Hey ladies. This is my first time using opks so I am not really sure what a for sure positive is suppose to look like. Can anyone tell me if the last CD15 is positive or not. Thanks so much!
I have never taken these yet.. However based on what I have heard and seen. Your line needs to be just as dark as the control line to be positive. So I would so no, but keep testing!
Hello, I'm sorry to say but that is not positive.. a positive OPK will be as dark or darker than the control line. However, your line seems to be getting darker which is a good thing. Good luck, hope I could help! I was confused my first cycles using OPKS as well. Happy trying!
Here's my OPKs from this month. The bottom is my positive on the standard. I got a positive digi the day before I think the digis are more sensitive to Lh. Hope this helps x
no.. you usually ovulate 24-36 hours after a positive opk and then your egg will live about 24 hours after being released. so you should be ovulating tomorrow or the next day so I think your timing will be just fine
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