Linzy - Ugh! Its so annoying isnt it?! My hair feels awful too. It just never looks right....I can't even put my finger on what exactly is wrong with it, its just not like it used to be!
My bump is itching like mad too - I've been wondering about trying some anti-itch stuff but worried it will worsen it :/
Lauren - I'm not too sure with the contractions. Everybody just seems to say "You'll know when it starts"....but HOW?! I like to know what to look out for lol.
When I was in hospital - the midwife was asking me to describe my stomach pains (the gallstone pain) to determine wether it might be labour - she kept saying labour pains would feel like period pains in the lower bump that build up and then drop off again, and that I would most likely have low down back ache.
I've had lots of low down period pains and low backache over the last few days, and it'd be nice to know if anything was happening - but

I keep thinking that unless there's been a "show" or waters breaking, its probably not happening - but I know these things don't always happen so its not a foolproof method lol.
Aww kicks in the ribs are horrid! Bean did that to me for aaaaaaages! He has definitely dropped now though, as there have been no feet in the ribs for ages!
Hope your little Bean drops soon too!
Sarah - Lol, I think its a fab idea - we need to work out a way of doing it and take it to dragons den! The Materni-Zip!
Aww what a pain about your SIL! :/ Its such a pain when everything is up in the air!!!
As for the wipes - maybe she is wanting to keep her gift a secret?
I know its annoying - my mum and sister are the same, they asked me for suggestions so I gave them some - and now they WON'T tell me what they've bought! But they don't seem to realise that I NEED TO KNOW so that if I haven't bought the things I suggested...I can go and buy them!
I know people want to surprise us with their gifts and probably think they're doing a nice thing - but why don't they realise that first time mummies want to be prepared and can't be without being kept informed!!!!
I hope your last week at work is a really lovely one
AFM - I am one massive walking hormone at the moment!!!
I feel very sorry for Jon - he can't do anything right
This weekend he's painted my nails, given me foot massages, bought me gifts, run me bubble baths, cooked me dinner....and still, I am annoyed with him....and I genuinely don't know why!!!
I think I am just feeling really really REALLY fat and ugly and fed up. I want my body back to myself - I'm BORED of people saying "Big now, aren't you?!" to me - I'm just generally fed up.
We went out for coffee and lunch today to cheer me up, and I just ended up getting annoyed because NOBODY thinks to move out of the sodding way when I'm trying to waddle past - they just LOOK at me struggling instead of moving their chairs in - Errm, hello?! Its not like I can breathe in! MOVE!!!!!!
I'm still walking like a hunchback too, and I keep getting horrible twinges in my bump - as much as I want the baby to come, I also am terrified of it actually happening lol. So yeah....can't really win!
I did buy myself a couple of dresses today which was nice - I'm worried about the fact that the c section is scheduled for 26th march which means that I'll be most likely coming home on Good Friday - my extended family usually visit on Easter Sunday anyway, and the fact that the baby will be home makes me think they are DEFINITELY all going to turn up - and I know I won't be in the mood to dress up but I equally don't want to look a massive mess either.
So I bought myself a nice loose navy maxi dress to stick on, and I bought another really loose maxi dress and cardi to wear to come home from the hosp in - at least it's loose fitting so it won't hurt my scar or anything, its easy to wear and it looks a bit nice for the millions of photos that I know Jon & the parents will be taking!!!
I tried it on today so I'm attaching the picture - Look how HUGE the bump is!!! :/ I hope it doesn't look this big when I wear it and the baby is no longer in there!