First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

I can't stand that. About the dogs and the whole "your life is over" thing. My mom liked to say stuff like that all the time while I was pregnant. I wanted to ask her, "So is that what you felt like when I was born?" Obviously, I've only had my baby less than two weeks and we're still getting used to each other right now but Seth and I talk all the time about the things we can't wait to do as a family. I'm excited for all the doors parenthood will open. I don't know why people are such downers...

Seth's step-mom always asks what we're doing with "that dog" (she's a pittie). Like we're supposed to get rid of her now or something. It's annoying. I think Chrissy's done great considering all the new changes, and she still gets plenty of attention. I think people are just ignorant.

Sarah, I forgot to mention that luckily, she does settle for Seth. He stays up later than I do so he's been taking her from 8-midnight (with the exception of feeding her). However, he usually falls asleep the first time she does and then I wake up when she fusses, so I usually don't get the whole 4 hours. He makes up for it during the day, though.

I wonder how Hayley and Laura are doing!! As for me, success at last. Thank you Fisher-Price Rock n' Play.
Aww glad she has finally settled to sleep :)

Well my ranting evening has now turned in to an emotional evening. I just keep crying... About everything. I feel like I need to throw something, scream then have a full on cry. I wish these hormones would just sort themselves out because I'm sick of it :growlmad:
Maybe a good cry will make you feel better. I know it doesn't seem like it but this is all just temporary. :hugs: :hugs:
I am so glad I have found you girls on here. This thread really gave me some good laughs this evening when I was reading about everyone elses rants. I keep telling DH things people do that irritate me but since people aren't trying to give him advice/making comments to him like they do to me he doesn't really get how annoying it is.

Lauren, sending :hugs: your way!! Take some time to have a good cry, like Lindsey said, maybe it will make you feel better to just get it out.

AFM, I had my OB appointment tonight. I have made no progress with the dilation/effacement even though I've been drinking my third trimester tea (basically RLT) like crazy.

I can't dwell on that too much though because I will be getting induced Wednesday (April 3rd) evening so this baby will be here sometime April 4th!!! Unless of course he has other plans and decides to come before then but I'm hoping he'll wait so that I have some more time to get over this infection.

I'm feeling all kinds of emotions at the moment now that I know when he'll be arriving. I'm mostly excited but at the same time I kind of feel like what I did when I got my BFP. Even though this is what DH and I wanted it's kind of like OMG, I'm going to be someones mom!! What if I'm not ready for this? What did DH and I do!

Anyways, been thinking of Hayley and Laura both today. Really looking forward to hearing some updates.
Morning girls, woke up at stupid o'clock after a stupidly low amount of sleep in agony again. It's my lower back again, this time it feels so much more painful to a point where I feel like crying (again) and I've had to take pain relief for. It seems to spread to my left hip around a little around the front and I'm not sure if I need to go to the toilet or be sick or something. It's horrible though :( the pain eases off for a couple of minutes sometimes but I don't know whether that's just how I've positioned myself or not.

If its another day like Saturday I will be majorly pissed as there is no way I'll be leaving the house which means I'll be cancelling Claire again... But if it turns out to be nothing like last time I'm going to feel really bad for letting her down again.

Oh and I think LO has moved, normally I can feel her back but now I can't. The front, middle of my stomach is hard so she could be there but that's where my placenta is I think and is normally hard. So she might be hiding.

OMG this pain is horrible :(
Well it's been a couple of hours since I last posted and the pain has died down. It makes me wonder if it's something to do with sciatica...I might have to speak to my gp. But at least I can go back to sleep for a bit anyway. Sooo tired :sleep:
Lauren, glad your pain eased off eventually, is it possible that LO has moved and is sitting on/next to something that is causing the pain? And maybe she has shifted off slightly again to allow it to ease off? Definitely get some sleep, and see how you feel after that. Sorry to hear about last nights emotional unrest as well, I hope you allowed yourself to have a good cry :hugs: and maybe a cup against the wall ;)

Britanny :dance: in a week Aiden will be coming!! That is wonderful news! Definitely a bit scary as its so soon, but hopefully you will be well over your illness by then, and ready for him to come. And yep, you're going to be someone's mum! And a great one at that :thumbup:

Lindsey: :dance: for Sarah sleeping in her rock n play! I hope that lasted a while, and allowed you to have some down time. That's lovely that Seth takes her in the evening, even if you don't get the full four hours sleep I'm sure the rest and a bit of you time is much appreciated. I might have to mention this to Simon!!
And we are the same, all the things we plan to do as a three are way more exciting to us than the stuff we currently do. And we plan to include our dogs in that as well!

Afm, got a great nights sleep last night now that I'm back in my own bed. So I feel loads better today than I did yesterday. Today I have plenty of cleaning to do now we are back, and have my final mw appointment at 12. I'm hoping she will offer a sweep, but I'm nervous that it will hurt :/

Eagerly anticipating news of babies having arrived from Hayley and Laura!!
I'm really not sure what is going off with my body and LO. Last night I couldnt sleep again though, put enigma's album on you tube and ended up falling asleep with it on. That was about 1:30ish but then I was woken up by Adam coming in and struggled to get to sleep again after then. Roll on when bean decides to actually enter the world!!

Brittany, how exciting about the induction date :) mine isn't until the 11th... Well that usnt the actual induction date (i dont think) but has something to with the induction. But it feels ages away. I hope she comes before then.

Sarah, if she does a sweep don't worry about it :) most people say it can be a little uncomfortable but hopefully it shouldn't be painful. I am seeing my gp the day after my due date rather than the mw, i really hope he isn't planning on doing anything as I'd refuse. I'm very funny about anyone going near my lady flower... Especially a man >.<

I keep checking everything for updates on Laura and Hayley. This wait is killing me lol!! I looked at Hayley's fb page and her cousin posted last night around 11 saying congratulations on the birth...eek. So maybe the surgery was pushed back much further than thought.
Just a little update on Laura91 if you go on her journal Eva was born this morning at 6.54 am :happydance:

I'm starting to get jealous of all these ladies who have had their babies! Hayley has also had her baby I saw on fb but hasn't posted anything official yet.

Sorry to hear some of you are suffering with pregnancy gripes and pains. The rants really make me smile though and keep me going. Glad I'm not the only uber hormonal woman around!

Hope the ladies with LO's are ok and coping ok. It sounds like you're all doing a fab job.

As for me - due date (yesterday) passed uneventfully, as I thought it would. So officially overdue. Getting quite a lot of pressure and on/off cramps but nothing as of yet. Midwife said LO is more engaged (3/5) so not fully yet but on it's way down, hopefully having a sweep on Saturday to get things moving along. Trying to keep active with lots of long walks and swimming. I don't feel too bad at all physically.

Mentally though I am not doing too well (the main reason I have been unable to face coming on here). I am suffering quite a lot with bad anxiety and negative thoughts. I am gutted as really thought I had overcome these with my antenatal classes and by reading a little about hypnobirthing but ineventably it seems my brain has other ideas and has decided to rear its ugly head. Fortunately OH is very understanding. I am trying to keep busy with seeing friends (who have all been fab and listen to my ramblings) and getting out the house a lot as it's when I am alone and not busy that the dark irrational thoughts overcome me. I know they aren't helpful and constructive and will only make my labour and birth a more traumatic time but still I find it very difficult to control them. I suppose after 27 years of thinking this way it is a difficult pattern to change. I am reading some books on facing childbirth without fear and also overcoming anxiety but it might be a little late! I am just going to try and face things the best I can.

Hope we all get to meet our babies soon, sorry again that I do not take part on here as much as I would have liked, I hope you understand that this forum can be very difficult to read (not this thread) when I am feeling this way and I find it more a hindrance than a help in many ways as I end up searching terrible things and panicking myself more. This is no way a bad thing towards you lovely ladies as I find this thread very uplifting and positive but have to limit coming on these forums in general as I end up being drawn towards the negative threads! x x
Alex :hugs: sending lots of love your way. I've also had some pretty dark times during the last year an a half, and I think that it's great that you are trying to keep active and see people to try and keep yourself feeling more positive and hopefully not have as much time to dwell on the thoughts :hugs:
I'm hopin your lo comes along soon and hopefully your anxieties will be able to be pushed to the back of your mind. But that's so much easier for someone to say than to do.
Have you spoken to your GP or mw about how you are feeling?

No sweep for me today. My mw was stuck in the snow so it was a relief mw- she didn't offer and I didn't ask as I have seen her once before and didn't like her. She really rushed me in and out both times. She actually said to me today "why are you here! Why are you having weekly appointments? I see no need for them"
Erm...because the other mw told me to come and I didn't question it?
Good news is that lo is finally engaged!! Only 4/5 but at least they are in there!

I've been having some more period pains/cramps than usual today so hopefully it won't be too long...but I won't bank on anything!

Congratulations Laura on the arrival of Eva!!!! Can't wait to hear all about it!

And congratulations Hayley!! Again I can't wait to hear all the news!!!

So exciting!
Lauren, I'm so sorry you're dealing with so much pain. Maybe it's due to the way your baby is positioned? I would definitely talk to your GP because I know when DH and I took our childbirth education class, there are a lot of different stretches and massage techniques that can be done to re-position the baby.

Sarah, glad you're back at home and able to be in your own bed again. That's always my favorite thing about returning back home after a vacation or something.

Sorry you had to meet with a MW that you didn't like instead of your regular MW. Good news about being engaged though! At least you know something is starting to happen.

Alex, thanks for the update on Laura!

I also understand you avoiding the forums. There are definitely a lot of things that I have read on here that have gotten me worried at different points during the pregnancy.

Laura, Congratulations on the birth of Eva!! I'm really looking forward to your birth story!!

Hayley, Congratulations on the birth of your LO! Really looking forward to hearing all about him and reading your birth story.

AFM, Finally starting to feel a little bit better. I was actually able to sleep for several hours without being woken up due to sinus pressure/not being able to breathe. I was actually surprised that I felt like I was going to pee my pants because I had slept so long without a bathroom break. Trying to move with a bump is not an easy task so I'm glad I managed to make it to the bathroom on time instead of peeing my pants like I thought I was going to. :haha: Going to try to take it easy the next few days and hopefully by this weekend this infection is mostly gone.

Would like to get the house all cleaned this weekend, last minute shopping done, etc. Tuesday I have another appointment with my OB. They're doing an NST and I'm having an ultrasound done so they can check the fluid and make sure everything is okay with Aiden before the induction Wednesday evening.

The plan is to have my mom come out sometime Wednesday morning/early afternoon to help me get last minute things done around the house before DH and I head to the hospital/take care of my furbabies so I don't have to try to make boarding arrangements for them. I know two of my animals would be very stressed if I took them out of their home to board them so I don't want to do that considering how overwhelming I'm sure it's going to be for them when I bring LO home. Then my mom will be staying with me until the 13th.

I'm really hoping she doesn't annoy me and DH while she is here. I've been finding people even more annoying now that Aiden is just about here and my mom is no exception to that. She has already been acting like I'm helpless so the last thing I want is for her to try to take over with Aiden as if I'm incapable of caring for my child.
Brittany so so glad to hear you are feeling better and got some sleep. Your body must know that now you have your induction date it has to stop messing about and get you better! Don't overdo it this weekend though, you don't want to end up feeling awful again.

I've heard a few people say they were worried about mum/mil coming to stay after the birth (luckily mine only lives 4 miles away. I'd murder her if she tried to stay! And dh's family have said they'll stay with my parents when they come so we have some space) BUT the good news is that everyone who has been worried has actually found it great having that help,mso hopefully your mom will be the same.
I'm really trying to think positive about my mom coming out. Especially since the last time we talked she was asking about walking trails near my home so she could take my dog out for walks while she is here which I think would be great since I doubt I'll be in any condition to be walking all over the place with her when she is excited (walks make her excited).

Really hoping that once LO is here my mom doesn't become so focused on him that she forgets about helping out with the other household stuff like I've asked. I think that's what I'm most worried about since majority of our conversations revolve around the baby despite any attempts I make to talk about anything else.
Alex its lovely to hear from you, I'm really sorry to hear about what you've been going through and completely understand why you decide to stay clear of the Internet, it can be the worst thing to do as you always pick out the things you don't want to read. Glad you are trying to keep yourself busy though. It's hard to fully understand what you are going through as I've never had to deal with it myself but I am more than happy to listen if you ever need to talk.

I can't wait to hear from Laura now, I wonder if she managed to have the birth she had planned. Hope Hayley is doing well too!!

Brittany I am also glad to hear you had a decent nights sleep, sounds like your on the mend :) but like Sarah said, don't over do yourself as you need to give your body time to sort itself out.

Sarah, that midwife sounds lovely.... Not. Fancy asking you why you were there?? We don't make these appointments ourselves do we!

Well the backache has calmed down although I am still very achy. I went to see my friend which was nice, although I am sure all I did was moan lol. But on the way back I needed a wee and I was getting really crampy to a point where I thought I was going to have to pull over because I was struggling to drive. My bladder must have been causing some sort of irritation because since I've been home and to the toilet it has stopped. My belly aches a little but at least the pain is manageable. If it continues through the night/in to tomorrow I might have to call my doctor and go and see them.

People keep telling me 'this might be it' but it's really starting to annoy me. It's not. I had the same thing a few days ago.... So I don't want to go thinking this is anything to just feel crappy again once it all stops. I'll believe I'm in labour once my waters break or I am in so much pain I can't walk or talk! But until then I'll just believe its my body being awkward!!
Glad the backache has calmed down some. :hugs:

Also, it's funny that you mention how people telling you "this might be it" is annoying you. I was just telling DH that I can't stand when people tell me "not much longer now". I think people say those things to keep our hopes up/make us feel better but it's like they don't realize it has the opposite effect. Every time someone would say "not much longer now" it's like how the eff do you know that, do you have a magic ball that can tell you when he's coming? Telling me not much longer doesn't make me feel better about all the aches and pains, etc.
It does really annoy me. I mention stuff sometimes hoping to get some advice on how to deal with it.... But I get the complete opposit. My mum keeps telling me to go to the doctors but I don't want to yet, said I'd ring them tomorrow if it continues
Every time someone would say "not much longer now" it's like how the eff do you know that, do you have a magic ball that can tell you when he's coming? .

I second this! So annoying!

Simon was actually complaining today that people at work keep asking him "any news?" And he wants to say "oh yeah she's in labour right now but I thought I'd just come on to work anyway" so he is getting very frustrated with that.

Lauren, maybe a uti if you are having pain from your bladder? I've heard they can cause really bad back ache as well, so might be worth making a dr appointment to get checked out just in case. Also good to know you had a nice time with your friend in the end :thumbup:

Oh my gosh - one of my close friends is getting married next week, and her sister put photos of her hen do on Facebook. Needless to say I detagged....HORRIFIC doesn't even begin to cover it! I look enormous!!!

Brittany, you could maybe suggest to your mum that when you are feeding Aiden she uses that time to take the dog out or do some chores. Since she can't help with feeding him anyway that will give her something to do in the mean time, and will allow you and Aiden to have some quality alone time, without you feeling like she is always there. And since I'm expecting to pretty much have my LO attached to my boob nonstop for the first few weeks, it should give your mum plenty of time to help out!
Congrats Hayley and Laura.

I wish I had something to make you ladies feel better. I know I've got my LO and I can't understand how it must be for you ladies who are overdue and still waiting. I hope it starts soon for you all.

Alex- I spent the whole of my pregnancy in fear of labour. I went to something called daisy birthing that is a little like the books. It just made me feel a little more confident. Even now she's born I spend time worrying about whether she is still breathing and check in her at least once per hour. Sending you lots of love.

It sounds like lots of you are struggling in the later stages, these LOs keep you all on your toes, even when they're not here.

I thought about a UTI but I have no other symptoms of one and I drink plenty of water, a good litre or two a day and regularly go to the toilet so it's not like I keep it in. Nothing has ever shown in my urine either but I guess it won't hurt to have it tested again.

Laura has posted photos on Facebook!! :O such a little sweetie.

I am so incredibly tired, I'm planning on going to bed around 8. Just pray I get more than a couple of hours sleep!!
Ahh I rushed over to look at photos of Eva- oh she is just so gorgeous! She looks teeny as well! I refuse to believe she was 7lbs 15!

Hmmm..just your body being a total dick to you then if not a UTI :growlmad:

Nic, I am 100% sure the worrying is a million times worse once LO arrives! I'm not surprised you check on her so often, I'm going to be a paranoid wreck! I hope Charlotte is doing well, and feeding/sleeping well, and her mummy is looking after herself!

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