Hayley, I'm sorry you're getting so little sleep. Hopefully it won't be too long before you get a routine going and can manage to get more then 30 minutes at a time, I imagine that's really difficult. I'm also really looking forward to your birth story as well when you have some time.

I'm sorry you have to have an emergency section but like Sarah said, I'm sure once she gets here you won't even care that she arrived via emcs. Really looking forward to seeing pictures!!
Sarah, I'm starting to feel better. The upper respiratory infection isn't gone but it's at least manageable so I'm not stressing about feeling miserable and being in labor at the same time. I keep getting a lot of AF like cramping along with low back pain. Even though I feel like I'm having a terrible period, I find myself getting excited thinking it might be something happening but it has yet to progress to anything or last more than a couple hours at a time.
I do think Aiden has moved farther down though since turning over in bed, getting out of bed/a chair has become even more painful then it was before. I was telling DH this stuff and how I was hoping it might be the start of something and his response was we can't go to the hospital until he has gotten the steaks in a marinade.

He plans to make me a nice, juicy steak the day we come home from the hospital for dinner which I have to admit, I'm very excited about and makes me a little more impatient for Aiden to arrive.
I do find myself getting more frustrated about being overdue thanks to family though. I was telling my mom about how I think LO has moved down more and she started saying maybe I won't make it to Wednesday, then DH's aunt was telling me she predicts I'll have him April 1st. I hate these comments because I feel like they get my hopes up.
I want them to be right but then I'm kind of hoping Aiden won't come tomorrow since that's Easter and I would hate for him to have to share his birthday with a holiday (my birthday is the Dec 21st and it always got overshadowed by Christmas) or his birthday to be April 1st (aka April Fools Day, not sure if that's just a US thing).
I'm kind of on an emotional roller coaster with this waiting, especially now that I have the induction scheduled.
Anyways, excuse all my rambling. How are you doing? I hope 40+1 is treating you better than it is me.