First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Glad everything went well at the MW, did she comment on the irregular one the Dr had noted?

I wouldn't trust a student either :shy: Sometimes, my MW looks as though she's not 100% sure so how can a student totally know?

I always try and have a feel around to see if I can feel anything in specific but It all just feels the same :haha:

Ooh glad your SPD's been better :)

I'm excited to see your nursery! What colour bedding/curtains/lamp did you go for?

I daren't get weighed.. although i'll have to at my appointment this afternoon - thinking about it though, my appointments are always first thing so my weight will be off at this one due to everything i've eaten today (which trust me, is a lot) :wacko:
Hayley, I deal with the heavy bump too. By the evening I definitely feel like I need to hold it because I start to get a bit crampy and uncomfortable.

As for growth scans, I don't think I get one. From what my one paper said my last appointment would have had a growth scan if I had GD or problems with my blood pressure. I wouldn't put too much stock in the scans though when it comes to the weight. I know one of my friends was told she was going to have an 8 or 9 lb baby and she had a 6 lb baby. Your scan picture is lovely though.

Thanks for posting the link to the New Mama Bottom Spray. I had that on my list of things to buy and then forgot about it. I've heard a lot of positive reviews about it.

My belly button hasn't popped either but it definitely doesn't look like my belly button anymore either. It's kind of flat like Laura described hers being.

Sarah, I've been gradually working on my hospital bag too. I think Monday I went and bought some lotion for the massage techniques during labor that DH and I learned about, plus some extra batteries for my camera, nipple cream, nipple pads, etc. I've basically got all of mine and DH's toiletries packed so really just need to get clothes and the stuff I plan to have for labor. I can't believe how close it's getting.

I've been horrible about eating cake. We had two cakes at my baby shower and my mom was going to send DH and I hope with the entire second cake. Thankfully DH and I were able to talk her into keeping half the cake. Otherwise I'd probably be eating cake all day. My sweet tooth has been terrible!

Have you looked at your hospital website for a birth plan? I haven't talked to my ob/gyn about my birth plan nor has she brought it up but when I was browsing the labor and delivery portion of the hospital website I found a birth plan on there that you can fill out and then print so I'm thinking I'm going to do that since it's made specific to my hospital. There are tons of birth plan templates out there though if you want to do a google search.

So sorry they changed your due date again! I hope you can get some answers since it all sounds really confusing.

Lauren, I basically need DH to pull me up off the couch these days since it takes me so long to get up myself. If I'm sitting in the recliner I have no chance of getting up myself. :haha: It also takes me forever to roll over in bed/get out of bed. It tends to hurt my bump too so anytime I have to move results in a bunch of moans from me. Thankfully my DH hasn't complained too much about it. He actually keeps telling me to let him help me but I seem to be in denial about actually needing some help doing such basic things.

Not so nice things happening for me include constipation. I wish I was going more but I'm lucky if I have a BM everyday. :(

Like you, I also find it weird talking to my bump so I don't do it. Well except for when Aiden is hurting me then I usually tell him to stop. He doesn't listen though. :haha:

Laura, so sorry you're still struggling with the heartburn. Have you tried any heartburn tea? Earth Mama, Angel Baby (not sure if that is a US only brand or not) has an organic tea specifically for heartburn. Might be worth a try if you can get some? I personally love the tea and would drink it even when I'm not pregnant and dealing with heartburn.

I had the leg problem you described last night too. But it happened when I was doing my workout (some of the workouts I sit during) so I assumed I had just stretched a muscle too much or something. :shrug:

AFM, the baby shower went really well and I had a pretty good time. We were given far more gifts then we ever thought we would receive. The ony thing that irritated me is people kept asking me about the name. I don't know why people think I'm going to change my mind about sharing it. Another annoyance is DH let the name slip at Christmas in front of my uncle. However, my uncle didn't hear the name correctly so the name he has been going around telling people isn't even the name. So I have several family members who think the baby is named "Eaten". :wacko: Then they were telling me they were considering writing his name on his gifts, for one, I don't want his name revealed and that would be so inconsiderate of them to reveal the name when they know this. And secondly, the name they think it is isn't even right! Thankfully they didn't do this though so I don't have to stress about it. My DH did let the name slip like 3 times the baby shower weekend though and one of the times was right in the middle of having a conversation with my sister. I'm certain she heard it and knows the correct name so I asked her not to tell anyone, she said she wouldn't but I guess we'll see. I'm just glad DH and I won't be seeing anymore famiy until after Aiden is here because DH can not keep his mouth shut. :haha:

Since the baby shower has now passed though I was able to finally buy baby clothes. I mainly focused on the NB, 0-3, and 3-6 month age groups so this is what I have for those.
- Sleepers/gowns = 6
- Pants = 3
- Shirts = 1
- Onesies = 5
- Romper = 2
- Sleepers/gowns = 8
- Shorts = 2
- Pants = 8
- Shirts = 2
- Onesies = 16
- Sleepers/gowns = 7
- Shorts = 2
- Pants = 6
- Shirts = 2
- Onesies = 12
One of DH's aunts is sending me a box of clothes but I'm not sure on those sizes and one of my SIL's was too sick to make it to my shower so she might be giving me clothes too so I'll probably have more but for now I feel like I have a decent amount.

That just leaves the following stuff left to purchase on our list and then DH and I are all set.
- Air Purifier
- Bath Kneeler
- Bath Toy Organizer
- Bottles
- Breast Milk Storage Bottles
- Nursing Pillow
- Night Light
- Baby Gates
Brittany :haha: at dh letting Aiden's name slip! Men are so silly sometimes, just blurt things out! At least your uncle is telling people the wrong thing so they'll be pleasantly surprised when they find out! It would be awful if they had gotten that name onto the gifts they bought though - lucky escape there! Your to buy list is so small now! It makes it all seem so real and close doesn't it? Is there anything off your registry you didn't get that your really wanted? I know you said you'll get discount on those items which would be great! And I am doing a lot of moaning and grunting when I move too :haha: getting into bed or sitting down I always make an "ooof!" Noise, and dh says when I get out of bed to pee during the night I grunt like a pig! Charmer!

Laura thanks for those pics! I totally was thinking of the sac (that picture is horrific I have to say!) and now feel very silly for not knowing what the placenta was!! It's exciting to get to do your new nursery! I hope your appointment went well. I haven't been weighed since 10 weeks (although I keep an eye on it at home) but I guess they aren't actually too bothered about weight unless we look like we've exploded?!

Alex I'm glad your appointment went well, and the plotting was an error on the drs part and your baby is nice and petite in there! I have her manual turning of a baby is not pleasant at all, so I'm not surprised you're concerned. It's weird they haven't mentioned anything to you about position. Is there anything in your notes that could be a clue? For me, I get a lump just to the right of my belly button (or rather what used to be my belly button!) which I do not understand as I know it isn't head or bum! (Haha it just bulged out and dh touched it and starting freaking out!) I know where LO is from my appointments, and I've figured out that if you divided my tummy into four, the section where I feel no movement is where the bum is. Maybe that would give you a clue? I can't wait to see your pics of your nursery! Hopefully you will get to spend a good amount of time in there to enjoy it!!

Afm I am scared by how much work I have to do before maternity starts in 3 weeks. So much marking I may actually cry! I'm trying to get some done each day and stick to a good schedule so I don't end up panicking in the last week of work and stressing out too much.

Other than that I can't wait for dh's family to arrive and get started on our nursery. I'm hoping that by this time next week I'll be finally able to share some pics with you all!
Nice to hear from you Alex, we started wondering where you had gone :)

After a really busy day at work and busy evening cleaning I can't remember for the life of me who said what. I think my mind is shutting down, defo ready for bed!!

Swollen legs and feet should definately be looked at, as Alex said. One of the first things my mw asks me is whether I have had any swelling - which I haven't.

Your bump looks lower Laura, mine moves around. One minute she looks high then the next she looks like she is about to fall out!! Sorry to see you have those stretch marks, they will fade though :) but you should try using the bio oil as often as you can now to try and prevent more from popping up. I use a mixture of bio oil and that palmers coco butter, don't use it every day though as it makes my belly itchy so I do it every other day-3 days. Always after I get out the bath or shower too (don't know whether that helps but its my routine).

I think LO is head down. Well she was when I went for my last mw appointment and if I feel my belly I also feel something round and hard up at the top but I am poked in the ribs all the time and I doubt her hands could cause that much discomfort. Also when she has hiccups I feel them low down.

I am looking forward to seeing everyone's finished nurseries. Mine is pretty much done, just need to pop a couple more shelves up. But because it is quite plain it isn't really anything to show off. I want a nursery to really make my own with wall stickers ect but I just can't do that here. Don't want to waste my money on it and I don't want it to be too personal and put people off when they view. I still need to post a piccy of my hammock too but I haven't actually put it up yet!!

I am so glad its Friday tomorrow.....THEN one week left :happydance: can't wait. I am most looking forward to waking up without an alarm. I'm not one for staying in bed all morning but I hate waking up to my alarm going off. Natural is always best :)

I am going to the hairdressers on Saturday too. Not sure what I want doing yet though, I've got to pop in tomorrow lunch to have a skin test incase I decide to have it dyed. But looking forward to having a bit of pampering :) got a couple of birthdays too this weekend so I have quite a bit to do.

I'm not planning on writing a birthing plan as such, just want to make sure I write on my notes what I want and what I don't want. Only really want one thing and thats a water birth. But have to go in with an open mind.

Oh and the smell of cleaning products!!!! I can't help but keep smelling some of them. I don't know what is wrong with me. I brought this blu toilet thing yesterday, its one of those things you put on the side of the toilet but it isn't in a cage. I don't normally buy them, tend to go for toilet duck or pop something in the water tank thing, but this was so cute. Its their new tulip one, its pink and OMG it smells lush. If it was food I would have eaten it all by now haha. It makes my whole bathroom smell really nice so I keep going in there just to smell it :haha: I have gone all out with smelly stuff today though, put a new air wick freshner bag thing in my hoover, put that toilet thing on, mopped the floors with pink cif floor cleaner (which also smells really nice) then I got some new air freshner to spray around tomorrow for the viewing. I've done loads of cleaning tonight, my body is killing me now though :( I really struggled to bend down to clean the bath and stuff like that. Picking little bits off the floor was really hard too. Adam rang me earlier and I could have cried, I was telling him how exhausted I was but I still had the bedroom to tidy up. I had done a load of washing and just popped it all on the bed to put away so the thought of doing that was horrible but had to be done....In a way I wish I hadn't used all my annual leave so I could use it for days like when I have viewings but at the same time I'd hate to be at work any longer. Oh and I have another viewing too which is going to be on Monday hopefully, my estate agent needed to sort out a time with her and get back to me, they tried ringing earlier but I missed it and when I tried ringing back they had closed.

Right, I am off to bed. I need it after today!!!
Brittany glad you had a lovely baby shower! Sounds like you we're spoilt! I had to giggle at OH letting LO's name slip! Lets hope no one heard it!

mrshippo I love the smell of cleaning products too! I brought one of those weird splat stick on toilet cleaner things the other day (hard to describe its kinda like a blob that sticks on the toilet by itself?!) OH got jealous I did it and not him so I let him have a go and he did it wrong and used the WHOLE thing by accident instead of just a small splat we have a massive bloody blob now!! Men!! The toilet does smell rather nice though now :haha: I'm also obsessed with wipes!! I brought anti bacterial, toilet and multi surface ones the other day, I'm such a saddo!!

afm had a terrible nights sleep been awake since 4.30 am :dohh: I'm going to go for a swim then have a nap this afternoon I think as going out for a friends bday meal tonight so will be knackered!!

Had something really odd happen last night, if only happened a few times but kept getting horrible shooting/stabbing pains up my "lady parts" it was only for a few seconds but hurt so much made me cry out and really really hurt!! Also kept feeling like I needed to pee but when I went it was only a dribble. I don't think it's a UTI as doesn't hurt when I pee and pee is clear etc. I googled it and seems like maybe LO is either lying on my bladder or getting itself into position and resting on a nerve or my cervix?!? Either way has anyone else felt this? It was horrible!! It made me a bit scared of labour because I thought wow if I can't cope with this without yelping in agony how will I cope with contractions!! :wacko:
Alex, I have had the same thing happen to me a couple of times, once being this morning! I was trying to get dressed and it felt horrible. It hurt but not to a point where I stopped doing what I was doing but I also felt as though I needed to pee. It does feel similar to how it does when I've had water infections before. My urine was rather dark last night which is strange because I drink so much water... This morning it looked ok though.

I also had a crappy nights sleep, went to sleep about half 11 but then Adam came in from work about 2:30 which woke me up, which meant I needed to get up for a wee too... But then I said hello ect and he gave me some flowers for valentines day :) (he has been away all week) which was nice but henchmen couldn't go back to sleep. Don't help that when he got in to bed he kept waking me up, tried to steal my pillow at one point too!!! So feeling a bit blaaah today.

The disks you are going on about sound like the duck disks which I normally buy :) I like them but they don't keep their smell for long. I just enjoy sticking them on the toilet lol. My little sister a couple of years ago, think shortly after she started walking, would sneak in to the bathroom and eat them out the toilet lol so we all had to stop using them incase she came round and ate ours!!!
ILoveLucy - Glad you enjoyed your baby shower!
Whenever I write anything on FB and OH comments, I always hope that he doesn't slip the name out :haha:

DoggyLover - My belly does the bulge thing :haha: LO tends to have her back going down my left side during the day, then at night she likes the right side :haha: So my stomach is generally lop-sided!

MrsHippo - I think I might start putting the bio-oil in my bath and then putting a little on before I get into bed.. that way I can't go wrong :haha:

BabyNurse - Sorry you had a bad night's sleep :hugs: I've not had the pain 'there' but i've had it in the bottom right corner where my bump meets my hip? Horrible.

AsForMe -MW appointment went well:

Firstly, my weight is still fine - still under pre-pregnancy weight but baby/belly are both measuring spot on :thumbup: Then she said, I should expect to lose around a stone once i've given birth :shock:

Baby is head down and had her back down my left side. Her head was into / going into my pelvis :thumbup:

She mentioned about whooping cough vaccine as i've not had it yet so i'm guessing i'll get an appointment through the post?

Asked about the belly thing, she said it would have been BH. I mentioned that it was painful/uncomfortable - she said it varies with everyone. Sometimes it's painless and sometimes it can really hurt :shrug:

She asked what I was thinking of doing re: feeding - bottle/breast. I said breast and she gave me a 10min shpeel about the benefits of breastfeeding - apologising the whole way through :haha: Apparently she has to tell me otherwise I could report her if I do change my mind after etc.

I also asked about RLT and EPO.
RLT - I got an update email thing at 32w saying I could start taking it (one cup a day) and then as I got further along to increase cups. Well, she told me to steer clear until 37w as it can trigger early labour :huh:
EPO - She said she didn't know you could use whilst pregnant...
Think i'll just have a peak around on here and see what others have done :haha:

Oh, I asked why I had to have my blood re-done last month and she didn't even know I had! She rang the Doctors (i'm assuming) whilst I was there and asked a load of questions.. They didn't know why either at first. Turns out my white blood cell level was high on the first set (12) but it was practically the same on the second set (12.2) so they're satisfied it's not rising.
She said that as long as it doesn't go about 20, they're not worried.. :shrug:

My next appointment with her is on the 28 Feb at my parents house as she will mix the 36w appointment and the home visit into one :thumbup: She said she will go through labour stuff more in detail then.
Laura, glad your mw appointment went well. I don't have a clue what I weigh :/ I've only been weighed once at that was my first booking in appointment but haven't read my notes to see what I was. Didn't really want to know lol.

As for whooping cough vaccine, you have to make the appointment yourself. As many women refuse to have it they don't just send out appointments.

It's nearly 1pm... Only a few more hours to go. Roll on home time!!
Sarah, DH and I got a lot of stuff off of our registry that we weren't expecting. We put a few more expensive items on there mainly so we would be able to get the discount on them and instead ended up having those gifted to us. So we were left with a short list of "little" things that we wanted to get so that won't cost us too much. Not to mention we got $220 in gift cards so we don't have to spend too much out of pocket.

Lauren, I hope the viewings go really well!

Alex, I haven't experienced anything like what you described. Did you try calling your MW to see what they say?

Laura, my DH keeps saying that the only time he lets the name slip out is when he's talking to me about the baby since when it's just him and I we do call the baby by his name. DH just can't seem to stop using the name if he's talking to me about the baby in front of other people which is why he has slipped so much. Not even joking it's probably been a total of 6 times. And he was saying I was going to be the one to let it slip. :haha:

AFM, been working on thank you notes from my shower. I'm hoping to have them finished today so all I will need to do is go to the post office and get more stamps so I can send them all out.

Thinking I may get started on washing the baby clothes, blankets, towels, etc. today too. I'm really excited about getting things hung up and organized in the drawers.
brittany ugh, I hate doing thank you cards! I love sending them out so people know I appreciate their gift, but they are so tedious to do! $220 in gift cards - wow! That's amazing! It can be a surprise how generous people are sometimes, I'm glad you got lots of big things. You should definitely start washing and sorting everything. I can't wait to do that! And get all your lovely new things into place ready for his arrival. And then the real waiting begins lol!

Lauren I feel my hiccups really low down too, which fits with being head down for me. :haha: at your love of the cleaning product smell! That is definitely a weird pregnancy thing I think. I've heard of people even trying to eat things that you put in the tote - resist that urge at all costs! I'm sure your nursery looks great, even if the walls aren't as 'jazzy' as you might like. You can add lots of soft furnishings which you can move with you. How did the viewing go today? Be careful cleaning before the, - you don't want to put yourself into labour and scare off any prospective buyers!! I get most/all of my braxton hicks when I Hoover, so I think we should all just give up the cleaning and make OH do it!

Va-jay-jay pains! I had that weird stabbing sensation a few nights ago when out with the dogs. Very unpleasant, but not as sore as yours sound Alex. My dh told me its probably LO having a poke around to start finding the exit!! Well, they could be a bit more bloody gentle about it!

Laura I can't believe you will have lost a stone when LO arrives. I am so, so very jealous! I imagine every other pregnant woman in the world is as well! It is funny how midwives have to tell you the benefits of breastfeeding, mine did the same, even though I had also told her I hope to do it. I did notice from my notes that she cut mine a bit short as she was supposed to do a whole section on nipple shields randomly, but never did! Weird about her not knowing about RLT and EPO. I have raspberry leaf capsules that I used when ttc so I am considering starting those next week. I can't even remember what I read about it all anymore. There is so much information going into our brains it's no wonder pregnant ladies get absent minded!

Whooping cough another difference between mainland and NI - when I asked my midwife about it she literally jabbed me there and then! But I have heard other ladies say they had to make their own appointments for it.

Afm I had a full day of classes at school, and tried to power through some marking as well. Then straight home and out with dh to do the food shopping for my in laws arriving tomorrow, then home to finish the cleaning. Dh has been sanding stuff around the house this week, and everything has a delightful layer of dust on it! Only just got to sit down and have some dinner and actually chill out. I'm so exhausted, this week seems to have been manic.

So in laws arrive tomorrow and then we are full swing in picking up the nursery furniture and getting the nursery painted and set up :happydance: and dh and FIL are retailing and painting the bathroom, meanwhile I have even MORE marking to try and fit in! Off for half term on Monday and Tuesday, which I will need!!
$220 in gift cards is great, I am jealous :p I think it's nice that you got so much. I hope people give us money rather than gifts, that way I can buy the stuff I need. I'd hate for people to spend their money on something I wouldn't use. As I've said before, decided not to have a shower but having a leaving/''shower'' meal with work. Apparently they have gone and invited the consultants too!! I don't mind them - at work. Socialising out of work might be a bit awkward!! I really wouldn't know who would turn up though. We all keep saying 'so and so won't go' but knowing my luck they will lol.

I try not to over do it with the housework but when OH isn't here I have no option but to do it myself :( and I so despirately want to sell that I want it to be perfect for every viewing. I'd kick myself if I didn't go a good enough job. I am very much a perfectionist at times... Unfortunately that's become much harder since I developed a giant belly!! I try and keep tidy throughout the week but things like the bathroom need cleaning right before because it gets so dusty, especially after a bath or shower. I have to wipe the sink down everyday because when I brush my teeth all I can see is little dusty fluffy bits all over it. I don't know where it comes from :shrug:

I don't tend to get BH when I'm active, it's always when I'm sat down, definitely worse in the evenings too. I was in quite a bit of pain earlier actually, Adam was home around the same time as me and were both pretty tired so decided to order takeaway then both went and fell asleep on the sofa. I must have been asleep for no more than 10 minutes when I woke up in quite a bit of pain really low down at the bottom of my bump/pelvis. It wasn't very nice at all. But after walking around for a couple of minutes it went. Wish bean wouldn't scare me like that lol.

As for eating cleaning products haha I wouldn't even dream of it!! There is nothing wrong with sniffing it though... Is there? :haha: like smelling fuel at the petrol station mmmm

I got a bit upset about work earlier. Even though I am super excited about leaving, I don't think it's sunk in how long I'm actually going to be off for. I look at my job as being MY job and the thought of someone else taking it for a year and them changing stuff... Ahhh, just hate the thought of it. I almost feel as though I don't want to leave. Oh and it doesn't help that I find out my manager has applied for another job elsewhere and two of my colleagues 'keeping their eyes out' for something else. I'll end up going back and either no one will be there or everything will have changed :cry: I don't for one second want to change my mind about how long I want off with LO but it's hard to think about when she isn't here yet....
Sarah, I hope you have a great time setting up your nursery. I love seeing mine all put together. It does make me feel a bit better should Aiden decide to come early since I had dreams in the past about him coming and me not having anything ready for him.

Lauren, I definitely prefer the money over gifts. I got a lot of wash cloths (like 40) and had to return some for store credit so I could purchase some stuff that I actually needed. Hopefully if people do get you gifts they're gifts you actually need. I was actually surprised that some of the gifts I got were things I wanted but never even thought about getting like a high chair for example.

AFM, I did end up getting all the baby clothes washed and put away. It's so exciting seeing the closet and dresser getting filled up.

Now I just need to finish my thank you notes, 12 more to go! I'm tired of writing...
It's worth it in the end with thank you notes though, I think. It's lovely to get a hand written note saying "thanks for ____" and not quite the same when its a generic thank you - although since we will get most of our gifts after LO arrives I imagine ours will be a quick "thanks!" :haha: I. Glad you got all Aiden's stuff sorted out, I'm sure it is all looking great! Having our nursery done is going to make it all feel so real!

Lauren I know exactly how you feel about work. I have been sorting stuff out for whoever replaces me (which is changing every day!) and the thought of leaving all my stuff, in my classroom, to someone else makes me feel so weird. And considering I won't ever be going back, that's just silly! But I feel it's my responsibility until my contract ends in August, and if someone else is doing it they better damn well do it right! I hope your colleagues don't move on to new jobs while you are off, that wouldn't be nice at all. But then when LO arrives it won't seem to matter at all, I'm sure. And I agree, if you felt like you hadn't cleaned properly you'd kick yourself afterwards. Not everyone feels that way though- I saw some states when we were looking for a house!

My LO is super active today! My belly is bulging about all over the place! Also, I keep vowing to lay off the sugar...and then Simon brings something home (he got me chocolate for valentines, and someone we know sent us a cake today) and I am like a pig again! It's shameful! My LO is going to be born a sugar junkie, shaking with withdrawal :haha:
I think the thank you cards are sweet :) but I can imagine it to be a pain in the backside if you have loads to do.

Oh don't get me started on the state of some houses!! We went around to one once and it was awful!! One of the kids had only just got out of bed so his room still smelt of 'sleep' lol and his bed wasnt made. They had dirty pots piled up in the kitchen and just overall looked filthy. But it could be an amazing house, it was a good size - needed a bit of work like a new kitchen ect and was in a great area... Unfortunately Adam can't see through the mess lol. I don't think she ever sold it. I'm not surprised though. So mine has to be spotless :D

I think I felt a foot yesterday :) she was right up under my ribs as per usual so I tried to push her back down lol but as I did it I felt something small and after me and Adam poked it for a bit she moved hehe. Awww :p

So I have ANOTHER viewing next week. That is on Friday and Adam will be home, he is also viewing while I'm on my lunch break so I pop home and make sure Adam tidies up properly :) I'm happy I've had as much interest as I have actually because the 1 bed for sale here hasn't really had any and has been on the market close to a year! I'm just preying someone likes it enough to put an offer it so we can move!!! And at least we won't have the stress of buying once it has gone. Only downside is that I can't look at houses now because the rental market changes all the time and everytime I look online it's full of different properties from when I last looked!

Hope everyone has a lovely Saturday anyway :) x
Lauren she was probably squirming about saying "stop tickling my feet mummy!" I wonder if they can feel tickles on their feet when they are still in there?!

You are having loads of viewers! My brother and SIL had their house on the market for 3 months and had one! And my SIL parents had theirs on the house for 2 1/2 years and had three!! Fingers crossed one of them makes you a (decent!) offer.

Ikea today for nursery furniture :mrgreen:
I hope one of the people coming to look at your home put in a decent offer so you can start looking for a different home, Lauren.

Have a great time at Ikea, Sarah. I loved picking out my nursery furniture.

AFM, not much happening today. DH has to work, I'm starting to feel like I'm being spoiled if I get a full weekend with him since it seems to happen so rarely these days. :( Though I more so wish he was here today because I'm trying to clean the house and I have a ton of stuff I need him to do. Like clean the litter box, get the junk out of Aiden's room, move his junk downstairs, etc. I'm so tired of hounding him to get his crap cleaned up. Especially since I feel like I can't get my cleaning done until he does his stuff.

Tomorrow we have friends coming out to go see Warm Bodies. We're going to a theater where you can basically have lunch/dinner while you watch the movie. I'm pretty excited about it because I had a great time the first time DH and I went there, I'm just hoping I can't sit that long without being in a lot of pain.
I love Lucy Wow that cinema sounds fab, we don't have anything like that in the UK which sucks! (We're always so behind with stuff like that!) You're very dedicated with the thank you cards, I hated doing them after our wedding and even though OH said he'd write them with me I ended doing them all by myself :growlmad: I'll probably do the same this time once baby arrives! He's a bit crap with cards/presents tbh I always end up sending them on "behalf" of him !! Your OH sounds like mine, he's always leaving junk lying around it drives me insane! Like he put the blinds/curtains up in the nursery which I was really chuffed with but then he left all his tools on the windowsill and the hoover out and just loads of crap on the floor in the nursery which I ended up cleaning up! :growlmad: It drives me insane sometimes!

MrsHippo Sorry you got a bit upset about work :hugs: Your BH sound a bit scary! I also feel something that's maybe feet sometimes but I find it so difficult to make out what all the shapes are! I'm still not convinced which way up LO is lol.

Laura91 Can't believe you've lost a stone since being pregnant that's fab I'm so jealous!!

RLT and EPO So I've been doing loads of reading up about this and decided I'm going to give it a try, why not! I had some EPO from TTC anyway so thought I'd start with 1000mg orally from now until 36 weeks, up it to 2000mg from 36 week and pop one "up there" :haha: as well and hopefully have a nice ripe cervix! I'm not sure with the RLT to get the capsules or the tea, as I read the tea is more effective but I hate herbal teas! Might pop to Holland and Barrett and get both and give the tea a try and see if I can stomach it! I'm a bit eager for things to get going as my friend is overdue by a week and panicking she'll need to be induced and I have a feeling I'll go the same way! I know what will be will be and if my birth plan doesn't go to plan as long as baby and I are ok that's all that matters but I'd really try and stick to it as much as I can so would love to go into labour naturally so if there is a small possibility these things work I'll give them a try!

As For Me I haven't had anymore weird shooting pains thank god so maybe LO was just lying weird! Had anyone else noticed quite an increase in their CM? (Sorry TMI!) mine just seems really to have increased like a bit before you O!

We're off to visit the hospital tomorrow for a tour of the delivery suite...eek!! I also told my Mum about not wanting her in the delivery suite/hospital and she was fine with it and didn't seem bothered at all! So I was panicking about nothing! :dohh: I'm glad I mentioned it though just so we're on the same page and she didn't expect to be at the hospital!

I'll leave you with some finished nursery pictures. I just love the owl light and curtains haha I am obsessed with woodland creatures, OH has banned me from purchasing anymore animal themed stuff for the nursery!!


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I've noticed increased CM for a few weeks now. There have actually been a few times where I thought I may have peed my pants a bit and just didn't realize it. :haha:

Glad everything worked out with your mom. I felt so much better after chatting with both my mom and my MIL and making sure they're aware of mine and DH's plans and knowing they're on the same page. Though I still have my doubts about MIL since she has said she would be upset if she didn't get to see the baby at the hospital since SHE has waited 9 months to see him. Apparently it's all about her. :wacko:

Anyways, your finished nursery is really cute!!
alex I love your nursery! It is 100% gorgeous! I'm big into my owls for baby too, so I am adoring it all! Can I be cheeky and ask where your curtains are from? I'm still struggling to find ones that I love and those look like they would fit in pretty well. I'm glad your mum took the news well :thumbup:

Brittany that cinema sounds great! Literally dinner and a movie! Enjoy!

Messy dh's mine too. With the tools he is a nightmare lol!

afm ikea trip done :) nursery furniture bought and ready to go once the nursery is painted (which is after the bathroom is tiled...which is after the mystery leak is sorted......!)
Can't wait to see your nursery once it's all finished, Sarah!

Not much happening here, just lounging around the house. DH got stuck working until 11 today so I'm on my own until he gets here around noon.

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