For The Oct Due Ladies

Hi ladies! I am due Oct 12th with a baby girl! I am excited, first time mom, and ready for her to come! I havent tried any raspberry tea or anything like that, but I am really considering starting once im full term. I am pretty much just finishing up the nursery and getting as much cleaning done as i can so i can be organized! It's almost our month! yaay!:happydance:
Still cant sleep

oooooh there is a lot of us, I wonder who will come early, on timeor late, this prefgnancy lark is like russian roulette lol.

I think all of us want our bodies back cant wait til my bladder is my own again..
i'm due on october 20 and i'm not having pains yet or big contractions so i don't know when i'll really have it.But good luck to you and hope evrything works out for you
I am due October 29th with a boy! This is my first pregnancy after TTC for close to 5 years. We didn't do anything special while TTC.... just stayed off birth control. It is quite funny because we had pretty much given up hope and decided to switch our medical insurance plan to the high deductible plan... 22 days after the insurance switched is our date of conception! How ironic is that?

It has been a perfect pregnancy so far. One little bump along the way was we were told we were having a girl at week 17. A month later they said "nope! Its a boy!" At least we found out before we bought everything! We are excited either way!

At 30+5 they did an ultrasound to determine approximate size. They estimated the baby at about 4lbs 16ounces at that time (90th percentile). The doctor discussed the strong possibility of a c-section if the baby ends up over 9lbs. It would be my option... but when babies are that big they start suggesting it. I have decided to go for the c-section if the option is offered because I am more afraid of a painful labor/delivery than I am of a longer recovery.

I went in at 32+6 for a regular prenatal check-up. I was measuring 37cm at that time. The doctor talked to me again about how big the baby is.

My next appointment is at 34+6 (This Friday). They will check my cervix for dilating and also decided to do another ultrasound to check on baby's size. I am hoping if they still think the baby will be in the 90th percentile that they will talk to me about the c-section option and just allow me to plan a date already. With a note saying "Unless I go into labor earlier than this date I will have a planned c-section at this date".
I'm due 15th October with our first baby and cant wait! No signs of anything yet, although I do get the odd period pain here and there. I keep checking for my plug; impatience is definitely in me! My baby has measured big, got a consultant appointment at 38 weeks to see how things are progressing. I don't want to be induced but I don't want to go over if baby is big already...eek! :lol:
There's loads of us due October isn't there? I'm still hoping I'll go into labour naturally, hubby has promised to blow my birthing ball up this afternoon as he/she is back to back and I think it's less likely to happen til it moves.

I've found out the sex with my previous two but this one is a surprise! Have many others kept it for the surprise? Xx
Hi ladies
I'm due 19th October with my first baby, a yellow bump!

Lost my plug (or part of it?) on Friday. Went to the midwife yesterday for checkup and she is worried about my blood pressure and she couldn't work out which way the baby is lying! So I'm off to the hospital tomorrow morning for a scan (my sixth!) and also to get my bp checked again...
Other than tired and really achey ribs in my back I feel quite good!

Good luck October ladies! xxx
Ahhhh rainie an asda birth wouldn't be so bad, I hear they give you freebies if your waters break there so imagine what you'd get for a baby. Full house lol. x

haha we was talking about that at work today! what do you get like a free christmas turkey or something?? LOL :shrug:

But honestly, like you'd stick around and tell a memeber of staff if your waters have broke!... :S

Apparently tesco give you a baby hamper and £250 worth of vouchers. Not sure how true that is.
Haha I might tell them to make it look like I didn't want anyone to slip but really it'd be to see if I got free stuff.
Hi October Mummies-to-be! :hi:

My little lady is due on 27th October :pink:
I dont really mind when she arrives, as long as its between 37 and 42 weeks. I am booked in for a homebirth, and am hiring a birthing pool. Im hoping to get the birth I really want, but as long as she arrives safely thats all that matters.

Nothing happening yet (thank God, too early!) but at least she is measuring on track and is head down. Would just like a decent night's sleep every now and again.

Good luck ladies! :thumbup:
I'm due 12th October and my baby turned head down last week from being transverse.

I've noticed a few changes this past week - last Wednesday I had sharp pains in my hoohaa whilst driving, then since Sunday I've had constant lower back ache and a shooting pain in my right butt cheek when I walk (lol think its maybe baby lying on a nerve), then I'm needing the loo every 5 minutes. I hope these signs mean that my LO is beginning to engage.

Fingers crossed I go a bit early as I'm really uncomfortable and not sleeping well due to needing the loo and my back and bump being in agony in bed x
Im due on the 11th october with a little boy, I already have a 2 and a half year old little girl
37 weeks today, started maternity leave on Friday thank god - it was all too much working full time, being a full time mummy and being heavily pregnant
SO now just spending some quality time with my little lady before Leo makes his arrival

Getting sick of getting up about 3 times a night for the smallest wee's haha, we only have a downstairs toilet as well.... ggrrrrrrr
I woke up every 2 hours last night to go to the loo its awful lol
My toilet is my 2nd home!! during the night i wake and im like ... Hmmm can i make it till morning, Best not lol!! .... This happens around 3/4 times a night!!
How do you know if your losing your plug? Is it really obvious? And how do you lose it gradually? I have been getting more and more creamy/thick discharge (sorry, tmi) Could that be my plug? Also, what is EPO? And why would you insert it?! Sorry, am i just being dumb?!?! lol

On another note, i heard that if your waters break in M and S you get a massive hamper and £500! I will therefore be spending a lot of time there just in case!
Im going to M&S!!

I started loosing plug around 33 weeks , lost a little since and some more thismorning.
Its like discharge but you will know the difference, its thicker almost like a sticky snotty substance.... kinda glue like.

You can loose it early and it replenishes itself , aslong as theres no blood etc in it your ok.

EPO Is evening of primrose ... it comes in capsules that you can either insert into your lady bits and they dissolve and the oil coats the cervix helping to to soften/ripen or you can rub the oil directly onto the cervix yourself if you can reach xx
Haha I might loiter m&s unless I can find out what Harrods would give ;)
^ Lol great plan altho i would be miles away from home in harrods so probably not a good idea for me !! lol xx
Hi all, :flower:

I'm due the 7th of October with my first LO a baby boy! At my last midwife appointment I was told bubs is 3/5ths engaged... Not really sure what that means though; hopefully he won't be too much longer, I feel like I'm constantley waiting for a sign he is coming, but there isn't any so far. I'm on rlt tablets and bouncing away on my ball.... What else can I try to encourage him out? Anybody doing anything that could be useful?

gravity is a good thing also walk around or go on all fours it can bring out bhs which can develop. My mother went into labour with me and it stopped and she went home got annoyed scrubbed the floor on hands and knees hour later labour came back with a vengence lol.

With my brother she was scrubbing the whole kitchen standing, kneeling, on hands and knees and labour kicked in. She waited til pains got too bad he was born hour later lol. could not be a coincidence both times lol.

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