly-friends doing housework in booty shorts and it was obvious DH remembered this instance and it was just a really awkward moment!! Maybe it wouldn't have been so bad if she hadn't just told me how much bigger I looked since Thanksgiving!

Before pregnancy, I was never this sensitive but I've been feeling unsexy and just unattractive in general lately so I really took it the wrong way. I shrugged it off in front of his MIL but gave DH an earful later when she wasn't around even though it's not his fault. :( I hate these hormones!! It's not so much the ex-girlfriend part of the story (we both have exes), but the fact that I can't be bothered to put on jeans if we're not going out let alone clean the house in skimpy clothes! DH just reminds me that I will have my body back eventually and that he thinks my new "shape" is sexy in itself and to enjoy it while I can but sometimes it's easier said than done. Sorry for the rant, ladies.
Who cleans in hot pants anyway?! What is sexy about doing housework?! When I do my housework I have no make up on, whatever has fallen out of the wardrobe and my hair is usually a mess - made worse by the bustling aboutof cleaning. Cleaning/housework is hardly the most sexy activity I have ever heard of...!!

But I know what you mean, lately I've been noticing just how THIN people are. This isn't something I have ever noticed before in a major way - obivously if someone is very skinny it's like "whoa, she is really thin" but now everyone I look at I just think "she is so much thinner than me..." And it's actually really surprised me that I would feel like that. I don't usually care about size at all, but i guess we are all just struggling to get used to our changing bodies.

Hayley, I will definitely check out our local sure start centre. I have a super quiet day at work today, so I am going to book our hospital classes, and then look for any supplementary ones as well. And if they are free- even better!!! SO sorry to hear you are still feeling sick. Definitely go to the Drs, even though they don't like it you are in a different category because you are pregnant, and you need to make sure everything is OK. Screw everyone else!!!

Brittany that's great that the registry gives you a discount on non-bought items. It makes things a lot easier financially if you do (I'm all about thinking of money since I found out I'm jobless come September!!!) If I were you I would be putting any conceivable items on there just in case I decide I do want them afterwards, so I could get the discount!! What brand of cloth diapers did you order? Atm I have lots of TotsBots and LittleLamb fitted in bamboo and just a few in microfibre. I still need to get a whole load of wraps though, and then as baby grows I'll start getting some one size diapers - probably all in twos, but that seems forever away yet! They are just so small and cute - I'm the same, I get so excited by them!

My sister asked me yesterday if I want a baby shower, and I said no, and I'm worried I upset her. It's just not my thing at all (I didn't really want a hen/bacherlorette party either, but I went with that one) but I think I was a little too firm about it. So I might suggest that when my in-laws are over in February that we have just a wee afternoon tea type thing - but JUST my close family and nobody else. I don't know why I feel so against having one for me - I would love to go to somebody else's, but just don't fancy it for myself. :shrug: I'm a weirdo.
Ugh, just multi-quoted a load of posts and it's not saved them :dohh:

Here's the ones I remember:

Classes - Me & OH will be going to two in early February; one waterbirth and one homebirth :)

Kicks - I love the fact that only I know what's happening, makes it more special. OH notices sometimes and he'll say "is she kicking you again?" Love watching her move around too, although trying to get in on camera is another story :haha:

Hiccups - I don't think i've felt them yet.. although I don't really know :shrug:

Hope everyone's ok? x
Ps, here's 25 weeks against 24..:
What an awful thing for your MIL to start chatting about, Lindsey. :hugs: Pregnant or not it was inappropriate in my opinion and I certainly don't blame you for being uncomfortable by it. There were a few times earlier in my relationship with DH where a neighbor or friend (never his family thankfully) would mention my DH's ex to him as if he would be interested in knowing what she was up to. It really sucked, who really wants to be reminded of their DH's exes. They're not in the picture anymore for a reason, why bring them up?

I can only imagine how much more awkward and uncomfortable I would be if this happened while I'm pregnant and the topic was about one of my DH's exes in booty shorts. I feel so ugly and unattractive these days with my growing belly, the acne on my back and chest that I never had before pregnancy, etc. that I don't doubt I'd probably feel even more sorry for myself. Like Sarah, I can't help but notice how thin everyone else is these days and how I look like a whale. Pregnancy is freaking hard!! Anyways, I hope you're feeling a bit better today.

Sarah, the baby registry has quite a few items that I'm not really expecting people to buy for me just so I can get a discount on stuff.

As for the cloth diapers, I have quite a few different brands and styles I'm trying out. Since different brands and such have different fits and I won't know what works the best for Aiden until he gets here. I'll put in spoiler tags what my stash consists of.
- 7 Kissaluvs Cotton Fleece Newborn Fitted (5-15 lbs)
- 2 OsoCozy AIO Size small diapers (6-18 lbs)
- 4 Thirsties AIO Size 1 diapers (6-18 lbs)
- 3 Rumparooz OS Pocket (6-35 lbs)
- 6 OsoCozy Unbleached Prefolds, size 1 (7-15 lbs)
- 1 Blueberry OS Pocket (8-35 lbs)
- 4 BumGenius OS Pocket (8-35 lbs)
- 3 Happy Heiny's OS Pocket [Hook and Loop Closure] (8-35 lbs)
- 2 Bumkins OS AIO (10-35 lbs)
- 2 FuzziBunz OS Pocket (10-35 lbs)
- 4 Diaper covers (Thirsties, Capri, Blueberry, and Mother Ease are the brands)

Obviously, not all of those will be usuable right away. I'm thinking I'll have a 6 to 7 lb baby so some of the OS diapers will be for when he's a bit older. Right now, I think my favorite diapers though are the Thirsties and Kissaluvs.

I'm also with you about the baby shower, I would have been perfectly content just having a get together with my close family and friends but I'll be getting something larger than that. Don't feel bad for declining the shower if it's not something you want.

Laura, your bump looks great!
Aww cute bump Laura! :)
I need to remember to take a bump pic this week, its been a few weeks.

Wow Brittany thats great that Babies R Us do that! I've just checked and ours don't seem to offer any classes. I've looked into first aid courses and they don't seem to do any for free, which sucks, but I guess its something thats kind of priceless!! It looks like it'll cost about £90 for me and OH to do it but I guess its one of those things we'll just have to find the money for - I get SO paranoid about things like choking, I'm already dreading the day this baby starts to go on to solid foods! :/ The money is worth it for a little extra peace of mind!

Aww Linzy, I know what you mean about the ex gf comments but think of it this way - she may have done the housework in her booty shorts (LOVE that name for them, never heard them called that before!) but you're having his baby!! That stands you WAY apart from any exes no matter how sexy they dressed to do the housework!!

Thanks for the get well wishes girls :) I'm keeping my fingers crossed to feel better before Christmas! Can't BELIEVE its next week....where has the time gone!
After Christmas, time is going to just FLY by until our babies start arriving!!!
I wonder who'll be first!! :happydance: How exciting!
Oh Brittany you have made me feel woefully underprepared! That is an incredible stash of diapers you have!! I was planning on just using my fitteds for as long as possible (I actually have some size 2 fitteds as well) then buying more, but I'm so jealous of yours I want to get some now!!

Luckily, both dh and I were losers before we had one another and only had 1 ex apiece - and mine wasn't serious. Awkward moment the first time I met his grandma though and she called me by his ex's name...!

Hayley, I am really hoping what you said is true and the time after Christmas flies. After the holidays I have 44 days of teaching left (yes I counted!) and we have SO much going on next term that I am really hoping they go quickly and before you know it we are on here saying "OH MY GOD I THINK I'M IN LABOUR!" :haha: I'm convinced my baby will arrive last, that I'll go the full two weeks over and have to be induced! My mum thinks baby is so big (cheers for that subtle hint about my size mum!! :haha:) that baby will arrive BEFORE my due date. I think she's insane!
Aww bless doggylover!

I'll be here with you anyway, as i'm also convinced that LO is gonna hang in there till the very last minute - just our luck :haha:

Oh, and OH is absolutely convinced that she's gonna be one huge ass baby :|

He's so kind :D x

Yeah my dh thinks ours is going to be huge as well. They are so supportive sometimes!!! It does not make me happy to hear people tell me I might have a 10lb+ baby! It scares me!!!
Lol Sarah & Laura! Watch - I bet you both end up having the smallest babies of all of us!!! ;)

Sarah for some reason, I have a feeling you'll be among the first. Of course this might just be my wishful thinking, coz I'm dying to know what you're having lol!

I reeeeally think the last trimester is going to just fly past! :) I hope so, anyway.

Though in another way, I feel SO unprepared. It struck me today that I havn't actually read a single baby book - its all been pregnancy! I havn't even thought about routines etc!!!
Is everybody planning on being "by the book" with regards to that sort of thing?
My sister was with her kids, she always had her head in "the book" looking EVERYTHING up and sticking solidly to her planned routine, and I always said to myself I would be much more laid back - but I don't know, which is the best way to be?!!! I don't want baby to end up a brat coz I didn't make him stick to a routine :/

Oh also, I don't know if you've all seen this already but it cracked me up so I thought I'd share it:

Yeah my dh thinks ours is going to be huge as well. They are so supportive sometimes!!! It does not make me happy to hear people tell me I might have a 10lb+ baby! It scares me!!!

Oh this reminded me, I keep meaning to mention it - my cousin had an 11 lb (ELEVEN!) baby last Christmas ( people kept asking her if she was sure it wasn't a turkey!) - and she had NO stitches, NO pain relief whatsoever, and said it was fine!!!
How bizzare?! (Admittedly it was her second baby, but her first hadn't been big) But just goes to show - size doesn't necessarily mean a terrible birth :D
Sarah, I'm definitely addicted to buying diapers. I'm hoping that I'll have enough in my stash that I won't have to buy any more until I need the size 2 diapers if I like the size 1 diapers of the brands that aren't OS. I do get worried that half the diapers I have bought aren't going to fit right or something though so I think that's part of my reason for being so addicted to buying diapers. Just about every brand of diapers I have, have mixed reviews where they work great for some and not so great for others but I won't know which category I'll be in until Aiden gets here and I can actually use the diapers.

As for labor, I imagine I'm going to be one of the last ones to give birth. Though my due date is March 29th, Aiden has always measured around 5 days behind that so I consider my real due date to be April 3rd even though it's not official. Then I know my mom went over so I'm just planning that I will go over by at least a week so I'm thinking by the 10th at the latest. Hopefully it's sooner though, I can't wait to meet my little boy.
Hayley, some of the pregnancy books I have read went beyond pregnancy into the first 6 weeks to 6 months. Personally, I think I'll be very laid back and just go with my instincts and only look for some parenting books on things that DH and I happen to be struggling with.
Hi everyone,

Ugh, I need to moan again. Work has just been horrible today! I have also had some major issues with my emotions too. I can't handle difficult situations whatsoever, I cry at every little obstacle... It doesn't help that my job is full of them! How the hell am I supposed to do my job when I cry all the time?? :(

On a plus, I went to see my mw today. Even though someone keeps telling me I have a big bump I am measuring bang on which is good. I also heard her heartbeat for the first time today :) it was lovely. She also kicked the doppler twice. So that cheered me up but then I went back to work and that mood quickly dissapeared!!

As for baby books, im not planning on following anything. I've read pregnancy ones which have been interesting to read. A relative of mine followed a baby book for their only child, they were VERY strict with routines ect and he has turned out rather... Well... Not very nice. He struggles to socialise and has an awful behaviour. I think mum did everything and now he doesnt listen to dad at all. I partly blame that on following the books. I think they are great for advice ect but you can buy 5 books and I'll bet they will all tell you something different. You will be surprised at how well you pick parenting up. You will know what to do, it will come natural. I have a huge family and we have had lots of little babies born, I've looked after them shortly after being born for long weekends ect and the thought of knowing what to do is much worse than how it actually is.

Oh and I spoke to my mw about the pains I have been getting when I'm shopping ect and she reckons its soft ligament and stretching. She told me its nothing to worry about but I should speak to them if they become worse. Said I've got to try and take it easy but that's easier said than done sometimes.

I haven't been looking at other people's sizes... As such. I love my bump and if I'm dressed nice and in a good mood I feel great about how I look. I even noticed men looking at me the other day when I was walking around town. It was very weird as I haven't been ''looked at'' for ages. They say most men are attracted to pregnant women!! But I have walked past girls who look around the same age as me and notice how good they look... I sometimes feel old. If that makes sense?

I think I'm going to treat myself to hair and nails on Saturday if I can get in anywhere - Adam is telling me to do it lol, says it will make me feel better :)

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