First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Lauren, I wish I knew what a contraction really felt like. I've read tons of different things - it starts at the top and wraps all the way around, it's a dull ache at the bottom, etc. - but everyone seems to agree that you will know when you're having one. I hope that's true because I seriously question every random pain that I get now.

My LO always sits on my right side with her butt and pointy little heels under my ribcage and it makes that spot so, so sore. Someone suggested putting a bag of frozen veggies or something cold on your stomach to get baby to move but I haven't tried it myself.

Sarah, we decided on Sarah Lynn. I think Sarah is a timeless name, and DH loves that it means "princess." I picked Lynn because it's sort of similar to my name. :) I think you're right about the newborn thing. DH was saying that he's never even held a baby or changed a diaper but after a few days I'm sure it will feel like we've been doing those things forever.

So sorry that your SIL is making things difficult! I hate when people are wishy-washy with their plans and don't take things (like your newborn baby!!!) into consideration. Hopefully it all works out! She should get you the wipes as a consolation present at least. :lol:

Hayley, you have a beautiful baby bump! You don't look huge or gross or any of those things! And cute dress! I'm with you on the hormones. I've been weepy and emotional the last two nights and I keep looking to my husband for some kind of reassurance...he doesn't really know what to say because I can't tell even tell him what's wrong other than the fact that I'm just weepy and emotional...then I get annoyed...and it just sucks. I can't wait to feel like a normal human being again!!

AFM, it's 2am. Husband is snoring, dog's barking in her sleep, baby has hiccups, and I have the worst heartburn that even Tums can't save me from! And I somehow managed to get water in my ear so now I can't hear out of the right side. I've tried rubbing alcohol to dry out the excess water but no such luck. The pressure is driving me insane. :( I wish I still had some of those swimmer's ear drops from when I hung out at the pool a lot.

Has anyone noticed that their bump gets really hard, like a Braxton Hick, but stays that way for a while? My bump feels so tight a lot of the time - like one big, never-ending Braxton Hick. It's not painful at all but is definitely uncomfortable!
Hayley and Lindsey, my emotions are all over the place at the moment. Yesterday was my worst hormone hissy fit - Adam was playing with the dog on the floor and knocked over my glass of water, he got up and started cleaning it up with kitchen towel and I was taking the mik about how he doesn't wipe it up properly. He wipes then throws the few sheets away even though there were still dry bits on the kitchen towel (he could probably go through a whole roll for a glass of water!!) so I said he is throwing dry sheets away when he could use them more - he then goes and picks one up which had soaked up quite a bit as he put it in the glass (which still had a bit of water in) and hung it over me and said '' which part of this is dry '' he was messing around but I totally flipped, grabbed the wet, dripping bit of kitchen towel, threw it against a kitchen cupboard which splattered everywhere then burst in to tears!!! I laughed after as I knew I was crying over nothing but I just couldn't help it. Then today, I have had a lovely day with my mum, we picked up the pushchair and went for lunch ect. She dropped me off about 20 minutes ago and I have come back to an empty home and all I want to do is cry. I wish Adam was home with me but instead he is working in Newcastle which is about a 2 and a half hour drive away but because he is on nights and sharing a van with someone else he has to stay away all week. We are still looking at giving pup away, have someone who is interested and is willing to take her tomorrow but I am dreading it. 1. I don't want to physically hand her over and 2. I am finding is hard enough to have no one here, imagine how bad it will be without even her here to keep me company :cry:

I have also been told a few times, my mum even said it, is that you can get lonely even when LO is here. I am really not looking forward to being by myself :cry:

Sorry for the moan, all I feel like I do is moan!!! I find it hard to talk about certain things sometimes though.

Lindsey, sorry to hear you had a rough night. I didn't sleep particularly well last night either. I also have what you describe with the hard belly, I am never too sure whether it is BH or her back or something lol :shrug: I am glad you have settled on a name too :) I am still stuck on a middle this rate we won't be having one!!

Hayley, I like the dress. I want to treat myself to new clothes. I was in mothercare earlier and saw some really nice things but couldn't bring myself to buy any as I know I won't be in them for too much longer. I haven't thought about what to wear when I leave hospital.....I'd probably just stick a pair of jeans and a hoodie on lol. Once I am settled in at home and my body has sorted itself out, I will be treating myself to some new clothes. Its hard to know how I am going to look after so I don't really want to buy anything yet. I think you look really good in that dress too, I love maxi dresses. I am also expecting a show or my waters to break but you hear stories of babies being born in their waters and some women don't get a show until their waters do break.

Sarah, sorry to hear about the unwanted stress of your SIL. At least you know she has ordered them now though. And no we still haven't taken any photos!!! We had all of yesterday to do something but we didn't. Doesn't help that I am the least photogenic person you will ever meet haha, photos of me are awful sometimes so I avoid them wherever possible!! Next weekend I think we should definately go out and do something, like go on a walk ect and take the camera with us.

Well the hospital told me I would hear something by lunch time today if the GTT test brought anything up....and it is now just gone 15:00 and still haven't heard anything. So I am assuming it means all was clear :shrug: I wish they'd ring either way.

My mum told me a horrible story earlier about my brother's friend. Sorry if this upsets anyone though, don't read on if your overly emotional!!

His female friend (she will be about 14) was raped by her dad when she was really young and he was put away for it. But just before then her mum was heavily pregnant and he beat her up so badly that her baby drowned in its waters :cry: how horrible is that. How can someone do that to you??? It must have been horrible for her to go through and not have been able to do anything to stop it. God I have had a right teary day today, everything just feels so depressing!!
Lindsey to get my baby to move its feet etc when I don't like where they are being poked I give them a little run, and s/he pulls them back in! Dh thinks its mean, but if you are going to be poking me that hard, you should expect a little poke back! Sarah Lynn is a beautiful name. Now I know I am biased, but I think it's just lovely! Sorry to hear about your bad nights sleep - last night I woke at 3am and didn't get back to sleep until after 5am because of a crazy case of baby hiccups too. They were so strong!! The hiccups really freak me out. It's like when your eye twitches...there is nothing you can do to control it and you know it's coming...!

Lauren ohh I'm sorry to hear you are still most likely giving the dog away :( that will definitely make the house feel more empty when Adam is away, but you will get used to it. And I've also heard that being with the baby all day by yourselves can be lonely. Have you checked out the times/dates of any local baby groups near you? I definitely plan on getting to at least one of those each week, to get myself out of the house and also to hopefully make some new mummy friends. Glad you didn't hear about the gtt, I'd take that as all clear definitely, which is a weight off your mind I'm sure. Did I make this up or are you now having a scan to check her growth? And don't worry - emotional outbursts are all part of this joy of pregnancy lol!
What an awful story about what that guy did to his daughter and wife :cry: absolutely horrific.

Afm no more Mondays at work! I was so shocked today to get a present from a class - a bath/candle set and a voucher for a facial! I was gobsmacked! And when I was saying to one class I won't be in on Wednesday (midwife appointment) so today was our last class, a girl started to cry!! Which, in a totally perverse way, made me feel really good about myself :haha: So overall, a good day. Now I am so close to the end I am just floating along, still a few things to do but I'm not going to let myself get annoyed or stressed by anything as there is just no point.

I have my midwife appointment on Wednesday, and have to go in guns blazing to get this due date moved back to 29th march after the last hospital doctors incompetence. So that's my main focus this week.

Oh, I also packed (more or less) my hospital bag on Saturday. So if I go into labour I'm pretty much ready to go. Now just to wait...........

Thought you lot might like this, I think it's so cool! Makes me feel like I should have taken at least a few bump pics....!
Sarah - Oh dear...I just cried my eyes out watching that video lol. So cute!!!!!

Have you not taken any bump pics at all?

Aww thank you for your nice words :hugs: I feel hideous :/ Just meh!

Glad you're getting the wipes!!! :D

Aww that was so sweet of your class and of that girl who cried! awwwwww!

Oooh I hope you do kick arse about the dates being moved, so ridiculous! I really hope they do something about it!

Linzy - Frozen veggies is a good idea! I'd never thought of that.

Aww thank you. I'm glad I'm not the only hormonal mess! I feel sorry for all of our partners/hubbies lol. I know what you mean - I just want normality back!!

Oh no, how is your ear now? I hope you got some sleep!

I've noticed the hardness thing with the bump. Like you said, not painful just feels tight!!

Lauren - Oh no, sorry to hear about your hormonal outburst. Thats what mine tend to go like - a massive outburst and then I end up laughing coz I know I'm being ridiculous!!!

Aww it must be so hard with the dog situation :/ Couldnt you ask the woman to wait until Adam is home before she takes him, just so that when the dog goes you're not on your own right away?

I know what you mean about the clothes - I'm not buying anything else from the maternity range now, those dresses were from the normal range but just a size bigger than I'd usually wear - so I should still be able to wear them for a while (especially as they're loose fitting anyway!).

I would usually just wear something like leggings and a top to come home in (i don't ever wear jeans or joggers, I don't own any!) but I'm thinking it will be really uncomfortable to have any elastic anywhere near the the scar! So maxi dresses were the only thing I could think of that would cover me up but hang loose and not irritate the incision!! lol.

I'm glad you didn't get any bad news about the GTT, I agree though - whats the problem with just giving an answer either way?!
So what is the next step with regards to babies size/bump size then?

AFM - We went on the hospital tour today. Was a bit of a pain really! I don't know whos idea it was to book 20 people onto a hospital tour (and cram them all into teeny weeny rooms!), half of whom are HEAVILY pregnant, and make them walk around a really hot hospital for an HOUR with nowhere to sit and no stopping - but they need to rethink it!!!
I almost flaked out halfway round!!!

It was a bit pointless for me as we were only shown the midwife led unit, the delivery suite, and one of the wards that you might end up on if you have a natural birth - they spent a large amount of the time really selling the birthing pool.

I personally found it hard not to laugh - the birthing pool room had the pool, a mattress on the floor with all zany pillows on it, and a sodding disco ball above it spinning around!!! I'm sorry if any of you like the idea of it - no offense but it just cracked me up! If I end up in natural labour, I think the very last thing in the world that would be on my list of things I want to be around me would be a disco ball!!!! :haha:
I just kept having visions of midwives coming in with 70s flares and afro wigs on, doing Saturday Night Fever dance moves while I'm laying on a paper thin mattress on the floor pushing a baby out....

Anyway! I didn't get to see whereabouts the theatre is or where the maternity ward that I will be on is - all I found out is that the maternity ward has either 3, 5 or 6 beds on it - thats it! Oh...and fathers definitely can't stay with you overnight if you have a c section, they only have a few rooms allocated for that and they are all on the natural labour ward. Boo.
I really liked that video - BUT it made me cry. lol. I am such an emotional wreck at the moment!!

Adam will be handing pup over on Saturday, everytime I think about it I cry though. I almost feel like I am a failure or a nasty person or something. She is MY dog and I am having to give her away :cry: I watched a video yesterday (I'll post link in a minute) about a little pug that couldn't run, the video itself made me giggle as someone is singing a funny song but at the end it says something like 'I love you and you love me...or I am happy because my family love me' something like that. I burst in to tears though because we are pups family and I am giving her to someone else like she means nothing :cry: I have hardly spoke to Adam today because of it. Last night I text my friend to tell her I couldn't do it (she will be going to her auntie) but when I told Adam this morning he moaned at me and said he is going to have to put his foot down because it is twice now I have told someone they can have her then gone back on it. I know the best thing to do is give her to a new home just because it can be difficult now and I know it will just be a nightmare once LO is here. For example, for her to go to the toilet I physically have to take her on a walk because she won't go on the grass outside, imagine having to do that everyday with a baby? I don't think its a bad thing to go out everyday but once Adam's two weeks is over he could be working away again and when pup knows she is going out she gets all excited, if you sit back down again she will just moan and moan and moan which gets rather annoying. But if LO is here and all of a sudden I am about to take her out and she needs her nappy changing or she isn't happy about getting dressed and is screaming?? So it is the sensible thing to do. I am just finding it really hard.

I think I will look at baby and toddler groups, I will need something to keep me occupied. My friend whose baby is 5 weeks will be on mat leave for a while so I can see her I guess but we live quite far apart so it won't happen too often.

I am really sorry about going on and on. I bet your sick of listening to me moan lol. I am sick of moaning!!

Hayley, sorry the tour wasn't how you thought it would be. Shame they had such a big group, would be so much nicer if it was just a few of you. That way you could have asked questions ect. Think I would have walked out haha. And OMG a disco ball!!! I wouldn't be happy if they turned a disco ball on while I was in labour haha. I have seen the mood lights before, which I think would annoy me too. I have only seen a photo of the pool room at my hospital. I thought about maybe looking but I personally don't think I'd care once I go in to labour. My friend who I saw today said she was too excited/nervous to worry about what room she was in ect and just went where ever the midwives took her. I guess it is different though if you have a specific date planned.

Sarah, I think its really sweet that a little girl started crying. I bet its nice to know your pupils care about you :) the presents are sweet too.

I went in to work today to interview the lady who was poorly last week and decided to offer her the job. Sooooo now I don't need to go back in to work until I have to train her and thats if LO doesn't come before. I don't mind going in after she is here but I am refusing if they expect me to do that straight away. They will have to wait a couple of weeks. I can't see her starting before anyway, she needs to give a couple of weeks notice in her current temp role, we need references and she needs her CRB check doing - all that within 5 weeks. I doubt very much so.

Well after a day of mostly crying I think I am going to jump in the bath for an hour with my magazine then chill out and watch tv. I am planning on going out tomorrow morning to get my mum a mother's day gift - not sure what to buy though. Is anyone else buying their mum something?

The video I was talking about
Lauren, I'm so sorry about your puppy. I would feel the same way in your shoes. :hugs:

I think about the loneliness, too. I've been home most of my pregnancy while my husband has worked and there are days I've definitely been bored out of my mind. Having a baby will be fun and time-consuming, but I know it won't replace the need for "adult" conversation. I'm going to continue being a SAHM so I really want to find a mom-and-baby group or something so I can make new friends...or I will probably go insane after a while. :lol:

Did you ever hear back on your GTT? When I failed, the office called me back the very next morning so hopefully this means you passed! I'm still waiting on my Group B Strep test results (I had it done a week ago). No news is good news, I guess.

Sarah, I seriously felt the baby's hiccups in my butt the other day and it was soo annoying! I should be grateful she's head-down but still!

That was so sweet of your class! And yay for no more Mondays! You should feel good about sounds like your kids love you and will really miss you!

Haley, my ear is getting better. It popped once on its own and I can hear a little better now so hopefully it keeps doing that!

That birthing room does not sound relaxing at all. A disco ball?? Haha, I can only imagine how long your tour took - we only had four preggo's (plus their spouses) on our tour and still had to stop at every bathroom.

I love your blog, by the way. Have you/do you review any Tarte products? I just discovered their tinted moisturizer foundation (I used to wear BareMinerals - I still do, on top of the Tarte, if I need more coverage) but I know nothing of their other products (mascara, eye shadows, liners, lip stick, etc.) and was wondering what your opinion was?

AFM, yesterday was so nice and hubby was in the backyard doing yard work so I decided to throw on my bikini and get some sun. I'm lying there in the lawn chair and when I look down all I see is a beach-ball stomach, tennis ball-ankles and hairy white legs. Sexy!!! I can only imagine what the next-door neighbors thought if they looked down from their upstairs window. Oh well, baby got some Vitamin D and I got a little bit of color!

The clothes thing...with less than 3 weeks to go, I finally got a decent maternity catalogue in the mail. Destination Maternity, I think? Soo many cute things that I could have worn if I had gotten it like, two months ago? :lol: I'm done buying clothes for a while. Hopefully, by summer (my birthday is in June) I will be in better shape and can treat myself to a birthday shopping spree.

I think I had my first contraction last night!! I woke up at three feeling like I had an anaconda wrapped around my stomach. It was painful and I had to remember to breathe! The pain didn't go away when I tossed and turned. Then it just faded away. About 20 minutes later, I got another one. I actually got up and walked around the living room until it went away. I was freaking nervous and excited at the same time! Then...they went away. I stayed awake for an hour or so waiting for more but nada! Just got some more period-like cramps and then even those stopped. I guess my body is just getting ready for the real deal!!

37 week bump:


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Hayley, I'm definitely doing more waddling. I've been noticing pain in between my legs along my bikini line. I thought I might have over stretched considering I've done a lot of slipping and sliding the last few times I've had to go out thanks to all the snow we've had lately but now I'm thinking it might be due to the baby's position. Though I haven't been told anything about him being engaged at all so I don't know. At least we're almost done and hopefully will be back to our normal selves soon.

As for your family turning up on Easter Sunday, could you maybe ask them to not show up unless you call and invite them since you won't have any idea how you'll be feeling? With the exception of MIL, everyone I spoke to regarding what DH and I want with visitors have been very supportive and understanding.

Love the picture, I think you look great. I'm also very jealous that you're able to wear dresses. It's way too cold to even consider dresses here so I'll probably be entertaining guests in yoga pants since I imagine jeans will be too uncomfortable.

Sarah, I don't think I'll have any idea when I'm in labor. I actually imagine I'll call DH home at least once to take me to the hospital and it'll be a false alarm. :haha:

Sorry about the situation with your SIL. I would be really irritated about the whole thing as well since you asked her not to book the flight. Can she not cancel and get refunded? If it makes you feel any better, my BIL finally proposed to my SIL (I consider her my SIL even though they're not marred) after 8 years of dating and I guess they're planning to go to Vegas to get married in June. Yesterday our other BIL asked DH if we were going to be going to Vegas for the wedding. It's like WTH, we'll have a 2-3 month old baby, no way are we going to be flying all the way out to Vegas. I mean I don't expect people to plan stuff around me having a newborn but at the same time they shouldn't expect me to inconvenience myself to please them. I swear some people just do not think at all.

Lindsey, I notice my bump being really hard but I'm certain it's due to Aiden and not due to a BH (I don't think I've even had a BH yet). He has a habit of sticking his body parts so far out that my stomach actually looks deformed/lopsided at times.

Lauren, Could you call your doctor to ask about the GTT? Mine called even though it was negative but being told one way or another made it easier to not worry about it.

AFM, I got a call from my doctor today about my group b strep test and it is positive so I guess I'm one of the 25% of healthy adult women who carry it. So I will have to be treated with iv antibiotics to prevent it from being passed to Aiden during delivery. Though I know the chances of Aiden becoming ill is 1 in 4000 with the antibiotics I can't help but be a little nervous about being a carrier for something that could make him sick.

I also started working on my freezer meals. Today I made turkey chili, minestrone, Alfredo sauce, and spaghetti meat sauce. I'm just waiting on those to cool and then I'll be ready to divide them up and put them in the freezer. Tomorrow I plan to make my vegetable beef soup and broccoli cheese soup and then I'll have all the freezer meals I plan to make done.

My hospital bag is almost packed too. I'm still waiting on the nightgown and robe I ordered but everything else is packed so once those arrive I'll be able to cross that off my to-do list, so glad that list is getting smaller.
Brittany whoa, thank gosh you were tested for strep b! I think we mentioned it isn't routine here but I among to ask my midwife tomorrow if I can get it done as, like you, it makes me very nervous. But knowing you have it means that Aiden will have everything he needs to make sure he doesn't get sick during delivery, so try not to worry (I think telling a pregnant woman not to worry is like telling someone not to breathe! Impossible!) Well done on the cooking front, I'm very impressed! We also started our stash today.....because someone sent us 6 pots of stew for the freezer for when LO arrives :haha: which is awesome, as it means less for me to cook. I'm worried ill eat it before then though as its so tasty!

Lindsey it's like you live on another planet talking about sunbathing in March! I had to de-ice my car this morning! But I'm right there with you with the pale hairy legs etc! Sadly, mine are always pale...
I can't believe you had contractions! That's so exciting, it makes it all seem so real (and scary!) how sore was it? (Which is a stupid question as everyone's version of sore is different!) If I were you I'd have been at the hospital demanding they get LO out! And your bump is beautiful, it looks so tiny compared to mine!

Lauren :hugs: I'm so sorry about your dog, I can't imagine how that feels, and I know that saying you are doing what's best for her is little consolation. I'm not surprised you've changed your mind either, it's a huge decision, but one of the dogs we have we took from a man who couldn't keep her anymore as their baby had special needs and they didn't have time for her, and she settled in with us so well and is really happy now. So I'm sure your pup will settle into her new home and have a great life, without you having to worry about whether she is getting everything she needs from you. Such a tough decision, and I think you're so brave for making it. Do you have family nearby who you'll see on a regular basis once LO is here? For example, I plan to make sure I visit my grandmother one day each week. I've not been able to see her much over the last few years as I work so far away and even though she is only 20 mins from me, with work I don't have much time to get to see her. So when LO comes I plan on spending a lot more time with her, and I know she'll love seeing LO too. And one day a week my dad looks after my nephew, so I plan on spending that day with them. Not hugely exciting things, but as we mentioned, stuff to get us out and about and seeing other people.

Hayley sorry your hospital tour was so crap, but I did laugh a lot at the disco ball! As if! No offence to any ladies here who may want one but....why on earth would you want or need a disco ball?! Imagine not only the nurses with Afros, but LO appearing out with one too! Reminds me of an episode of one born every minute I watched and the room was very similar to what you describe. It had coloured, flashing lights, and the man couldn't figure out how to work it so he was pressing all the buttons and it was like a disco :haha:
And that sucks about oh not being able to stay :(
I took one bump pic about 10 weeks, but we don't have a full length mirror in our house, so it's hard to do, and when i asked dh to take one he looked at me like I had two heads! So that was the end of that!

Afm more tears on the way home today! Honestly I will be a mess on Friday! And another present from kids today! A really cute little sleepsuit, matching vest, hat and bib! Again, I was gobsmacked! The vest has little paw prints all over it, to which dh asked "How did they know to get something to match in with what all the other clothes will look like?" Because our dogs and cat aren't the best at keeping their mucky paws off...well anything!
Midwife tomorrow. I'm really interested to see if she mentions the birth. Not one single medical professional has actually mentioned the fact that in 3 1/2 weeks I will be expected to give birth! Not a whisper of it yet, which I just find so weird. I know I could have gone to the two birth classes, but my SIL said they weren't worth it, and tbh I did expect I would get some info or a chat through about it all before now! So I'm looking forward to that to see what happens. I also have to sort this due date fiasco out, and Brittany has just convinced me I need to ask about a group strep b test. I know when my SIL asked they did give her one, so I should as well. But for some reason I go with all these ideas of what to say/ask and then she is just so bright and bubbly I never get round to it, or feel bad asking stuff that might out her out :dohh: how can someone so useless be preparing to become a mother?!
I'm glad you're planning to be tested for group b strep, Sarah. The odds of your baby becoming ill go down remarkably if you know ahead of time and can be treated during labor which does make me feel a bit better about being a carrier. I think I read 1 in 200 become ill without treatment and then 1 in 4000 become ill with treatment so according to that knowing makes quite a difference. Of course, I believe those stats are for here in the US so not sure how different they would be where y'all are where group b strep is not routinely tested for.

As for the food I had a horrible time staying out of it. I don't know how many spoonfuls I had to "taste test" because it was all so yummy. I think making the broccoli cheese soup tomorrow is going to be awful since that is one of my favorites. Not sure I'll be able to get it to the freezer without stealing a bowl full. :haha:

I'm also right there with you with no one even mentioning the birth. It surprised me that my ob hasn't even asked about my birth plan or even attempted to explain different options and such to me.

Lastly, my hospital bag is officially all packed and is now sitting by the front door. :happydance:
Lauren - Aww I'm sorry your feeling so low. I don't feel like I can say much thats useful as I've never had pets so I can't really relate or offer any words of wisdom. But it sounds as though you're doing the right thing by the dog in the long run - it sounds like it has to be done, and its better to do it now while you have a nice person ready to take her rather than leave it later and that may person may not be interested, and the dog may end up with someone not as nice?!

I think baby groups are a great idea, there are always lots of different ones around in different areas - theres Mum & Me groups, breast feeding groups, Baby yoga, Baby massage groups, Musical Minnies/Rhyme time groups etc - My sister used to go to LOADS of them just to mingle with other new mums and make friends, I think its a great thing to do.
I'm definitely going to do it myself!

Also, Netmums has forums for meeting other local mums - I plan on trying that when I move back to Devon, to try and meet other new mums in the area.

Yeah it was stupid having such big groups on the tour! The woman said it was only supposed to be 7 people but she "always overbooked it"...erm, well stop it?! Its annoying!!!

Lol yeah I cannot see the point of the disco ball! How annoying?! And what a weird first impression of the world for a baby?! lol

I was hoping to see the ward I'd be on after the surgery, as I just like knowing what to expect before I do anything- i'm really OCD about things and the thought of knowing where I'll be and what it looks like would relax me loads! But sadly...I still have no idea! lol. I know where everybody else having babies will be, but not me! lol.

As for Mothers Day - I'm giving mine a canvas print of me, my sister and my nieces (blog freebie!) and a photobook of our family (another blog freebie!), and I'll get her some bubble baths so that I've actually paid for something! But I think the freebie gifts still count, as I could have used them for myself but I used them for her!

Linzy - Glad your ear is getting better! Lol, yeah the tour was very frustrating and a total waste of time!

Aww thanks for saying you like my blog :) I LOVE doing it! We don't have Tarte products in the UK yet, but they have been featured on a few peoples blogs lately and they always seem to be popular - I know that their Lip Luster is always reviewed well by bloggers and supposed to be very good! :)

Your sunbathing day sounds lovely!!! I'm jealous of your warm weather! hehe. My sister was pregnant throughout the summer and I remember she was always laying out in the garden in a bikini with a towel over her bump lol.
I think I need to plan my next pregnancy to avoid christmas and happen over the summer instead lol.

Oooh wow, the contractions - exciting!!! Maybe things are slowly starting to happen?! I wonder if you'll be first!!! :happydance:

Brittany - Aww thanks! Its too cold to wear dresses here too if I'm honest lol. (We had ONE day of sunshine today!) but the saying here is that March "Comes in like a lion, goes out like a lamb" - meaning its usually quite nice weather wise at the end of march! So hopefully by the time I'm wearing those dresses the weather will be kinder - plus I'll be wearing the cardigan with them, and I'm always hotter than most people anyway coz of my thyroid condition lol.

With the family thing, We're still with my parents (until about 6 weeks after baby is born) so we can't really ask for family not to come as its not our house.
I don't think I'll mind too much - I would rather people see the baby while he's really little, and then leave me alone afterwards lol.
Once we go back to Devon we won't be seeing my extended family again probably for months, so I don't mind them coming to see baby while he's here.

Eeeek about the group B strep! To be honest, I had no idea what it was - i just looked it up now and read up on it a little. Its something that they just don't mention to us in the UK at all - I guess because they don't test for it.
I'm not surprised your nervous - thats just one more thing you could do without :/
When will you start the antibiotics?

Go you with the freezer meals! I wish we could all come and eat at your house once the babies are born lol. It sounds delicious, especially the brocolli cheese soup!

Sarah - Isn't it odd that we don't get the group b strep test here?!!!
I just googled it and found a website that provide home test kits for free - you just have to send it off and pay £35 to the lab for the testing. The website was:

Lol! Imagine the baby coming out with an afro, doing his little Saturday Night Fever moves :haha:
I saw that ep of OBEM - had me in hysterics! That poor woman laying there with the baby practically hanging out of her while her husband just kept messing around with the lights! lol.
Aww you should get DH to take a bump pic of you now before its too late. I'm repeatedly told by people on my blog that pregnancy is easily forgotten once the baby is born and apparently we will want to remember all these parts of it that we currently hate - like being walking whale women :haha:

Aww thats so cute of the kids to get the baby an outfit! What age groups do you teach?

How bizzare that nobody has mentioned the birth to you yet!!! I hope you get the due date sorted. They need to pull their fingers out and get it sorted!

AFM - I had a nice relaxed day today, which was a welcome not much to report on.
My only problem today was spending an hour on the phone to the Maternity Allowance people as they seem to have short changed me with the amount they're allowing me per week - so I have to send in yet more wage slips and wait even longer for it all to be sorted. Grrr!

A few things I am wondering about though:

Group B Strep - I literally have only read it about today. Am I right in thinking that its something thats passed from the rectal and vaginal areas?
Coz I was thinking about having the test but I don't know if you're still at risk if you're having a c section as the baby doesn't go near that end of things?!

Gifts for other people - is anybody else thinking of buying gifts "from the baby" to anybody? I'm thinking of getting something for the baby to give to his two cousins (my nieces are 5 and 2, and will be visiting from Devon for the birth) as a kind of "Hello" present?!
And I was wondering wether or not I should get gifts for my mum and dad as new grandparents?! I have no idea wether thats something that people do or not?! Or do you buy cards or something?!
Brittany, I'm sorry about your test results. :( It sounds pretty common and luckily, with the antibiotics you mentioned, shouldn't affect your baby. I haven't heard back from the doctor's office yet but I have an appointment on Thursday so I'm wondering if they will tell me then.

I haven't even started my freezer meals. I really need to get on that - I'll feel so much better once they're done! I've stocked up on things like paper towels, paper plates, toilet paper, trash bags, toiletries, etc., so (hopefully) we won't have to make a bunch of trips to the first few weeks but have been slacking on the food. Your meals sound delicious! Broccoli and cheese soup is one of my all-time favorites.

My bag is pretty much finished, too. I bought a third nursing bra tonight (one of them is a stretchy nighttime one) and packed a second change of clothes just in case. I did charge the Nook and buy a magazine so hopefully between those things and my iPhone (oh, and labor :lol:) I will stay entertained.

Sarah, the pain wasn't unbearable (this time...) but it got my attention right away. It started on the sides, up by my ribs, and came down the middle. My first reaction was, "Is this what I think it is??" I wish I had more experience so I could know for sure that it was a contraction but honestly, I hadn't felt anything else like it before. Now I just wonder when it will happen again??

It sounds like you have a really sweet class! I would be sad to leave them, too!! :)

My doctor hasn't mentioned the actual birth, either. I told her once that I'd like to go without the epidural but she just said "OK" and that's it. Let us know if yours says anything!

Hayley, living in the desert has its perks! The weather has been really nice lately. Today was windy and overcast but I'm hoping to lay out a few more times before baby comes, if even just for 15-20 mins. I feel a little more like myself after that!

I have no idea who will be first! Your section is only 2 days after my due date, I think! We're all so close now that any one of us could go early or'll be interesting to see how the estimated and actual due dates compare!!

I had to look through my preggo books but it says that group B strep can still be passed to the baby even if it doesn't pass through the birth canal. As for the gifts, my baby shower was a few weeks ago and I got my mom, my sister, and Seth's mom gifts for helping with that. "I Love Grandma" picture frames and tabletop photo albums, and I got my sister a onesie to keep over at their house that says "My Favorite Aunt." If I hadn't had a baby shower, I would have still liked to give them something like that.

By the way, I loved your blog post on the baby books. I read it the other night as I was up suffering from insomnia and it inspired me to finish my own. They're so fun!

AFM, just working on cleaning house (it never ends) and doing last-last-last minute shopping. Seth took me out for Chinese and we ended up at the store buying a baby monitor. I also bought a diaper caddy for downstairs. My husband has a green thumb so he bought a tree "for the baby" and planted it in the backyard today. It's a peach has really pretty pink blossoms. That's about it for now!!
Hayley I think buying people gifts from the baby would be a really lovely idea, but I don't think it's something that people would expect- for the, the baby and getting cuddles will probably be enough present! I have heard of a few ladies getting daddies a present from the baby, usually just a tshirt or mug or similar saying worlds best dad etc. someone on another thread got the dad a tshirt saying "I make adorable babies" and the baby a matching babygro that said "the adorable baby" so they could match! I thought that was really cute!
I think you might be right about how group strep b is passed along, which would mean that having a c section doesn't put you at risk. But certainly something you could ask at your next appointment.
I teach 11-16 year olds, and so far it's all the little ones who have given gifts. Some of the older ones are pretty horrible :haha: so I wouldn't even expect them to say bye or thanks to me!!

Brittany maybe you and I are lucky and don't have to do the birth bit?! We'll just drop off to sleep and wake up with baby there! Congrats on finishing the hospital bag. I need to get a few more bits for mine, but nothing that I couldn't live without (I think!) and I agree with Hayley, we can all come round to yours for some of the frozen dinners when LOs are here!! They do sound great!

Lindsey that is so sweet about dh buying the baby a tree. What a beautiful idea! And what is it with cleaning and tidying? Once you've finished you have to just star all over again! Imagine what the house will look like when LO is here and in those first few weeks there is just no time, and stuff everywhere :shock:
Just back from the mw. And the never ending saga of my due date continues. I explained to her what happened at the hospital (I should have been 33+5 and all measurements confirmed this, but they pushed me back two weeks) she said they never should have pushed me back, and that I should keep the 29th march as my date :thumbup: so I was happy.
Then, she did her wee feel about, and said the baby "felt like" 34 weeks. Firstly...what the hell does that mean? How can a baby feel like its 34 weeks?! I assume it's based on size, but they all grow differently or they'd all come out the same weight! Anyway, she said that's not a problem as they allow you two weeks either way and since I am currently 36+5 that 'feeling like' 34 was fine. Then they measured my fundal height....31cm. Anyway, so they plotted me on the chart and I've managed to go from 90th centile three weeks ago to 10th centile now. And she wrote down I felt like 34 weeks, but said I am still 36+5. Oh and baby is head down but not at all engaged which disappointed me. I thought after all my bouncing I'd be somewhat engaged!

So then I asked her about my induction worry (that if they use the new due date and let me go 14 days over that I would actually be a month overdue!) and she said not to worry, they won't let that happen, and she'll give me a sweep at 40 weeks.

But I just feel like I still haven't gotten any real answers, my due date is still - in the eyes of the hospital - 12 days late, and I am constantly disappointed after these appointments that I can't just get a straight answer about when my baby is due :( I suppose, having written the above, that its kind of good news in that my mw sees my date as still end of march, but I just want it written in my notes and therefore confirmed.

Also, I asked about group b strep, and she said not only do they not test in NI, they also don't treat for it anymore, so even if I do a private test and it is positive, they wouldn't treat me during labour!!! I can't believe it! She said they are more concerned with urine analysis and since mine is fine(although a little protein today) they aren't worried. :shrug:
Hayley, I'll get the antibiotics in the hospital. I think ideally they want to have me on IV antibiotics (penicillin to be specific unless you're allergic then there are alternatives) for about 4 hours before I deliver.

As for your group b strep questions, the bacteria is NOT passed back and forth from the rectal and vaginal areas. Those are just where the bacteria can be found if you're a carrier (along with the intestines). From my understanding, the group b strep bacteria is something that 25% of women naturally carry rather then being something that you would "catch" somewhere like an STD. Testing positive also doesn't mean the bacteria is always present either as I've read it can come and go which is why they test so late in pregnancy rather then right in the beginning.

I did read that antibiotics aren't necessary with a planned C section as long as labor hasn't begun and the amniotic sac is intact. However, because you could go naturally before the planned C section it's still recommended that you get tested.

As for gifts for people from the baby, DH and I will be sending out custom birth announcements with a photo of him but that's it. I don't intend to purchase any other gifts. I feel like if I did something for a few people then other people would expect something too and then the list of people I have to get something for would just become ridiculously long and I don't need that stress.

Lindsey, the nurse on the phone said testing positive for group b is pretty common and routine so it's not something I need to be concerned about but I feel like it's impossible not to be a little worried since even though the odds are pretty low, Aiden could still get sick. I kind of think I just need to stop reading about what happens to the babies that get GBS since that just makes me worry more.

Love the idea of planting a tree for your LO. I wish DH and I weren't renting so we could do something similar.

Sarah, I'm so sorry about the trouble getting answers about your due date. Doctors can be so frustrating sometimes.

I'm also sorry about the situation with the group b strep test. I don't understand how they could consider it a test that's not necessary. From what I've read those that develop an infection can develop life-threatening complications. I remember Alex even saying she's seen babies die from it which makes it even more scary to me. I guess all you can do is make yourself aware of what the symptoms of GBS are so you can be extra observant of your newborn? I think I read early onset GBS symptoms can show up within 24 hours of delivery.

AFM, I fell/slid on my butt halfway down the stairs today. I'm pretty sure everything is fine since I didn't fall on my stomach or anything and Aiden is still moving about like normal. My arm, on the other hand, feels terrible. I'm thinking I'm just going to try to have a relaxing day in bed with the tv instead of working on my to-do list.

Attached my 36 week bump photo. Excuse the pjs, I took it first thing this morning.


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Brittany, love the bump!! I hope your arm is feeling OK, I know how scary it is to fall even when baby seems fine afterwards, and I was still sore after my bump last week for a few days. I think the extra weight we have going on adds to the pain.
I actually know a girl (well, my SIL knows her) whose baby died from complications after the mother was undiagnosed with group b strep, which makes me VERY nervous. The baby was stillborn, so no chance to do anything at all :cry: As you said, I'll make myself knowledgable about what to look for just in case.
Hello everyone :)

You guys have been busy memory is awful tody so I am sorry if I miss things.

Lindsey, that is so sweet about the tree. My grandad planted a small tree the day I was born and my mum dug it up when me moved so it has travelled with us - until the most recent move :( at the time my mum had been through a lot so I don't blame her for leaving it as it wasn't important. But it was a lovely little tree, everyone called it the Lauren tree :) so I love the idea of planting one.

Hayley, I'm not planning on giving anyone gifts. Well if I am honest I haven't even thought about it. I know lots of people give presents to their other children from baby but thats it. My mum has been good with me so I might think about getting her something? ooooo a 'grandma' gift haha, she will LOVE that (don't think she wants to be called grandma as it makes her feel old lol). But I am sure I will find something pretty for her :flower:

As for the b-strep thing, the NHS look at overall numbers. So I assume problems with poorly babies due to it is very low therefore don't see it as being important enough to test everyone. You know what they are like, they cut things all the time due to money. It is different in America with everything being private. Did you know they have stopped TB jabs now? They made a huge fuss about it for years yet they just stopped it one day and now kids don't need them due to the risk of catching it not being high enough.
I can't imagine it to be nice knowing a baby that has died due to it but unfortunately a small number of babies do die due to all sorts of things. It was on tv the other day about a baby who died a couple of weeks after being discharged from hospital (was born early) due to a virus he picked up from a cold sore from his dad :( I thought it was absolutely awful. Imagine how his dad felt about it, all he did was kiss him. He didn't realise it could cause problems :( but shows how immature their immune systems are and there is nothing anyone can really do. It scares me thinking about it but I guess you just have to stick a positive head on. If we worried about everything we wouldn't leave our houses!!!

Does anyone else feel as though our due dates are coming too soon??? I keep thinking, in a few weeks time LO will be here. It doesn't feel like two minutes ago she was a size of a bean on my ticker and now she is nearly fully cooked!!! She is nice and quiet inside of me too :haha: When I met my friend yesterday she was telling me how she can't just pop out anymore, others have said that to me as well. And I was talking to my mum earlier about how weird it will be knowing that I will have someone with me everyday, all day for pretty much the rest of my life. Since I was 16 I have always spent a lot of time by myself which I like (to an extent) and in a few weeks that is going to change completely. My mum said it is scary when you think about it like that but you do adapt to it and it just becomes the norm. She said she couldn't imagine what it would be like not having a baby or toddler to look after - she had me then Charlotte 4 years later, Jack 5 years later, Ellie 2 years after him, Freya 7 years after her then Reuben 3 years after her. So she has always had someone to look after once one is old enough to look after themselves. Hope she doesn't choose to have anymore, she can share mine hehe.

Sarah, can't believe you still haven't had any straight answers about your due date. Must be really fustrating. Hopefully everything will work out in the end though.

I know I have said I won't be making frozen meals but something I do sometimes and you might be interested in it is part cooking potatoes and freezing them. For Sunday dinners ect? I don't know if you guys have the same problem but when we go shopping (unless we can be bothered to take a trip to the green grocers) it is cheaper to buy a whole bag of potatoes rather than a few individual ones. So I peel them all, cut up and pop in a pan to part cook them. Throw them in a freezer bag and when you want to use them just stick them in the oven for 20 minutes/half an hour. It is a great way of not wasting food and its much quicker than peeling them all on the day - oh and its cheaper than buying frozen ones. Same with yorkshire puddings, if you are one to make your own you can put the mix in those little foil cases (not sure what they are called - those things cherry bakewells come in haha) and freeze them. Takes about 20 minutes to cook from frozen.

As for me today, I am in a much better mood than I have been over the last couple of days. I haven't cried!!! yet anyway, I am about to watch OBEM and I always cry at that lol. Had my nails done and spent the day around my mums. Tomorrow I will catch up on washing and general house work then have a lazy day. Oh and my bumbo arrived this morning, its so sweet. I didn't get to pick the colour but they have sent a turqouise one which I am happy with :)

Sorry about the HUGE essay :blush:
Lauren I'm so glad you are having a better day today :mrgreen: sounds like you've had a lovely day, especially with the bumbo arriving. My SIL has a turquoise one which we'll steal! They are super cute, I love them!

I heard about the baby who died because of the dad with the cold sore. It has terrified me. You just don't know what on earth is going to happen, the most innocuous thing can turn out very badly :( and I cannot imagine how that poor man feels.

And yep, I cannot believe that really these babies could start arriving anytime!! Another thread I'm on, where all the due dates are in April, two women are pretty much certain to have their babies in the next few days because they have gone into early labour. That has totally freaked me out!
But knowing my luck I'll still be pregnant in 6 weeks time and begging my baby to get out!!!

Gosh my LOs knees are like razors! They poke right into my belly button and its so sore!!
Mine moves funny on my bladder sometimes which can really hurt. I hate it. It won't just happen once either, she will do it about three times. Then if it's not my bladder it's an organ in my rib cage lol.

I have always had a feeling LO will come early, it's a similar feeling to what I had before I knew the sex. But at the back of my mind I worry I'll end up going right over and end up being induced!! I hate not knowing when it will happen. Even if you have a planned date you can still go in to labour before. Imagine if it happened while you were out? My stepmum went in to labour at work with her first, waters broke there and everything haha. I'd be quite embarrassed!! Adam told me to make sure it happens at a weekend... If only we had a say on what day of the week it happened lol

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