Nikkip, is there a chance you could be pg now at thats why is late? Or have I missed a big part of your journey??
hello lisa
i dont know if i could be pg.
ill give a quick brief of my journey:
my cycles range between 18 - 44 days
my periods are extremely heavy and painful and been ttc for around 18 months now. doc finally referred me to an infertility clinic.
i have previously mc and had what docs called a phantom pg where my body gave me all the symptoms and i was not pg
i have now got to go for a blood test during day 1-5 of my next cycle and again on cd21 and cd28. i am also waiting for an appt for a laparoscopy and a hysterescopy and dye test.
with my temp charting (sorry i havent got a chart to show) my temp never rises each month like it should and i get heavy cm everyday regardless of ov or not.
each month i get symptoms and start hoping and most months even tests and am fed up of
so there we go sorry bout the looooong reply but thats my story.
atm i have heavy cm yesterday had a pinkish cm boobs have been on and off sore for over a week got some twinges and a pulling down there sorry for tmi!. dont know whether its getting ready for or maybe....??
confused now.