Thanks for the welcome everyone, yep I've been taking the vit b complex for about 4 months now and they aren't doing anything...taking more than I prob should be at 150mg this cycle but 100mg wasn't working in the slightest. According to fertiliy friend my ovulation day has been brought forward...that'll def be as a result of the TCM, acu and herbs. DH has started taking wellman and isn't drinking or smoking. His diet sucks though, he needs to eat more leafy greens but he just doesn't like the taste. Too bad for him though he's getting them on his plate and is eating them....or else! That doesn't sound like too long too wait. I got my results back from the gp in November though and he said he would be referring me to the fs and I should have an appointment sorted by hello, it is fecking Jan and no sign of an appointment! I'll give it until next week and if I've not received a letter from the hospital by then I'll ring the gp back. Spent most of the weekend feeling sorry for myself but feeling better now. The gp didn't explain any of the results to dh properly either now I'm thinking about it, he only told him about that the count was low. He didn't tell him about motility, morphology...nothing! For all I know he could have 5 million and none are working...or he could have 5 million and they are all perfect! My head feels melted thinking about it! Hurry up FS!
XO Jen