First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Quickly popping in before a feed to say my birth story is now in my journal :flower:

Will catch up later x
Brittany, I hope a room becomes available soon! At least you're at the hospital. Keep us updated if you can! :)

Laura, thanks for sharing your birth story. It sounds like the perfect experience. Great job!
Brittany, glad they have decided to keep you in. Hopefully you will be well on your way soon. I'll keep my eye out for updates :) x
Lindsey - Lol @ Hoarders! Those shows are great for feeling like the worlds most organised, tidy person! :haha:

Lauren - That is really awful. You should look into putting in a complaint that it wasn't picked up - I mean, thats why they often deliver breech babies early by section - and if (god forbid!) any damage has been done to Beau's hips because of being in that position, then the midwives who were responsible for your care need to face some repercussions for that!

Yep, the same way with me with the cot and raising and lowering the bed! It was such a nightmare, so badly thought out! My sister had a c section in a hospital in Torquay, and she had a co-sleeper cot so she didnt have to do any lifting - all hospitals need to do that post section!

Yeah my sister had to remove her dressing at the hospital too, but I was told to keep mine on for 5 days and remove it at home. Maybe its different with dissolvable stitches?!

Yeah my midwife came to see me the following day after being released, but then I wasn't released until around 3 pm so that might be why. Then she came again 2 days later, and now again tomorrow (5 days later).

How are you feeling today?

I'm feeling much better! Still a little sore but nowhere near as bad as I have been for the past few days!! I can actually do things for Tyne today, and have been out for lunch and able to walk relatively normally! *fingers crossed!*

I know what you mean about kind of missing the pregnancy part too - I keep feeling that way. Its usually when someone says something about me not being pregnant anymore, it makes me sad lol.

Sarah -I know, I hate the midwife. Nasty old cow.
Aww yeah def don't pay too much attention to the weight estimates. And anyway, my niece was 8lbs 8oz and I remember her being tiny!! I don't think it makes much difference!

How did your wedding go? I have mental images of you going into labour as the bride walks down the aisle, I hope that didn't happen!!!

Alex - aww bless you, how annoying! :/ Fingers crossed something starts for you soon!

Brittany - We should get the results of Tyne's tests in the next day or two. *fingers crossed*

I see you're in the hospital now! I hope everything is progressing well! Looking forward to seeing an update soon!!! Good luck! :)

AFM - as I mentioned to Lauren, feeling much better today - yay! Still a bit tender and some trapped painful wind, but other than that I feel alright.
I'm able to look after Tyne today which is all I wanted, so I'm happy with that!

Tyne has been MUCH more awake during the day today! He has had 2 or 3 45 minute periods of being wide eyed, looking around everywhere - I'm hoping this might mean he's more tired tonight and might sleep a little hehe. We'll see!!
Hi ladies! We finally have a room and the induction process has been started. The first step was this pill tha they inserted up by the cervix. The plan is to see how that goes for a few hours and then I will probably be started on pitocin. Will be expecting Aiden sometime tomorrow so going to try and get as much rest as possible since I will probably won't be sleeping much tonight once the contractions start progressing.

Laura, looking forward to reading your birth story when I get a chance.

Hayley, glad to hear you are feeling better today.
Sorry I havent posted in forever..ive been stalking but its been hard keeping up with all the posts. Congrats to all who have had their little bundles of joy and looking forward to reading about those who are waiting for the arrival. I have a section booked on april 18th as little one is breech. Only 2 weeks away :)
Brittany :dance: so glad you are in and Aiden is now on the way! I cannot wait to hear the news!

Clarkeyness: so glad I'm not the only one still waiting for LO! How are you feeling?

Laura: thanks for sharing your birth story, it sounds like it all went so well!

Hayley: I did say to Simon how funny it would be for my waters to break just as the bride came down the aisle....but alas...still nothing here! My LO is a stubborn baby! I am so so glad you are feeling better, and hope Tyne was well behaved for you today now you are able to look after him again. So nice to have him awake as well, I'm sure you can hardly keep your eyes off him!

I didn't manage to dance the baby out. Well, I didn't manage to dance at all! Far too exhausted today. Neither Simon nor I slept well last night just in case my sweep kicked in during the night! So we were like two zombies at the wedding, although I was a considerably larger one! Brilliant wedding though, my friend was so beautiful!
Taking it easy tomorrow to get as much rest as possible for next week.

Eagerly awaiting news of Aiden's arrival!!!!
Good luck, Brittany!!

Clarkeyness, it's awesome that you have a date! Hopefully these two weeks go quickly for you. :)

Hayley, I'm glad that you're feeling better! It's fun when the babies stay awake a little bit. Hopefully he sleeps better for you tonight!

As for me, the three of us went on a little road trip today. We just drove around the country roads and had lunch at a little burger place out in the middle of nowhere. Sarah slept the entire time. She was wide awake for about an hour after we got back, and then started to fuss. So I fed her and put her in the rocker and she's been asleep ever since! Fingers crossed she sleeps better tonight as she was up every 1.5 hours yesterday. Nighttime is just so unpredictable!!
Lindsey sounds like a lovely day you guys had as a family, absolutely perfect. That's what having these babies is all about, having a lovely family :cloud9:

If anyone hasn't seen on fb, Brittany had Aiden this morning!! Congratulations Brittany!
I'm good, just....waiting! These last few weeks are definitely the hardest!

So I think I may have had my bloody show this morning. Had some brown tinged cm, not a whole load and it could just be left over from my sweep this morning, but I'm hoping its a good sign. Even if I don't go before Tuesday by myself I'm hoping this means I might be more ready for labour by then. I think it was Alex who said she had a low score on her bishops scale - not as low as mine which was........1! So hopin this means ill be a little higher on Tuesday!
Hi girls,

Congratulations Brittany!! he finally came :happydance:

Hayley, I was rather angry with the midwives for not picking it up. That one lady I saw at my last MW appointment even told me she could feel most of her head still when feeling if she was was that about? do you think she lied? Or just didn't have a clue what she was doing - unless Beau magically turned herself around without me realising and her head and legs being 'typical breech' as people keep telling me.

Sarah, won't be long until your LO is here. I hope it was your bloody show this morning. Have you tried anything to help bring labour on?

Lindsey, your little trip sounds nice :) I haven't left the house yet as have been in too much pain so I am looking forward to going out, even if its just to the shop!

AFM - I had my staples out this morning which was a tad painful in spots but since then I feel as though I can move a little more freely. Still not 100% though. I have a huge bruise just below the scar too which I think I causing most of the pain and discomfort. I am also really tired...earlier I was getting bottles ready and after about 5 minutes I had to sit down because it took it out of me :( since the section I have completely lost my appetite so I'm not eating as often as I normally do, so think that along with being in pain and loss of sleep at night is a little too much for my body.

Beau didn't have a very good night last night. She just wouldn't settle. I was up with her from 12-3am before she went down. I think she is really gassy at the moment so probably has stomach ache.

Its Adam's birthday today and I feel really bad that I dont have anything for him and we haven't been able to go out and do anything :( he says he doesn't mind but I still feel awful.
I have also felt rather emotional, I feel teary all the time. I guess this is the baby blues they talk about. People keep wanting to see us too and I just dont want to see anyone... I just want it to be me, Adam and Beau but part of me feels bad if certain people don't get to see her. I hate all this attention from people, just want to be left alone :cry:
Lauren I think you need to just say to everyone that at least one day is a family day, and you, Adam and Beau can just chill out together and relax without having to worry about anyone else. There will be plenty of chances for family and friends to meet her, but you sound miserable, and shouldn't feel like you have to please anyone but yourself and your baby.
I'm sure Adam doesn't mind at all about his birthday - you have given him a beautiful baby girl, what more could he want?
I'm glad having the staples out has helped you feel a bit better and more comfortable. I think it's so weird they gave you staples, I didn't think they were still used at all. Try to keep eating to keep your strength up for Beau, she needs a mummy with as much energy as possible. Make sure Adam gets in all your favourite things, no matter what they are!

And nope, haven't tried anything to really bring on labour, no curry or anything like that!! I have planned out what I need to do before Tuesday and the induction, so I'm happy enough to wait until then. Hopefully it all goes smoothly and I don't have to wait much past Wednesday to have LO, but Brittany's induction gives me faith as it seemed very quick!
Hey ladies,

Aiden Michael was born April 5th at 12:17 AM. He was 6 lbs, 8 oz and 19 inches long.

My labor went pretty well, once we got in to the room they gave me the first dose of the pill. After 4 hours they checked me and I hadn't made any progress. They decided to give me one more dose of the pill. Almost 4 hours in I was in so much pain I couldn't rest at all so I got my epidural at that point. After that was done and they inserted the catheter they re-checked me and I was at 4 cm dilated. At that point, I was comfortable enough to sleep. They came in around 11 PM to check me again and I was at 9 cm dilated and baby Aiden was almost ready to come. I'm not sure who was more shocked, me and DH or the nurse who checked me. I didn't even have to get the pitocin. Anyways, about 30 minutes or so later I was checked again and I was fully dilated. It was also during this check that my water broke. From that point on the pressure I felt was unreal. I needed to push but my doctor wasn't there. Having to be told to wait and to just breathe through it was probably the hardest thing about my labor. Thankfully, it got to the point that my nurse decided to let me push a little bit on my own so Aiden was already crowning by the time my doctor arrived. Upon arrival he peed all over my doctor delivering him. I guess he wasn't too happy about having to wait. :haha: Anyways, I was expecting about a 24 hour labor and ended up having a 8-9 hour labor.

Will be in the hospital for 48 hours due to the fact that I'm group b strep positive so will most likely be released Sunday morning. Will try to post more detailed info regarding Aiden's birth story and all that other good stuff when things have calmed down a bit.
Brittany, so glad everyone is ok :) and I bet your chuffed you had a short labour! Big congratulations, can't wait to see a photo.

So far I have the biggest baby lol, although she is still very small. She weighs 7lb something now, can't remember from the top of my head what it is. Her clothes are all still big, we are planning on going to NEXT at some point early next week to pick up a couple of bits.

Sarah, I know what you mean. I do need to put us first... Tomorrow we aren't seeing anyone so we can have a lazy day. Some surgeons do still prefer to use staples, I don't know why. They are just uncomfortable and look awful.

One thing I am stuck with at the moment is clothes... Obviously I wasn't expecting a section so couldn't prepare for it. I can't wear jeans because of my scar and I only have a couple of dresses.... Its cold outside too. I don't own joggy bottoms or anything either. I might have to see if I can buy anything.
:dance: I'm so glad he is here! Congratulations!!!

It sounds like it all went really well, and like you say it was so quick - That gives me hope for Tuesday! I can't wait to hear more and to see some pics of your little man!

Lauren, could you ask your mum to pop out and buy you some bits to wear? Just to get you through the next few days?
Lauren, my SIL had a c section and she wore a sanitary towel in her clothes over the scar as a cushion. Not sure if it will help. It was the big maternity pad ones that are super thick. It might just help a little.

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