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Flu while prego?!?!


Expecting Miracle #3
Jun 21, 2014
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I don't have the flu, my youngest boy does! He was diagnosed this morning. I was up with him all night last night cause of his fever. Took him to his doc this morning and found out!!! Then went to my regular OB appointment and told them. Now I have to buy tamiflu ($123.00 WITH INSURANCE!!) for me as a preventative measure. I just got the flu shot today too! It was scheduled for today a long time ago (talk about timing!!)

anyone with experience with having/getting the flu while pregnant or using tamiflu?
didn't want to r&r but :hugs: I hope you don't get sick and hope he gets to feeling better quickly.
Don't have any experience with it hun, but I really hope you don't get sick!
Awe, that's no fun :hugs: I have no experience with tamiflu but...I had the flu mid way through my last pregnancy and it is the sickest I have been in a very long time. I wouldn't wish it on anyone, it was that awful! As long as your doctor has recommended tamiflu and you are comfortable taking it I can see it being a good idea if it will help keep you healthy. Stay well and hope your son is on the mend very soon!
Seems you may of already got viruses floating around in your body, getting the jab will not prevent it from happening still.

It can take 10-14 days to make the antibodies to protect yourself from the flu.

I have flu at 6w with a previous baby it was terrible, i was ill for 6 weeks taking 24 tablets a day. Fingers crossed your body fights it off.
I was hospitalised with previous pregnancy due to flu, the most terrifying experience I've had. I'd take every thing your doctor suggests to try and prevent it. Really hope you don't get it and your LO is on the mend ASAP.x
Thanks ladies! I really hope I don't get it. But now I have three boys sick at home with the Flu!!( Preschooler, 2nd grader,and 6th grader)
the principal sent me home to take care of them today. I had left my first son in the more than capable hands of my sister who watched him yesterday (at my house). Now my oldest and my nephew , lives with us, is sick too! They were sent home from school today! I work at the school so either way (home or school) I'm surrounded by people who possibly have or have been exposed to the flu.
I only have 24 sick day to use as paid maternity leave for January, but I've now used two this week!! Praying for snow days in January so I get more time off with baby girl and desperately praying to stay healthy amidst this flu outbreak in my home! Lysol spray and Clorox wipes along with dry hands due to frequent hand washes are my friends right now.
I was hospitalised with previous pregnancy due to flu, the most terrifying experience I've had. I'd take every thing your doctor suggests to try and prevent it. Really hope you don't get it and your LO is on the mend ASAP.x

I agree with this.. At my hospital tour yesterday they warned us that getting the flu while pregnant is definitely not something you want... Stay really hydrated... They sometimes have to hospitalize you if you get the flu due to dehydration... It sounded kind of scary.. But just stay hydrated and hopefully since you live with your kids you've already built up some immunity to it.. I don't always get sick when my kids are sick.. I hope you don't catch it.. It's not fun even when you're not pregnant.. But don't sress, just drink plenty of juice! Vitsmin c!
I'm a registered nurse and flu is no joke. I once transferred a patient to intensive care unit with flu. It really annoys me when people sneeze twice and claim they have flu, I really hope you don't catch it from your boys, make sure you have windows open to let those pesky bugs escape x
I'm a registered nurse and flu is no joke. I once transferred a patient to intensive care unit with flu. It really annoys me when people sneeze twice and claim they have flu, I really hope you don't catch it from your boys, make sure you have windows open to let those pesky bugs escape x
thanks! My moms a nurse too so I've grown up around the hospital scene. I'm hoping that I don't catch it but it seems inevitable :/. Do you have any experience/opinions on the tamiflu meds to shorten flu side effects?
windows are open. Its quite chilly in my house cause of it but I know I've gotta keep the house aired out and it kinda helps the boys fevers. I have my room and bathroom off limits to them so I have at least one place in the house to hide (and maybe sit for a while)
cleaning counters, washing blankets and throws daily, spraying couches with Lysol nightly and any other time I get a chance, Cloroxing counters, keeping dishes clean, cleaning floors daily, taught boys how to spray/wipe counters and toilets after going to bathroom, washing hands (I have Dawn in all soap dispensers), leaving windows open
anything else I can do to kill the virus and help reduce risk of re infection or others being infected?

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