First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Sarah, the SIL that got me all the cloth related stuff does cloth diaper as well. She started using cloth with her second child so I was able to get a lot of experience with it before DH and I even started TTC. If it weren't for her I don't think I would have ever attempted cloth. She has been such a big help when it comes to answering my questions, being able to give reviews of the things I'm considering that she's tried, etc. As for at the hospital, I thought it would just be far easier to use disposables since I'm not quite sure how long I'll be in the hospital . I think the standard is usually 2-3 days. I've been debating about using disposables for the first week or so too but I'm not 100% decided on that. I think it depends if the hospital sends me home with disposables like my SIL's hospital did for her.

I also relate to the feeling like it'll be forever until you meet your baby. I feel like I've been pregnant for years and I'm just so ready to be done with it and for him to be here so I can actually hold him in my arms. At the same time though I still have so much stuff to do on my to-do list that I would probably freak out if he came now. The goal is to have everything done around the 16th. Then I think I would feel more comfortable with him coming now.

Glad the clothesline duo will be useful for you. I think DH wants to get the pulley one but I don't see it fitting where the washer and dryer is.
We have our pulley drier in our garage, and even though it looks quite small, when you have the washing hanging off it, it seems to take up so much space. I definitely think you need quite a bit of room for it, we have to push the hanging clothes out of the way when we go out to the garage lol. And I dry towels and sheets on it too which just compounds the problem! But I love it anyway, so few loads of our laundry go into the drier now, even throughout the winter when it's been freezing and wet.

I'm the same - using disposables in the hospital. My main worry is that the cloth I have won't fit right away (even though I'm convinced baby will be huge!) so we got a pack of 75 disposables which will last us for a few days at least, and then we'll be able to see how the cloth fits and whether we can move on, or need more disposables. I ordered some prefolds last week though, so hoping that even if the tots bots fitted I have don't fit right away (they are the bulk of my stash, preloved so a total bargain) we will still be able to use some amount of cloth to get us going.

Yep, I'd like at least a week after I start maternity to do little bits around the house. I saw you said you have a list for dh to take care of, I have one for myself, which is basically to scrub clean every inch of the house, wash all the curtains and soft furnishings etc. so once that's done, baby can come on out! In fact, I'm hoping the effort that will go into the house cleaning will kick start something!
Alex, sounds like you had a great time at your baby lunch! I'm kind of the same way - I hate being the center of attention so I spend most of my time making sure everyone else is entertained. As for the cramps, I keep thinking that I'm about to get my period! It feels exactly the same. I hope those cramps mean something is going on in there, though!

Sarah, happy 36 weeks! I'm sorry you're having a rough day. :hugs: The "not knowing when or how it will happen" is the hardest part for me but I'm also more anxious to take care of a newborn than I am for labor. I don't have much experience with babies less than 3 months old so I'm stressing a little bit. I really just want to get labor over with and jump into being a mom instead of sitting around, waiting and worrying about whether or not I'll be any good at it! So yes, some days it feels like forever away and then some days it freaks me out thinking she could be here tomorrow. By the way, we decided to name her Sarah! :)

Brittany, I love hearing what others are packing in their hospital bags and what supplies they have bought in general. My hospital bag consists of a robe, nursing bra, granny panties, clothes to wear home (lounge pants and a comfortable shirt), a change of clothes for DH, snacks including some hard candy for labor, change for the vending machine, camera, an outfit and blanket for the baby, and travel sized toiletries. I also packed some of the post-partum stuff you mentioned because our hospital doesn't give them out for free anymore. I'm bringing Tucks pads, stool-softener, Bactine spray and pain pills just in case.

I also bought those Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature bottles! We've finally finished filling up the baby's medicine cabinet with infant Tylenol, gripe water, and all that good stuff. I've kinda almost got my diaper bag packed. I swear, I keep finding things to do!
Brittany - Thanks :) The gall stones are NOT fun! Especially not being able to eat anything tasty. I'm craving mcdonalds and I absolutely cannot have it :(

Well done on getting the diaper bag sorted out!! That is very organised of you!! :)

Linzy - Good to hear from you! Sorry to hear you're uncomfortable too :/

How exciting being 37 weeks!!!!

Alex - I'm against being induced coz I just don't think its right - its fair enough if you go over and you HAVE to be induced coz its not safe, but otherwise induction can be pretty hard going - I know 3 girls who were induced lately and all 3 of them ended up on the drip and ended up having emergency c sections! I can't see the point of inducing me to avoid a c section when it could STILL end up being a c section anyway - I'd rather have a planned one than an emergency one.
I just think they're really cheeky as they're just trying to talk me into it to save money basically!
My sister's induced "natural" labour was absolute hell and her scheduled c section was bliss in comparison, so I'm not going to risk it!
Devon (when I was under their care) told me they wouldn't consider letting me give birth naturally anyway, but Liverpool do everything completely differently so they're happy for me to try it as long as its before full term - but no, I'm not prepared to let them do it.
I still have to go for a THIRD appointment with somebody else who's going to try and talk me into it next week though!!!

I hope your test results come back clear. I have been having awful itching, I was convinced the tests would show cholestastis but they all came back normal - itchiness in pregnancy can be so horrible!!
When I was in hospital the staff kept asking if I had loads of cats as I was just covered in scratches!!! :/

Aww your baby lunch sounded nice once it calmed down! :)

Sarah - Thank you :hugs: I have one more bullying appointment to get through with a consultant midwife who is going to try to talk me into induction, but fingers crossed I can stand up to him and then they will have to get off my back! lol.

Aww I'm sorry to hear you were so upset :( It is so horrible leaving a job that you love, especially when it wasn't really your choice to leave either.
I hope you can find another job that you love even more when you're ready to go back to work. Everything for a reason! :D

I know what you mean about being sick of waiting but equally I'm scared of it happening now lol - I would like to meet the baby now if I could just unzip my bump and get him out. But the thoughts of the actual process makes me think I can wait the 3 weeks 4 days! lol!

AFM - this low fat diet is killing me. I keep seeing pictures of Big Macs everywhere - I went off Mcdonalds early in pregnancy but NOW that I CAN'T have one it is all I can think about!!!! :(

I can't stop thinking about the birth - I don't know why but I have convinced myself that I'm going to die in childbirth. I keep having dreams about it - and the other day when I was texting my friend I meant to write "Will you be bringing the new boyfriend to the Christening?" - instead I wrote "Will you be bringing the new boyfriend to the funeral?" :cry:

I don't know WHY I typed that but it really freaked me out!!!! My mum and Jon keep telling me its just paranoia, but its really scaring me.

I'm trying to think of something nice to post about as I don't want to be all gloomy - Oh yeah! When I had my gross internal scan last week they gave me a weight estimate of 5lbs 2oz - how exciting! :D I wonder if its accurate or miles out!!!
My to-do list for DH and I is a lot of cleaning. I want to organize the closets, file cabinets, etc. and get rid of all the junk that has piled up. The goal is to have all of this stuff done by March 18th so that the rest of the month I can just lounge around and relax other then doing my regular household chores. I might spend this time doing meals for the freezer too. Anyone else planning to make some meals ahead of time and freeze them for some easy dinners once baby is born? If so, what meals are y'all thinking of doing? I've been looking for some ideas of things that are easy to make/freeze well.

Lindsey, did you pack some entertainment items? I've packed a couple magazines and some cards and a few travel games to play to keep us entertained during the first stages of labor when I'm not ready to push yet. Thought it might help the time go by a little faster and distract me a bit if the contractions are bad at that point.

Hayley, I think that's great that you're not letting the hospital talk you into an induction when it's not what you want. I would like to go into labor naturally but I imagine I'll end up having to be induced (my doctor will only let me go a week over my due date) since it's so common for you to go over with your first pregnancy.

I'm sorry you're having a rough time with the dreams/thoughts. Did you mention them to your MW?

I'm also sorry you're craving McDonalds and can't have it. I started craving Mountain Dew yesterday so I told DH about it so he could get me some on his way home since he has my debit card but he never did so that craving is still unsatisfied.
Hello everyone :flower:

Glad to see people back on :)

Alex, glad the blueness in your legs is nothing to worry about. I am also rather itchy, not so much on my legs but my belly is really itchy. I really try not to scratch directly on to the skin but sometimes I just can't help it. I find certain creams and things make it worse. Do you put anything on your legs? Or changed your washing powder/liquid?

Sounds as though a few of us are getting period type cramps. Must be normal? I sometimes get pain a little higher up along the side too......hard to explain the area. When we have flat stomachs it would be were we'd point out our ovaries to be. lol....if that makes any sense whatsoever???

Oh and for the UK ladies, do any of you want/need a nappy disposable unit thing? I was brought the tommie tippiee one but we won't be using it and I'd hate it to go to waste. So if any of you want it I will happily post it out to you ??? (might be cheeky and ask for you to pay half towards postage though :blush:)

Hayley, sorry to hear you have been having funny dreams and thoughts like that. I know its hard to not think about things sometimes but you must try and change how you think towards it. Tell yourself that the birth will go smoothly, you and LO will be really well after and there is nothing to worry about. Keep telling yourself this as soon as you start thinking about the bad things. Talk about how you feel too, never keep it buttoned up inside.

I can't wait for LO to be here. I am excited to see her and have her home :) but (please don't think I am being selfish here) I cannot wait until I have my body back more than anything. I love carrying her but I hate everything that has come along with it. I feel so ugly all the time just because of how bad my skin is, I am hairy in places like my belly and struggle to shave anything, I am really pale and my skin overall just looks awful. I can't even paint my toes :( this morning I had a bit of a hissy fit. I felt crap when I looked in the mirror so decided to put a bit of fake tan on, paint my nails ect but I have only gone and lost my nail varnish remover so tried to paint over what is currently on there but it just looked awful so wiped it off. My mum though, bless her, has booked me in to have my nails done with her next week :) But I could go on and on about the things I don't like at the moment.

So I had my GTT yesterday. It was horrible :cry: when I first arrived it was fine, had first lot of blood taken and a finger prick reading done. I was given the lucozade to drink, about 400ml which is just a little less than a normal bottle. I had to drink that in 10 minutes!! I like lucozade but really struggled to drink it all in that time. But managed it somehow. Sat in the little waiting area and about half an hour later another girl sat accross from me who was having the same thing and we got chatting. That was fine. Then about an hour in to it the waiting area started getting really busy and really warm. I started getting hot and sweaty, my hands started shaking and I thought I was going to be sick. I had to wait two hours before I could go back in and I was feel worse and worse by the minute. I actually thought I was going to start crying at one point. I was also by myself. Eventually they called me back through and the nurse put a fan on me and made sure I was ok. I was told by my MW that I'd be told what the results were after but they didn't. Said if I don't hear from them it means everything is ok however, if the results come back positive then the latest I will hear from them is Monday lunch time. So more waiting around. I never want to go through that again though. I felt really poorly all day after then and to top it off I had a viewing that day so I had to get back, tidy up and walk the dog while they looked around. Thankfully I feel better today.

Today I haven't done much, popped to matalan and there I brought a thin dressing gown, slippers and knickers for my hospital bag. I also brought some really cute little summer pram shoes for LO (I'll post a photo). I liked them that much though I brought two pairs, one 0-3 and 3-6 :) They are disney ones actually, normally I really don't like disney things but you can't tell from the outside. I brought pads ect last week so I pretty much have everything ready now. Just need to pack some toothpaste, clothes for leaving in and....I think thats it. I will send Adam down to the cafe when we get there to pick up magazines ect. I'm not planning on packing food or anything - again, will get Adam to pick me some up from cafe if I want anything. They sell fruit, sweets, sandwiches ect. I buy my lunch at work from there all the time :)
I am also washing a load of baby stuff today, her blankets, sleeping bag, hammock and a few vests and babygrows.

As for meals, I'm not planning on making anything. I know what will happen, I will make it all, pop it in the freezer and it will never get eaten. I am funny about pre-made food, I much prefer to make it all fresh. I know I am just being silly but I can't help it. I will try and keep meals quick and easy though, like popping a jacket potato in or making fresh pasta dishes like ravioli.


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Lauren, if no one wants the diaper disposable unit you may be able to return it to a store that carries it for store credit. I did that for some of the baby shower gifts I recieved that I had no use for/too many of.

Like you, I'm also anxious to have my body back. I can't stand not being able to get up, turn over in bed, etc. without it being painful. Not to mention, I hate that I can't shave easily (I've given up entirely on the lady parts since shaving blind just results in horrible razor burn since I must go over the same spots a billion times :haha:), reach my toenails to cut/paint them, etc. I love my baby but I just do not love pregnancy. I don't think there is anything wrong with that so don't even worry about people think you're being selfish.

Sorry the GTT was so awful. Hopefully the results come back negative and you don't have to repeat the test.
Alex forgot to say before that your baby lunch sounds like it was great! So nice that so many people wanted to wish you well, and so lovely to get lots of gifts. I'm the same about worrying whether people are having fun- I get so stressed even having my family or close friends round to my house, so I don't do it often, which I think probably just compounds the issue!

Hayley the low fat diet would kill me too :hugs: it's when you deny yourself something that you can't stop thinking about it and want more, which is just a cruel trick of nature. I'm so sorry to hear about your horrible thoughts about the birth. I don't think there is anything we can do to stop that, except trying to think about how great it will be when LO arrives, and focus on the end product rather than the process, if its possible.

Lauren yuk, sounds like your gtt test was awful! But hopefully the fact that they didn't say anything at the time means the results are clear. Fingers crossed you don't hear from them by Monday. I love those little shoes! They are adorable, and definitely can't tell they are Disney at all.

Brittany yep I'll be making some meals for the freezer too :) we always freeze leftovers of stuff we have, and usually have those on a Friday night, so we've been working our way through those and other bits to empty the freezer so I can fill it up again! I'm planning on making things like curry, spaghetti (just the sauce of course), chilli, some soups, some stews/casseroles, and a few pies as well. I want us to have enough for at least 7 days of food, and then any extras I can use for lunches once dh is back at work. What all are you thinking of making? I'm not the best cook in the world (understatement!) so my range is pretty limited! As is my palate- I'm a super fussy eater!

Luckily, I have ridiculously long limbs, which means my gangly arms still reach down my gangly legs to the toes lol! That said, I never paint my toenails in winter, but I can still get socks on ok which is my main concern!! I'm sorry to hear some of you are feeling a bit unhappy with your bodies at the minute and Lauren I don't think it's selfish at all to want your body back. You're going to be a mum, but at the end of the day you will still be YOU and there is nothing at all wrong with not wanting to lose that. Especially since I know you have had a really tough time with your skin especially. Fingers crossed as soon as she arrives you will be back to normal in no time.

Afm, I'm off to a hen party tonight. Luckily the girl I am driving there can't go until later, so we are just joining them for dinner, which won't be so bad at all, I hope! I don't know anyone except the bride, so I'm not really that excited (especially since the theme is "Statement Shoes" I.e. fancy heels, and I can barely wear heels at the best of times let alone when36 weeks pregnant :haha:) but I can suck it up for a few hours!
I would return it but over here shops are rather funny about returning things....they usually like a reciept. Some stores are ok and just let you take things back without one but others ask for you to produce a bank statment proving you brought it from there. I guess its worth looking in to though if no one is interested in it.

Glad I'm not the only one wanting their body back though, makes me feel better :) oh yes bedtime, I cannot wait until I can sleep properly. One thing I really miss but not thought about before until OH did it yesterday is jump on to the bed - I want to jump on the bed!!!

Sarah that made me laugh about your arms :haha: I am sure you will enjoy your night out :) I can't wait until I can wear my heels again, I am super clumsy sometimes so I didn't want to risk falling over in them while pg so I have stuck to flats.
Hayley, I'm with you on the induction. My doctor hasn't mentioned it yet but if she did, I would definitely be against it unless it was medically necessary (high BP or something like that). I think their policy is to induce if I'm a week overdue so I really hope I go into labor before then. Also, I'm sorry you're having those negative thoughts. I agree with Lauren - try telling yourself that things will go great. Negative thoughts seem to breed more negative thoughts so try to tell yourself something positive if you feel your mind going down that path, if you can. :hugs:

Brittany,, I forgot that I also packed nursing pads and lanolin cream. I'll probably throw my Nook in there now that you mentioned it. Hopefully I'll be able to labor at home for as long as possible.

I plan on making some freezer meals. Not sure what I want to make yet, though! We stocked up on paper plates and stuff like that so we wouldn't have to worry about dishes right away. I finally agreed to let my MIL stay with us (she'll be at our house when we get home from the hospital) and she said she'd help cook/clean as well but freezer meals sound like a great idea.

Lauren, soo sorry about your GTT experience! I hated my GTT and all I can say is that it's over, you made it and hopefully you never have to do it again! Fingers crossed that the results are negative. :)

You're not selfish at all. I've wanted my body back for forever! I'll miss feeling my LO move and not having to share her with the rest of the world, but I'm so over all of the random aches and pains. Right now I feel like I'm carrying a bowling ball and I can't even stand up straight, take a deep breath, walk up the stairs, roll over, bend down, etc.! Not to mention the body-image issues. I think getting your nails done will help! I had mine done last week, and then my cousin cut my hair and waxed my eyebrows so I feel a little better. I mostly can't wait to sleep on my stomach again.

Sarah, I would love to go out in my heels!! I wore my heeled boots to a Christmas party and that was the last time...could barely get them off afterwards! Have fun tonight!
Hi ladies, I seem to be getting worse at updating on here!! Our laptop had recently gone kaput so have to come on here on my phone which can be a nightmare :nope:

So, 36 weeks this week and its starting to drag a little. MW came to my mums on Thursday to check the house/area - she okay'ed everything and said that I'm perfectly on track. As from Thursday (7th) I can have her at home, if I go into labour before then id have to go into hospital :shock: Scary stuff thinking it could happen so soon!

She answered all my questions and even T popped a couple in there which I was proud of cause normally he stays quiet and then he'll ask me when we get home :growlmad:

I was a little miffed that they don't do any below checks until labour though... I want to know if anything's going on :(

We've been busy lately painting her room - well T has :haha: Iv been busy pointing at things :blush: My mums coming on Monday to put the wallpaper up and my dad is sorting the blind tomorrow hopefully! Other than that, we're still pottering and putting things in place in the house - not fully decided where some things are going yet...

Belly keeps on growing and getting heavier and heavier, LO isn't slowing down any. T has started a poll with family on what dates they think she'll arrive - iv picked 8th April, the day before I would most likely be induced ;)

Oh also, been popping bits into my 'incase' hospital bag. The only bits I need now are a couple of nighties and a thin dressing gown - oh and some cheap black nickers!

Can't think of anything else right now, hope everyone's ok, I have read everyone's posts but hard to remember specific things - bloody phone!

Here's my bellllyyyyyyy :flower:


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Freezer Meals, right now I plan to make turkey chilli, beef stew, broccoli cheese soup, and minestrone. I plan to make a large enough portion of those things that DH and I will get two dinners out of each them. I also plan to make up some spaghetti sauce and some alfredo sauce and freeze those for two more meals where all I would have to do is cook the noodles. I already have some sloppy joe mix frozen so that is something DH and I could get two more meals out of as well, I would just have to buy hamburger buns. So we will have almost 2 weeks worth of meals that just have to be thawed and re-heated. I also plan to buy some frozen meals and some canned soup for quick lunches for myself. How much food are y'all planning to freeze? Like Lauren mentioned, I think if I make too much to freeze DH and I won't eat it all especially since I know we both prefer fresh.

Love the bump picture, Laura!!
Nice bump piccy Laura :)

Adam and I were talking the other day about having a photo taken because we realised that I don't have a single 'proper' photo of me pregnant. So that is a must ASAP otherwise I'll end up without one.

I've been getting the odd really painful feeling in my stomach today. It's been hurting me for about 10 minutes now, enough for me to put my microwave sheep on it. It's probably happened about 3 times today. Haven't experienced it before so will keep my eye on it.

Just waiting for a Chinese to be delivered :) don't normally eat this late though (20:50) so hopefully I won't get indigestion or anything during the night.
Brittany - No I haven't mentioned it to my midwife - I'm pretty disillusioned with the entire healthcare team! My midwife is a complete and utter waste of space, I can't see the point in telling her ANYTHING.
(I told her last week that I'd been having pains in my lower bump region and asked if it could be coz of the low lying placenta....her answer was "No". No questions about what kind of pain or any explanation of what it might be....just "No".)

Aww I hate it when a craving goes unsatisfied lol. I'm trying to be strong with the Mcdonalds though, as I know I'll regret it after!

I think its a great idea to freeze meals! I have heard a few of my friends who have given birth recently say that they did and it made things much more convenient - the ones who didn't do it said they had been living off cold takeout and microwave dinners!! lol. I guess its not as easy to sit and eat a meal when its hot anymore, so anything that can be heated through quickly when you get 5 minutes will be such a blessing!

I'm lucky in a way that I won't have to worry about it as we're still with my parents so my mum will be cooking the meals lol. (not lucky in other ways though! Not looking forward to having no alone time with baby until we move back to Devon!)

Lauren - Aww thats kind of you about the tommie tippee disposal unit - I already have it but thank you for the offer!

Yeah, the dreams and these stupid freudian slips are doing my head in :/ I think my logic is that the more I talk about it happening...the LESS likely it is to actually come true, if that makes sense?!! Because it'd be too ironic!

I'm totally with you about having your body back. At least you can say you love carrying the baby, I HATE being pregnant - I don't enjoy the feeling of it at all. I'm looking forward to meeting the baby and the motherhood part, but pregnancy can suck it :haha:

I can't paint my toe nails either - or cut them. I can just about put on socks but I have to contort myself to be able to do it. Jon paints and cuts my toe nails for undignified!!!!

Aww I'm sorry the GTT was so hard. Fingers crossed the results are all fine!

Those shoes are cute! I bought myself a thin dressing gown from Matalan last week too - it was a white one with blue dots, I actually love it! I got a couple of really cute nighties for my hospital bag there too....and some disgusting MASSIVE granny knickers about 3 sizes too big, so that they don't irritate my scar lol.

Hope the pain has gone away and wasn't anything serious!!!

Sarah - Thanks :hugs: I'm sooooo ready for the whole thing to be over and LO to be here!! But at the same time I'm dreading it - I think I'm dreading the day before the operation more than anything, coz on the day I'll be pre-occupied. :wacko:

Lol at your long arms!

What statement shoes did you go with?! Fun theme! Hope you had a nice time!

Linzy - Thanks :hugs: Yeah, definitely! Its fair enough if its medically necessary, but I just think its cheeky of them to want to do it just coz its cheaper to shove pessaries up me than give me the operation! :growlmad:

Laura - Awww cute bump piccy! :) Yay for getting the painting etc done!!

AFM - My skin has been feeling sooooo irritated since last night. You know that pricky heat feeling? Kind of itchy but the itches make you jump a bit?!
Its driving me mad!!! I haven't been using products in my bath and we haven't changed washing powder, so I don't know what the problem is!!!

I've had a breakout of horrible whitehead spots too - I have NEVER had spots in my life, and have escaped through the pregnancy so far so I'm not sure why they've suddenly appeared now! Annoying. I feel hideous at the moment.

Does anybody else feel like they're waddling more lately? I literally can't walk like a normal person any more - I feel like I'm all hunched over too, and I get really harsh pains in the bump when I walk!

They did say at the internal scan last week that the baby was partially engaged, so maybe thats why?! SO uncomfortable though!
Laura, love your bump! I was fully expecting to have my cervix checked at my last appointment but I guess my doctor doesn't start that until at least 38 weeks. I'm really curious, though, if any progress has been made! What color did you paint the nursery?

Lauren, did your pains ever go away? One night last week, I had two pains about an hour apart. They weren't super bad but definitely noticeable and made me stop in my tracks. Then they just went away. I feel like I have to assess every little ache and pain now because it's so close to the end and I'm not sure what things are supposed to feel's nerve-wracking. Hope everything turned out okay!

Hayley, I haven't broken out but my face has been really dry - I feel so gross. I also think my hair has changed. I swear it doesn't blow-dry the same as it normally does so it never looks very good...I don't know if that's really true or if I just feel generally unattractive these days. My stomach itches like crazy! Sometimes I use anti-itch spray but most of the time it just makes things worse. I wish I could hunch over. I feel like my LO is still so high! Her bum is right under my ribs and it hurts to bend over so I am always sitting/standing super straight. :( I've been bouncing on my exercise ball twice a day for 30 mins hoping she'll drop so I can breathe at least!!
Sounds like we all feel unattractive at the moment :(

Adam just painted my toes for me bless him :) I feel an incie bit better now I have colourful toes.

Lindsey, the pain did go but it hurt me for most of the night. I haven't had anything this morning though so I'm not sure what it was :/ when ever I get any odd pains part of me hopes she is on the way lol but at the same time I panic!!

I have a question about contractions, wondering if any of you know. If not I will post it in third tri but you know how they call BH false contractions, well will real contractions be in the same place as we get BH? Mine are usually quite high up, from my belly button to the top of my uterus. Or do you get contractions in your lower stomach? People say you get period type cramps and get pain in your lower back but what sort of pain is that? A dull, constant pain or does that come and go to? I want to know what I am looking out for. My friend was in labour without realising, she was getting pain in her lower back and to the front but said it wasn't anything too painful so didn't think much of it until she spoke to her mum and then was told she was in early labour. I'd love it to come on but not actually realise as I'd like to spend as much time at home as possible but I'd need to know so I can let Adam know and if it was happening quickly I'd need to get someone else to take me. Knowing me though I'd bloody drive myself lol

Oh and Hayley - I am definitely noticing a waddle :haha: I really struggle to get in and out if the car now too. She is still kicking me right up in my ribs which is really starting to do my head in. She is getting stronger and when I get a kick it really hurts. I've tried pushing her out the way but she just won't budge!!
Lindsey I meant to say before excellent choice on Sarah's name!! Although there were a lot of Sarah's when I was growing up, they seem to be few and far between now, so your LO will be bringing back the trend! What middle name have you decided on? And do not worry about taking care of a newborn, I have minimal experience there as well, but I think that's pretty standard for FTM. We will pick it up as we go, and we'll only make a mistake once and then never again. You will do a great job, and once the crappiness of labour is out of the way we will all Sink into our new roles perfectly :) it's the people who dont worry about having a newborn that I think need to! People who haven't give any real thought to the realities of having a LO. When's, if you are worrying, then you kind of already have proved you are doing a good job - does that make sense?!

Hayley I love what you said about unzipping and taking baby out! That would be amazing!! Even if you could do that and meet them for an hour or so, then pop the,back into finish growing, I think that would help me through the next few (what I imagine will be very long) weeks. I definitely feel myself waddling sometimes - weirdly though it only seems to be when I wear trousers?! I think my thighs have gotten too fat for me to wear them and walk normally!

Brittany I might steal some of your meal ideas! I also don't want to freeze too much as we like to cook and eat fresh as well. I'm also going to make some lasagne portions to freeze as that's one thing I think tastes almost as good when defrosted as when just cooked. What I'm worried about is that we'll end up just sticking chips(fries) on to accompany everything instead of cooking rice etc as well.

Laura ugh being on here on your phone can be so so annoying! But glad to see you back! I'm so glad that your mw appointment went well, and that OH was comfy talking and asking questions, hopefully that's a good sign for the birth! I lol-ed at you saying you've just been pointing at things during the decorating - that's exactly how it should be!! Make sure you keep us updated on your progress!

Lauren I have heard experienced mums say that real contractions are quite low down, where you would normal experience period pains, so for me that's between my hips , and actually just below where my bump is now. And I've heard that you can tell its a 'real' contraction if it has a U shape - your pain gets more intense in the middle of the contraction then eases off again, rather than a constant dull ache. And I am exactly the same - I'd love to be in labour for a while before knowing! Also so I can stay at home for longer. In my mind, I end up going to the hospital and they are amazed that I am 8cm dilated :haha: have your and Adam arranged your photo yet? I think that's a lovely idea!

Contractions just after what Lauren you think you'll know at the first contraction that its labour, or how many contractions do you think it will take before any of us believe that it really is actual labour?! That's the one thing I just don't know about (well, there are many things I don't know about! But this is one I'm confused about!) and

Afm I am very annoyed with my SIL today. I don't know if I maybe mentioned last week she was going to come over just after Easter when she is on holiday from work, and I wasn't happy with that as I don't know for sure LO will be here, and if they aren't them the last thing I will feel like doing is entertaining her. If LO is here, she'll stay with my parents, but if not she'll stay with us and I just cannot be bothered with that. Well she text dh and said "is 8th and 9th ok to come?" And he text back saying "well, it might not be the best time" to which she informed him she'd already booked the flights :growlmad: I specifically told her when she was last over NOT to. And we assumed she wouldn't as she is so bad at organising stuff, but I am so annoyed with her for basically going against what we politely asked her. And she keeps saying "I'll stay with Sarah's parents, it won't be any hassle" but it will, whether LO is here or not. So not best pleased. Also, she was meant to be buying us a set of reusable wipes, and once I said yeah they looked great, it was never mention again. So I have no idea if she is getting them, and I've now asked dh 5 times to check, and he still hasn't. I need to know so I can get my own if needed!!! She is so scatter brained and usually that's ok, but now I just want to be prepared and she is pissing me right off!

Sorry for that huge rant!!

So it's my last week at work starting tomorrow, and as I said on Friday, I'm sure I will be so upset all week, but then glad at the same time :dohh: so it'll be a hectic, emotional week no doubt.

Lots of love to you all, because I know some of you are having a bit of a tough time at the minute with various pregnancy related bits and bobs :hugs:
Linzy - Ugh! Its so annoying isnt it?! My hair feels awful too. It just never looks right....I can't even put my finger on what exactly is wrong with it, its just not like it used to be!
My bump is itching like mad too - I've been wondering about trying some anti-itch stuff but worried it will worsen it :/

Lauren - I'm not too sure with the contractions. Everybody just seems to say "You'll know when it starts"....but HOW?! I like to know what to look out for lol.
When I was in hospital - the midwife was asking me to describe my stomach pains (the gallstone pain) to determine wether it might be labour - she kept saying labour pains would feel like period pains in the lower bump that build up and then drop off again, and that I would most likely have low down back ache.

I've had lots of low down period pains and low backache over the last few days, and it'd be nice to know if anything was happening - but :shrug:
I keep thinking that unless there's been a "show" or waters breaking, its probably not happening - but I know these things don't always happen so its not a foolproof method lol.

Aww kicks in the ribs are horrid! Bean did that to me for aaaaaaages! He has definitely dropped now though, as there have been no feet in the ribs for ages!
Hope your little Bean drops soon too!

Sarah - Lol, I think its a fab idea - we need to work out a way of doing it and take it to dragons den! The Materni-Zip! :haha:

Aww what a pain about your SIL! :/ Its such a pain when everything is up in the air!!!
As for the wipes - maybe she is wanting to keep her gift a secret?
I know its annoying - my mum and sister are the same, they asked me for suggestions so I gave them some - and now they WON'T tell me what they've bought! But they don't seem to realise that I NEED TO KNOW so that if I haven't bought the things I suggested...I can go and buy them!
I know people want to surprise us with their gifts and probably think they're doing a nice thing - but why don't they realise that first time mummies want to be prepared and can't be without being kept informed!!!!

I hope your last week at work is a really lovely one :hugs:

AFM - I am one massive walking hormone at the moment!!!

I feel very sorry for Jon - he can't do anything right :haha:

This weekend he's painted my nails, given me foot massages, bought me gifts, run me bubble baths, cooked me dinner....and still, I am annoyed with him....and I genuinely don't know why!!!

I think I am just feeling really really REALLY fat and ugly and fed up. I want my body back to myself - I'm BORED of people saying "Big now, aren't you?!" to me - I'm just generally fed up.

We went out for coffee and lunch today to cheer me up, and I just ended up getting annoyed because NOBODY thinks to move out of the sodding way when I'm trying to waddle past - they just LOOK at me struggling instead of moving their chairs in - Errm, hello?! Its not like I can breathe in! MOVE!!!!!!

I'm still walking like a hunchback too, and I keep getting horrible twinges in my bump - as much as I want the baby to come, I also am terrified of it actually happening lol. So yeah....can't really win! :haha:

I did buy myself a couple of dresses today which was nice - I'm worried about the fact that the c section is scheduled for 26th march which means that I'll be most likely coming home on Good Friday - my extended family usually visit on Easter Sunday anyway, and the fact that the baby will be home makes me think they are DEFINITELY all going to turn up - and I know I won't be in the mood to dress up but I equally don't want to look a massive mess either.

So I bought myself a nice loose navy maxi dress to stick on, and I bought another really loose maxi dress and cardi to wear to come home from the hosp in - at least it's loose fitting so it won't hurt my scar or anything, its easy to wear and it looks a bit nice for the millions of photos that I know Jon & the parents will be taking!!!

I tried it on today so I'm attaching the picture - Look how HUGE the bump is!!! :/ I hope it doesn't look this big when I wear it and the baby is no longer in there!


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Oh Hayley :hugs: you do not look hugely fat and ugly at all!! You look amazing! I think it's a great idea to buy some new dresses-I think you should make Jon take you out to dinner somewhere nice before LO arrives so you get good wear out of them ;) I made dh ask SIL last night about the wipes, and she has ordered them and they are on the way thank The Lord! One less thing to worry about.

And I am so impressed with all these OHs who paint nails. If I asked Simon goodness only knows where the paint would end up!

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