hehe, I've been waiting for you to come on and find out!
so, I have a big glass of water in front of me (although hun, I'm sure that what happened for you was not anything that you did or didn't do

the ff link should be back - think it got deleted when I updated my ticker whoops! Temps are pretty high! I know I'm early with the tickers, but I want to make the most of this, and make it feel real! I've also booked in to see the GP and confirm things (I know she's gonna be surprised - I ov'd on the day she prescribed me clomid!!) but not going til week after next, give things a chance first!
So yesterday neither of us could stop giggling, and today I've been going laugh-cry-laugh-cry

and intermittently picking up the test and staring at it

DH wasn't convinced at first - the whole 'a line is a line' thing doesn't seem to work with men, but once I educated him he was over the moon

we are totally on

although I don't think it's sunk in yet, it will be more real when af doesn't show, she's due saturday so until then I'll be a bag of nerves!