Morning girls!
So sorry for going AWOL for a bit, our internet is broken at home, well actually our BT line is so we dont have any broadband either and they can't fix it until the 22nd of December! And I was off work yesterday with a scan and my first midwife appointment!
It was really good and I got to as lots of questions, I also survived my Christmas party this weekend with no one rumbling me, I just made sure I had a glass of wine in my hand at all times even though I never drank from it!
Hubby had a bad cold last week which I think I have come down with today

so feeling a bit sorry for myself!
Tonight we are out for dinner with my parents to tell them our news, then Xmas Eve we will tell the rest of the family and our friends, I cannot wait! I can't believe I am 10 weeks already, I really hope the rest goes as fast as this has!
My nausea seems to be getting better thankfully, but I still feel really tired a lot of the time, I cannot wait for the 2nd trimester and the 'feeling good' stage!
Mooncake - We cannot wait to have you back, I hope you get lucky over the festive season!
I have got a box of unused ovulation sticks, if you would like me to post them to you then PM me your address as *hopefully* I wont have any need for them!
Ooh I almost forgot, we saw the baby again yesterday, so that we had some pictures to show everyone at Xmas and it was dancing around all over the place, it was amazing!! xxx