First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Things have slowed down :( the contractions can be really painful but they are so irregular. The longest I've gone is 25 minutes and the shortest is 7. My last one was 15. It's rather annoying. So just a case of sitting and waiting until things progress further. I can see this being a long day lol
Oh that's not good :( but at least you know she is somewhat on the way. Go for a big walk.

If only you had a birthing ball to bounce on! Make Adam go get one ASAP!
Haha funny you should say that.... He is just about to leave to get me one :) picking up a McDonald's on the way back!! Longest gap I've had is 31 minutes now, hopefully the ball will help. I keep walking around but feel so tired all I actually want to do is lie down and go to sleep
Agree get bouncing on that ball!

Mine did that as well. Up and down all day so I went for a long walk and it really helped keep them coming and get them regular.

Excited for you x
Soo exciting Lauren!! Looking forward to your little girl arriving. It will be cool to see if she looks anything like she does in your ultrasound picture. :)

I must admit I'm very jealous of you ladies having your babies. I kind of thought things were happening for me last night when I woke up with terrible cramping but then nothing happened. I get paranoid about Aiden arriving before my induction date because I feel like I'm not ready yet but then at the same time I so badly want to meet him and hold him.

My OB has also made it sound like the majority of first time moms go over and you ladies with your LO's have gone early while I'm now overdue so I kind of feel like I'm not normal or something. :(

Sarah, thanks for the update on cherrybump. I was just thinking about the other ladies that don't post in here frequently last night. I wonder if anyone else has had their LOs?

Also, I can't remember who all mentioned having the bad cramps in your calf muscle at night so this may not be relevant to anyone still pg but I wanted to tell y'all that when I went and got my nails done, the woman was telling me if you stand up right away when you get one the pain instantly goes away. A couple of nights ago I ended up with one of the bad leg cramps so I tried standing up right away and was very pleased to find out that woman was right about standing up instantly making the pain stop. She also mentioned sprite for heartburn but I'm not having too much luck on anything providing relief in that department.
Brittany that's good to know about the leg cramps as I sometimes get them at night :thumbup:

And I know what you mean - supposedly you and I are normal for going overdue (even just one day!) but it seems like everyone else is going early, and I'm more than a little jealous that I didn't as well.

I don't know if everyone saw, but Hayley posted some pics of Tyne on Facebook :cloud9: he is so tiny and gorgeous, and she looks amazing!

I hope everything is going well for Lauren! I can't wait to hear her news!

Also, I noticed that Tyne is the only baby boy that's been born on this thread. Everyone else had had a little girl. I wonder if mine will be a girl and keep the majority, or if I'll go boy to try and claw it back for the boys!
I decided to have a look around the boards to see if I could find out any info about the other ladies in the group having their babies already and I ended up finding a post from Lisa (magic93) and she is being induced today!! Hope everything goes well for her and that she will stop by and share her birth story once her LO arrives.

I PMed some of the other ladies who have been on BNB recently but just haven't posted in here too so hopefully we'll hear some updates from them soon.

Sarah, after reading Lisa's post about having to be induced at 41+1, I'm starting to think you're having a boy like her and I. So far it seems like only the ladies expecting girls have arrived early/on time while those expecting boys have gone over.

I did see some pictures of Tyne, not sure if Hayley posted more. Will have to have a look. Everyone's babies are so adorable!! I'm loving all the pictures.
Hi girls! :flower:

OOooooh how exciting Lauren!!! I can't wait to hear your news!!!!! Hope everything is going nice and smoothly for you!

This is the first chance I've had to get back online - Daddy is currently feeding Tyne!

Jon has been at work all week but his week off starts now so I'm looking forward to getting a routine going :)

Tyne is just adorable, we're so in love! He sleeps all day but hates sleeping of a night lol - I've already found myself doing so many things that I swore I would never do as a parent! Its harder than I ever thought to look at his little face and resist him lol.

But I'm loving it all so far, even though sleep is a thing of the past! (Up until today, I had only had seven hours sleep since Monday night...all snatched in little half hour bits here and there!)

I am hoping to get around to posting my birth story on here soon, but for now I'm happy just to be able to get on for five minutes and read all of your news! :)

Have to go for emergency section as she is breech but had also gone to the toilet.... Going up in a minute, so upset :(
:hugs: Lauren I'm sorry to hear that, but she'll be here in no time and the emcs is just a means to an end. And I'm sure she will be just fine despite having meconium in there. You will do just great, and be out with her before you know it.

Hayley: I loved your fb pics of Tyne! He's sooooo gorgeous I could take a little nibble of him :haha: I'm so glad all is settling well, and don't worry about the things you said you'd never do...nobody knows about those :winkwink:

Brittany: interesting theory about my LO being a boy! It fits in exactly with what's happening here that's for sure! And thanks for the the info on Lisa. Hopefully we'll hear some info from the other ladies you contacted as well.
How are you feeling?
Hayley, I'm sorry you're getting so little sleep. Hopefully it won't be too long before you get a routine going and can manage to get more then 30 minutes at a time, I imagine that's really difficult. I'm also really looking forward to your birth story as well when you have some time.

Lauren, :hugs: :hugs: I'm sorry you have to have an emergency section but like Sarah said, I'm sure once she gets here you won't even care that she arrived via emcs. Really looking forward to seeing pictures!!

Sarah, I'm starting to feel better. The upper respiratory infection isn't gone but it's at least manageable so I'm not stressing about feeling miserable and being in labor at the same time. I keep getting a lot of AF like cramping along with low back pain. Even though I feel like I'm having a terrible period, I find myself getting excited thinking it might be something happening but it has yet to progress to anything or last more than a couple hours at a time. :(

I do think Aiden has moved farther down though since turning over in bed, getting out of bed/a chair has become even more painful then it was before. I was telling DH this stuff and how I was hoping it might be the start of something and his response was we can't go to the hospital until he has gotten the steaks in a marinade. :haha: He plans to make me a nice, juicy steak the day we come home from the hospital for dinner which I have to admit, I'm very excited about and makes me a little more impatient for Aiden to arrive. :haha:

I do find myself getting more frustrated about being overdue thanks to family though. I was telling my mom about how I think LO has moved down more and she started saying maybe I won't make it to Wednesday, then DH's aunt was telling me she predicts I'll have him April 1st. I hate these comments because I feel like they get my hopes up.

I want them to be right but then I'm kind of hoping Aiden won't come tomorrow since that's Easter and I would hate for him to have to share his birthday with a holiday (my birthday is the Dec 21st and it always got overshadowed by Christmas) or his birthday to be April 1st (aka April Fools Day, not sure if that's just a US thing).

I'm kind of on an emotional roller coaster with this waiting, especially now that I have the induction scheduled.

Anyways, excuse all my rambling. How are you doing? I hope 40+1 is treating you better than it is me. :)
Hi girls,

Will read through posts tomorrow when I get a chance but just wanted to let you know, little Beau Harper Goodson was born shortly after midnight via c-section at a whopping 8lb2 lol she still looks small though :)

An emergency popped up as I was waiting in theatre so was sitting in there for ages. When surgeon examined me I was pretty much fully dialated!!! But they said safest way is surgery, could have attempted vaginal birth with feet first but they had the final say. I think the safest option was chosen.

She also latched on straight away. Now I'm going to try and sleep, she is asleep in the cot next to me at the moment and I can't help but stare at her :)
So happy for you, Lauren!! I'm sure little Beau is stunning. Really looking forward to pictures. :)
Hey Everybody its been a while, but this was finally it, I gave birth to my son!
So here is my birth experience from start to finish. I was expecting I would go into the hospital and they would give me the gel and send me home for a few hours or whatever.. Anyways I was very wrong about that. I had an induction scheduled yesterday at 9:30 a.m. I got to the hospital at 9:55 a.m. went to admitting n got sent up to the maternity ward from there. They hooked me up on the monitor and everything looked good. Around 10:30 a.m. the doctor checked my cervix, and I was already 3cm dilated 90% effaced without knowing a thing. My doctor broke my water right then and I was admitted to the ward straight away. From when she broke my water I felt so weird, it would not stop coming out which I know is normal but I jus cant describe how it felt, it kinda felt like I was non stop peeing myself for an hour! They had me walk around the maternity ward for 45mins tryin to get things goin. I still had not felt any contractions at all. At about 11:45 they put me on an iv, and at 12 noon they started me ob pitocin. After about 45 mins I was starting to feel the contractions. When they first started they werent too bad jus felt reaaally tight in my stomach! In the next hour my contractions started coming on really strong and fast. I was getting them every 2 to 3 minutes and they were lasting a minute to a minute and a half each one. At around 2 p.m. the doctor came in and check me again and said I was about 5 to 6 cm now. Although I did not plan on getting an epidural, at this point I decided to get one because I was progressing so fast and I couldnt relax. At around 2:20 the anasthethioligist came and gave me the epidural, it was soo hard to stay still during this because my contractions were so bad n I couldnt stop shaking. Once it started to kick in a bit I finally got the breathe and relax. But not for long! Half an hour after getting an epidural I felt so much pressure and pain I couldnt believe it at 3:15p.m. my doctor came in and checked me and I was fully dilated it was time to push!! A rush of emotions came over me and I started crying, my baby was about to be born. The nurse came in and at about 3:20 p.m. I started pushing. It took me a few pushes to start pushing properly and 2 real pushes later my baby was out! I dont know if its because of how fast I progressed or what but even with the epidural I still felt him comming out. Which I am kind of happy about since I wanted to experience childbirth with no medication at least I got to feel him be born. I did hurt alot when I was pushing his shoulders and head out but as soon as the baby is out and you hear that baby cry for the first time the pain goes away!
My baby boy is perfect I am soo in love with him!
Quinsy Lorenzo Bobb was born Saturday, March 30 2013, at 3:47p.m. weighing 7lb6oz and measuring 19.5 inches.
I had a small tear and needed to get 3 stitches which isnt too bad, it jus hurts when I go pee or whenever I sit down at first. But its all worth it for my son, I cant wait to do it all again!!
Lauren congratulations on Beau's arrival! I know it's not quite what you expected, or what you may have wanted, but so glad that she is here safely and I'm sure you are too. Can't wait to hear more and see some pictures of your gorgeous girl. And 8lb2 isn't too whopping I don't think!

Lisa, huge congratulations on Quinsy's arrival as well! It all went so quickly, I'm sure you am hardly believe it!

Brittany, so glad you are feeling (somewhat!) better, I think that'll definitely make these next few days easier. Just think, maximum three days now! Don't listen to any of your family and just concentrate on Wednesday. If something happens before then, that's great! But if not then you won't be too disappointed. I'm doing that (for the 10th) and just thinking that that is the longest I have to go, and will probably make it easily.

April fools is a thing here too, and Simon and I have already planned to give both our mothers a heart attack by phoning and telling them the baby arrived in the house really quickly. They will be so excited they will believe it all :haha: and then we will get beaten no doubt by both of them :haha:
My LO has moved further down too because I'm getting a lot more pressure as well. I'm actually having fewer af type cramps than I was during the week, so I don't think much is going to happen at all. Other than that I feel enormously fat!!

Ahh, all the babies are almost here!! So wonderful that everyone so far has arrived nice and safely and is doing well. Great work mommas!
Congrats Lauren and Lisa.

I spent the whole night staring into her cot as well Lauren- got absolutely no sleep! 8lb 2oz is round about average really. Charlotte was 6lb 4 at 37+5 so can only imagine what she would have been at full term.

Glad you're ok though. Hopefully you'll be home soon xx
Lauren - CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I'm sorry it didn't go the way you wanted but the main thing is that she is here safely and you're safe too! :)

I can vouch for c section recovery! I went to Asda last night and did a big shop - 4 days post surgery!! I feel absolutely fine, as if nothing has happened! Its actually impossible to believe that I'm not pregnant anymore since the whole thing has been so smooth! My biggest complaint pain wise is wind and the lochia is a pain in the arse - but other than that, its fine!! (And I think the wind is more gallstone related as I've been eating convenience food and not healthy stuff!)

I cannot wait to see piccies! And I know what you mean - I was in hospital recovering for 2 nights and I spent the whole time just staring at Tyne in his cot and cuddling him! :)
The time in hopsital is really magical, once you get home its not the same as you have to share them with Daddy! lol.

Sarah - aww thank you!! I know I'm biased but I do think he's just adorable lol. Even when he cries of a night, he's impossible not to just coo over - no matter how shattered I am! lol.

I hope you girls are doing well in the last few days of your pregnancies, it will all be over and done with before you know it!!! :) How exciting!!!

Brittany - does Easter not change every year in the US? Here it changes dates every year - sometimes its in March like this year, sometimes its not until much later in April!
Tyne will have his birthday on Easter Sunday when he's two - even though this year he was born 5 days before Easter lol.

We got more sleep last night! He woke every 2 hours for feeds, which is much more manageable than every half an hour lol. I've found a great lullaby app on my iphone too, it automatically plays when he starts to cry and he loves it! :)
Congrats on baby beau hun!!
& thank you yes im still in shock how fast everything happened!

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