LOL Angel it was 106 degrees when we went. No pictures- was too miserable. Lorelei was pretty pissy the entire time too because she was actually so hot that she was mad.
Jessica, how severe is her allergy? She might be fine if she doesn't touch them, which should be easy. Only animals that we got close to were actually flamingos.
Yes my husband is working. Life is very good
Lorelei is definitely feisty and defiant. I love her fire! I hope that she always has it. And still picky! No meat but she and she has shown a skin reaction to salsa but she still wants it.
Aw, so glad that Sophie is thriving! Are you thinking of getting her a leap pad? Lorelei loves technology so much that I have considered getting her one for her birthday or Christmas. But then I worry that she will want to do nothing else. Sigh. Parenting is hard.
Amy, how are you feeling sweetie? I think about you and your miracle all the time!
Laura, so sorry
how is Simon today?
As for the zoo... DH and I have sworn never again. It was hot and the primates were so miserable. It felt cruel, frankly. I can't abide by it.
And the people who frequent the zoo are such jerks. Adults proclaiming the animals to be "boring" (GNNNN) and older kids screaming at the kangaroos because they were offended that they were sleeping.
I seriously hate people.
I'm watching a Korean drama on Netflix with Lorelei. Painted her toes for the first time the other night and she freaked out. I held her and explained that I wanted her to feel pampered and that pampered just meant feeling good. Like when I tell her that I love her or how clever she is. And then I told her that one thing that never fails to make one feel good is to hug and kiss Kitty. And she got up and went straight to snuggle with our cat. It was so sweet!