from bonfire babies ttc to july bumps due!!

It happened to me too! She asked for date of lmp then felt my tummy then looked at this disc thing and said 'right EDD is 10th July.' I thought mine was 14th July! It must be the dating disc thingy that does it!! So I'll be 10 weeks on sat according to her rather than on Wednesday! Xxx
Hoping mine does the same lol -would be nice to jump forward in time, even if only by a few days lol.

Oh wel back to work tonight, and I am really apprehensive about it. I only started this new job in July and dont know anyone that well, and I think there'll be more than a few ppl thinking that just starting a new job and falling preggers at the same time is not really the right thing to do. I mean I am only in the door and will be going off on extended mat leave before I am there even a year. So wish I had stayed in my previous job,they'd have been so supportive and happy for me -I have worked with some of them for 18 years, and the majority at least 6-7 years. Oh well ,it's done now and I just have to get on with it.

Have a good weekend ladies -I am on night shift tonight and tomorrow night so prob wont get back on until possibly Sunday (if I dont sleep all day) and today I am signing off and going to wrap some Xmas presents (cos its a bout time I got organised!!)

:wohoo:Well hello ladies -hope everyone has had a good weekend.

I am feeling much better today, slight waves of nausea very infrequently and no sickness for several days now yeehah!!! :happydance:


Had my booking in appt with MW today -went very well, spent just under an hour asking me questions,filling in paper work and telling me what to expect at future appointments and scans /tests etc. Yeah!! :cloud9: So happy today.
So as I knew already -dating scan is on 5th January... and at that time they will do screening bloods and nuchal scan too for Down's and other chromosomal problems too. At 20 weeks I will get my anomaly scan, and babies sex too. Yay!! :thumbup::thumbup:

Given loads of books to read through too lol - loads of bedtime reading there!!! :haha::haha:

So all in all -a fab first visit :wohoo::wohoo:

Hope everyone else is well.
Hello pretty bump ladies! :)

Hope you girls don't mind me posting in here, missing you all a lot! Well, I just thought I'd let you know I'm still alive and I haven't went too mental.:blush: I'm really hoping to have another BFP pretty soon, looking like we're waiting til end of December/Jan to try again and hopefully won't take long. Still not sure about my ov times after this.:shrug:
Can't wait to let you all know when I have my BFP and hope we can still stay in touch.:happydance:

Take care,

Hi Mooncake!! Of course we don't mind you coming back here to see us! We miss you too! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your cycles to regulate and for you to have your BFP very soon! Lots of love x x x x x x x x
Hey Mooncake -really nice to hear from you and glad you are okay:hugs:

PMA and fx'd for your quick BFP in the New Year and then get your butt back over here permamently. Meantime feel free to pop in anytime xx
Morning girls!

So sorry for going AWOL for a bit, our internet is broken at home, well actually our BT line is so we dont have any broadband either and they can't fix it until the 22nd of December! And I was off work yesterday with a scan and my first midwife appointment!

It was really good and I got to as lots of questions, I also survived my Christmas party this weekend with no one rumbling me, I just made sure I had a glass of wine in my hand at all times even though I never drank from it!

Hubby had a bad cold last week which I think I have come down with today :( so feeling a bit sorry for myself!

Tonight we are out for dinner with my parents to tell them our news, then Xmas Eve we will tell the rest of the family and our friends, I cannot wait! I can't believe I am 10 weeks already, I really hope the rest goes as fast as this has!

My nausea seems to be getting better thankfully, but I still feel really tired a lot of the time, I cannot wait for the 2nd trimester and the 'feeling good' stage!

Mooncake - We cannot wait to have you back, I hope you get lucky over the festive season!

I have got a box of unused ovulation sticks, if you would like me to post them to you then PM me your address as *hopefully* I wont have any need for them!

Ooh I almost forgot, we saw the baby again yesterday, so that we had some pictures to show everyone at Xmas and it was dancing around all over the place, it was amazing!! xxx
Oh nb thats great news -about the scan, midwife appt and also less MS lol - me too and it is amazing how good it feels just NOT being sick lol -despite extreme tiredness, uncomfortable bloatedness lol Did you get apicture -and if so let us see it please -I so want to see it. How fast was the heart beat? Was baby waving or anything? I cannot wait for mine -so excited xx

Well I told a few more ppl at work today,as there is lots of moving and handling and risk of radium exposure etc so really need to let some ppl know lol -and wow it went went -hugs all round :thumbup: - Its funny how no-one noticed my bump (hidden really quite well under my huge baggy work scrubs) until I told them and they actually looked and saw my bump, then they were all like' OMG are you sure you are only 9 weeks?? ' Two of them even wanted to pin me down to use the u/sound machine on me to check for twins lol :haha::haha: Must admit I was tempted but I want my first scan to be done professionally to check heartbeat etc and for DH to be there; alhough it could be great later on yeehah :happydance::happydance:- i didn't even think about it tbh but yay it will be great -we have dopplers too, so I will be able to listen to baby's heartbeat at work too. Definately makes going to work much more interesting lol.

Oh well -Happy 10 weeks nb -and hope it all goes brilliantly at dinner tonight. It makes it feel even more real once you tell ppl.

Hope everyone else is well, cannot believe we are all practically a quarter of the way through already xx
I know I cant believe it! After the first few weeks dragged - these seems to have flown recently! Scan 2 weeks today!! So excited!

I have to say ladies that I am feeling a lot better but looking a lot worse! Spots and bloating and my hair just looks dull! bah!

Beadette - lol me too haha, spotty and bloated, and tired n a bit grumpy -so NOT the most attractive person to be around at the moment lol- poor DH

But you are def right, it is going to be so worth it!!!

Going last minute crimbo shoping tomorrow - hope its not too mental out there; wish me luck lol

Hey there my lovely ladies!
Sorry I've been missing for a bit! Had the busiest week of the school year this week - Christmas week!! Our school is so big on festivities I feel like I have 2 Christmases per year! Love it though, and so do the kids!!
So, I have now officially started my 2 weeks off!! Soooooo pleased as I feel soooo tired lately! Looking forward to lots of lie ins!!!!
How are we all feeling???? Apart from bloated? I have a def fat tummy now, not a bump, just a tummy that is not usually there!!
Mooncake - lovely to see you hun! How you feeling? Sorted for Christmas?
Well, hubby is out for mad Friday tonight so I am curled up on the sofa and think I might order myself a takeaway!!! Just fancy a Chinese!! mmmm!
Hope you're good girlies!
Hi justmarried -glad to hear you are doing well -always a worry when someone goes AWOL for a while (espec in first tri).

I am starting to feel much better -hope its the stage in pregnancy I am at and nothing more sinister -haven't had a scan yet so it's always a worry until then I s'pose. Who am I kidding? lol -I bet I still worry after that too lol :haha:

nb -How are you feeling now -nauseous still? And how'd it go telling your folks? Bet they were excited. Is this a first grandchild?

I'll put that question out to everyone actually -Are your lil beans going to be first or second or what to their grandparents? Mine is going to be number 14 for my mum, number 12 for my dad and number 10 for my inlaws lol - and a broad mixture of boys n girls so they've 'been there, seen it and bought the t-shirt' lol -but hopefully still a little excited to be getting another lol.:haha:

Beadette - Hi babe how are you? Not too long until your scan now -I am almost a week after you and I cannot wait -although after reading lots of the posts in first tri - I am becoming a bit more scared each day, what if there's no heartbeat? or what if there is something else wrong?

Anyway ladies ,dont think i'll be on much before Christmas now, as I have tomorrow morning to get organised for Christmas day, am working the next 3 night shifts and have the school service and nativity play in between too -So I m going be busy and knackered and busy again lol.

Everyone have a fabulous Christmas -just think last one before your lil babies arrive - Next year Santa will be visiting. Take care everyone and speak to you all soon. :hugs::hugs:
Hi girls! Yes I'm so excited for scan but also a little nervous! Past couple of weeks I've felt really well and was thinking that I hope everything is ok! I'm was 11 weeks yesterday according to midwife although ivenot updated ticker yet as they may put me back again at my scan (hope not though).

How are the Xmas preparations coming along? I did all my wrapping yesterday- it's my
least gave Xmas job! I was also a teeny tiny bit jealous that all my friends were out for mad Friday but then it turned Baltic and I was glad I'd stayed in! Lol!

Well I've still got to work mon, tue and we'd but prob not do more than I have to! Then Xmas eve I'm back up to Lancashire with hubby for Xmas day with my parents, then back home to have boxing day with the in-laws and then 29th we're off to darwen Forrest for a week with a bunch of friends to stay in a log cabin for new years!!! Lol! My scan is on 30th so were coming back for that as it's only 40 mins away!!

So excited!!!!! Merry Xmas ladies!!! Xxxxxx
Sorry i haven't been on for a while ladies.... I'm at home for Xmas and don't log on too often hehe.
But thought i would pop on and make sure that you are all ok, and to wish you all a fabulous Xmas and New year and will speak to you all soon xxxxx
Hello ladies,

Well what a week I had!! Its been pretty awful! Telling my parents lats Tuesday was brilliant, they were so excited, this will be their third grandchild and my MIL's 2nd grandchild but both are still really thrilled so I am pleased about that!

I had a bad cold on Tuesday, which became a migraine on Wednesday afternoon, I couldnt do anything but lay in bed in the dark, my GP presecribed me some codeine which he said was safe to take, an hour later I couldnt stop vomiting. I called the out of hours doc who sent me straight to A&E where I was put on a drip, after a 3 hour wait! So glad I am not going to that hosptial for the birth, its AWFUL!

Turns out I have a sinus infection and a chest infection so on antibiotics now to clear it up, so I have been in bed since Wednesday but finally back to work today and feeling a lot more human, thank goodness in time for Xmas!!

Hope everyone is well, justmarried glad you are doing well and nice to hear from you Military Mummy and Beadette.

Wana - are you telling everyone your news at Xmas or waiting a bit longer? xxx
Lol nb -plan was to tell everyone at Christmas, but it became impossible to hide by week 7 lol -I am BIG - in maternity jeans since 6-7 weeks - and so sick that I couldn't properly function for a few weeks so we had to tell people earlier.

So loads of ppl know now, DH couldn't wait to tell his work friends, and best pals, and a few neighbours and anyone he met whilst dog walking lol - never was good at keeping secrets, with our last baby (his first) he told ppl when I was only 4-5 weeks.

Hope you are feeling better now nb -its miserable being ill and pregnant cos there's not much you can take. xx

Hi Militarymummy -how you keeping now? When is your scan??

Everyone else Hi and hope you are well.

I didn't plan on being on today, in fact shouldn't be lol -so much to do; but I am impatiently waiting on a parcel being delivered and thought I'd say Hi!!

Merry Christmas everyone !!!
Well -It's official I am an addict to B n B lol
Said I wouldn't be back on before Xmas... and here I am again lol.

In saying that I am still (more impatiently now lol) waiting on a parcel being delivered so stuck in the house anyways, and am feeling very flulike so have had to phone in sick for work tonight. So am now sitting here feeling sorry for myself,praying that I feel better fro Xmas and hoping my elusive parce larrives before Xmas.

Hi wana, i finally got my scan date through..... it will be on the 12th Jan and i cannot wait. I will be just over 13 weeks. :thumbup: I do kind of wish it was a little earlier as i'm starting to struggle keeping it quiet and i'm really starting to show. but only a couple of weeks to wait hehe.
Happy Christmas everyone!! :flower::flower:

We have spread our news with family and friends today, it has been so exciting to have it out in the open, everyone has just been so excited for us, and no one had guessed!

Hope you all have a FAB day tomorrow!

Lots of love, Nat xxxx
Great news Nat - I am so happy for you.

Its wonderful when others know isn't it? - Was nice having a wee secret between me and DH for a (very short) while (in my case) but its lovely when you get to share it with other loved ones,and talk about the baby -it feels oh so much more real then.

Merry Christmas to you all.

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