For those who believe in miscarried babies go to Heaven?


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2009
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My partner and I are both very strong Christians and I am wondering if you believe babies who are miscarried go to Heaven? We get through each day by believing our little Gabriella and Elliott are little Angels who are never far away, but what do you think?

I had a person say today that a baby has no soul until he or she breathes air and thus a baby miscarried cannot go to Heaven.

I don't mean to offend anyone by asking this question so please don't take it that way. I just wanted to understand more than I do at this moment. My partners father is a minister so I will likely ask him when we have dinner on Sunday, but I wanted to know if other Mommies find comfort or believe that their babies are waiting for them...
I lost my own twins (identical boys) in 07 and I wondered this myself. It bothered me to know in my own heart they were my boys but to other people they were just another" fetus" that wasent meant to be. That's what bothered me the most when people referred to them as "fetus's"...its odd how small things like that bother us..but you know the thing that made me feel better was this...after lots of thought I concluded that if god chose to give me my boys then obviously they went back to god when he chose to take them back. Babies do not need to breath air to have a soul. They have a soul the minute their mommy and daddy create them. Its hard I know. Its hard to imagine why god would give you such gifts just to take them back. And we may never know those answers. Right now your grieving as you should be. Scream, yell, cry. Do what you have to do. But honey don't turn your back on god. I'm sure right now your babies are up there safe and sound playing with the rest of our angels. I am so sorry this happend to you. But I promise time will help you heal. I won't lie to you..there's still days I struggle. And you will too. But I promise it will get better. Hugs and again I am so truely sorry for your loss.
Ive been taught that as soon as the blood enters into the babies body it is considered alive, the bible says that the soul is in the blood. So at 9-12 days past conception(which is when blood enters a baby) it is considered alive with a soul, so why wouldnt God let a beautiful perfect baby into heaven? They havent even had the chance to sin or do anything wrong, so I believe that they do go to heaven I hope so after all of my losses(4)
I say YES! They DO go to heaven! I delivered my baby girl Hannah at 32 weeks. She was a stillborn and never took a breath. I believe that she will be in heaven. I actually would like to believe that those who had MC will be pregnant with those babies in heaven. I hope that those who lose babies will get to raise them in heaven too. I know it may sound far fetched but it's what I would like to think. :)
I do not believe in a god as such, but do hope that the souls are somewhere and at peace.
I not sure what to believe, I'd like to believe the soul lives on however my 4 m/c's were very early (4 - 6 weeks). I was told by a medium that every pregnancy after a loss is the same babies soul until the pregnancy is successful.
I like to belive both!!
oh losttwins i am so sorry you are experiencing this i have spoken to you before you may remember i to lost twins and i do believe that your little souls are playing with mine somewhere safe were they are being loved until i can join them some day. What a cruel thing to say to someone.
I so agree with heatera1985 that we were given our babies by god and for what ever reason they have returned to him.

Lauraperrysan i was not sure about mediums but i to saw one with a friend who was desperate to try it! when we arrived (it was in a different part of the country so we had never met and she did not know my name) the lady opened the door and after she had made a drink she looked at me and said right who is the one with three children (my friend had triplets) i pointed to my friend , she looked at my friend and shook her head then she looked at me again and said its you, you have one earth child and to heaven children! i had just had my second miscarriage!!! it was still very raw and she said but your not ready for this, but you need to know they are fine and are with silvia (my nana!!!) i have another really strange experience which i wont go in to cus it makes me cry!!
So do not loose faith they are up there and often nearer to us than you think. Im sending you loads of love and god bless xxxx
I met a woman who has NO children and has had seven miscarriages. I asked her how she did it - how did she go on time after time and make it through? (One m/c was even as late as 24 weeks)
She said this: "Our purpose in life is to raise souls for God's kingdom. I am so blessed to have give Him seven perfect little souls who never had to endure the trials and tribulations of this earth. They all went straight to Heaven to be with Him."
Hearing her say that has given me a new perspective and has helped my grief SO much.
I am a Christian, and I truly believe in heaven. And I believe that God Himself has held each and every one of our babies in His hands.
I recently asked God that since I couldn't hold my daughter on my lap and tell her abut Him, could he please hold her on HIS lap and tell her about me?
I know He's taking care of them all. You'll see your baby again someday.
This thread has made me tear up! I believe that of course our babies are in heaven, They are perfect little souls from conception and they were lost to us because there were reasons why they weren't ready for this earth. It is all about faith in my opinion, I believe they are in heaven so therefore, they are!
For sure!!! I have told my daughter that I have 4 other babies waiting in heaven for me. I told her that I am an angel making factory for God. :angel:
i was told by someone because they are not born the spirit stays in you and is reborn into your next child

but i am not sure
i do!!
when we lost bub i knew he/she went up to heaven and i still pray to god every night telling him to say hello to our beautiful angel that he is now taking care of!!
I don't know which church you are but in Catholic church the pope has changed it recently and now unborn children go straight to heaven as opposite to going to limbo before. as far as i remember all christian believe that the human being starts with the moment of conception and in case of death the parents intention of wanting the child to be baptized is enough to include the child into the Church. I know my baby is in heaven and this was what got me through at the beginning
I definitely believe our little peanut is in heaven, just playing with all the other babies until we get there. I imagine it as one giant nursery with grandparents walking around and holding them.
I definitely believe our little peanut is in heaven, just playing with all the other babies until we get there. I imagine it as one giant nursery with grandparents walking around and holding them.
Awww! OMG I love that. My grandma passed away in June, just a few weeks before dh and I conceived. I was sad that she would never know my baby.....but reading what you wrote makes me believe that she's holding my baby girl right now and getting to know her very well! My grandma LOVES babies...she spent most of her life volunteering in a postpartum ward. That would be the perfect job for her in heaven.
I'm Catholic as well and spoke to my priest when we were loosing our baby on a few topics. He said that, yes, our babies will be in heaven waiting for us, in the meantime, watching over us. He said to consider ourselves blessed because we have a special angel above now. He told me that God will call all of his children to heaven at some point, some much earlier than others, we don't know why some are asked to heaven so early. They will be with Mother Mary, as she will take care of them in heaven for us. I found that very comforting, knowing a beautiful mother was with my boy.

As a bit of an aside, he also said that each soul chooses their families and that our boy chose us to be his mother and father. We needed to be there for him for the time he was with us. It made me cry thinking about that, in a good way. Thinking that our boy was going through so much and needed parents like us to take care of him while he was here. (We lost him at 4 months to a fatal genetic problem)
I definitely believe our little peanut is in heaven, just playing with all the other babies until we get there. I imagine it as one giant nursery with grandparents walking around and holding them.

Ii am sat hear in tears !! but i 100% agree out been was 11 weeks and you know what fluffy grandad and Grandad will be making sure eberyone is fine !! I have always felt this way !!

One giant playground full of fun and love xxxx
Thank you all so much for telling me that you, too, believe all of our babies are waiting for us when we get home...

The idea that all the Grandparents are holding our babies made me cry because it is so comforting and the thought that my Grandma is holding my babies (or any of our babies) is just so special.

I can't begin to tell you how much all of the support here means to us in this dark and difficult time.

Thank you...
I too am a Christian and I believe with all of my heart that our babies are in heaven. They are a gift from God, and were called early to go back to heaven to play. I also believe they watch over us, and comfort us in our grief. Their souls will always be a part of our souls, and they will always be our children whether on earth or in heaven.

Daddy, please don't look so sad,
Mama please don't cry~
"Cause I am in the arms of Jesus
and He sings me lullabies."

Please, try not to question God,
Don't think he is unkind
Don't think He sent me to you,
and then He changed his mind.

You see, I am a special child,
and I'm needed up above
I'm the special gift you gave Him,
the product of your love.

I'll always be there with you
and watch the sky at night,
Find the brightest star that's gleaming,
That's my halo's brilliant light.

You'll see me in the morning frost,
that mists your window pane.
That's me in the summer showers,
I'll be dancing in the rain.

When you feel a little breeze,
from a gentle wind that blows
That's me, I'll be there,
planting a kiss on your nose.

When you see a child playing,
and your heart feels a little tug,
That's me, I'll be there,
giving your heart a hug.

So Daddy, please don't look so sad,
Mama don't your cry.
I'm in the arms of Jesus
and He sings me lullabies.

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