Lauren, glad you have discovered the cause of your pain. Hopefully next time you start having cramping it'll be because of labor rather then another cause.
Sarah, glad you and Simon managed to get the car seat in. I haven't quite figured out how to get mine in and out of the car yet but I figure I'll have time to mess around with it later when I'm not still ill and the weather is better. At least DH has it figured out.
Nicola and Lindsey, I can't believe how quickly your babies are growing! It really does feel like you just had them. Hope motherhood is treating you both well!
Brooke, congratulations on the birth of your baby GIRL!! I've been very anxious for all you team yellow ladies to have your babies so we'll finally know what color your bumps are.
AFM, I woke up today feeling very paranoid about Aiden arriving early. I think now that I have the induction date I started to get it in my head that he was going to come on that day and that there is no possibility of him coming before that.

Needless to say, I freaked out a bit and spent the entire day cleaning, bathing the animals, etc.
DH actually has the weekend off so hoping to get the rest of the stuff on my list finished so that I can feel 100% relaxed even if Aiden comes before induction day rather then feeling freaked out about the possibility.
I did wake up with a lot of cramping and back pain but it seems to be subsiding now so I'm going to try and get back to sleep. Hope everyone is doing well!