Well.....Whats the verdict? Is there deffinatly a butterball???
That sucks that you have to deal with an ex-wifey. Hopefully you don't have a horrible relationship with her and she doesn't stress you out too much. It's awesome that OH's son is 8. He can be a great help I'm sure. Hopefully he's not the jealous type. When my nephew was born my niece was 8. She was an only (spoiled) child for a long time so it was hard for her to adjust. Right before my nephew was born I took my niece out just her and I. I told her she's got a job to do and I'v got some secrets from one big sister to another. I told her all the great things about having a baby brother and even some of the not so great stuff just so she didn't think I was shoving crap at her. She had a great day hanging out just her and I. And when the baby was born and we went to visit them in the hospital we brought her a present too. I made up a jewellry box with stickers and big girl jewellry. All with a congratualtions your a big sister theme. I think it really helped because the attention wasn't just on my nephew. She was included in the celebration. I think all too often the older children are thought to not understand, and they usually don't, but they still want to be included. My sister-in-law wasn't quite doing that (she was a little busy lol) so I stepped in. Wow that little story just kinda took over. back to the present.
I agree with living in the moment and taking life one day at a time. It really reduces the stress. That's what I'm doing with the army. I'm kinda doing a wait and see. I deffinatly don't want to tell them I'm ttc. Heck I don't want to tell them when I get pregnant, but I would never do anything to harm the baby so I would have to tell them. We have what is called a Padre in the army. He is like a preist/reverend/councellor/etc... all rolled into one. His job is to answer questions and guide the troops pretty much. He also has confidentiality so thats helpful. When I get pregnant I'm going to talk to him and see what he says. I'm hoping there's going to be like a light duty or something they could put me on, instead of kicking me off course. By the time I know I'm pregnant this cycle it'll be halfway through April and there will only be 3 weekends left of the course and then graduation.
So I was doing some calculations:
I started Provera March 3rd. My last pill will be March 9. Last time it took 10 days after my last Provera pill for AF to show. So I'm estimating AF at March 19. So assuming Ovulation is day 14 as it should be on Clomid, I used a due date calculator. My estimated due date would be December 24th. Cool and uncool at the same time. A Christmas baby would be so magical, until the magic wears off and you're trying to plan a birthday party on Christmas eve or trying to make the kid feel like his birthday is special even though Christmas will take all the attnetion. DH is being a good sport about it. He said, "The kids gonna have stellar parents. He can handle a crappy birthday."
I really hope we get pragnant this cycle. This medicine is kicking my ass. I still haven't figured out if it's a cold or not, but it sucks. I was just down for the count yesterday. I had the day off work wednesday and thursday, so today is my first day of work after taking the metformin. Hopefully I survive the day. It's just a 5 hours shift, so I'll be home before I know it. Fingers crossed.