First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Hayley sorry to hear you're in so much pain :( is there anything you can take to relieve the trapped wind? It must be so frustrating not to be able to pck Tyne up. Hope you feel better soon.

Brittany: so glad your appointment went well yesterday- sounds like aiden is ready for his big entrance in the next 24hrs!! I am thinking about you and hoping all goes well.

Afm: still pregnant :haha:
I had a sweep today. My dr said that she has never had a sweep fail her. But then when she 'got in' there it turns out my cervix is totally closed, firm and very high. She said that in that case most drs wouldn't go ahead with the sweep BUT since she has small fingers she would do her best. I stayed really relaxed so she was able to open the cervix and perform a sweep, but I'm confidant I will be her first failed sweep!
Sooo my induction was then booked for next Tuesday :) procedure sounds exactly like yours Brittany, except I have to go in in the morning. I imagine it will take a looong time so lo will probably arrive sometime next Wednesday!
Sarah, when would you know whether or not the sweep worked? I thought I read that usually labor happens 24-48 hours after a sweep but I could be way off on that. They don't do sweeps here so I'm rather clueless on the subject.
Hello everyone :)

How exciting about you bunch having your inductions, hope your LOs come quickly!!

Hayley, I was going to ask you how your dealing with post surgery. Did you have stitches or staples? I have staples. I am in so much pain its horrible, I can't get up without help!! I can manage the sofa by myself - most of the time. I really have to use my arms to help me though. OMG getting out of bed is the worst, I was in so much pain this morning when I got up for a wee I actually struggled to breath. Adam has to help me get up and move around. I have loads of pain killers but they only tend to take the edge off. Also, Hayley do you have to inject yourself with a blood thinner?

Overall we are doing ok, Adam has been seeing to Beau at night as its just too much for me to get up and down. Last night she woke every 3 hours, we had to wake her around midnight for a feed though. She is great in the day time though, sleeps all the time. We have to wake her up for her feeds, she will move her mouth ect but doesn't actually wake up. Adam is worrying that she isn't feeding as much as she should. I breast fed for the first day and a half before going to formula because I was just so tired, she wasn't getting enough so was waking all the time....I felt awful doing it. I still feel bad now, especially when she is sick after a bottle. I feel like I am feeding her something horrible and get upset when she is. I got the pump out earlier to have a go to see if anything came out - and it does!! Its still that yellow colour, not sure whether it will change to white? But I think I will try and express when I can and give it her as well as use formula but need to wait a day or two as I have been taking tablets which are unsafe for bf.

I have had a couple of mini emotional breakdowns, biggest was my first night home. I blame the lack of sleep and think being back at home got me thinking about what just happened. I got in to bed and put my hands on my belly....then just couldn't stop crying, I was in pain, just had surgery and I miss having her in my belly. Its the strangest feeling, its almost like you have lost something. I can't leave Beau alone though, I hate not being able to see her and want to touch her all the time.

Well duty calls so I will be back on later :)
Oh Sarah so exciting to know your induction date! And you never know, the sweep may just work! Even if not though, next Wednesday at the latest you'll be holding your new baby! I'm SO excited to find out what colour your lil bundle is!
You too Alex! :D

Brittany, I hope everything goes well - so looking forward to your news!

Lauren - I have dissolvable stitches. Did they say why they had to use staples on you?! Ouch! When do they have to take them out?

The pain you're describing is what I have now - for the first week I was absolutely fine, I was walking around the shops like normal, dressed with full make up on, absolutely fine.
But now - I can't get up unaided, I'm walking all crouched over like an old lady and I'm crying with pain! Its awful.

My stay in hospital was fine but I do think the policy in this country on hospital care post c-section is CRAP - you've just had major surgery and you're basically left to get on with caring for your baby all by yourself coz the Dad isnt allowed to stay, you're on a ward with other people snoring and their babies crying etc and alarms going off all night - so for the time you're in hospital there is NO sleep!!!
You would never be expected to handle all of that after any other kind of operation, you're supposed to rest and recuperate!

And yes, I did have to have the blood thinning injections at home - Jon did them for me. I finished mine last night, I had a one week course of them.

What pain meds did they give you? I had diclofenac suppositaries and oral morphine in the hospital, and at home its been oral disclofenic, paracetomol and ibuprofen. And iron tablets coz I had a massive blood loss in the hospital :/
Brittany, yep the dr said if the induction is going to work it will be24-48 hrs, so I guess by Friday morning I'll know whether its done the trick. I don't feel a single thing though so I'm not hopeful! Counting down to Tuesday now!

Lauren :hugs: sounds like you are in an awful lot of pain, which isn't helpful when you are a new mummy. I really hope you start to feel better ASAP, and I'm so thankful Adam is ale to help out at night to give you a break.
Don't beat yourself up about giving Beau formula, at the end of the day you need to do what's best for the whole family, and getting those first few feeds is amazing for her! Definitely keep pumping (and dumping while your on the unsafe drugs) to keep your supply up, and you will hopefully be able to move back to some form of breastmilk in the next few days.
I'm sure that despite all the pain, and emotions, that she is 100% worth it, and I know you are doing an amazing job.

Hayley, that is pretty fricking shocking about how you are treated after the c section. I never thought about it before, but after major surgery being left with a newborn is a shocking way to treat people who need time and space to heal and recover.
So sorry to hear you are suffering as well. Have you mentioned it to your health visitor at all?? Just make sure you are resting and letting Jon and your family do as much as possible so you can concentrate on taking care of yourself and Tyne.

I'm pretty sure I'm having a boy now - 8lb 8oz was the estimated size today which seems huge to me! Especially since there is a week to go, AND since one of the measurements put baby at 8lb 14oz :shock: I am so going to win the prize for most giant baby!!!!!!
Hayley, that's crazy that your partners can't stay with you in the hospital. I didn't have surgery and I still don't know how I would have coped without my husband to help me. I hope you feel better soon so you can get back to holding and snuggling your baby!

Lauren, I'm sorry to hear you're in so much pain and not sleeping well. :hugs: The first night home from the hospital was the hardest for me. Sarah screamed for hours and I just sobbed and sobbed until we both finally fell asleep. I'm just now starting to feel like myself again but I still have my moments. Things are getting a little easier every day, though.

It sounds like you're getting colostrum when you pump. My milk didn't come in until I was 3 days postpartum. I read it can take up to a week.

I feel awful when my baby gets sick after eating, too. She takes forever to burp and sometimes doesn't burp at all, but then acts fussy or spits up afterwards. She also grunts and strains a lot while pooping. It makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong to allow her to gulp so much air. :(

Brittany, I'm so excited for you!! I'll be anxiously awaiting your birth announcement and can't wait to see pictures of little Aiden! You'll do great. :)

And yes, I have noticed that Sarah follows a similar pattern as she did in utero. She was always super active and now that she's born, she is the wiggliest wiggle worm I have ever seen. She sleeps for 3-4 hour stretches in the morning and early afternoon but only goes 1.5-2 hours at night.

Sarah, I hope your sweep is successful! Besides, a lot can happen between now and your induction date! In spite of being overdue, you always have such a positive attitude and are so supportive of all of us. Your little one will be here soon!

As for me, we've been really busy. This is the second day since we've been home from the hospital that we either haven't had visitors or gone to see someone or do something. The only good thing is that I'm getting used to taking Sarah out and how to deal with things outside the comfort of my own home. I wasn't going to introduce bottles until 4-6 weeks but I broke down and started giving her one at night (Daddy's shift) so that I could get 3-4 hours of sleep. It's been good for my sanity, and so far Sarah doesn't seem to show any nipple confusion so I'm not worried.

Up until 2 days ago, she was a dream baby. Never really cried. At 2 weeks she started having 2-3 fussy spells a day and is seriously attached to my boob. She'll eat for 5-10 mins, burp, fall asleep...but as soon as I go to put her down, she wakes up and acts starving again. She doesn't sleep as well anymore, either. I'm hoping it's just a growth spurt.
Just a quick update, something may be happening on baby front for me :happydance: I went for my second sweep today. The first one she scored me a 4 in the Bishop score (assessing how 'favourable' your cervix is, it's out of 13 so a pretty crap score!) she managed to do the sweep last time but it didn't really hurt. Anyway today I asked her to really go for it...boy did she go for it! I definitely felt stretched and swept afterwards ouch! She scored me an 8 on Bishop score, cervix was low and soft, 1cm dilated and baby -2 station so really pleased. Came home and had light cramps and just felt tender down there. 3pm (3 hours after sweep) mild period pains started every 30 mins or so. Went for a walk round town the when OH came home from work went for another long walk to try and get things going. When I went to the loo when I got back I think I had a mucousy show, only a small amount but sure it was. Have had pains now since 3pm, getting slightly stronger and closer together now. Still pretty manageable, just like really strong period pains. Probably coming every 15 mins or so...I really hope this is it and not just false labour!
Alex fingers crossed for you :) hopefully it means something. I found that once contractions had started I sat on the birthing ball and rolled my hips in big circles, that encouraged a contraction so might be worth doing that :)

Hayley, I'm on same meds as you. Also have to take iron tablets due to blood loss. I don't find the injections too bad, I have quite a few numb spots so I go in there. My midwife said each surgeon has their preferences when closing up, I'm having my staples out on Friday which I'm not particuarly looking forward to. The scar is rather neat though, not too pleased about not being able to shave for a while though lol. It sounds as though you over did yourself too soon, I keep getting moaned at for doing too much around the house. Personally I don't think I'm doing a huge amount, I sometimes could do with resting more. I hate being in this pain though, I keep crying just because I feel so useless sometimes. Doesn't help that I have this obsession with everything being clean too....
Oh and Hayley, I've had a huge amount of gas too. I was told that it was because when they opened me up it let's in a lot of air then gets trapped once they stitch up so our bodies have to absorb it and let it out. Rennie do these tablets called deflate or something like that. You chew them and they dissolve gas bubbles in your stomach, they help me so worth trying them. Have you managed to go to the toilet yet? I haven't, I feel no urge to but am worrying about actually going. It hurts to empty my bladder... So I imagine it to be more painful. Last time was Saturday so it's been a while now.

The ward I was on was good... At first, the first night/day the midwives did everything for me when Adam wasn't there. But once I was moved to my own room when I could stand they didn't do anything. Adam had to leave at 8pm and couldn't return until 10am so I had to struggle throughout the night while in loads of pain. I had to actually ask for oromorph (if that's how you spell it) they mainly only gave me paracetamol. It was very hard. That's why I felt so relieved once I came home because I got the help I needed from Adam.

Lindsey, hope things get better. She could just be going through a growth spurt, let's hope she settles again.

Oh I forgot to say, Beau has to go and see a hip specialist :( because she was breech her legs are open all the time. Like little frog legs. The peadiatrician said her joints were loose so she has to go for an ultrasound. If it is bad she could potentially have to wear a harness thing, if mild then they just let her carry on. The exam from the doctor was horrible, he had to move her legs quite vigorously and she was screaming, made me cry :( it was horrible watching her in pain.
Sarah - It is pretty shocking :/ I'm not under the health visitor yet - I thought health visitors were straight away but you're under a midwife first and then they discharge you to a health visitor.
I've seen my midwife twice so far - she's an evil old witch!!! She hates me coz I'm not breast feeding and I had a c section - she clearly thinks I'm some kind of too posh to posh wannabe, she has no interest in the medication I'm on being bad for the baby - only in bashing me for not bf-ing!

She's a right crank - she told me to use nail varnish remover on my scar to take the bandage off!!!! Erm?! Yeah right, I'm gonna put sodding nail varnish remover on a recent incision you crazy fool?!!!!

As for your estimated weight, don't pay too much attention! They estimated 8 lbs 8oz for Tyne too, and he was a tidgy 6lbs 14 oz!! And even so, 8 lbs 8oz is the average weight - so baby will still be tiny regardless!

Also, I second what Lindsay said - if you win ANY award its not for the most giant baby, its for the most all-around positive and supportive person - you always come across so happy-go-lucky even though you must be bloody fed up of waiting for baby! :flower:

Lindsay - Thanks! :hugs: It does suck not having the partners be able to stay at the hospital. There was the option to pay for the privelage but it was £130 a night, and we just couldn't afford that!

It sounds like you've been super busy with doing things and seeing visitors since Sarah was born, you must be exhausted!! I hope you get at least a few days peace now!

Fingers crossed Sarah is just going through a growth spurt and will get back to her dream baby routine soon!

Alex - Ooooh how exciting!!! Fingers crossed this is it!!!! :happydance:

Lauren - I was surprised by how neat the scar is too! And its much smaller than I expected. I had a big cry when I took the bandage off before I looked at it in the mirror as I expected it to be absolutely awful, but it was surprisingly ok!

I'm wondering about the shaving thing! Did they tell you not to shave down below? Nobody said anything about it to me, I was about to do it the other day and then suddenly thought it might not be advisable?! lol.

I've been taking the Rennie Deflatine but they're not helping me :/ Its weird coz I had NO trapped gas up until yesterday, and now its unbearable - I would have expected it to be right away!

I'm drinking a lot of peppermint tea as its supposed to help but so far nothing has brought any relief :/

I first went to the toilet about 4 days after the surgery and surprisingly it didnt hurt at all. But then it hasn't been hurting me to empty my bladder either.

After that first bowel movement though I became constipated, and now I'm taking dulcolax or else nothing happens :/

I know what you mean about the hospital, Jons visiting hours were similar (11am-8pm) and it was such a nightmare. Did your hospital have the co-sleeper cots that latch onto the bed at least?
Mine didnt! It was SUCH a struggle to be able to lift Tyne out of the cot every time!

Aww I'm sorry to hear about Beau's hips - it is so horrible when they have to have these horrid tests. Tyne has had to have two lots of blood tests so far to check that he hasn't inherited my thyroid disease and it just makes you feel so guilty to see them in pain :/

I hope everything will be ok with Beau's ultrasound results. My memory is playing up, did they not know beforehand that Beau was breech? Shouldn't the midwives have picked up on that?
:cry: :cry: :cry:

My induction has been put on hold. I called at 8 to make sure there was a room available like I was told to do and I guess everything is taken. :( I don't know when Aiden is going to be coming. I'm so upset. Will read through everything later, not really feeling up to it right now.
Brittany, oh no! I'm so sorry. What happens next? Do they call you when a room opens up or do you have to keep checking in? My fingers are crossed that they can get you in as soon as possible. I would be very upset. :hugs:

Alex, I hope this is it! Good luck!

Hayley, your midwife sound like a witch!! I can't believe she's so close-minded.

Lauren, I hope Beau's u/s come back normal. I cried when Sarah had her heel prick so I can't imagine how much worse it was watching them do that to your baby's legs. It's hard seeing them in any sort of pain.

As for me, Sarah is still alternating between eating, fussing and sleeping. She's asleep right now. I'm watching Hoarders because it makes me feel better that I haven't done my dishes or my laundry!
Lindsey, they have my number so as soon as a room becomes available they will call me and I will come in then. I have no idea what time that will be though. It could be 2 AM or it could be noon tomorrow. So disappointing being ready to get things going and then it not happening and now I don't know when it will.

I did just go to the bathroom and when I wiped the toilet paper was tinged with pink blood. Not sure what's happening. My mom thinks it might be the bloody show and that I'm about to lose my plug but I don't know since I thought I had lost it already. Baby is still active and I've been having a few contractions off and on but nothing anymore painful then what I have been having. :shrug:
Brittany, sorry about your induction date :( Its so disappointing. I really hope they call you with a bed soon :hugs:

Hayley, yes she was breech. That's why I had to have the section, I was so angry that it was never picked up. I was felt multiple times and was told her head was down but once she was born I was told she had been in the breech position for a while due to the shape of her head and legs. So, yes, rather annoyed.
No I didn't get a co sleeper, it was an ordinary cot thing. I was forever raising and lowering my bed. Had to have it low when I wanted to get up then have it really high to see to LO.
And nail varnish remover??? What the hell, surely that would sting like mad?? I had to remove mine in hospital, I did it in the shower like the midwife advised. I was dreading it at first, I was scared a sticky bit would have been stuck to it and I couldn't bring myself to look at it straight away. As for shaving, you probably can shave, my scar is within my pubic hair and I'd be scared of catching it. Sorry to hear your midwife isn't very nice, mine came out a couple of days ago and she was lovely. Strange how yours didn't see you straight away, my hospital told me they like to see you on first day home...

Well my milk came in over night, my boobs look huge!!!! I've started leaking too.
Brittany: I can't believe it's been postponed :hugs: that must be so frustrating after you've been focusing on getting to this point. I hope that your mom was right and that is your bloody show, so you go naturally and then they will have to take you in regardless. Keep us updated, and I hope you aren't feeling too down.

Lindsey: I've read LOs have a growth spurt between 2-3 weeks as Hayley mentioned, so I would imagine that's what's up with Sarah at the minute. Keep stuffing her full of milk so it hopefully passes quickly with her in a milk coma. And that's great about being able to introduce the bottle so easily! Seth must lveneing able to help, and you must love those extra few hours of sleep!

Hayley and Lauren, it really sounds like you too are suffering :(

Hayley I can't believe your midwife is such a bitch. She obviously hasn't bothered reading your file to find out why your had to have a c section, which immediately rings an alarm bell in my mind about her doing a pretty crappy job. And SERIOUSLY....nail varnish remover?! Is she effin' nuts?!
You also don't know how much hope you've given me by telling me Tyne was supposed to be bigger! I know it's a silly thing to worry about though, and at the end of the day when s/he arrives I won't care!

Lauren: eat as much dried fruit as humanly possible and hopefully that will help get things moving in the right direction. I am so sorry to hear about Beau's hips :( I hope that everything turns out ok and they are just being extra cautious, I can't imagine how worried you are.

And thank you ladies for your kind words <3 :hugs: it's easy for me to stay upbeat - I'm finding out from you lot that pregnany is definitely the easy part, and even though I'm getting a little sick of waiting, hearing some of the troubles you lot are having with various things makes me grateful for a few extra days to prepare myself.

Alex: can't wait to find out about how you are getting on!!!!!!

Afm: wedding today to roll my big whale self to!
We wait so long for our LOs to arrive, everything we have done over the last 9 months is for that moment. But I wish someone told me to treasure those last few days as you don't realise how much you miss carrying them. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore Beau and love looking, touching and holding her but now she is all exposed to life. When she was in my belly she was safe and my body provided everything she needed. It's scary how much they rely on us once born.
Well I feel like a right numpty it was all a false start yesterday! Lost my plug and contractions got closer, got into bed and they've gone! Gutted is an under statement :(
Well I'm still waiting. I feel like I have barely slept because I'm so anxious. I've been having contractions all night. They're not anything regular nor are they getting more painful but they're definitely not helping me sleep. I just want to cry. I knew there was a possibility there wouldn't be a room available but at the same time I just wasn't thinking that would happen. I got so excited thinking that by this time Aiden could be here and now he's not going to be and I now I have no idea when he'll be here. I feel like I'm back to where I started before I got the induction date. :(

Lauren, I was thinking when you were describing your milk that it was still the colostrum that you were producing. I read that it takes 3-5 days for your actual milk to come in.

I'm sorry that Beau has to see a hip specialist. How long do you have to wait to find out? :hugs:

Hayley, I'm sorry you're in a lot of pain now. I hope you're getting a lot of help from your family right now. :hugs:

How long do you have to wait to find out whether or not Tyne has your thyroid disease?

Sarah, try not to worry too much about the estimated size. I've had friends that were told to expect 8 lb babies and they had babies there were 6-7 lbs, definitely not as large as they were told.

I hope you have a great time at the wedding!

Lindsey, I'm glad introducing a bottle is allowing you to get a little more sleep in the evening. I'm planning to introduce one once Aiden is about a month old just so I can have some help from DH with the feedings.

I also hope her fussy spells are due to a growth spurt and she'll be back to a dream baby soon. :)

Alex, so sorry it was a false alarm. :hugs:
Heading to the hospital. Bleeding seems to be increasing so my doctor wants to check everything and then we'll go from there.
So hard to keep up with this thread and comment-sorry ladies.

Brittany that is shit about the no room available. I'm so sorry.

Good luck Alec-fingers crossed.

:hugs: to those of you in pain
And hope for those of you still waiting xxx
I'm being kept at the hospital until a room opens for my induction. Hopefully we'll be getting started soon.

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