First Time Moms...


My Pretty Mama
Dec 31, 2007
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How many of you are first time mothers?

Are you enjoying motherhood so far?

Is it easy, hard, or rough, as you would hear other people stories about parenting.

I'll start first.

First, I'm enjoying motherhood to the fullest.

When my daughter Chayil came in to this world, she just made my Husband and l lives complete. She was the missing link that is now added to our family.

Husband and I been married for 10 years this month and thought it was time to have a little cream. (baby) lol

We have something to look forward to everyday with her.
Teaching her about life values and instilling good morals in her and more.

Being a first time mother is not bad at all and it's not hard/rough as they say.

Yes, you may have to make adjustments in your life and other things that come along with parenting, but that's part of the deal.

It's the way you think (attitude) about parenting and not basing it (making your final decision) on what other people say or letting their good/bad experiences make you think it's rough.

I'm just speaking for myself, due to the way I think. Others may have various reasons. I add balance to what people say, consider the info, and then I would use my own judgment.

Overall, it's good being a first time mother and I look forward to having more children.

She is the best little girl in my life.

Please share your thoughts....

Veteran mothers are welcome to join in too. Share some of your guidance/wisdom towards us new mothers.

Good/Bad times, whatever you need to tell us...

I'm absolutley loving motherhood!! No one could have prepared me for how I would feel over Maya.

I'm a single mummy & throughout my pregnancy was really worried that i'd struggle being on my own but if anything it'd the total opposite. Having to do this on my own has made me heaps stronger.

Being a mum isn't as hard as I thought it would be. I thought it would be constant sleepless nights but it's really not. Yeah Maya does have the occassional night when she wants to be awake but in general she goes down well & wakes every 4 hours for a feed. It's not any bother, I like being able to provide for her & comfort her at 5am lol!!

I really hope I get the chance to become a mum again someday but for now i'm enjoying Maya :cloud9:
I'm absolutley loving motherhood!! No one could have prepared me for how I would feel over Maya.

I'm a single mummy & throughout my pregnancy was really worried that i'd struggle being on my own but if anything it'd the total opposite. Having to do this on my own has made me heaps stronger.

Being a mum isn't as hard as I thought it would be. I thought it would be constant sleepless nights but it's really not. Yeah Maya does have the occassional night when she wants to be awake but in general she goes down well & wakes every 4 hours for a feed. It's not any bother, I like being able to provide for her & comfort her at 5am lol!!

I really hope I get the chance to become a mum again someday but for now i'm enjoying Maya :cloud9:

That's Great News...

Having the right attitude makes a better atmosphere for you and Maya.
That's what counts.

All the best to you.

Im loving the mother hood although this morning max got up way too may times giving me 5 min of sleep before he screamed again and I turned to OH (who was sound asleep ) and told him " I dont want this job anymore " lol

But yeah its been hard I didnt think It would be this hard but I will learn to deal with it , Granted I have a good baby who slept his nights since day 1 but still ..

I think my worst fear is that I dont raise my son the right way and so on like all new mommies
I'm a first timer and, although I love it I find it tough.

I have bipolar disorder and all the way through my pregnancy I worried I wouldnt cope. I dont cope well with being tired, not have the stability of knowing whats coming next- I have to have my day planned in advance and I Worried there was no way I could do it.

Then I worry that today is gonna be the day that I flip out and there will only be me and Chloe here. So far I'm coping really well, I still worry all the time but every day I get through mkes me a bit stronger and I realise that I can look after my little girl, she is happy and when I stop to think about it, This is the most stable I've ever been.

So perhaps motherhood is my cure? Well, maybe not, but when Chloe smiles at me and cuddles up to me I know I can do it, however hard it is and my illness is no longer the main focus in my life.

I aim to keep myself well and my baby well and enjoy every minute I have with her as I know only too well, you never know whats round the corner
first timer here.

I love being a mum, it is somthing I thought would never happen. I was trying for years with my ex hubby and was told I wouldnt conceive without IVF.

We split up and I met my current OH. Oscar just came......:shock:

I tell OH that he was just waiting for the right daddy. :D

I am back in Uni soon and I am dreading it, I love my days with Oscar.
I love being a mother, it's not nearly as difficult as people say it is.

I never knew it was possible to love somebody this much. All of a sudden my thoughts & feelings don't matter anymore the only thing that matters is his well-being. The thing I fear most is the point in time when I have to let him go out, fall in love, experiment with different things, go to school, have his own place.. because I know that at some point in time his heart will ache, and no matter what I do I cannot protect him from it.
If I try protecting him from the outside world, that will only cause problems.
But for now, he is here with me, by my side, happy as can be & we'll deal with those problems when the time comes.:D
First timer here too...

I LOVE beinga mum, I feel like Ive finally found what Im here for, why I was put in the world. If that makes sense. Before now Ive always felt a bit lost and wondered what my purpose was.

Its hard work, but so rewarding. Not as bad as people would have you think, but Seth is a pretty easy baby.

Just getting stressed witheverything else really.

First timer too.

I absolutely LOVE being a mother.I this it is the most rewarding feeling in the world!! I think people make it sound a lot worse than it actually is. Of course a few things have changed in my life, but I don't think it's rough or very hard. Josh has been a really good baby since day 1, rarely cries and he's always laughing or smiling.

I love Josh more than anything and I'm so proud :cloud9:
First Timer!

Every morning I wake up and stare at him and cannot believe that I was blessed with this handsome baby boy.I have had my tough days but the good days make up for it.When he smiles he melts my heart.I look forward to every day.I didnt expect him to change me so much. I'm a real mummy now.
I'm a first timer too. Alasdair was a surprise...I was told I wouldn't be able to conceive naturally but then had a miscarriage. So I reasoned that I wouldn't be able to have a baby but I'd be able to miscarry so I was taking the pill but because I didn't think there'd be an actual baby...I messed around with it and was so happy when I saw his little heart beating at 8wks+6.

I think because most people I know who have babies are in better situations than me (married, own a house, have a stable job) I was worried about how I'd cope and because I struggled with bulimia right up til the moment morning sickness kicked in; I thought I wasn't fit to be a Mum.

It was incredibly tough for the first few weeks - the shock of a birth that wasn't what I expected and the fact that this little person relied on me for everything was too much for me. But now, the love I feel for him totally makes up for it. I still have really difficult days but I think that is more about me and my self esteem than anything.

I'm desperate to have another baby next year...but we're just not in the right we will wait for 3 years :(

Can't believe how I can have so much love for something so small. I look at him and just think 'omg, I grew him!'. Isn't it amazing?!?!
first timer here...abigail was planned and having a baby has been the only thing missing from my life, wanted a baby for the past ten years...i don;t know whether it was the traumatic labour or what...the responsibility? but i havent 'taken to motherhood' well/easily.

i love my baby and wouldn't wish things were different, but i can't write the things the other girls have written. yet.

that makes me sad.

(sorry mello, to bring your thread down)
first timer here...abigail was planned and having a baby has been the only thing missing from my life, wanted a baby for the past ten years...i don;t know whether it was the traumatic labour or what...the responsibility? but i havent 'taken to motherhood' well/easily.

i love my baby and wouldn't wish things were different, but i can't write the things the other girls have written. yet.

that makes me sad.

(sorry mello, to bring your thread down)

I know how you feel hun, i feel very similar.
I know how people say when they saw their LO's for the first time they felt this overwhelming love for them, but as much as i do love my LO ( i really would do anything for her) i have never felt that rush of love....maybe it is down to a traumatic birth and not seeing her let alone holding her for the first 2hours of her life...?

It does make me feel like a bad mum as it is taking us a while to bond.
first timer here...abigail was planned and having a baby has been the only thing missing from my life, wanted a baby for the past ten years...i don;t know whether it was the traumatic labour or what...the responsibility? but i havent 'taken to motherhood' well/easily.

i love my baby and wouldn't wish things were different, but i can't write the things the other girls have written. yet.

that makes me sad.

(sorry mello, to bring your thread down)

I know how you feel hun, i feel very similar.
I know how people say when they saw their LO's for the first time they felt this overwhelming love for them, but as much as i do love my LO ( i really would do anything for her) i have never felt that rush of love....maybe it is down to a traumatic birth and not seeing her let alone holding her for the first 2hours of her life...?

It does make me feel like a bad mum as it is taking us a while to bond.

It comes eventually. I will be honest and say that I didn't experience that 'rush of love' feeling, and because you have been honest I will too and tell you that I thought my baby was ugly when they put him on my chest. I didn't want to hold him at all. The only time I picked him up was to breast feed him and change him. I felt that I could have easily given him away and felt terribly guilty. One night I slept in the spare room with him so hubby could get a full nights sleep and I was looking in the moses basket and it came. The birth does have a lot to do with it, but try not to beat yourself up. Now I look at him and can't believe how much I love him.

Answering the questions though, I am a first time mum, my hubby and I have been together for 12 years this year and married for 4. I didn't enjoy it to begin with and felt soo bad about it that I pretended I did. I find it really hard sometimes as my son suffers with colic. This can mean loads of sleepless nights. I wouldn't change things for the world and wish I had had him sooner.
I never felt a rush of love as other people have said either, my OH said the same. Its gradually got more and more as we've gone on but I didnt feel like that rush the first time I saw him. I was out of it so how could I possibly. And my birth was very straight forward.

Try not to feel badly, it'll come

First time mom as well. My bf and I talked and decided that we did want to have children together. Little did we know that I was already pregnant at that time.

I didn't feel the rush of love like some women experienced. The labour process was looong and I just wanted to get it over with. When my little girl was born, I was relieved that she was here and that labour was over. I didn't feel a great deal of emotional attachment. It is gradually increasing over time though.

I think the biggest adjustment for me is not being able to pick up and go whenever I want. Now I have this little person to consider. So if I want to go out and run errands, etc, I have to plan it out. Breastfeeding makes it more harder.

My little girl is a sweetie though. I thank everyday for her. Someone up above must have considered me worthy to send down a sweetheart to care for.
I'm not a first time mom. I have a five year old little girl as well, but when I had her I was really young and I wasn't really sure what to do. But with Jaedan it's the total opposite, I feel great! Like I never loved anything as much as I love him.

I feel like my children were the greatest things to happen to me and I can't wait to have the other 4 :p. I guess that it came with age and wisdom, and knowing it was the right time to bring a little one into this world.

I love being a mom and seeing their little faces and knowing that to them, I am the most important person in the world...
I'm a single mummy & throughout my pregnancy was really worried that i'd struggle being on my own but if anything it'd the total opposite. Having to do this on my own has made me heaps stronger.

You are amazing :):)

I couldnt do it on my own... I think I would crack up!!
Carolyn and Whisper I feel the same..... :cry:
I cant say that I dont find it hard... cos I really do...!!

Im very up and down though... so ask me the question again tomorrow and it might be different :lol:

I love courtney so so much... and I just remember the feeling of seeing her for the first time and it was amazing!! But Courtney doesnt seem to be a very happy baby at the moment!! I dont get much sleep! I dont get much done as she wants constant attention and cuddles! My OH is brill at the weekends when hes off and when he finishes work at 6am I get to sleep till he comes to bed.... BUT... being a mum is a FULL TIME job... completely... and I have always enjoyed my own company etc and my sleep! Im finding it a tad difficult to adjust to this! I was NEVER expecting a baby to cry so much.... or sleep so little!! But as my HV said you do get some babies that are completely the opposite!! Im also feeling very down about my weight...!! And IM so so so so disappointed that I havent been able to bf exlusively!! :cry:

Saying all this I wouldnt change it for the world but I didnt imagine it to be so hard :(
Carolyn and Whisper I feel the same..... :cry:
I cant say that I dont find it hard... cos I really do...!!

Im very up and down though... so ask me the question again tomorrow and it might be different :lol:

I love courtney so so much... and I just remember the feeling of seeing her for the first time and it was amazing!! But Courtney doesnt seem to be a very happy baby at the moment!! I dont get much sleep! I dont get much done as she wants constant attention and cuddles! My OH is brill at the weekends when hes off and when he finishes work at 6am I get to sleep till he comes to bed.... BUT... being a mum is a FULL TIME job... completely... and I have always enjoyed my own company etc and my sleep! Im finding it a tad difficult to adjust to this! I was NEVER expecting a baby to cry so much.... or sleep so little!! But as my HV said you do get some babies that are completely the opposite!! Im also feeling very down about my weight...!! And IM so so so so disappointed that I havent been able to bf exlusively!! :cry:

Saying all this I wouldnt change it for the world but I didnt imagine it to be so hard :(

Keeping thinking positive and learn more about your baby.
Things will get better as time progress.


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