Formula feeding support thread- Chat with other FF mums

Yes I mean the ready-to-feed stuff. I thought it was horrendously expensive too and never found powder formula that hard to use. My friends are using Dr. Browns though so maybe thats why they find the liquid easier.

I hope my kid likes the playtex drop-ins. I've used them for years as a babysitter and my mom used them too. I love them, but I won't stock up because I know my LO will have their own opinion :haha:

Great tip on making up a batch! That will save on midnight counting of scoops too!
Any chance I can convince my baby that room-temp or cold bottles are just as good as warmed ones? :haha: (Wishful thinking)

LOL...I agree with Aiden's mummy in that you can try different may protest or you may get lucky. Best of trying with room temp. I don't think any babies like cold milk, but if you can get away with room temp from the beginning it would make things a lot easier.

And I LOVED the drop ins (too bad Lexi didn't)...but they are the best and far as use and cleanup :)

Yes, the batch thing really helped us...not just because you can't mix in a dr. brown's bottle, but just because it was always ready to go and prepared...just had to warm it up. Def. try the best of both worlds...ready to feed without the $$$$ ;)
any tips on keeping them from blasting your ears while you warm the bottle then? :)

ROFL...NO advice daughter is nearly 2 and can still blast my ears when she wants to eat...she is tiny but has always been an eater...and a demanding one at that...LOL!
Right ladies I will leave you to it, as it is 12.48 am here. Night! :)
Here in the US you don't have to boil the water (well in most cities you don't) or anything so I always found powder much easier to use with Landon and Casen.

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All those places will send you lots of coupons and samples as your due date comes closer. Also in the hospital you should get a bag from whatever company works with that hospital with lots of coupons and samples, the hospital will also send you home with some formula if you are doing it from birth.
Has anyone tried the little hand-held mixers for powder formula? I figure they may work well for the Dr. Browns but I'm not sure if they're just a disappointment or a life-saver.
sorry was watching tv.

We used Nestle good start with Hannah and it has the added Omegas, not sure what other brands have it added in

Hannah never really did cry when she was hungry or cry for bottles so we didn't really have problems of her getting upset while the bottle warmed up :lol:
Has anyone tried the little hand-held mixers for powder formula? I figure they may work well for the Dr. Browns but I'm not sure if they're just a disappointment or a life-saver.

I think they are probably a waste. If you end up using the drop ins you can just shake those. And before I thought to make formula in the pitcher I looked into them for the dr. browns and read all of the reviews, they all said they don't work on those bottles :( Either the mixer didn't make it to the bottom, or couldn't fit through the rim...etc.
sorry was watching tv.

We used Nestle good start with Hannah and it has the added Omegas, not sure what other brands have it added in

Hannah never really did cry when she was hungry or cry for bottles so we didn't really have problems of her getting upset while the bottle warmed up :lol:

Thanks!!! I think WIC approves only of good start so I'll have to check that out. :)
Has anyone tried the little hand-held mixers for powder formula? I figure they may work well for the Dr. Browns but I'm not sure if they're just a disappointment or a life-saver.

never actually heard of those? :shrug:

We used powder and just shook it really well, never had any issues :)

I will say one thing though, next time I will definitely be buying a bottle sterilizer of some kind. With Hannah we just used the boiling pot of water, which worked fine but can be a PITA!
I've heard that you don't have to sterilize all the time... that soap and water is just fine most of the time... thats what my friend's doctors have told them
I have heard differing opinions on it but I think we'll probably still sterilize next time (just my own personal comfort level from what I've read/heard about how easily the milk can grow bacteria). I do know of people who don't sterilize though and just wash it as you said :)
I just have so little kitchen space that finding room for a sterilizer of any sort will be hard, lol!

What about the water you use to mix with the formula. Our tap water here is high in cholorine and is VERY hard water. We use our fridge filter a lot, but any other recommendations... is a certain type of bottled water good or bad?
we just used boiled water

I do think in the States though that they sell some kind of water specifically for making formula. (pretty sure Wal-mart sells it). I know my brother used it with his son but I personally have no idea how good it is though or what makes it better than tap water? Hopefully someone else can help you out with that :)

I don't think regular bottled water is recommended but I can't remember the reason for that right now :blush:

that's one reason I didn't buy a sterilizer last time, no space! :) we've moved since than and though don't have loads of space we have more than we did :rofl: Plus running around with Hannah, I'm hoping it will help save a bit of time and hassle :)
are you going to get a plug-in one or a microwave one? I hear such mixed reviews about some of them not lasting long or requiring a lot of maintenance.
^ I use a microwave steriliser & have had no problems with it :) and I keep it in the microwave so no need to worry about not having much space :thumbup:
Hey girls def on the fence what i'm going to do but think as long as baby is fed all is good.
On this sterilising thing the ladies who BF don't sterilize their nips so why do we sterilise instead of just washing? OH thinks I am bonkers but really I want my baby to have a good immune system so they need to eat dirt etc to grow that I know i was often found eatting from the dog bowl and never get a bad tummy I am sensitive to milk tho lol. What do you ladies think?
I think personally that sterilizers are a waste of money. With Lexi we just put all the bottle 'parts' in a pot of boiling water and called it a day. Now I have a new dishwasher that has a sterilizer feature, may try that out :)

Also, we used tap water for her bottles. I didn't see anything wrong with it (neither did the dr.). Now we DID have hard water (but not chlorine)...but now we have a water softener, so I will have to check with the dr. on if tap is still ok or not now. They do sell special water in the's called nursery water. Our pediatrician didn't recommend it (thought I can't remember why!!).

And Molly85....I agree with letting kids build up their immune systems...esspecially naturally by exploring (i.e playing in dirt, running in muddy water barefoot)....people make a huge ordeal out of all of it now...but we all got dirty as kids!! My grandparents make such a big deal outta the fact that I let our dogs kiss our are silly about all that stuff. But as far as sterilizing, the bottles that have a lot of pieces (like dr. browns) I feel need to be sterilized or at least washed out with a pipe cleaner because there are tiny crevices that can hold milk and it molds very quickly. There's only so many places leftover milk can hide on a nipple ;)
I use bottled water as we dont have fresh water here. I choose one with the least menerals. Sping water like Volvic & Avian r full of menerals. As for sterilizing I still sterilize out of habit, & I use the sterilizer to store the bottles (Never bothered to remove the bottles frm it once I open the cover). I tried boiling bottles when we were on vacation but it wastes lots of water.
Hey girls def on the fence what i'm going to do but think as long as baby is fed all is good.
On this sterilising thing the ladies who BF don't sterilize their nips so why do we sterilise instead of just washing? OH thinks I am bonkers but really I want my baby to have a good immune system so they need to eat dirt etc to grow that I know i was often found eatting from the dog bowl and never get a bad tummy I am sensitive to milk tho lol. What do you ladies think?
I think you need to sterilise for the first few months. You don't have to go out and buy a steriliser, you can use Milton or just boiling water if you prefer. On baby bottles with stage 1 teats, the hole in the teat is so tiny, you won't be able to clean it and it will harbour bacteria. That's where the sterilising comes in.
Now at 6 months, my LO drinks tap water and I don't sterilise her sippy cup or her dummies anymore. I am all for getting baby used to germs, but when they are newborn I think sterilising is the way to go.

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