First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

ILoveLucy - Hope your doctors appointment went/goes well (not sure on the time difference!) :hugs:
Glad you bought the paint! What colour did you end up getting? Can't wait to see pictures :)

MrsHippo - Thank you, I'll try the paracetamol thing tonight. Never really thought of doing it to be honest!
I'm with DoggyLover on this one, feel free to have some of my bum! I've got enough to go round :haha:

As for me... Went to bed last night around 10 and had a good half an hour 'playing' with our LO :cloud9:
Lately, if I poke or run my finger over my belly she kicks/rolls back :D OH was amazed as he'd never seen me do it. I love the fact that we can sort of 'interact' and she's not even here yet!

Also, I went through my TTC and pregnancy journals and found where I got my BFP and copied from there onwards into a Word document. I'm toying with the idea of printing it off as a keep-sake..
I only kept the baby/me updates, none of the conversations or anything. I just think it will be nice to look back on either with Eva when she grows up or if/when (;)) we have another baby.
Has anyone else done this? Or written a seperate journal? :flower:
I am so jealous Laura! I have heard that if you poke baby they start responding in second tri, but mine is ignoring me as best they can. I'm going to be JABBING at them soon to try and get a response!

But that is so great that you can 'play' with her. It must be so fun, and make her seem like an actual little person rather than just...a baby in your tummy (if that makes sense?!)

No journal with me, unless you count the things I add onto the calendar on my phone saying things like "20 week appointment" and then "Everything looked great!" lol!! I have the important dates in there anyway, maybe I should transfer them to something like a scrapbook with the scan pics. That might keep me busy on maternity leave before baby arrives!
That's what I wanted to do, a scrap book.

I want to get a photo album (maybe), but an A4 one where you peel the entire page back and put things under it - if that makes sense? That way I can add all sorts into it - I don't know what yet but i'm sure i'll find things :haha: x
Oh that's a good idea! I had thought about using glue, but that sounds much more simple.

Now just to find a nice looking one!
I've just looked on eBay for all the stuff I would want to do the scrapbooking and could get everything for £38!

I'm pretty sure if I were to go into town and buy it all it would cost a LOT more..


  • eBay Scrapbooking.jpg
    eBay Scrapbooking.jpg
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Ok whoa, you are super organised! Some of that stuff would never have entered my mind!

I'm not particularly crafty, which puts me off doing it a little, as I don't want it to look really rubbish :(
I'm not as good as you think... I just looked in the 'Craft & Scrapbooking' secion on eBay and it fetched thousands of little crafty things up and I just shortlisted the ones that I liked/wanted :haha:

I've never done a scrapbook or anything before so I have no idea where I would start x
My friend used to do them a lot and they always looked great. She would pick a theme for each page/double page (eg one page was our 18th birthdays, another was a particular trip/holiday) and she then added decorations that matched the theme - so for 18th birthdays little pieces of '18' confetti, for holidays she put in wee drinks umbrellas etc. And it always looked so good. If I did that...I dread to think!! I'd probbaly glue my fingers together (and it actually wouldn't be the first time :blush: :blush:)
My appointment yesterday went alright but it was not just a general check up like I was expecting. They did my glucose tolerance test while I was there. So I had to drink this orange flavored drink in 5 minutes. It didn't taste too bad to me, it reminded me of orange soda which I like. But I'm not one who ever drinks anything fast so having to drink it all in 5 minutes sucked. Then I had to sit around the office unable to eat or drink anything for an hour so they could draw my blood. This was torture considering my appointment was at 5 and I hadn't eaten anything since around 1. Obviously I was only expecting to be there like 30 minutes max. :haha:

In the meantime, I got to have a quick check up with my doctor. She didn't criticize my weight thankfully. I think she was pleased that I hadn't been gaining any weight since my last appointment but like I said I think Aiden went through a growth spurt and it's just now leveling out since I basically jumped up 4 lbs in one week. I'm still at 17 lbs gained so if I continue to not gain anymore this week then I'll be exactly where I'm supposed to be according to the weight guidelines next week. But I'm trying not to think about the guidelines much anymore, my body seems to know what it's doing and I think it's going to gain what it needs to gain when it needs to gain it. Not to mention, being one pound over is hardly enough to cause any kind of concern on my part. I also got to hear Aiden's heartbeat again, 155-160 bpm was the range he was in. I'd like to shove that info in MIL's face so she can stop thinking the heartbeat has anything to do with gender. :haha:

Anyways, the bad news at my appointment was that there was blood in my urine when I did my pee test. I wasn't expecting this at all since I've never seen any blood. I'm assuming I have some kind of infection but I've never noticed any kind of pain or anything going to the bathroom to make me think I have an infection. So I'm not really sure what's going on or what kind of things would even cause blood to be in the urine since a nurse told me this after I had already met with my doctor. Anyways, I did another pee test so I'm waiting to hear about that along with the results of the blood test. I guess I'm a bit nervous even though Aiden seems to be perfectly fine. He was moving like crazy last night and this morning. I almost think he was punching and kicking at the same time since I was feeling movements on both sides at once. At least I have Christmas to distract me some while I wait for results.

Did y'all know that if you have the gestational diabetes you get another scan? I was looking at my future appointments and at 33 weeks if I'm diabetic they'll do a growth scan.

Laura, I've been writing to Aiden since I got my BFP on word. Usually just brief things about the appointments, how I'm feeling, etc. I'm planning on buying a small journal to write the stuff in and then keeping it with Aiden's baby book. I thought it might be neat for him to be able to look back over that stuff when he's older.
DoggyLover - She sounds great! I started off with just pink things but then realised that up to me reaching 20 weeks I didn't know LO was a girl so had to go back and pick some neutral stuff :haha:

I'd probbaly glue my fingers together (and it actually wouldn't be the first time :blush: :blush:)

ILoveLucy - I'm so surprised they didn't tell you it would be your GT test - i'm sure there's rules about eating/drinking within so many hours before :shrug: Glad it went well though!
The letter thing is so sweet! Do you write it like actual letters or just like a diary?
I thought you had to fast before taking the glucose test but when they called me to confirm (it's an automated thing) it never gave me any kind of specific instructions about not eating or drinking anything prior to going. Hopefully everything comes back okay.

As for the journal, I write them like actual letters. I start out with the date and then I write Dear Aiden (it used to be Dear Baby when I didn't know what I was having/the name).
Brittany that's so strange that they didn't tell you about it. I don't think we get the test done as standard here, but I know that it seems a routine thing in the states, and as Laura said, they seem to be pretty strict about the guidelines. But I suppose the fact that you actually were just having a normal day is a better indication of how your body is working. I'm sure it'll be fine though. very strange about the blood in your urine. Fingers crossed its a quick fix and is nothing serious at all.

My LO was also doing a lot squiggling about today! I was watching a Christmas movie with my class (end of term rocks!) and the baby was having a party!
Brittany - try not to worry too much about the blood in your urine. Its usually just an indication of a slight water infection, which is super super common in pregnancy! The fact that you havn't had any symptoms probably means it either a recent thing or only very slight. I'd just make sure to drink a lot to flush out the infection.
When do you get your GTT results? We don't get that test as standard here, only if we're measuring big or we are in a risk group due to family history of diabetes or higher BMI.

Sarah - Aww! I've noticed Bean is very active the past few days too! Has anybody noticed if the baby feels higher up yet? Up until the last few days my kicks have been the low, painful, bladder invading ones but since yesterday they feel like they're up near my ribs!

Laura - I'm doing something similar to Brittany with the letters, except I'm doing them in email form. I've opened an e-mail account for the baby ([email protected]! hehe!) and both Jon and I send him emails regularly. My first email was a super long one, detailing all the dates and feelings I had of when we had the BFP, the first time we heard his heartbeat, etc.
And now I just email every now and then, when we've had an appointment or when theres something I think he'd like to know about when he's older (I played music to my tummy a few days back, so I emailed him and told him what songs I played and how he responded to them!)

I figure I'll either print them out and give them to him one day, or just keep the account active and give him the password

AFM - I had an appointment for blood tests today (they can NEVER draw my blood first time - I had 3 nurses and a doctor all try, I look like a pin cushion now! It took about 7 jabs until they eventually got it out of my hand! grrrr!) and then went shopping afterwards. Bought some more baby things - I'm awful, I just can't resist!!

I was wondering - am I the ONLY one here now who still hasn't decided for definite on a name?!
I feel like I'm never going to be able to choose one. I KNOW I won't decide before he's here, which kind of sucks as I'd like to have things personalised :/
The blood in the urine thing I've read can be a sign of a UTI or some kind of kidney/bladder infection, both of which are common in pregnancy. I also read if the blood isn't visible to the human eye, which it isn't, then you may not have any other kind of symptoms like cramping and burning when urinating. It seems like an easy fix with meds if that is indeed what the issue is so I'm trying not to worry about it too much.

As for the GTT results, my doctor was telling me about a week but considering we have Christmas next week I imagine it'll take longer since I don't expect them to be working in the lab on my stuff during the holidays. At least I'll be busy with the holidays myself.

Regarding movement, Aiden still feels rather low. I haven't been noticing any kinds of movements with him up by my ribs or anything yet.

Hayley, I'm sorry about them being unable to draw your blood. I imagine your arm is sore today from being stuck so often. I usually don't have an issue with it so I'm very lucky. Though the lady that drew my blood yesterday used a trick that she says works every time on getting the vein but I guess they don't teach it anymore. :shrug:

Also, don't feel bad about not knowing the name. I know a lot of people who have waited until their babies have arrived before deciding. I do think it's easier to pick the name when you have a face to put it with.
Laura, I hope you were able to get something for your cold so you can start feeling better! :hugs: Leggings are great! My current struggle is finding cute tops that cover my belly. Are yours actual maternity wear? I tried the Motherhood store at the mall yesterday but the clothes felt either too old for me or looked like oversized shirts (too baggy in the neck and shoulders) - not very stylish. Maybe I'll find better online. I did find a cute non-maternity sweater dress to wear with my leggings and boots but I need more than that!

Sarah, I'll gladly take some of your butt! I miss mine!

Brittany, I know I already wrote on your journal but yes, I'm having a terrible time sleeping. Not from back pain but from a sore bump, tossing and turning, and waking up every 2-3 hours to go pee. Besides that, my baby thinks that nighttime is the perfect time to practice her gymnastics. I'm glad your doctor didn't have anything negative to say about your perfectly healthy weight, but I'm shocked that no one gave you a head's up about your GTT! I would have been annoyed, to say the least. Mine's on the 27th but I've known since my last appointment. She said I could eat and drink beforehand - just to avoid sweets as it may affect the results. Hopefully your get the results back from your urine test soon and all is well!

Hayley, ouch! That sounds awful! I've heard having blood drawn from your hand hurts worse than your arm. Do you bruise easy? :hugs: My baby definitely feels higher up. I still feel kicks/punches down low (well, I feel them pretty much everywhere now) but I'm convinced she likes to stick her bum right underneath my ribs. The other night, she kicked me so hard that I actually jumped and woke myself up! We've decided on a name but I still call her "baby" instead of Sarah.

AFM, I'm terrible. I haven't been keeping a journal outside of what I write on here. I'm not very crafty/creative, either, so I probably won't do a scrapbook but I will definitely take a million pictures and do a baby book. Both DH and I found ours recently and they were so fun to look at. His was a detailed fill-in one and mine was more of a calendar with stickers for each milestone. My mom wrote in a lot of extras (first outing, different visitors, etc.). Not much else is new. My GTT is on the 27th. 13 weeks and 3 days to go - I remember when it was the other way around!
Brittany - Aww well hope you get your results soon :)

Linzy - Yeah the hand definitely hurts more (i'm used to the arm, I've had to had monthly blood tests for the past 12 years lol) and I am bruised a lot today! Lucky I'm getting a spray tan tomorrow so it'll cover the bruises for christmas lol.
Aww it must have been so cute to look through both of your baby books! :) I have never seen anything like that of mine.

AFM - I have a question. I noticed in the bath today that my right breast looks....weird :/ Its the underside of the nipple area (not the teet itself, if teet is even the right word for it?! Just the pink part under the teet) - I noticed it looked mis-shapen, kind of cone like?! And so I lifted the breast to get a better look and there's an area about the size of a 10pence coin that is lighter in colour and feels hard to touch :/
Has anybody experienced anything like this? I'm not sure if its normal or if I should be calling somebody about it?!

Also, my upset stomach is FINALLY gone - and has been replaced by a cold!!!!! I know I'm whining a lot but OMG I am SO TIRED OF BEING SICK!!!!! :/
All I feel like doing today is crying.
Lindsey, Aiden likes to do all his gymnastics at night too. I think I probably tell him at least once each night to go to sleep. He doesn't listen. :haha:

Hayley, I haven't noticed any hard spots on my breasts but it's something I would definitely call my doctor about if I did just to be safe in case it is something serious. I'm sorry, you're still sick. Hopefully you'll feel better before Christmas so you can enjoy the holidays.

AFM, not much to update on. The only exciting thing happening is DH and I started painting in Aiden's room last night. We just got the rest of the taping done and then did most of the edge work. I think I'm going to pull out the rollers today and start working on it more. I think the color looks great but it's a little more blue then I was aiming for. I'll post some pictures when we get the room done.
Hi all, sorry for my lack of updates and replies, I still read everyday but what with my night shifts it's difficult to find time to reply!!

Brittany As others said try not to worry about blood in your urine too much, you might just have a slight UTI. I'm sure the dr's will keep a close eye on you. I have some of those sticks at home that I *ahem* borrowed from work and sometimes get an odd reading with a weird result and freak out then test again a day later and it's fine so I think things can be pretty labile and changeable with your wee when your preggers!

Liverpool Lass We don't have a name yet either, not even a definite certain for either sex!! If it's a boy I think we're both set to use Joshua Matthew and if it's a girl I like Sofia Rose but OH likes Evelyn. However he changes his mind every bloomin week and even said he wasn't sure about Joshua the other day, argh! So it'll definitely be a decision made on the day! I brought him a baby names book from jiggles for xmas lol. Baby is also starting to kick quite high up now for me, to the point where it takes me breath away a little!! Especially if I'm sat on a stool at work I get a jab high up as if to say "Oy I'm not comfy!" But the kicks/jabs are all over and some days it's like a party in there and then days like today it's quieter! Suppose babies have chill days just like the rest of us!
I love Lucy Hope your GT results come back ok.

Linzylou I find buying maternity clothes a nightmare too. My jeans which I thought would last throughout pregnancy are now rather snug but I've been buying loads of bargins off ebay! So far I've brought a few pairs of maternity jeans, some tops and a coat and all have been great! I was never much of an ebayer before I got pregnant but just didn't see the point of spending a fortune on stuff I'm not wearing for long, and other people have hardly worn it for long so it's great quality! I plan to buy some nursing tops from there before LO is born.

Laura As I said in your other journal love the scrapbook idea, make sure you update with some pics when you start to make it!

AFM My bloods for Liver function (due to my insane itching!) came back clear *phew* and I think I found the cause to my uber sensitive/itchy boobs - my milk is starting to come in! After my bath yesterday I saw a little glisten of something on my nipple and when I gave it a squeeze loads of milk started coming out! Cue massive freak out on my part lol!! So now I am leaving them well alone as don't want to waste any of the early good stuff and start leaking everywhere!!

I am managing to sleep a little better even though I'm still so so itchy. Calamine lotion seems to be the best remedy so far, although I've spent a small fortune on potions and lotions the last few days!

I feel like I'm getting a little more tired and hormonal the last few weeks, lol, poor OH! Although he's been so understanding and nice. Work especially is getting that bit more difficult and hard to get about, thankfully only 6 weeks left and mainly nights so although not great for my social life they are usually less hectic and stressful than a day shift!

We start out NCT classes in the next few weeks which I am excited/nervous about. Especially when I had an email saying to bring a birth ball to the class, something I wasn't planning on using! TBH I'm not sure how much I'll fit in with the other ladies as I'm sure they'll have a lovely holistic birth plan where as mine is "please just get the baby out safely and healthy with no lasting consequences to me or baby" which just shows how neurotic and stressed I am about things, although I challenge anyone to do a week in my job and not come out of it a stressful mess of anxiety with what we have to see! I don't want to be like this though I want to be a calm momma not a ball of anxiety so hopefully the classes will quash my negative fears!

To end on a good note the nursery is FINALLY nearly cleared and ready to decorate!! Who knew 2 people could amass so much crap into 1 room (and it didn't even look that untidy!) but finally its all cleared away and ready to paint this weekend, yay! And then we can buy our furniture and I can start putting things in a place and work out what I still need to get! I think the main things we still need to buy is;
Furniture, Mattress (for cot+crib) bedding (how much do you get?!?) Curtains/lampshade etc (we aren't getting this until after baby is born), some more vests/babygros etc - again I'm not sure how much to get I don't want to go mental and buy loads and also the wrong size but we need some stuff! Plus I don't have any cardigans and finding it hard to source any, we have sales of knit wear at work so I might have to have a few of those lol. We haven't started to buy practical (and much needed!) items yet such as nappies/wipes/cotton wool....oh god actually I've still got tons to get eek!!
LiverpoolLass - My LO seems to have started kicking up high but either she's a gymnast already or i'm getting kicks at punches at top and bottom!
That's so sweet about the email account! How many emails is in there so far?
Blood test news made me squirm! I hate needles totally, not looking forward to my GTT testing after Christmas :sick:
The only thing i've noticed boob wise is that I have a dark patch just underneath my right nipple. A few weeks ago I went through a stage where I kept getting a couple of dark patches on my neck - my mum actually thought it was old make up so didn't want to say anything :dohh: Glad we got that one sorted out!

LinzyLou - I went Christmas shopping with my mum yesterday and bought lots of long vest tops from Primark (a whole £2 each) in every colour they had - about 7:haha: Then I just throw a cardy, jacket or shirt thing over the top :) Hardly anything I wear is maternity. My leggings are maternity and I bought a couple of maternity tops but I can never be bothered to find them out :shy:
I hadn't been keeping a seperate journal either, that's why I copied the pages onto Word :thumbup: Just edited them slightly so if OH decide to read it, he doesn't think i'm completely nuts!

LiverpoolLass - My LO seems to have started kicking up high but either she's a gymnast already or i'm getting kicks at punches at top and bottom!
That's so sweet about the email account! How many emails is in there so far?
Blood test news made me squirm! I hate needles totally, not looking forward to my GTT testing after Christmas :sick:
The only thing i've noticed boob wise is that I have a dark patch just underneath my right nipple. A few weeks ago I went through a stage where I kept getting a couple of dark patches on my neck - my mum actually thought it was old make up so didn't want to say anything :dohh: Glad we got that one sorted out!

Hmm maybe the nipple thing is normal then?! I mean - my patch is lighter in colour, but still?!

Its not painful, not even to touch, so maybe I'll see how it goes? I have a midwife appointment on 28th December anyway.
I keep thinking I should call somebody like Brittany said but I feel stupid, I don't know how to call someone and say "My nipple looks weird"?! I feel like a freak lol.

Aww I just logged in to Bean's email account to tell you how many e-mails are in there, and I saw that OH has sent a new email to him with the subject line "Hello my beautiful son"....Aww that made me cry! lol.

He has 10 emails in there so far. Maybe we should slow down on them, I think we're going to bore him..... lol

How is your cold now? I'm wondering how long mine is likely to last for :/

Brittany - pleased for you that the nursery is coming along nicely! Can't wait to see pictures :)

Alex - I'm glad I'm not the only one who is yet to settle on a name!!! That makes me feel better lol. I'm glad your liver function test came back clear! Phew!

AFM I'm still sitting here feeling sorry for myself so don't have much else to report, but I did want to add something on the name front....

As you all know, we had 90% decided on the name Tyne aaaaages ago (In honour of OH's hometown roots, the river Tyne...) and I still love it. But my mother has always hated it and disses it to everybody.
I'm very fickle with names and I change my mind pretty much daily about what I like - but one name I've been stuck on for the last week or so is Macaulay.

I always wanted a Mac name because my surname starts with Mac and that has always been my nickname, so since the baby won't have my surname I thought it'd be nice to give a first name that starts with Mac so that Mac could be his nickname too! A way to include our family name in his name, somehow.
I went through stages of Mackenzie and Mckinley but didn't like them enough, but I do LOVE Macaulay...

The only downside is the Culkin connection - but then the Ford connection doesn't stop people naming their kids Harrison, and the Eastwood connection doesn't stop people naming their kids Clint - so what do you think?

Also - one other thing is putting me off - OH's brother has already started calling the baby Tyne, he even sent a Christmas card to "Hayley, Jon and baby Tyne"...and he sent my OH a text message a few days ago saying:
"Hope Tyne is well - So jealous that you thought of that name first, its brilliant!"
Soooo now I feel kind of pressured to use it, even if I prefer Macaulay...

AAAAARGH! This child will be nameless forever lol

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