I am 12 DPO and my usual is 11 DPO so I should start today but I don't feel her yet, if she does not show i am going to be really mad. If I am not pregnant that is one thing but at least let my cycles be regular so I know everything is ok. AHHH stupid BCPs messing up my system. Hope you all are well.
Well still no and I feel sooo pregnant! I dont want to make myself look stupid, but I feel exactly the same as I did with the other 2.
My boobs are really aching and I have a washing machine in my tum. I also had my nightly milky coffee... well I attempted to. One sniff and my stomach turned. I did drink 1/2, but (TMI Alert!!) when I stood up I ended up in the bathroom with my head down the loo.
I am not doing another hpt yet cos I cannot face having a , even though I think its AAGRRH dont you just hate yourselves for being too chicken to test. I have had 4 & get more upset after every one
Right... rant over. Hope your all doing okay this morning.
Morning to you all, not really a good one for me cause the is out in full force this morning and is fully making me aware of it. got pains for england here but at least I know in a weeks time I can start getting down and dirty again
Thanks, I have read so many journeys on here that have been feeling like me then the big arrives, so I am swinging from SOOO confident then SOOO NOT confident
Ohh well fingers crossed, even though your not getting symptoms yet, you may be pleasantly surprised.
I haven't been on for a while so just read through to catch up on what's happening. Sorry AF arrived Sparkle and that you didn't get the best news Lyrah
I can so identify with 'being nauty' while ttc and in the TWW (and longer as the case may be for us!). At first you are so good but when you realise this could be a bit more of a 'long term project' than anticipated, you tend to fall back into old habits. For me it's the odd glass of white and junk food. Was glad to read the bit about the first five weeks being not so critical and there isn't a strong connection yet.
Well, anyhow, I'm about 10 days late. Have been spotting for 11. Not 100% sure that I ov'd. Cramps/back ache coming and going, and today spotting hardly any. Felt sick today, but I think that has more to do with obsessing! I took a test today, BFN, but that was no great suprise, as I wasn't able to pinpoint ov, so it may be too early. My temps have gone up, but not enough to give me serious hope. I just wish AF would come, or this spotting would stop so I can get back in the race!
Hi Sarah, Thanks for sharing your story with us. welcome to the thread. Although the nasty has found me Il be hanging around to support you lot. and hopefully share some good news of xxxx
still no here and im getting annoyed as apart from the odd BA (boob attack as dh calls it) and cm and odd twinges nothing
grrr its doing my head in so off for more retail therapy in a bit!!
lisa love its looking hopefull for you fingers crossed for you!!!xxxxx
I am officially 2 days late at CD 34. Unlikely pg with yesterday and no symptoms of any sort (although thought I was coming on a couple of days ago, but turned out just to be a funny tummy ).
Feeling a bit frustrated with my system as it just seems to be prolonging everything - are my cycles getting longer and longer...? Not great timing when ttc.....
Still no for me, am feeling increasingly dizzy and nausea is coming and going; TMI coming up now sorry! (don't want to jinx it but...) am wondering if am having implantation as cm has suddenly appeared (had none at all since ov which is unusual for me!) but is a VERY pale brown (almost beige) also had one or two tiny spots of pale pink late last night.
Am v confused though as thought if was gonna happen would have already implanted by now (am on CD29 of 26/27 day cycle - think I ov'd approx 21st - 24th Sept but not 100%)
Usually by now would be curled up dying from cramps, but other than the odd twinge - nothing?
I think implantation spotting can come at all different times. Lots of lasses on here have had it early but personally when I was carrying both my youngest I had it at wk 7, and with my 1st I ended up having an early scan to check viability. Anyway it all worked out and when I got it the 2nd time I just ignored it and got on with it.
I heard that a very large %age of us get it and one time or another within the first few months....
Thanks Peanut, sorry that your not hopeful, it makes me feel so sad.
But dont lose heart, some lasses dont have symptoms, my sister didnt, but I did?? We are all different and our bodies have a habit of doing the opposite to what we expect.
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