Lauren - Ooh that huggies pack sounds quite good! I don't know how I missed that, will have to check!
Though it seems pointless getting used to Huggies nappies as they're stopping selling them here this year :/ I was planning on using them too as I liked that they have the cut out for where the cord thingy will be.
Oh what a pain about that patient at work! eeek! At least you can blame things like that on baby brain now!
Congrats on the comp win!! Yay!

How many wins is that so far this year for you?
It drives me mad when people say "Oh I never win anything..." and then admit they never enter anything! I get that a lot lately and I've only won 3 little things so far! lol.
I watched Gypsy Valentine too - I love them! The men are a bit annoying, but I generally really like their way of life - its so old fashioned and I love how they really take things like marriage vows seriously!
Sarah - Yeah Iglu is def worth a browse, I love planning out imaginary holidays on there hehe.
Oooh yay for only 2 more Mondays!!!
Spending Valentines with your lil nephew will be lovely!
Laura- hehe! I'm the opposite with my bump! I don't think it looks too bad looking down but when I catch my reflection from the side it always shocks me! Although I feel heavy I don't feel THAT big - its terrifying!! lol.
Aww I'm glad the move is all sorted! Are you all settled now then?
Aww I'm sorry you had a bad night

Hopefully tonight will be better for you! Lovely bump pics!
Valentines - I don't think we'll be doing much this year! We usually go out for dinner but I can't be bothered this year - everywhere overcharges and is packed, and I don't feel like being surrounded by loads of skinny glamour pusses all dressed up! I'll just feel like a whale! lol.
Last year on Valentines we were on the cruise having breakfast in bed!!! So nothing is going to compare to that, so I'm not even going to bother trying lol.
I have my heart scan on Valentines morning (How crap?!) so we've got to be up early for that, so I'm thinking we'll just have a romantic breakfast out somewhere instead - hopefully places won't be packed for breakfast! We're thinking Frankie & Bennys or somewhere like that.
I've just renewed OH's magazine subscription for him and bought him a DVD I know he's been wanting as gifts - not the most romantic presents!!!!!
AFM - I packed my hospital bags last night!

I haven't decided on a going home outfit for me yet as I have NO idea what kind of thing I'll be wanting?!
But everything else is done!! I made a blog post about it with piccies hehe:
I'm panicking coz the babys bag seems empty - I feel like I've forgotten something massive?!
Oh and one of my readers commented mentioning a product that she said was a lifesaver for vaginal births - no good for me but thought you girls might be interested, its this:
Growth scan tomorrow - nervous/excited!