Hi ladies!
I'm over this black cloud life has dealt me AND my family. First it was my mc, that I now know from karyotyping was NOT a trisomy! Dr offered again to tell me gender, but my soul cannot take that news. Let it be my sweet angel, not my angel son or daughter. I think I am ok, if not for Pierce I would think God was mad at me for something. AF showed today, 28 days on the nose from my D&C. No need to think about ttc, DH will be on a trip and I am 99% sure he will use the withdraw method until I am beyond childbearing years. That ship has sailed <~ his exact words. He can be a real ass sometimes. For more sad sad news, my brother is 26 weeks preggers, well his wife is, but I don't like her (different story). So they told me their DS had a small mitral valve problem that was being monitored. I asked if I could go to the echo scan, which was Monday. My poor nephew has Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS). He will require open heart surgery after birth if he is well enough, if it is the only condition he has. My SIL will have an amnio done to see if there is anything else going on (Downs, Turners..). Ughh...I feel just awful for my brother, how can I sulk when they have this going on? Just heart breaking!
I'm ready to hit all of life's green lights...enough with blowing through yellows or being held up by red!
I hope you all are doing well in this crummy weather (states). We're snowed in here at the beach...such an anomaly!!