For The Oct Due Ladies

I'm due on October 5th (first baby, a little girl). Apart from the usual list of not sleeping properly, hip pain, and back pain, I'm mostly ok - but starting to get a bit fed up. I've got a growth scan and consultant appointment on Friday. I can't wait to hear what he has to say.

Just wondering why you having the growth scan? I had to have them with my little girl xx
HI! i am due oct. 17th but i have a feeling i will go early. this is however my first. i hope i go early that is! was checked last friday and doc said that i was fingertip dilated. been having back aches, period pains and some contractions all weekend, but nothing to significant. i do really hope though that i can wait until the 28th of sept. my husband travels for work and is in arizona and we live in mn.. thats my worst fear is that he wont be here when the little one decides to show up. getting very anxious and ready to not be pregnant anymore!
im due 22nd, i hope he comes early, i just cant wait to get my body back to normal!
I'm due 27th Oct. I can't wait bit I'm terrified at the same time! I've been getting period type pains on and off for a little over a week now. I feel like baby bobs in and out of my pelvis whenever he feels like it. I'm uncomfortable but looking forward to next month! :)
Hi Ladies,

I am due October 19, but I have a scheduled c-section on October 12. Baby is head down, but I am hoping she hangs tight as my in-laws don't fly in until the day before and want to be here for the birth!
I'm due on the 22nd with a:yellow: and no signs of anything happening at the moment! All I know is baby is head down! Have a feeling I'll go 2 weeks over and need inducing! Hope not! :flow:
I am due Oct 23rd... no signs of anything yet. I have my last ultrasound this Thursday so hopefully I will know more then. Getting impatient and ready to have my body back... it would be nice to be able to breath when I lay down (hehe) but he is so worth it. Good luck everyone!
i am due the 2nd of oct. having a bit of backache and one swollen foot, lol. baby is engaged :)
hope you are all okay.
I'm due on October 5th (first baby, a little girl). Apart from the usual list of not sleeping properly, hip pain, and back pain, I'm mostly ok - but starting to get a bit fed up. I've got a growth scan and consultant appointment on Friday. I can't wait to hear what he has to say.

Just wondering why you having the growth scan? I had to have them with my little girl xx

At my 12 week scan I found out I've got fibroids and that one of them was close to the cervix, blocking baby's exit (also fibroids can affect LO’s growth). At 33 weeks, the scan showed that the fibroid had moved out of the way but now one of them at the top of my uterus is really big so the fundal height measurements are miles off my number of weeks. This last scan should have been done last week but there wasn’t a clinic so I’ll be 38 +2 by the time they do the scan. I think this one is to check that the fibroid near my cervix is still out of the way.
I'm due on the 8th October! Baby is head down and engaging but not sure how far now. I have a mw appointment on Friday so we'll see!

I feel a pressure down below and the odd period like pain. No plug lost yet though! Who else hasn't lost any? Does it mean anything or can you lose it at the last minute and still go not labour on time?
Hi guys (some of you are familiar),
I'm due 20th October. Getting very excited! He's dropped as his head's now engaged, so getting much less heartburn and much easier to breathe. Wee critter is sitting facing left, so lots of jabbing going on over that side, occasional limbs sticking out etc. So exciting! Had a fair few Braxton Hicks, and getting the grinding and shooting pains down south, now he's settling in there.

Can't wait to meet him! Hoping for as natural as possible water birth in hospital - but will take things as they come.

We're nearly there!!!

:D xxx
I'm due on the 8th October! Baby is head down and engaging but not sure how far now. I have a mw appointment on Friday so we'll see!

I feel a pressure down below and the odd period like pain. No plug lost yet though! Who else hasn't lost any? Does it mean anything or can you lose it at the last minute and still go not labour on time?

i have not lost mine yet either, but there is a little more discharge than normal.. can you loose it a little at a time? or all at once i wonder...
Im due oct 18th. NOt much happening here. its a girl and my 2nd baby. im trying to prepare for a drug free birth. Its not working. im still scared of the pain.
:hi: Im due with my first baby on the 24th- Expecting a boy :) I am really hoping and praying that he comes before thought! My next Dr'a appointment is next week and I will be 36 weeks along- Hopefully he'll tell me a little more regarding how Im doing- I really have a feeling my baby is transversed- I havent had any labor symptoms or anything, I do get alot of BH and I feel totally uncomfortable!!! Cant wait to have my baby and be back to normal :)
Im due 1st October, no signs yet. Just a few periody pains. So ready for him to arrive now!!
Due on the 17th!! really excited but getting fed up now, work is the only thing keeping me sane, think i should put the cot up and pack my bag!
jollygood000 - I haven't lost my plug yet but pains are niggling me now. Just took a shower and my back hurt like heck for a couple of seconds from middle back to my bottom. my lo is head down and concidering the pains right below i am reckoning he has either dropped or is trying to burrow himself out. Anytime now i feel he will pop out and go HIYA! lol

seoj - Aww i hope you get to the date you want. ill keep my fingers crossed. The sleepless nights and hips hurting are the worse expecially when your tired.

MrsMalowey - oooh exciting and haha at the poke comment ^_^ would have been better if i was not drinking a tea whilst reading it lol. Yea get checked if your unsure and c sections aren't that bad, first was emergency, second is elected ^_^

Catherine896 - Aww yea tell me about it, this pregnancy has gone so fast it is kinda weird.

Mrsturner - Awww hugs it will not take too long to get there, i know people say that a lot but just focus on each day ^_^ it is one step closer to holding our gorgeous bubbas.

lanaloo - hehe it is amazing what our bodies can cope with, i was 43 weeks pregnant when bubba arrived first time. I was so depressed and wondered how id cope but i did in the end lol. We just do *hugs*

mztova - hehe i agree there, at first we think the TWW were the worst yet now thinking about it the last weeks really begin to drag, do what i do take each day and think WOOO one step closer lol.

stouffer - hehe yeah but that could be another sign of nesting :p being impatient of having anxiety.

princesskiki - aww hon i am suffering from really bad spd and am on crutches and the belt, it is horrible when were in more pain that normal :( oooh congratz on your bubba and goodluck on the sweep! fingers crossed.

RoxyRoo - wooooo day before my c section hehe. ooh i would have loved a birth like that but not allowed =(. Also try walking a lot or scrubbing the floor, worked for my mother XD. i am not allowed anything which might bring on labour.

Lau88 - awwww goodluck hon, i hope it goes the way you want it too.

Phantom710 - i am not too sure if they will induce without trying the sweep first but its your body and your bubba i hope they listen to you. *hugs*

BabyDeacon - oooh good luck hon x

Michelle773 - i think were all getting fed up now lol. XD

redneckgirl26 - oooh no i am going to keep everything crossed that bubba waits til hes home. x

bther - i am still trying to figure out what the sort of pain is like when he hits my cervix. weird feeling.

Lillismommy - oooh good luck!

hope4bump - lol how is only one foot swollen lol. i bet that feels really weird haha

MillieMoo - i havent lost mine yet, i was told it can mean something and nothing. as you can go in labour when you lose your plug or a week later... or even a month later.

Tampa - ooh maybe bubba has engaged for me too as im getting everything you said but he was just head down.

veebot - ooh your braver than me hon. x hugs

pixiewicks - you know what they say the more non prepared you feel the more likely something will happen lol.
I just wish i knew if something was happening or not, it is really starting to make me paranoid over every niggle lol. The past week i have been getting back pain and then pain under my tummy, lower tummy and in my groin. Bubba is pushing and moving around down there so much.

I feel like he is going to pop out and go BOO!!! anyone else feeling like there lo is going to drop out when they go loo or like your pushing for a wee? might just be me.

it was funny last night i got pure agony in one boob it went rock solid and i thought it would burst. Pain went and noticed id leaked a lot of milk. Was random just one boob lol

bubba is moving a bit but kicks arent as strong and i think hes wriggling to get down more or is just pushing his back out.

hes head down, lying left side with his arms down pushing and his legs tucked up. but movements have become less due to not enough space.
My estimated date is 15th October. I am happy to wait until baby decides it's time to come. I'll be having a home, hypno, water birth and am very excited about labour. This is my second baby and DD is looking forward to watching her sibling be born :)
I know what u mean rainie I'm paranoid of every twinge and if this is it. I'm scared I won't know when it starts and she'll pop out in the middle of eastenders. Silly I know.

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