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Ladies, I need to vent. I went for my US this morning and before that happened a nurse that has lousy bedside manner came in & asked if they'd talked to me about my HSG results. I told her the radiologist said my tubes were open. She said, "Yes, they're open but you have polyps in your uterus and you need surgery. It's not a big deal." I'd be under general anesthesia and they go in laproscopically through my belly button and one other place. General anesthesia is a big deal. I stopped breathing when I had an appendectomy & then w/ my tonsils I kept passing out and had to spend the night in the hospital. IT IS A BIG DEAL!

So if I do this surgery they usually don't even start trying IVF for two months. Let's do the numbers. If I wait until my next period and have the surgery, that's March. Two months after is May. I take boards June 4th. My 3rd year clinical rotations start July 3rd and after that I'm not going to be able to make any doctor appts b/c I'll be too busy.

What makes most sense is to wait until 4th year when I'll have plenty of time and we'll have been able to save up to afford IVF. But I'm scared to wait. I'm 38 & my husband is 39. (I don't like the 35+ forum for the same reason you don't like the first tri forums...depressing.) All the research I've done shows that egg quality really drops after 38.

Ladies, it took me a long time to get my act together. (Obviously, I'm in med school at 38.) I didn't meet K until I was 36, married at 37 and I'm exhausted trying to keep this all going. It's just one thing after another. It was so upsetting to hear I need surgery that it doesn't matter I have two 20x20 follicles. :cry:
Blessed- chin up girl! Life happens for a reason. I'd still try for a baby anyway. Clinicals are in a hospital most of the time anyway. Who says you can't go see a doc at the hospital before or after your rotation? Or during lunch!
Oh blessed!!! I feel for you! If there was anyway that I could make this all disappear for you I definitely would! We dot want you in any other forum than this one anyways! I would miss you!!
I'm with ERgirl tho! I think you should go for it anyways!!! You'll find time Goethe appointments trust me, and they only last 15 minutes or so anyhow! Don't put your life on hold!

AFM... I have hyperemesis gravidarum! Sigh! I'm being sent to a high risk OB! I have to keep going in for rehydration! And I'm on some other meds... Chances of working probably are slim but the dr is hopeful that I will change some with these meds!
This morning I started throwing up blood! Lovely!

What's going on with everyone else in the group!
Blessed - keep trying on your own! Miracles happen! I have a friend who had an ectopic that burst in her fall. tube and was told she would never conceive..told to stop trying because there was no point. Her and her hubby ended up adopting a beautiful baby boy and three months after that she found out she was pregnant with a healthy and happy baby girl! ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN. I am sorry that you had a rough experience with the nurse...
My reccommendations for you: find something to relax (facial, massage etc) and really really try to not overthink (MUCH easier said than done!) Usually when we least expect things, they happen. And there are LOTS of women who have babies into their late 30s, early 40s. Just because the egg count goes down, doesn't mean it disappears.
I will keep my fingers crossed for you!

Tainted - I am sorry that you are so sick. Does this run in your family? When does your Mom come? I am sure Phil is worried sick! I hope everything is okay where you are!!

AFM, been busy this week getting ready for my job....I start Monday and I am feeling pretty overwhelmed!!
Enjoy your weekends everyone!!! :)
helllo!!!! missed you so muchh girls!!! sorry have been away had veryyyyyyyyy busy few days my whole family travelled and i had to take care of everything!!!
blessed comon girl chin up!!!!!!! i heard about this procedure it should be easy!! i had something like that last year when i decided id start TTC had to do laparoscopic removal of my gallbladder it was a lot easier than i thought!! i say keep on TTC!!! especially that you got your + opk!!! im still getting all negatives :( i KNOW its because of all the sugars am having :(

er girl soooooo excited for you hope your pregnancy goes smoothly along with hopeful!!!!!! and pls pls pls dont go to anywhere else on the forums. i want ALL OF US to go through TTC ANNNNNNNND pregnancy altogether :hugs:

Tainted how are you holding up??????? so sorry you have to go through all of this hopefully it wll be over soon!!!!!!!!!! at least now you know whats up with u!!

afm, well obviously i didnt have the time to do any BDing except for yesterday
am on CD11 and still all negative OPK's. i have my fxed for a smiley tomorrow then ill do some BD everyday!!!!! pray for me ladies!!
love u soooooo much
Thank you all for your support. :hugs: Kevin met me for lunch and he didn't really say much, just big hugs and it was very reassuring. He's going to take me out this weekend and we're just going to have fun. I'm now home and am enjoying a glass of wine that's appropriately named "Plum Crazy"! :wacko: I'm going to try as much as possible to relax and just take one appionment at a time.

Tainted, I'm glad you're going to be under close watch. Did you tell them about the blood in your vomit? Did they check out your baby too?

Sugarlys, that's a wonderful story about your friend. We'll just have to see what happens. It's so exciting that your new job starts Monday, I know you're going to be amazing! :)

Mirna, cd11 is still really early. I got negatives on my OPKs until CD 13. Also, I had a negative result at about 10 am and then a positive at 5 pm. You might think about testing in the afternoons too. Thank you for sharing your experiences w/ a laproscopic procedure. I think it just came as a shock and one more problem we have. Boy what a pair huh?! :dohh: You've got plenty of time so get to :sex:

ER: how are you feeling?

Hi Hopeful! :wave:
Wow wow wow. I've only been gone since this morning and so much has happened.

Blessed - there are no real words I can use to express the how I feel for you and simply wish to take it all away. I know that tons of women all over the assisted conception forum have had a lap surgery done and conceived relatively soon afterward. No surgery is a joke though, and it sounds like you need to be very cautious considering your history with anesthesia. I think you ladies will remember me telling you about if I weren't to fall pregnant this month I would be facing a surgery with general anesthesia as well. It was due to a suspected polyp viewed in ultrasound. I am a case where that didn't stop it from happening. I think as well that you should continue trying and maybe ask them if they can monitor your cycle to time best possible time to bd. did they tell you how many you had?

Tainted - I'm do sorry what we were talking about came true. I'm really glad that they found out early enough before you became too severely malnourished. I hope the meds work for you. Did they tell you how frequently you have to go in for IV fluids/meds? Throwing up blood could be from so much irritation from puking so much, but I hope your doc knows as it could be something else too.

Sugarlys - good luck with the new job! I'm sure I speak for us all when I say we can't wait to hear all about it. Also you are right sometimes relaxing helps things to just happen.

Mirna - Praying for you Hun, get busy with your DH and let us know when the pos opk happens. Test twice a day so you don't miss it!

Ersurgeongirl - so lets agree this is a much more positive place for us to be and avoid all the negativity! Feeling anything new yet?

AFM - today I got taken out for a late lunch buffet, and really enjoyed it. The last coouple times we tried to go out for meals my son was less than cooperative. My gals have become a bit fuller looking again, was hard to notice due to breastfeeding. Its noticable when they still feel a bit heavy after the baby has eaten. I went to the mall across town to buy curtains and give my boy a chance to nap, having a new roof put on is killing the idea of home naps. DH and I took a long drive in the afternoon when afternoon nap was necessary, lol, the joys of parenting :) I don't really feel sick but today Ive had an unquenchable thirst! Still do.

Farewell and goodnight for now lovely ladies :)
Tainted- I'm so sorry, I really hope it eases Before second tri!

Today has been a roller coaster day... I woke up at 1am, bg (blood sugar) was high. Took some more insulin, went back to bed. Woke up at 6am and my bg was even higher! I freaked out that I was killing my baby, took a shit ton of insulin and walked on the treadmill at the gym until my blood sugar was reasonably lower. I called the doctor and she said that if I don't eat every 3-4 hours this will happen where my body freaks out and my blood sugars go high :dohh: I didn't know that! I also need to double my water intake... I feel like I'm floating away. Idk if the frequent urination is pg related or because I'm consuming so much water.

As for symptoms, I got firetits :haha: headaches, nausea, major fatigue and major bloating. I need to order maternity uniforms for work... My pants feeling tight already due to bloat. If my pants press on my stomach I get even more nauseous!

Okay, enough bitching and whining!
How is everyone else?

Oh yeah, I also get these butterfly like twinges off and on during the day... It's sooooo weird feeling!
Wow ER congrats on all the symptoms :) It sounds like you are really in tune with your body in terms of your diabetes...definitely a good thing!

Hopeful - glad you had a good day! Will you be able to continue to breastfeed while you are pregnant? Sorry, maybe that is such a dumb question....I don't know! :)

Mirna - it is our month :) I bought the cough syrup today!! We will see how that goes.
Ok ladies.... This is like night and day here! Mom is here! I found something liquid that I can keep down other than gingerale! And it's crystal lite so it's not too bad!!
I told Phil the news and he told me he was gonna be on the next flight home! Lol I told him I'm ok we caught it early! BC I had to tell him what it meant and that my kidneys and liver need to be monitored and he freaked out and told me we need to think about your health I'm not losing you! I told him we are safe now... I should start to get better!

Poor guy so far away!

Thanks for all the support yet again! I'll comment on everything later don't wanna be rude with mama
Sugarlys- don't forget to wash the syrup down with at least 8 oz of water! I think I drank like 2 liters of water a day, that also helped me become um, wetter, down there.

Woke up at 2am to snack, slept until 7 and my body naturally woke up, ate again. Blood sugars are way better than yesterday. Yay! Not many symptoms this morning. Af due today.... To verify I used my last pee stick and it's still super positive lol
Sugarlys - not at all a dumb question. I don't know 100% myself. I think I may see how this next month goes but I didn't really intend on going past 5 months into this pregnancy. I'm already so tired,and the demand for nutrician on my body is do high, I'm feeding two plus me. I'm not eating more, plus I have trouble finding the time to feed him and eat myself already. I guess it's a delicate balance, just have to be careful everyone is okay.

Tainted - hooray for momma to the rescue. Crystal light huh? Weird

Blessed - hope you've been relaxing and are feeling good :)

Ersurgeongirl - small snacks that are balanced all day long, including midnight snacks :) I had to be very careful my last pregnancy as I was on the verge of gestational diabeties. They sent mr to a nutricianist who gave me a leaflet on how to combine tiny amounts of carbs with protein, lean fats, veg. It was almost pointless eating cause you never felt like you'd eaten. A handful of nuts, a few tbsp of yogurt and some cucumber slices hardly does much for a growling pregnant tummy, but you adjust :)
Hi all. :It's been a very nice Saturday. We went to our favorite brunch place and then were just lazy. K's off getting our taxes done & I'm going to get a few hours of studying in.

Tainted, so glad Momma's there! I hope today is better and you're able to relax. I can understand Phil wanting to be home! :hugs:

Mirna, any change on the OPKs?

Hi Sugarlys! :wave: How are you?

ER: It's great that you are getting into a pattern to maintain your blood sugars now. I guess getting up at 2 am is just good practice! :haha:

Hopeful, how are you feeling? I forgot, do you work outside the home?

What a great mix of ladies we have! We have pregnant & TTC. We have ladies with OH's whose work takes them away from home for long periods of time & we have lots of health issues that need to be monitored. :hugs: Oddly enough though, we're pretty close, geographically! All Canada & Northern US, right???
Hopeful - gottcha....sounds exhausting!!
I am happy with this group too - very encouraging and not stressful....when I first joined this site I floated around and got depressed/anxious reading some of the other threads...this one is great because no one seems to focus on the negative, even though there are lots of serious issues that some of you have. It is my "life" resolution to focus on the positive.....positivity is contagious and I feel like if I make it as a choice then maybe the "Negative Nancy's" in my real life will shake the negative vibe....haha. Tough to do on a forum though :)

I don't know where Mirna is from? I thought there was someone from Florida at one point?

AFM, I have had a great day....slept in, hubby and I had a cookout in one of our back fields...I did some cross-country skiing and then had a nap. My perfect Saturday!
Enjoy your evening :)
Wow, everyone seems to be having a wonderful Saturday. We again went for a long country drive in order for the babe to nap again, then stopped at a diner for a nice clubhouse sandwich, mmm mmm. My son loved sharing it with me, he wolfed his litte pieces down I think without breathing! A bit of fun with the roofers trying to get away with something they shouldn't have, my husband worked for a roofer as a teen so his know how busted them. So they are coming to back tomorrow morning to fix it and collect their money only when we are pleased! I think my DH is going to blow a gasket, me, I'm just brushing it off and not stressing my pregnant self out! I have to say Contractors almost always suck!

So today is only the 4th. Seems like so long until my ultrasound! I want to see my baby now! 17 days, ill be counting again :) this group is so much better than the others out there. You are so right about the negative Nancy's .
Been at work all day. Meeting bf at his parents to break the news. I made a photo frame with baby scrapbook stickers and a card in it that says save thisspace for october 13th. Wish us luck
Good luck ER! Hope it goes well :) How long have you two been together??
Hope they were excited!!

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