First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

BTW what baby clubs have you all joined?

My friend did a blog post about them all the other day and I had NO idea there were so many!!!
I joined Aptaclub and Cow & Gate this week, and they both send cute little cuddly toys to you! A polar bear and a little cow - they're so sweet lol
haha yes you can keep it forever :D so BUY IT!!!

No they aren't particuarly expensive, I wouldn't say they were much more than any other nice shop. I saw a really nice babygrow...well, I saw a few but have so many I decided not to buy anymore. But they were around 14 pounds.... which in my eyes isn't bad for a few one offs? For basics it is expensive though. I had a look online too and the clothes are much better in person than the photos so if you have one local you should defo pop in.

How nasty is this, OH popped to tesco to pick up milk ect and I asked him to bring back an easter egg for me (I really want an easter egg) - he only comes back with a bag of revels and goes 'they were cheaper' :cry: I'm not talking to him now lol
I have signed up to boots, asda, mamas and papas (they send you a voucher on due date), hiPP and have a feeling a couple more. I've signed up to a couple purely for comps. I am going to look at one of the two where you get a free teddy, I want one!!! :) are you able to post a list if you have access to it? It would be interesting to know whats out there, most of them send out freebies and money off vouchers once in a while.

Cow and gate say this - *Available when you join before 30 weeks into your pregnancy while stocks last

So will need to change due date to get around that :)
Lol! You're such a bad influence Lauren :winkwink:

Will have to have a nosey, I have no idea if we have a store around - I actually thought they were online only! Will have to check it out.

Aww that is mean :( As if Revels are the same as an Easter egg! Useless men!!!! Mind you, I'm annoyed with mine coz I sent him out for milk and he came back with snickers, creme eggs, and a multipack of doritos ("to make Nachos with!") - with my money! I only asked for milk!!! lol.

I have the easter egg craving too - I've eaten two Maltesers eggs this week. Oops.
Ooh I'm not sure if I joined Mamas and Papas, will have to check!

Here you go:

haha that sounds like something I'd do. Pop there for one thing and come back with a bag full!! We don't have that issue with money as it all goes in to a joint account :)

Thanks for the list, I am going through them now. Mamas and papas signed me up when I purchased something from there, they asked for my details when I paid. So don't know whether you can do it online.

Oh and sorry girls for posting all these messages up between us!!!
Hayley you have to get that babygro! It's adorable! And in the sale.....!

I didn't realise the mini cruises were so cheap! I'm going to have a good look at them when I'm on maternity (I say that about everything- it's going to be the busiest three weeks of my life!) and try and convince dh we need to go on one!

We got engaged in Newquay. Definitely not the nicest place in Cornwall (st Ives is gorgeous!) but dh did it on the first day of our holiday. I have to say though, going there wasn't that much cheaper than abroad. The wee cottage we hired was almost £500 for the week! But then we had to pay for flights and car hire which you wouldn't.

Baby clubs: I joined boots, asda and tesco as they were the only free gifts I wanted :haha: in the end I didn't even collect our free gift from asda, and I accidentally threw the baby parking sticker from tesco out! But I did use the car seat voucher from boots to get money off so it was worth it for that alone! Might sign up for M&P though to get a voucher!

Junk food: we are AWFUL. I eat really healthily during the day at school, lots of fruit and homemade soup. Then after dinner we always seem to have something to munch on - cake is a particular favourite! A guy who dh knows at work always brings us cakes, at least 1 a week, and we are right greedy sods! Good news though - I finally finished all the Christmas chocolate!
Lol! Its so annoying! He spent £8...he was supposed to get milk! Argh! lol! At the moment his wages get paid into my account but I transfer everything into the ISA as we're supposed to be saving all our money for a deposit, thats the WHOLE point of this nightmare of living at my mums - we are not supposed to be spending it on sweets lol (Unless I want them, then its different....)

That is weird about the cow and gate one! I didn't see that so i didn't change my due date but they still sent me one, I would have been JUST over the 30 week limit then so maybe they just let me off lol.

Sarah - yeah you can get some really good deals on mini cruises! Check the Iglu website, I always book through them and they seem to do the best offers. They almost always give you free room upgrades or onboard credit too :D

If you can get him on a mini cruise as a taster, I guarantee you he'll get hooked and you'll have no problem in future. But I can only vouch for Royal Caribbean's Independence Of The Seas so far! We're trying P & O in September so will see what I think of them!

Yeah they say UK holidays are more pricey than going abroad! It'd just be easier with the baby as I hate flying and I imagine it'd be a nightmare between me and my panicking and the baby too lol.
Plus hopefully we'll be back in Devon by then, so it won't be a big long journey either!

What's the free gift from Asda? I don't think I got one but I'm always just throwing the letters they send through out as I hate letters piling up everywhere, i don't even read them half the time :wacko:

Mmmmm cake - We have cheesecake in the fridge. Now I want it. I'm not even hungry - had chinese takeaway for tea! Oops.

Well clearly you're all forcing me to buy the ralph lauren suit, so I shall....but I will be blaming you both. You MADE me do it :P
Glad you decided to buy it :D

The asda gift was that huggies starter pack. I picked mine up about a month ago, you get a pack of NB nappies, wipes and some cotton wool things. You get quite a bit actually :) we spoke about it on here ages ago and you get the voucher straight after signing up. Maybe it's worth having a look on your account and see if you can print it off. They do have an expirery date though.

Well it's snowing here again :/ I don't know about anyone else but I am sick and tired of it now. Normally it doesn't bother me but this year I just want it over with.
Yeah, I never picked up that Asda starter pack! Stupid really, as we did end up buying a pack of newborn nappies just for the hospital and in case our cloth don't fit straight away. But I imagine mine has expired by now!!

Hayley, I'll definitely check that Iglu website out - even if it's just to distract me and let me dream of holidays at the minute! I imagine it'll be a while before we really get to go anywhere.

After today I only have 2 Mondays left to work! That is, frankly, AMAZING news. I hate Mondays (who doesn't?!) And when they start like today - an accident meaning I had to take a 20 minute detour and arrive at work late - I will be glad to see the back of working Mondays for a loooong time!
MrsHippo - We went for the Jane Muum Matrix Light 2 in Scarlet :thumbup: Haven't seen one person with it (yet)
I've noticed my bump looks more 'bumpish' from the side if that makes sense? :shrug: Although, I'm dreading how much more it will grow in the next 6-8 weeks :shock:
I always feel just huge everywhere - doesn't look so good looking down, does it? But from the side, nakedly (?) I don't think it looks too bad :)

LiverpoolLass - That's good to know about the hospital - providing bottles - I was wondering this the other day, incase I end up having to go in!
I looked at the 'mattress thick' ones too :haha: Better to be safe than sorry, right?
I keep getting the hot flush thing lately. Makes me paranoid when it does happen that i'll have a funny turn again and make sure I always sit down just incase!

DoggyLover - Aww that's lovely that you got great comments from the parents :) I'd have been sobbing :haha:!

AsForMe - Had a busy weekend..

Friday, I decided not to go into work because I was exhausted from all the moving (sneakily told work that my back/hips were playing up :blush:). My mum came round and helped me clean round and unpack all the homely bit like ornaments, pictures etc.
OH came home from work and fetched in more boxes and put up cabinets, shelves and mirrors for me.

Saturday, we went to our old house and did the inventory with the landlord. Everything went fine, he didn't really check to be fair :haha:
Then we went to OH's dads house to puppy sit. Had a nice relaxing night and ordered a cheeky pizza ;)

Sunday, we got back about 1pm, had KFC (not done any food shopping yet!) and both fell asleep from 4-6 ish :blush:, got up, showered, pottered around, had tea and just went to bed :)

Back at work this morning, which I really could have done without :growlmad:

Last night was a bad night. To start with, I couldn't get comfy. Then, heartburn decided to ruin my life - to the point where I had to keep sitting up, went through a pint of water and 7 heartburn tablets between midnight - 6am. The last time I looked at the clock, it was 4:20am, maybe got a couple of hours (broken) and eventually dragged myself out of bed at 8:20am.
Luckily my grandad is taking me to work this week so that I don't have to do the 30min bus journey :hugs:

Here's my 33 weeker.. little late but nevermind :blush: Don't think i've changed to be fair..
Laura, I do like that pushchair :) I remember you telling us what you had but I don't think I looked then....
So are you in your new house now then??
I also could have done without work today, I slept so badly last night I was sooo tired today. This morning wasn't a good morning for me, not only did I feel pants we had a patient arrive as I walked through the door, obviously I hadn't even put my bag down yet so I just took his name and asked him to sit down. Once I turned my computer on ect I got his paperwork ready. I just remember him telling me his name began with a T (which our 9:30 patient did) so took the paperwork through. He was over an hour early so had to wait in reception, he came up to me about 9:00 telling me his appointment was at 8:30, I told him we don't have appointments at that time. Our first one is never before 9:00 - he and his wife were arguing with me telling me someone told him over the phone that it was 8:30 and they must not be late. Eventually they sat down and waited. When one of the girls went to get him it only turned out to be the wrong patient and that he was in the wrong place!!! He did have an appointment at 8:30 - in a different department!!! So I felt rather bad this morning for not listening properly when he gave me his name. But at the same time THEY turned up at the wrong department. I didn't tell them to come to us. But after then I just felt fed up.... I am telling you, these next two weeks are going to be the slowest two weeks of my life!!!

I was planning on going to bed in a minute but popped on to the laptop to check my emails and popped on to facebook.....I had a message on there from barker and stonehouse to say I had won their competition from January :D its a throw and cushion which are pretty. So I can't wait until I get them :) that put me in a better mood and woke me up a little. When I win something I get the urge to tell EVERYONE haha. Then my sister goes 'you lucky sod. I haven't won anything...but haven't entered any for a few weeks' duuurrr, you aren't going to win anything if you only to the occasional one once in a while lol.

Just about to watch 'big fat gypsy valentines' now - I hate the way most of them live but I can't help but watch them lol.

Talking of valentines day, do any of you have plans? I'm not expecting anything...Adam is away all week anyway :/ but one day I am celebrating is pancake day tomorrow!!! haha
Oh and what I don't understand about gypsies, why do they keep the plastic on their sofas??? That would drive me mad!! You'd stick to it everytime you sat down!
Lauren Oh I'm taping gypsy valentine! Watching new Criminal Minds, and taping about four other things, so much is on on a Monday for us! Congrats on winning the competition! I'm the sort of person who moans they never win anything...but never enter :haha: sorry to hear about your bad day at work. I'm just finding at the minute I don't really care very much! At least you only have 9 more days left!!

Laura sounds like an insanely busy weekend! I'm sure you are still finding places for everything, but hopefully the major stuff is all done and you are relaxing in your nice new home!! Love the bump :thumbup: I don't see much change since last week, but I hear all these conflicting things about how our growth slows down now, but then I've also heard baby grows a 1/2lb per who knows?!

Valentines we don't do much at all - just give cards (and dh usually gets me flows, and I'll get him some of his favourite wee sweets lol!) but we actually have dinner with my family on a Thursday and its the only chance we get to see my nephew mid week, so we are spending valentines day with them! Although my nephew is my favourite man in the world, so I'm happy to spend it with him!
Aww your valentines day should be nice then :)

Yes I find that I have sort of given up caring at work. Like I'll have an email from someone moaning (lots of people moan in healthcare lol) I find that I just ignore it... Normally I'd just deal with it but I have developed the attitude of 'oh well, I haven't got much longer left'. That's really bad though, I know :(
Imagine how it would be if you knew you were NEVER going back...that's how I am :shock::haha: I care a lot about my classes and making sure the rest of their year goes well, but the paperwork stuff is just not getting my attention anymore. I actually said today in a meeting "oh well, I won't be here so I'm not worried at all!"

I just found out today who is doing my maternity til June, and I'm not impressed at all. He better do all my hard work justice in the coming months lol!
Lauren - Ooh that huggies pack sounds quite good! I don't know how I missed that, will have to check!
Though it seems pointless getting used to Huggies nappies as they're stopping selling them here this year :/ I was planning on using them too as I liked that they have the cut out for where the cord thingy will be.

Oh what a pain about that patient at work! eeek! At least you can blame things like that on baby brain now! :D

Congrats on the comp win!! Yay! :D How many wins is that so far this year for you?

It drives me mad when people say "Oh I never win anything..." and then admit they never enter anything! I get that a lot lately and I've only won 3 little things so far! lol.

I watched Gypsy Valentine too - I love them! The men are a bit annoying, but I generally really like their way of life - its so old fashioned and I love how they really take things like marriage vows seriously!

- Yeah Iglu is def worth a browse, I love planning out imaginary holidays on there hehe.

Oooh yay for only 2 more Mondays!!! :happydance:

Spending Valentines with your lil nephew will be lovely!

Laura- hehe! I'm the opposite with my bump! I don't think it looks too bad looking down but when I catch my reflection from the side it always shocks me! Although I feel heavy I don't feel THAT big - its terrifying!! lol.

Aww I'm glad the move is all sorted! Are you all settled now then? :)

Aww I'm sorry you had a bad night :( Hopefully tonight will be better for you! Lovely bump pics!

Valentines - I don't think we'll be doing much this year! We usually go out for dinner but I can't be bothered this year - everywhere overcharges and is packed, and I don't feel like being surrounded by loads of skinny glamour pusses all dressed up! I'll just feel like a whale! lol.
Last year on Valentines we were on the cruise having breakfast in bed!!! So nothing is going to compare to that, so I'm not even going to bother trying lol.

I have my heart scan on Valentines morning (How crap?!) so we've got to be up early for that, so I'm thinking we'll just have a romantic breakfast out somewhere instead - hopefully places won't be packed for breakfast! We're thinking Frankie & Bennys or somewhere like that.

I've just renewed OH's magazine subscription for him and bought him a DVD I know he's been wanting as gifts - not the most romantic presents!!!!!

AFM - I packed my hospital bags last night! :D I haven't decided on a going home outfit for me yet as I have NO idea what kind of thing I'll be wanting?!
But everything else is done!! I made a blog post about it with piccies hehe:

I'm panicking coz the babys bag seems empty - I feel like I've forgotten something massive?!

Oh and one of my readers commented mentioning a product that she said was a lifesaver for vaginal births - no good for me but thought you girls might be interested, its this:

Growth scan tomorrow - nervous/excited! :happydance:
Hayley, I've seen sprays and creams like that before. Might have to look in to it. I am planning on buying some oil for that area so I can get stretching and massaging lol.

This is my 4th win of the year so far. I started doing them last January and I think I only won 7 things in the whole year so hopefully this year will be a good one for me :) nearly all my wins are from facebook though! I don't like doing them because you have to tell the world you've entered but I'm not stopping after my wins :) if my friends don't like it then they should delete me or hide posts!!

I read through your blog, like the little pull along bag. I feel as though my LO hardly has anything too but then if you think about it they don't actually need that much. I like your little giveaway too :) just dont share it on MSE otherwise youll get shouted at :p Oh and I was guttered to hear about huggies too as they are the ones I wanted to use. Already have a big box of size 1s at home. I think my next choice will be asda's own as I have heard good things about them... But we won't truely know what suits us until she is here.

I'm sure your scan will go well. I want one though, I want to know how big she is!!!
MrsHippo - Thank you :flow:
Yep, we are all in and settled in our new house - I love it already :) Just got little bits to keep pottering around and doing like adding little ornaments/finishing things but I can do that properly next week.
Congrats on another win :thumbup:
We watched Big Fat Gypsy Valentine too - OH didn't really have a choice ;) A lot of what they do annoys me but like you, cannot stop watching! Oh and the sofa thing, it's to help with cleaning I believe.. but yep, I bet it's uncomfy as hell :haha:
We don't really do much for valentines day.. Generally just do cards and OH gets me flowers. What else can you really get for a man??

DoggyLover - As soon as I heard they gain half a pound a week, I was like :shock: but we really don't have that long left anymore :dohh:

LiverpoolLass - I scared myself a little yesterday morning walking past a mirror - I walked past and then backed up slowly to double check it was definitely me :rofl:
Very jealous of you going F&B's, it's my favourite!
Well done on doing your hospital bag! I plan on doing mine next week in my first week of maternity so that I can nip to Boots etc. and get missing items :)
Ooh, good luck at your scan!

Work - Definitely given up caring now. Same as DoggyLover, in my head I know i'm not going back anyway (work don't know yet) so it's even worse :rofl:

Nappies - I think some places will still be selling Huggies online (like Tesco etc) - could be completely wrong though!
I've heard good things about Asda's Little Angel range too, my sister uses it with my nephew and has done since he was about 1.
I've got a good range of all different nappies :haha:
I bought a couple of packs of Huggies (and got some in the box set thing), my mum bought me some Huggies and my nana has bought me some Huggies, Pampers and picked up some Morrisons own brand to try :thumbup:

AsForMe - or should I say Lo! She seriously has a problem lately with getting comfy - or just staying in one place for long! I was trying to make our bed last night (just putting bottom sheet on) and when I went to stand up, she'd moved in the most uncomfortable position ever and I couldn't straighten up properly?! Then once I got into bed, I swear I felt an elbow or something go accross my stomach - it wasn't a nice rolly feeling :nope: xx
Oh also, has/does anyone else get this..

When i've been sat down a while and go to stand up, my back is quite sore and one leg (generally my right :huh:) hurts when I try and walk on it but wears off after about 20 seconds?

It's even worse in a morning/during the night when I get out of bed. This morning I got out of bed but could hardly put any weight on my right leg because it felt like it would give way and sort of hurt?

Do you think it's just LO that's been laid on a nerve or something? x
I get that problem with both my legs :( my back hurts all the time and occasionally so do my hips. I find that when I have been sitting down and stand up that's when my legs ache the most. Oh and OMG crouching down (in a squat position) then standing back up is a killer!! One of our main printers is underneath a desk (there isn't room on it) so have to bend down to get print outs and that's horrible.

Have any of you noticed other not so nice things happening just recently? Like going to the toilet more often? I'm not just talking about peeing either? I have also developed a line on my belly from pubic area to above my belly button. I thought I'd got away with getting one as normally they develope in early pregnancy? Or so i read anyway. And yes LO seems to be poking me in not so nice places, like under my ribs!! I can just imagine a foot under there. That can be quite painful sometimes though.

Adam kissed my belly the other day and went 'your nearly cooked' which I thought was sweet :) bless him. Do any of you talk to your bump? I don't, I find it a little weird :/ I talk plenty throughout the day though so you'd assume she knows my voice. She does react to Adam though...if he is close and talking to me she moves and kicks more. Bless her :) can't believe we are all coming to the end of our pregnancies, it's come so quickly.

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