For those TTC with PCOS

thank you for your advice and support. i am feeling a lil better today, my husband is being a bit more open towards me and i think that 'ready4baby' im so sorry for your loss, it is so tough, to finally see those two sweet lines! and then in a flash all your dreams are over, and you have no control over something so precious being taken away from you! and you're right, it does feel a bit like im scared too, incase it's going to happen again and i may never be able to carry another pregnancy. ive been reading up about pcos and mc online and it may literally have been because of something i ate that my body didn't break down properly- and too much insulin can make the lining of the womb inhabitable for the growing baby. I had gestational diabetes with my first pregnancy and was told by my midwife it was because of my pcos. however i didnt know that it could effect the baby in a life or death way- i was told that it could mean the baby will get too big. but after reading about it, i am now wondering if it was maybe coz i just ate too much crap over christmas!!! :shrug:

the worst part is that i dont know why i lost my baby, and so now i don't know how to prevent it from happeneing again. but maybe after the scan i will be able to talk to someone and get some answers as to what went wrong.
but thanks again guys, and here's to moving forwards and looking to the new year!:flower:
good luck to all you lovely ladies!!! lets hope to see many BFP's in the next year!! xxxxxxx
Jenn, how long are your cycles? Are you on FF? I don't have any advice or anything, but what you wrote hits home for me as I feel the same way...I hesitate to use a "fertility" drug like clomid (although funny enough last night my DH randomly said he wouldn't at all mind having twins...) Anyway, I too am just as confused on how far to go with assistance in getting a regular cycle and conceiving. How are we to know what is best?

If Im not on the pill they've always been 4 to 5 months long. when i got off the pill in july i had 2 regular ones back to back for the first time, then my last one was oct 6th. I have a friend who took just metformin and provera and conceived. her 2nd child she had to take femara. i wouldnt mind having twins but would rather not (know what imean :) Not only that its just the thought! I think i just want to give it one or two cycles then try the clomid! Im not on FF yet im going to start charting as soon as I start. Im just confused about how accurite it is. I read you need to do it at the same time but also you need to have 3 consecutive hours of sleep. what if you test at 7 am and wake up at 5 and go back to sleep. will it be accurite? usually wake up a few times at night but go right back to sleep.

IM so sorry to hear ya'lls losses. I know it would be such a hard time. you shouldnt blame yourself or what you ate- dont start thinking its your fault.
Happy New Year everyone! Hey Jenn, temping is not too hard, it's just a habit you have to get into. If you wake up during the night, you can still get an accurate reading...unless you are getting up at 5 to walk around the house... just being awake in bed makes no difference. I get up to go to the bathroom at least once during the night and I don't have a problem charting. Set your alarm for the same time each morning, temp, and go back to sleep if you can!

I dunno what we are going to do next cycle. I'm 11 dpo now and I don't think this is my cycle. I have a doc appointment on thursday and I'm quite unsure of whether to accept a prescription from her or not! I would prefer not to have twins either ;) But I also don't want to spend too much time trying to make this happen with long cycles--it's so frustrating!
Hi all

Please can i join ... me and DH are both 32, been married for 2 years and TTC #1 for just over a year. Diagnosed with PCOS after having long irregular periods and bad skin ... saw fertility specialist in November and had first round of clomid in December, brought my cycle down to 35 days (lowest ever)!

:bfn: and :witch: over xmas and now on cd 3 of second clomid round.

I agree with ready4baby, my biggest fear is that ill never be pregnant, i just cant see it happening .... if only that crystal ball could tell me that i will some day then i could relax a bit more.

For now the clomid seems to be working as my bloods say i ovulated so im looking forward to trying again ... im fed up with being fed up with ttc so im being positive!!

Im temping now, have started on Fertility Friend, only done one day so far but im going to test when i wake up for work and see how i go!!!

Just having a small :wine: to see me on my way to my next cycle!!! xxxx

Kikiwanabump - you poor thing, the worst thing i guess is just not knowing what happened/happening. Keep your chin up chickadee and fingers crossed that 2011 is your year!! :hugs: xxx
Hi everyone. Im new to this site. Im 24 and married. I was diagnosed with PCOS 2 years ago when I was admitted to hospital with a suspected eptopic pregnancy. My periods were regular as clock work from 13 years old until I was about 20. I have been TTC for about 8 months now. My GP started me on metformin about 3 months ago and I have started (in the last couple weeks) a low GI diet as I have read it's good for women with PCOS. I haven't had a period for ages (I average a 1 or 2 a year at the moment).

Really hope 2011 is the year for me!! Anyone else on metformin???
Ooh that reminds me i meant to say that I did a low GI diet for a while and i think it did help me, i now kind of stick to it as I only eat wholewheat and stick to good proteins, low caffeine, alcohol etc.

I read that losing just 5% of your body weight can kick start ovulation as well.

I also tried Vitex for a couple of (long) cycles and it deffo helped to start regulate me ... it takes a while to build up in your system, you are only supposed to take from cd 1 to ovulation too.

Good luck :dust:
Hopefully you will find the low GI diet easy, my husband was really supportive and ate all the "brown" food i gave him!!!!

Do you have a specific diet day-by-day kind of thing? If you google it there are loads of recipes and you can even get specific PCOS diet books on places like amazon!!

I stuck to wholewheat pasta, rice and cereals, lots of fish, soya is really good too so i ate loads of quorn as well as turkey instead of red meats and pork/lamb etc.

Loads of fruit and veg, basically what most people should be eating anyway!!!! We still stick to lots of the rules now and feel much healthier for it!

I just need to get my butt to the gym now!!!! xxxx
Hi all,

I would love to join you ladies! DH and I have been 'trying' (as far as possible - I've only had AF 3 times in that time, the last being in Sept...) since we got married in June.

I've just started seeing a Naturopathic Physician, who is confident that she can help - she prescribed a number of supplements, along with a fairly restrictive diet and I am due to start a course of accupuncture later today - fingers crossed!

As many of the ladies here have said, the thing I find hardest is the not knowing whether it will ever happen, and if it does, whether we will be trying for years?

The other thing of course, is not having people to talk to who understand. DH is obviously very supportive, but its hard to know when to just keep my worries to myself, as the last thing I want to do is burden him unnecessarily...

Hi Babypickle, dont feel sad :hugs:

Have you been to a normal doctor already to see what they say? There are blood tests and things they can test for.

Ive heard good things about acupuncture though so fingers crossed that works for you.

Ive found it brilliant on this forum, ive been on here for ages every morning over xmas, dont know what im going to do tomorrow at work!!!! Its to hear that you arent alone and also see other people's success stories, it really makes you feel that it CAN and WILL happen to us too.

Men arent the most sympathic to these problems as they dont really know what we are going through, if you have any questions or worries just post on here!

Good day I'm 30 years old and ttc no3. Was diagnosed with pcos in 2003 but conceived within 6 months after the birth of my daughter the doctor said my pcos is cleared up. 2 weeks after my daughters 1st birthday I found out I was pregnant with little girl no 2. she was born at 28 weeks. I got divorced in 2007. Met someone new and had a miscarriage sep 2009 and had a sterilization done, but couldn't get over the miscarriage even though it wasn't planned. So june last year I had a reversal done. Only to find out 5 months later that I have PCOS again! So this is my first month on fertomid. I'm currently on day 9 of my cycle so today was the last day of fertomid. I have a doctors apointment on friday to see if the meds are working and I'm ovulating.
Thanks Clo_mid, it really does help to know that there are other people going through the same thing :)

Yeah, I've been to see the GYN, who was lovely, but basically said that since my hormone levels are all within the normal range, with just some IR, that she was 100% sure that if I went away and lost 10kg, that I would get my cycle back, so she packed me off with a prescription for Metformin and told me to come back in 6 months :growlmad:. Obviously it not quite as easy as just going away and losing some weight, and to be honest I'm not convinced she's right as I was pretty much a 'perfect' weight when I was first diagnosed.

So I made a decision to try the natural route first (partly because I hear the side-effects of Metformin are pretty horrendous) and then reconsider the chemical route in 6 months time

Fortunately the Natural doc is very encouraging, but having waited a long time to start TTC, I guess I'm getting impatient now! I want a BFP now!!!! :haha:

Im impatient with everything so that makes it even worse!

Ah i see, my doctor told me that sometimes losing just 5% of your body weight can help to kick start ovulation no matter what weight you are so its deffo worth a try. Easier said that done though i know!!

Playgirl2 - I didnt think that PCOS ever went away to be honest, just the symptoms subsided. Good luck on friday, hopefully things are working!!

Hi there babypickle, where did you find your natural doc? I'm not sure how to go about finding a reputable person? I hear you on wishing you could just know WHEN it was eventually going to happen for you. I think a lot of us struggle with the worry of when, if or ever we will get ours--but we have to remember that eventually we will find a path to being parents! Also I agree with you girls that weight alone doesn't fix our bodies (although of course it's a contributing factor for lots of people) because I'm actually quite thin and still have ovaries riddled with cysts and cycles pushing 50 days. :(
Hey ready4baby

I actually live in Dubai, which is fairly small, so there are only a few practitioners operating here, so it was fairly easy for me to do a search on the various expat forums and find reviews of the doctors and make my decision from there.

However I think the important things to check are that they are certified by the relevant board (for you I guess they would need to be North American Board certified), and that they have experience in treating women with fertility issues. I had a quick look around and I found a site called heartspring (sorry, I don't have enough posts to post the link, so you'll need to google :blush:) which list all of the practitioners state by state, that may be worth checking out?

My advice would be to take a look through these and see if any are convenient for you, and if so, give them a call - they may offer a free first consultation during which you should hopefully get a feel for them.

Let me know if you are having problems finding someone though - my doctor is NAB certified, and so I can ask her next time I see her what she suggests.


Good day I'm 30 years old and ttc no3. Was diagnosed with pcos in 2003 but conceived within 6 months after the birth of my daughter the doctor said my pcos is cleared up. 2 weeks after my daughters 1st birthday I found out I was pregnant with little girl no 2. she was born at 28 weeks. I got divorced in 2007. Met someone new and had a miscarriage sep 2009 and had a sterilization done, but couldn't get over the miscarriage even though it wasn't planned. So june last year I had a reversal done. Only to find out 5 months later that I have PCOS again! So this is my first month on fertomid. I'm currently on day 9 of my cycle so today was the last day of fertomid. I have a doctors apointment on friday to see if the meds are working and I'm ovulating.

Sorry to hear that you're having problems with PCOS, and I hope you ovulate soon. However, i'm a bit confused about your comment about your PCOS having "cleared up" and then that you "have PCOS again"... as far as I know and have been told by the various doctors i've seen, PCOS is not curable and all the doctors can do is treat the symptoms.

Infact, the NHS website states "PCOS cannot be cured, but the symptoms can be treated."
babypickle, thanks so much for the info! :hugs: I'll try the website you suggested. At this point, I'm not "desperate" but I would try anything natural to boost my chances... Besides, my mother in law would love me forever because she is uber-granola and natural path obsessed. Dubai? Are you from there? How cool!

so as some of you know i have recently had a miscarriage, but my question is: at the hospital yesterday i went for a scan and was told that there were no remains of my pregnancy and everything looked normal, but then i was told to wait until i have had 2 periods before i should start trying again. but as all you girls well know, that could be ages!!! with irregular cycles, for me that could mean anywhere between 3 and 5 months! :cry: when i miscarried i did say to my husband that i would like to wait a month or 2 until we start trying again,(or just until i feel ready) but i didnt expect to be told it's best to wait until after 2 cycles!!
i have surprised myself and actually feel like i would like to start trying again soon. my son is 21months and i really want to give him a brother or sister.
what do you ladies think? do you have any insight into this for me or can you offer any advice? i would really appreciate it as really have no idea.xx

Im no doctor so I dont want to give you any medical advice but surely you need to wait untill you have had your next period to start again anyway, thats one period at least.

Have you looked at other threads in different sections relating to this??

Do you take any other meds or do anything to help you ovulate sooner?? Might be worth taking the opportunity to look into it??

Sorry im not much help, just wanted you to know that someone is out there listening to you and give you some support


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