I don't think this is really something to argue about. Everyone's opinions are valid because we've all had different experiences. I don't think one dollar has been wasted if this child is truly "missing". What gets people up in arms is when parents claim their child has been abducted and the community comes out to help, only to find out the parents actually harmed the child. Last summer, a four year old boy, Kendrick Jackson went missing. His father told a convincing story and our entire city donated their time, money, supplies and hardwork in 105 degreee heat to search for days. Texas Equisearch (helps locate missing persons anywhere and everywhere) was in charge of our search. Finally, the police realized he was lying. We know he killed him, but still haven't located his body. It was all in vain and there are so many missing. Every second counts and it took away from a "real" situation. I think these people should have to reimburse these all out efforts. That's my two cents and I hope I haven't offended anyone.