from bonfire babies ttc to july bumps due!!

Hi girls,

So sorry for not coming on yesterday, we have no electricity at home, it is FREEZING! We don't know why, even the electrician doesn't know why, hoping they can sort it today :(

Beadette - I am so sorry to hear your news hun, I am really, really sorry, and I know exactly how you feel about never thinking it would happen to you, I stopped reading anything to do with miscarriage as I didnt want to obsess over it, I really hope your cycle regulates quickly for you so you can come back and join us very soon!

Wana - I feel the same, sorry if this is insensitive but our scan was brilliant too, the baby waved at us! We got a brilliant picture which I will attempt to post, but I am not sure I am very good at that sort of thing! My dates have gone back and I am now due 16th July so I need to change my ticker. Only 4 days change so not too bad!

Mrsbeanbump - It must be weird going over to 2nd tri, I feel like my time in 1st tri has gone so fast!

Justmarried - I hope your snow is thawing, we were watching the news last night and it's so odd to see it as we have nothing down here! I live in Surrey, about 35 mins from South London, and although we had a little bit just before Christmas now we have nothing at all, just freezing cold!

I can officially no longer fit into any of my jeans and my boobs are increasing massively, which hubby thinks is brilliant! Starting to feel less tired too which is brilliant and also my nausea in the evenings is passing, long may this continue!

Again Beadette I am so sorry to hear your news, a happy new year to everyone else and here's to a brilliant 2010 for everyone! xxx|Rup6lQQ|/of=50,590,442

Not sure if this will work girls but here is my scan photo!

And you can check out my bump this week!|Rup6aQQ|/of=50,332,442
nb - lovely scan pic and lovely bump too.

I dont have a scanner but was thinking of trying to photograph my scan to put on but I haven't been able to get a decent pic yet -i'll keep trying lol

We have had more snow here last night and today too - luckily DH was still up last night when it started getting blizzardous and he moved the car up onto the main road... or we may have been stuck and not got to our scan appointment. I love looking at the snow, love building snowmen with the kids and loved sledging once upon a time but this is just ice - it snows and then freezes over so quickly that it is just layer upon layer of ice out there. And its to stay below freezing here all week, so looks like we're stuck with it a bit longer.

Wanna, we're just a day apart!
NB - couldn't see your scan pics, there was an error. Im not bril on technology though!

I love the snow, we've got quite a few inches here in the midlands and it was quite an adventure driving home from work on the back roads. But I love driving in the snow too! Everyone take care! the Met office says this is the coldest ever consecutively in 20 years!
I'm so glad your scans went well I really am! don't feel bad for me - I will be back soon I'm sure!!! And I'll be popping in from time to time to see how you are all doing. I wish you all the luck and love in the world! Xxxxxxxxxx
Beadette I am so so so sorry hun. MMC are rare and I honestly didn't even consider anyone from pur group having one, hence why I bet you are so shocked sweetie.
Are you feeling ok physically? I can't imagine how upset you are hun. Did they give you any idea of when it happened? I hope they monitor future pregnancies for you so that you don't worry. I'm sure you will have your BFP again soon!
I am so shocked and so so sad for you sweetie.
I hope you and hubby are ok, and please let me know if you want to talk about anything.
Mrsbeanbump - if you PM me your email address I can email you my scan pic if you want to see?

I couldnt get the image to go into my post, no idea why, I am not very good at this sort of thing either!

Wana - so glad you got to your scan ok! I want to see a photo! I just uploaded mine to a flickr account and posted the link, so see if you can take one on your mobile and do that! I couldnt believe how much he/she had developed since the scan we had 10 days before!

My little sister is so excited and brought us round a baby book of Humphreys Corner last night, thats what we have decided on for the nursery, it's so lovely, you can record all the baby's information right up until it is one, I really recommend getting one!

Also ladies, I am not sure if I mentioned this but I had the swine flu jab on New Years Eve, my doctors caught me off guard when I was really ill before Christmas and I agreed without thinking about it, if you have any doubts then feel free to PM me as I really regret it. My arm is still hurting a week later, my throat is all up, I have constant ear ache and I am so bunged up.

Anyone else with a cold, have you found when you blow your nose sometimes it bleeds a bit? I think it might be all the high pressure in my head but I might post in the 1st tri forum if no one has had this, bit worried!

Other than that, not too much to report my end, have a good day everyone xxxxx
Lol nb - I am with you with the nose bleeds -bloody nuisance too, as I am constantly snuffling and blowing my nose just now lol -

Gonna try uploading scan pics now, not sure how good quality they'll be as taken from scan pic with my camera at lowest definition setting to make it small enough to fit

Picture 268.jpg Hi baby- CRL - 67mm, says 13w +1 d but only 13

Picture 269.jpg close up of babies head

Have another one of baby's arm and hand only -i'll upload that next

And here he /she is waving lol
Picture 270.jpg

So cool xx
I am so excited about seeing my 20 week one now, it will be brilliant

Oh wow!!! Your pictures are brilliant!! They said my bowel was low and casting a shadow on the baby which is why ours are not that good, yours are so clear!!

Oh it is SO exciting isn't it!

So wana is finding out the sex, and we aren't, where does everyone else stand? xx
We're not finding out the sex up to now ladies.....unless it's obvious at 20 week scan!
How is everyone doing?? I feel so so so sick at the moment! I'm really struggling!! Smells and standing up suddenly make me want to throw up...I constantly gag!! It's getting on my nerves!!
Hi all. sorry i haven't wrote for a while, i haven't been able to get on.
Hope everyone is good and all the scan pics are looking fabulous ladies!!!!
So excited for mine on tuesday!!!!!

Beadette..... so so sorry about you're news! Hope you're as ok as you can be! Sorry it took me so long to write!

Ooh MilitaryMummy, it's amazing! You are going to love it, I was amazed at how much the LO was moving around, he/she was upside down at one point!

Once everyone has had their scans let me know your EDD as I am going to put them in my sig so we can keep up! All those that know already let me know xxx
Nb mine is 13th July woohoo (think I MAY have mentioned before -Its my birthday lol) That's a great idea for on your sig. xx

Militarymummy -Not long until Tuesday -its so exciting!! Our Lo was doing somersaults too lol, and sticking his/her tongue out heehee - so cool to watch!!

Justmarried -hope you are feeling better -do you think its MS or what? -maybe you have an UTI -I was awfully sick last tiem I had an UTI -and didn't have any urinary symptoms so just put up with it until my scheduled GP appointment a few weeks later, when she sent a specimen just to check and it came back positive. Maybe worth handing in a sample to see. Hope you feel better soon.

Anyone still really tired? My MS is practically gone, although gets worse when I am tired still,and I need to eat very regular to keep it at bay (I am gonna be huge by the end of all this lol) BUT... I get so tired so easily still lol - I have been off work since 23rd Dec -Combo of UTI, MS and annual leave and find I am really enjoying my lil naps of an afternoon. I am back at work next week so thought I had better stop the naps but today was impossible. Today I went out shopping for a few of hours (4 hours approx maximum) and by the time I got back I was so tired -I couldn't keep my eyes open, yawn yawn yawn -Lay down on the sofa for a bit and fell asleep, woke up an hour n a half later -oo-er!!! How the hell will I cope with 12 hour shifts and on my feet all day????

Hi girls, hope you and beans are all keeping well!! Am missing you all. Friday went as well as can be expected- was very emotional but me and hubby are feeling a little better today!

Looking forward to TTC again! Keep your fingers crossed for me ladies! Xxxxx
Beadette - I saw your updates on fbook, I hope it all goes well and you're back with us very soon!

I have updated my sig girls, just need militarymummy and mrsbeanbump, sorry if I have forgotten anyone else!

I am feeling so much better, finally only my cold and the dreaded swine flu jab and feeling a lot better, still tired but the sickness seems to have passed, touch wood! You know I will probably spend the evening in the bathroom now!

Got our nephew who is 4 and his Mum over for dinner tonight, my sister in law, he is none too happy about not being the only child in the family anymore so we are trying to butter him up ;)

I really want to know when my next midwife appointment or scan date is so I have something to focus on! I am off on a weekend shopping trip with the girls to New York on the 19th of Feb which is when I am 20 weeks so hoping I will get my scan before I go!

Militarymummy - good luck tomorrow, can't wait to hear all about it! xx
Beadette -hope you are doing okay babe - you are being so strong, stay positive. xx

nb1984 -WOW New York sounds fab -I am so jealous lol -although my spd is kicking in already ouchie!! - wouldn't be much fun with me waddling round the shops lol - I was in a lot of pain by about 5-6months with my last pregnancy and have been being careful this time but its really starting to get a grip now- and I am due back at work on Wednesday -they are not gonna be chuffed if I end up off sick again. Oh well, I'll just have to see how things go I s'pose.
Glad to hear you are feeling better too xx

Militarym -good luck for tomorrow , remember and come back and post us a pic xx

ttfn ladies xx
Hi ladies.... the scan was amazing and of course i ended up lying there crying like a div hehe.
I have tried to upload a pic but it isn't letting me but will keep trying!!!!
They put me back 3 days but all is still good hehe. Will be moving over to 2nd tri now me thinks hehe. xxxxx
Oh congrats hun! I was exactly the same, was your's a real mover? Ours never stopped!

I just uploaded my pic to my flickr account and then posted the link if that helps, what's your due date so I can add you to my sig?

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