Linzy - Any more contractions?! How did your appointment today go?
It will be so interesting to see how the due dates measure up!
Aww the frames and onesie sound lovely!
Aww thank you -I really enjoyed writing that post about the baby books, they've been one of my favourite things during the pregnancy hehe.
The tree for the baby is the loveliest idea ever!!!!
Sarah - I never even thought of getting Jon a present! lmao! I've been spending ages thinking about gifts for my sis and my nieces but haven't even thought of Jon - HOW bad!
I'll have to get my thinking cap on there!
I'm sorry the due date saga is still going on :/ I don't really understand how baby can "feel" like a certain number of weeks either?!!!
What are you going to do, do you think? What a nightmare :/
That is awful how they dont even treat for group b strep in NI! Jeeeeez :/
Brittany - We're going to do birth announcements for photos too, for pretty much everyone. But I think it'd be nice to do "Hello" gifts from the baby just to people like my sister, and my two nieces - its my sisters first nephew/niece as there's only the two of us so all future ones will be coming from me too lol - and its the first cousin for my nieces, so I want to mark the occasion really.
There's nobody else I'd do it for - Jon has one brother but they're not close and its not likely that he'll even come see the baby.
I'm not sure about the grandparents though - as its not their first grandchild so?!
But on the other hand, they've done a lot for us - I dont know, maybe I just should get a thank you gift from Jon & I?!
How are you after the fall?! Hope everything is ok!!!
Cute bump pic!! Do you feel like you've dropped?
Lauren - Aww so cute that you had a tree too, shame it had to be left :/
My mum bought a plant when my niece was born because it was called an Amelie Plant (which is her name) - my Dad accidentally ripped it out not realising what it was when he was gardening. My mum was DEVASTATED! :/
Lol - yeah I want to buy some kind of thank you gift for my Mum I think, but maybe from me rather than the baby.
Like I said to Brittany though, this is the first nephew/cousin for my sister and her kids so I kind of want to mark the occasion - I saw some cute "I'm the big cousin!" t shirts which I might get the girls, and maybe some kind of Best Aunty gift for my sister....a mug or something?!
That cold sore story is horrible

How awful!!!!
You are def right - if we spent too long thinking about all the different things that COULD happen we'd never go outside or sleep at night!
I know what you mean about due dates coming too soon - I feel a bit like I've wished the pregnancy away for so long waiting for the date to come, but now its almost here its like "errrrm....WAIT! I'm not ready!" lol.
Laura - Yay for the whooping cough jab! How is your arm after it?!
eeek, I keep almost flaking out when I'm out and about too - its scary!
I will go and have a nosey at your journal!
AFM - Everything is ok on this end. I swear though - I'm sitting here and I can FEEL the baby sort of burrowing down further...if that makes sense?!
I def think he's trying to find his way out!!!!
I'm sitting here with my legs crossed tight! lmao! As if thats going to stop it!
I'm booked in for a pregnancy massage tomorrow morning - can't wait! I feel SOOOO achey and I've been wanting one for so long, I hope its really lovely!

Shes doing a mothers day special so its only £20 for an hour long massage! Yippee!!!
OH & I had the day off together yesterday so we went shopping to look for a little Easter outfit for Bean - I settled on this one, as it fits the traditional Sailor theme that I wanted for Easter (my family have always done the traditional sailor/nautical theme for Easter!) but its also nice and soft and comfy as he'll only be 5 days old!!!
SO exciting buying things like this and knowing he'll be here to wear them soon!!!!!!
Idea - I was thinking, we should play a lil game and take guesses at what order we think we'll go in to have the babies - and maybe have weight/date guesses for the babies?
Be fun to see which of us is the most psychic lol!