Lauren - Oooh 4 wins is good! I know what you mean, I always get a bit embarrased about the Facebook and Twitter ones - especially as I use Twitter for my blog so I worry about spamming everyones feeds with comps! But I just tend to do them last thing at night so hopefully people won't really notice them lol.
Ooh no, I'm not planning on sharing any giveaways on MSE lol. I've only actually ever posted on there once when I won something, I feel a bit bad as I never interact lol.
I thought you were having a growth scan? Am I getting confused with someone else?!
Laura - Thanks!

I am looking forward to F & Bs - I've never been for breakfast before, I REALLY fancy breakfast pancakes and maple syrup!
Ooh I know that elbow thing. I hate that feeling :/ Its very...surreal! I swear LO feels like he's ALL bones - it really hurts sometimes as he feels SO bony!!
I get the back thing (more so in the last few days) but not so much pain in my leg, more in my hip. Especially in the mornings. It is really uncomfortable :/
Sarah - oooh be interesting to see what they do at your appointment tomorrow! *fingers crossed for a scan*!
Nappies - I've never heard anything about Asda's own but I do hear LOADS about how great Aldi's range is! Which always surprises me! I got some free in the Emma's Diary pack though so will give them a try!
My mum has bought loads of Pampers and she's making us a nappy cake so I don't think we'll need to buy any for the first few weeks!
How many nappies is everybody taking with them to hospital?! I have NO idea how many to take!?
Toilet issues - I haven't noticed anything unusual yet *touch wood*. Definitely weeing much more but nothing with regards to the other thing!
Talking to Bump - OH does it most nights, just a few little sentences - saying hello and little cute things - and Bean ALWAYS reacts like mad! He starts wiggling around everywhere, its really cute - you can almost tell he's excited lol.
I don't really talk to it though - I just feel weird, like I'm talking to myself?! I play music to it but that's about all....I am just hoping he'll know my voice anyway coz like everybody said, he must hear me talking all the time!
Last night when OH and I were chatting I noticed Bean started jiggling around loads, it was like he trying to include himself in the chat lol - cute.
Linea Nigra - I haven't got one yet. Like Laura said, just lots of stretchmarks

And LOADS of scratches!!! Has anybody else had a really itchy bump?! I look like I've been attacked by a cat :/
How is everybodys belly button situation? Mine still hasn't popped - keeping my fingers crossed that it won't!
AFM - Had my growth scan today. It was a student doing it with a sonographer helping so it took AGES as she didn't really seem very confident.
Everything looks nice and normal and growing as it should be, which is good! Baby was being very awkward apparently and not letting them see!
The weight at the moment is 4 lbs 8 oz, which is about what he should be apparently.
She said that they put on about half an ounce a day up until 36 weeks, and then an ounce a day after 36 weeks! So she thinks he'll be between 6 lbs 8 lbs and 7lbs when he's born at 38 weeks 5 days. Be interesting to see how right she is!
My mum is starting to do a sweep on birth weight guesses lol, I'm going to guess he'll be about 7.8 as thats what I was when I was born!
I also found out that he apparently has lots of hair!!!
She showed me a circle of white around the top of his head - there was a lot of it - she said thats all strands of hair! She said it looks like he's got a lot of it - I'm really pleased about that as my nieces were born with loads of hair and I think its sooooooo cute!!!