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So, when I was resetting my fertility app back to a "normal" 52 day cycle, it looks like if I had calculated ovulation that way, I'd only be 7 dpo today. The temps don't really match up but I guess I'm not out. So after the new year when I test again unless AF shows up, I might be back. I'd love to join you all again because you all are such lovely ladies.

I did just receive a call back from my FS and she told me to wait another week based on my cycles and my pcos history. It was actually a really encouraging conversation. She also told me to not put much stock in bbt because that's not the golden standard anymore, especially with irregular cycles. Go figure. In the meantime, I'm probably going to take a "holiday" from bnb for the holidays...but I'll check back in afterwards to give you updates. I hope you all have a wonderful Xmas and New Year!!!
Aw you are so sweet, Foster! Enjoy the holidays! Merry Christmas! And I hope you are back soon!

Have you ever tried clomid?
I've been on's like clomid except that it's apparently "gentler" on the ovaries. I have a unicornuate uterus (I have a lot against me getting pregnant unfortunately), so I can't have multiples, period. Basically, a singleton pregnancy in me would be very similar to a multiples pregnancy in normal women, only my uterus walls are a bit stronger. That being said, it's still really risky without the right practitioner. Femara only stimulates the ovaries enough to release one egg typically, but when I'm on it, I require heavy monitoring, unfortunately, which gets really expensive. So, having a natural pregnancy that happened out of the blue would just be a dream come true.
Foster so sorry to hear that I wish you all the best for your fertility journey and I really hope it works for you xx

Jello and starlight 4th Jan will be here before you know so happy your bloids have come back with really good results jello
Merry xmas everyone hope you have had a lovely day and I think I got away with not drinking its been hard though keeping quiet xx

Has anyone else found it hard keeping quiet or done a big revile today xx
Merry Christmas!

DH had a few too many drinks and started whispering to his siblings left and right that I’m pregnant (he is 1 of 7). Soon enough everyone knew. Everyone was so excited and did a champagne toast but I felt kinda weird with it being so early.

Also - we skipped out on Christmas with my dad’s family because my dad texted this morning that my younger brother (half brother - he’s 10) was sick with strep but was on antibiotics for 12 hours. 24 hours is recommended before being non-contagious plus my dad and sister were exposed. My dad offered for them to stay home but I felt bad so we just went to DH’s family. Maybe I’m being overly cautious but this would not be a good time to come down with a fever!
Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!

Our families all know - we told them fairly early on, and it would have been impossible to hide given how sick I was. But, the last 2-3 days I’ve felt pretty good! Some morning nausea and I have to take it slow til about 9am, and so long as I don’t let myself get hungry (eating every 2-3 hours instead of every hour) I feel pretty good! Bloated and tired but not too nauseous! I’m hoping this is the tail end! There’s hope ladies!! Hahah
Ask4joy thats lovely though that they were all made up for you and I think I would of done the same and stayed away after all your immune system isnt good right now so its easy to catch stuff xx

Alligator thats great news heres hoping you are over the worst of it when is your scan xx
I just really want this scan now I thought I saw the tiniest bit of brown blood in my cm today but nothing at all since, DH and I have both had dreams that I started bleeding which has freaked us out and my symptoms have virtually gone now completely so Im really worried scan is on Thursday I just hope all is well xx
Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! Mine went fast, probably because I worked yesterday evening, so Christmas morning brunch, nap, then off too work! We do our bigger family celebration Christmas Eve alternating my family and DH's. This year we were at my mom's and she and my sister (and her family) all know so no secret keeping really. My aunt, uncle amd cousin were there too but I don't think anyone had any reason to suspect anything.

Angela, sorry you have to wait so long for a scan, mine is tomorrow at 6w6d. I had a dream two nights ago there was no heartbeat...I hope that's not true.

We bought some little booties to package up to reveal to my FIL. If all goes well tomorrow we'll call and see if he's free and stop before we go celebrate my dad's birthday. It's DH's mom's b-day, she passed away 4 years ago, so DH wants to be able to give his dad the good news on what can be a sad day.

I was complaining of being tired at work last night to my co-worker who is 10 or 11 weeks pregnant and she asked me if I was pregnant. It was said in kind of a rhetorical way so I actually just didn't answer. I hate lying so that was easier.

Foster, I really hope you get your miracle baby, what a frustrating situation!

Alligator, glad to hear you're starting to feel better!
MKaykes in UK you dont have your first scan till your 11 - 12 wks so Im kind of fortunate to get one at 7wks 3 days which is on Thursday its only 2 days away but the closer it comes the more I worry I just hope all is okay xx

Goodluck with your scan tomorrow I hope it all goes well xx
Good luck tomorrow, MK!

And good luck this week, Angela!
Alligator that is great that sickness seems to be easing for you! Really gives me some hope. During week 9 I only had one day where I felt semi-humanish (is that a word? :haha: ) but then week 10 has been equally hard, so I'm hoping that I'm hitting my "peak" and it'll start getting better next week.

I thankfully didn't throw up at our family Christmas dinner like I was concerned about. Actually, it was the opposite... I was SO hungry but I had to resist eating too much before people noticed that I went to the banquet table for seconds, thirds, etc. I don't think anybody suspected. At least if they did they didn't say so. I'm still holding off on announcing until after my next ultrasound. Even though I had an early scan, I'm just overly cautious I guess after having three previous losses.

Good luck tomorrow, MK!

Angela I had a couple spots of blood in the beginning of this pregnancy too. Mine was bright red though which freaked me out even more, but like yours they went away the same day. Thankfully all was fine at my early scan.
Thanks lilmiss. Today I felt a bit blah but not bad considering how i have been feeling just not as good as the last few days! But those days were long and tiring so maybe my body was just done! Time for a rest.

My next scan in the NT scan January 4! I had a scan at 8.1 and we saw babe and heartbeat so im hoping all is well! Heard babe on the Doppler again last night.. best sound ever!
Ultrasound went perfect! Saw the heartbeat, measured at 7w0d (based on transfer I'm 6w6d)! So happy, finally feeling excited!
Alligator your not hitting the second trimester thats great news bet you cant wait for your scan on 4th you will be able to see so much more xx

MKaykes that amazing newz bet you feel so relieved did you see much xx

My scan is tomorrow at 12 I am feeling anxious I just want to see a nice healthy heartbeat Im so worried that something might be wrong Im not bleeding but Ive also not got strong symptoms either xx
MKaykes that amazing newz bet you feel so relieved did you see much xx

Saw the yolk sac and fetal pole, and the heart beat. DH got a video. We both almost cried by the time we left the clinic.

Get to tell both our dad's tonight. Mine will cry I'm sure, he cried when I (his baby) got engaged!

Angela, I have pretty much zero symptoms now (aside from sore breasts but attribute that to the progesterone). I've had really nothing else, been feeling great and no spotting whatsoever.
MK - Glad to hear your ultrasound went well! Congrats on a viable baby :)
That’s great news MK!

I had some nausea this morning and I’ve been having sharp random cramps / twinges here and there since last night. Hope it’s just my uterus stretching!

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