For the Reproductively Challenged xxxxx

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Aargh I'm in agony today, counting this as cd1 yesterday was just spotting.
Spending the weekend with friends one of whom is pregnant - so there is loads of baby talk which is lovely but a bit roughy especially with :witch: in the house!

Oh dear - can you dose up on drugs and strap a hot water bottle to your front?!

I know what you mean about baby talk.
I'm thoroughly sick of it. I wish I could live in a bubble where there are no bumps and no babies and no new " oh we're gonna have a baby 'cos we looked at each other once and blam we made a bean so that's nice "
I'm right with you all on the baby thing - just got back from a dinner party with two new babies and one on the way...

Love the questions about when are you guys having one... blah blah blah. What do you say? But drinking red wine is fun :winkwink:

Cazd - sounds like you've got the testing moving right along too. I hate the wait for the results. Yeah for HSG next week.

Kelly9/Cazd - Not sure with all the S/A numbers - haven't had anyone explain this yet. Do they suggest stuff to get the sperm up and happy?

Mrs_N thanks for the soy thing - didn't realise it could lower fertility if you had it all the time. Think I'll take it of the menu. Good luck with cycle 8. I'm only a few days behind... and there is no hope for this month as OH was OS at the crucial time. Bad planning.
I think zinc is a good vitamin to be taking.

10dpo for me and low temp :( off to work. I feel like crap.
Kelly thanks for the zinc thing - I'll look into it.

Sorry about the temp drop.
Pissy mood today... midterm didn't go as well as I'd hoped. Thats all for now.
AF today (expected). So yeah for a new cycle and the fantastic weather too.
Its raining here....

how is everyone? Cazd haven't heard from you in a while.
winks sorry af arrived :hugs:
i think she is on her way out for me now.
kelly hope you are feeling better today :hugs:
Hi ladies, sorry not been on here much lately, but try to keep away in TWW or I would drive myself mad! Expecting AF today but think she might come late as I've taken preconception vitamins this month, which usually seem to make my cycle longer (think its the B vits that lengthen luteul phase??). I also took EPO before OV but not sure what affect that will have! Have been feeling mega tired the last few days (had to go for afternoon naps at the weekend) so started to get my hopes up, but feel normal now so fully expecting AF to arrive in the next couple of days. Feel like I'm going to throw a big strop and have some tears this time as I'm so sick of waiting now. It's been 18 months now and I feel that's long enough! Got some good news on hospital side of things - managed to get our follow up with consultant brought forward to December so thats at least something to focus on. Hopefully we may be able to start discussing treatments.

Anyone have any exciting news or developments???? xx
Heya ladies.

I don't have any good news - I'm on CD2 today.
I was in agony from about 4am this morning - painkillers and hot water bottle and OH rubbing my back just didn't touch it. By 6am I was beside myself with the pain and in floods of tears!

Thankfully those cramps have gone now and I've just got to get through the rest of the working day and I can drag the duvet downstairs and watch tv all night long.

I tried to book my HSG but they can't fit me in this month either.
There might be a chance of going on 26th November but only if they can get enough ladies to go on that day and they'll set up a clinic specially for us.

FS is on the 10th December so it all seems a bit far away really.

I'm thoroughly disheartened at the moment - and I know we probably all think it - and its so easy for everyone to say "oh don't worry it'll happen - it just takes time - your time will come" but it really does feel like it might never happen for us.
I know it's probably just a matter of time but its HARD WORK waiting!!!!

Sorry to be on a downer - I'm sure the PMA will come back as soon as the :witch: leaves!
Hi caz, I'm right with you. After posting only a few hours ago, AF has now arrived, so am sitting here bleary eyed and feeling really sorry for myself. I just feel as though it's never going to happen and don't know what to do anymore. I have tried EVERYTHING possible that I can try (naturally I mean) and I don't know whether to keep on trying with vitamins, EPO, grapefruit juice etc etc or just stop trying altogether and wait for advice from FS. I can't keep taking this month after month.
I know cazd.....seems like never...think I would fall over and hit my heaad and die if I see a BFP! At least i have com e so far as not to get my hopes to high. Wow waht a cheery team we are lol
Hi - hope everyone has a great weekend. I've started mine with a red wine... advantage of having the :witch:

HSG next week
Hi - hope everyone has a great weekend. I've started mine with a red wine... advantage of having the :witch:

I got absolutely trollied last night! I didn't mean to but before I knew it I'd had half a bottle of wine and 2 creamy cocktails and I was off !
So - I'm off the booze for a while - ha - probably 'till the next :witch:

Good luck for the HSG next week - when is it?

Peekabo - so sorry you're feeling bad. my AF has packed up and I'm feeling a damn site better about everything. 1 week 'till Ov !

I reckon you should carry on doing what you're doing - the vits and EPO can only help. And then see what the FS say...

I've gone and bought ANOTHER conception book - its full of info about herbs and diet and stuff.
Hmm - its like if I buy enough books then I'll get pregnant !
But... OPKs are buy one get one free at Superdrug so I've got me 10 sticks for this month.

And I know exactly how you feel about seeing a :bfp: I just can't imagine it.
Well - of course I've tried to imagine it and ended up bawling my eyes out thinking how incredible it would be.

Are we all waiting on Ov now?
I'm feeling some PMA coming on!!!!!

At some point.... One of us is gonna get pregnant !!!!!!
Cazd - have the HSG Thursday - will let you know how it goes - I have a friends birthday that night (which I'm not missing).

I always feel better when AF departs - start to "hope" again. Looks like we might all be in the tww together sometime soonish.
Yup, I'm waiting on OV. Am on CD 6 now, so got a few more 'nothing' days to get through!! x
I'm waiting to ov too, cd10 today.
Hoping it happens before cd45 this time around!
I am back!

I am on cd 3 I think. So lots of in between days to get through for me but I have exams next week so that will keep me busy. I got to call the period hotline saturday didn't hear anything today but I Have till wednesday. If nothing by wed at 4 then on to hoping for the next month.
Winks - good luck with your HSG tomorrow!

I've just read in my new book that many women ovulate at the full moon - wonder if that's why we're all waiting on ovulation !
Mrs N.. its totally random but the book says to sleep in a really dark room but to open the curtains in your bedroom on CD13-15 to bring on ovulation!

I still haven't heard about my HSG though... might end up not having it before the FS appointment.

Hows everyone else doing? waiting for Ov is a bit boring really....
I have my fingers crossed for both of you - kelly and caz :hugs:

what book are you reading caz? when is the next full mooon?!

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