from bonfire babies ttc to july bumps due!!

Militarymummy - thats good news about your scan date -its nice to know isn't it? Although, I am now wishing my life away for the day to come lol -1 week today for me.

I am getting bigger everyday practically - and everyone around me is convinced I am having twins now lol :haha:-prob only water retention and fat lol but I am just SO huge. I am normally a size 8 -and I am already wearing size 12 maternity clothes.

Trying not to think about it too much, or get my hopes up too much, as long as the baby (or babies) are healthy then that's all that matters - but hell, scary, exciting, nerve wracking, OMG!! - What if there are two?? :baby::baby: (or more lol - my sis has taken to calling me octomum now). How exciting and scary all at the one time lol :haha:

Take care everyone, xx :hugs:
My scan is on Monday and I cannot wait! It just can't come around soon enough. My Mum is dying to go out and buy things now she knows but I have banned her until after all the tests on Monday come back ok!

How is everyone feeling? I am scared to say this but I feel like the sickness and nausea is definitely lessening off, and I am not so tired, in fact I am waking up early if I go to bed too soon!

Roll on second trimester and not feeling so bad!

I hope everyone had a brilliant Christmas, what's everyone's plans for New Years? xxx
Wana - i know what you mean about the twin thing!!!! I'm a bigger girl anyway but not huge.... and i have a proper pregnant shape belly that is already starting to go solid..... and i look about 5/6 months gone hehe. It's rediculous.... all i can say is thank god for leggings and long baggy tops hehe.

Hope everyone had a fabulous xmas.... nb - i will be going round to a friends for new year's eve and just chilling hehe.

Well nb -I did have a very brief spell when I felt much better....

but feel terrible just now - been getting gradually worse since Xmas eve and back to being sick 4-5 times a day now. -Not sure if its flu / cold ;UTI again or just preg related -hyperemesis again, vomitting, hot n cold shivers, lower back pain, cough, - have to phone docs tomorrow for the results of my urine test I submitted yesterday. Roll on second tri xx Enjoy your New Year -we are going to my sisters Hogmanay party -she has it every year lol- normally everyone gets a bit tipsy,everyone stays over and its a bit of a riot... me thinks this year will be so different haha -my other sis has a 4 mnth old baby, sis in law 2 month old baby and me up the duff - not so much tipsiness this year lol.I am really looking forward to it though, except for being the designated driver lol.
Oh and all the best with your scan -tomorrow isn't it ?? Yay !!! Is it the combs? NT and bloods you are having done? I know how your mum feelsI am so desperate to buy stuff -the only thing stopping me is the fact that I intend to find out the gender and want to buy gender specific clothes -was on team yellow before with all three other babies and had lots of beiges, lemons,whites n greens. This time I want pinks or blues lol

Militarymummy - Isn't it great haing a huge bump lol - although getting tedious all the monster baby / multiple babies jokes. Gonna be a lot of disappointed ppl in my family next Tuesday when they see one baby only. And I'll have to accept that I am carrying a lot of blubber lol. Would be nice though - I always wanted twins lol. DH is freaking out a bit about it at the mo' lol.

Have a great Hogmanay /New Year and hope everyone is keeping well xxx
Don't worry girls I have a serious case of bloated belly too! I am usually a size 10 and I cant even do up any of my jeans anymore, Mum went to Mothercare sale yesterday and got me two pairs of maternity jeans, I seemed to just balloon in the last two weeks! Its very nice having some extra boob though, didnt have much of that before!!!!

Militarymummy- enjoy your new years! When is your scan date again?

Wana - I think my New years is going to be the same! We just go to our local pub that our best friends parents own, it is usually very messy but not for me this year, I am so tired I bet I dont make it to midnight! I am so sorry to hear your sickness is back, I hope it passes again soon! How exciting if you are having twins, with all that sickness you never know, I can't wait to hear!

We were in two minds about finding out the sex, but since we have been telling everyone we are expecting we seem to have decided against finding out again. I bet when the time comes and I know there's a chance that someone else knows I might have to know haha!

I know what you mean about the clothes and everything but I feel like it would be such an exciting surprise, it's so hard to choose!

Can't believe I am stuck at work today, it is SO dead! They sent us home at 3pm yesterday, hoping for the same today!
:flower:Hi ladies, well my nose is dripping , i have a terrible sore throat, and horrendous cough -so loooks like I have the common cold lol -at least that gives me hope that in a few days of rest, liquids and pampering from DH that I will feel much better.:thumbup:

Justmarried24 -where are you? How'd your scan go? It's today isn't it -let us know all about it. I am so excited for mine in 5 days whoop whoop!!!!
MrsBeanbump -likewise -did you not have a scan booked for about now too? How are you hun, haven't heard from you in ages?
Beadette -I know you're away in the woods, but how did your scan go yesterday?
Ohmybabybump -how are you??? Anyone else I am missing sorry -but feel free to pop in anytime.
nb and Militarym -its our turn soon yay!!

Its all so exciting, with nb on Mon, me on Tues and then Militarym the following week -we will very soon have all seen our babies. Cant believe we are all so close to entering second tri - Yay!!!!


I was buying more maternity clothes today -online -Blooming marvellous have an up to 75% off sale -maybe worth a look ladies, even if your not needing them this week it wont be long til we are all sporting huge glorious bumps lol. They also have baby and nursery etc items in the sale too.

I am going to post something on FB after my scan on Tuesday (all being well fx'd - touch wood!!), has anyone else done so yet? How did you tell ppl? There is a thread in first tri asking the same and some of the ideas are great lol. :cloud9::cloud9:

On a sadder note -NADA from charmed -so would just like to say to you if you do pop in -we miss you and hope all is well.:hugs::hugs:

Happy New Year to all you lovely mummies-to-be. As from tomorrow, we can all say " This year we are having a baby" Yay!!!:cloud9::cloud9:

Hey hey lovely ladies!!!
Sorry for going awol again, been sooooo busy with Christmas stuff! Had a house full for days! It was my 25th bday on Sunday too, so very busy! Went to Edinburgh with hubby for a couple of days....was lovely!
Had scan today!!!! Woohooooo! It was fab! Hubby is going to upload photos later on for me, as I am pretty hopeless with technology! Baby was so gorgeous! I got put forward 4 days so now due 15th July! And officially 12 weeks!
Ladies who have scans coming up - good luck!
This is the best New Years gift EVER! Just found out one of my best friends is engaged also, so we're going to have an amazing 2010 planning her wedding too!!!!
Lots and lots of love, and lots of New Years wishes!! Can't believe how quickly time is flying by!
Hi All! Yes wannabubba, I had my scan on tuesday and it was fab! well besides there being absolutely no parking and then having to walk to the hospital and then losing my parking ticket! but anyways, scan was great, they booked me in by accident on a day when they were only doing 20 week mummies so the sonographer was a bit confused at first, she put me ahead 3 days so moving edd from 15th july to 12th july (not done ticker yet). I've got some pics but haven't uploaded them yet... saw heart beating and it was amazing! ..she also found a cyst on my left ovary but she said it was nothing to be worried about and is probably just fluid retention and will probably go away on its own. We've just booked a gender scan in now for Jan 26th as we both want to find out and I can't wait to see little baby again!

Sorry to hear your so ill wannabubba! are you feeling any better today? Beadette - how did the scan go?

Mrsbeanbump - so glad everything went well at your scan and you were also put forward a few days - lol - i know its only days but i so hope mine is put forward too lol.
We are planning on finding out babies gender too -although if my dates are correct it will be beginning of March for us, at our 20 week anomaly scan (as long as baby behaves and shows us the bits lol); if not then we will pay for a gender scan too, as we defiantely want to know this time.

Thanks I am feeling a bit better today -just a bit rundown and tired all the time but not so achey or shivery so thats good. I am going to need to sleep before the hogmanay party tonight though, or I will never make it to midnight.

Justmarried -so glad your scan went well too- I know I cant believe time is going so quickly either -When we found out on 3w+2 d (you were really early too, I remember lol) I thought it was gonna drag in; but nearly second tri and gonna see baby in 5 short days yeah!!!
And Happy 25th birthday - I loved turning 25, early twenties a lot of ppl still class you as young n immature, and late twenties (sorry if I offend -really dont mean to,and I think I am the oldest here lol) you start 'hitting thirty' lol but 25 was just lovely. Oh to be 25 again lol.

Have a great time everyone, whatever you are doing and speak to you all in 2010.
Lotta love Donna x
Happy New Year to everyone

Hope you all had a good time New Years'Eve.

Well mummies to be (and daddies to be too) we are having our babies this year!!! Yay!!!!

Yay! How exciting does that sound!!
Happy New Year to you all too!

Back to work tomorrow, so cannot be bothered! Snow is really bad and roads are scary to drive on!! Here's hoping for a snow day! Hehe!

Love and hugs
Hope all goes well today nb Lets us know how things go, when you get a chance. I have mine tomorrow and I am getting nervous now. xx

Justmarried -know how you feel about the snow n ice -It has been so cold here for the past 2 weeks that the snow has never had a chance to thaw and it is really icy all over. Then it snows on top, freeze again and we have lots more horrid ice. We had to abandon our car at the bottom of the hill leading to our house (10 min walk in snow and on ice with bags of shopping - not fun) as we couldn't get up last week lol - 7 car crashes on the one bit of road befoe the police came along to close the road too. Seems to have been a distinct lack of gritters out- it is really treacherous at times.

Hope you get your snow day though lol

Just wondering when is Beadette back??? We need an update on her scan!!
Wanna - you excited for tomorrow???
We didnt have a snow day today, but ended up being a great day as I got to annouce about the baby at work! Everyone was so excited for me! People are so nice!!!
Weather is getting worse again here, hoping it doesnt continue as Im happy being back at work now that people know!!! It means that if I am tired they understand why!!
Hope everyone is well!!
I told work today too justmarried! what a relief! But I did start wearing maternity trousers now though too so it was only a matter of time til someone noticed my new wardrobe!

beadette how was the scan?

we're supposed to have a lot more snow tomorrow, Its not great to drive around here as lack of gritters but I quite enjoy the snow.... :)
I'm so sorry to come with bad news girls but our baby has sadly died! Found out at scan which was just so awful. We are heartbroken as you can imagine but we are feeling positive for the new year. I am back at EPU on Wednesday. Strangely the evening of the scan I started bleeding and have not stopped since.

I haven't even changed my ticker yet. We are going to wait until I get a period again then ttc. Hopefully i won't be too long behind you girls and I just want to thank you for all of the help and support you've given me in first tri. I can't believe I mmc because although I've read about so many girls on here I just never thought it would happen to me!!! So so sad!

Lots of love to you all! Pray for me girls XXXXXXX
sooo sooo sorry to hear beadette. let me know if you need anything or need anyone to talk to. I'll be thinking of you and so sorry for your loss. keep me posted as the journey of your life continues.

Thinking of you...
Beadette - I am so sorry!! Sending you hugs and all my best wishes.

What a horrible time you must be having, keep in touch and glad you are staying positive
Dont know what else to say - Just I am so sorry :hugs:

Well I am just back from my scan and everything looked good -baby waved and stuck his/her tongue out at us heehee - looked a bit like a lizard lol
And they put my date forward by one week Yay!! So now 13 weeks today and due date is now on 13th July -which is my birthday yay!!:happydance:

feel kinda bad posting this after beadette's bad news but wanted to let you know. Sorry if this is insensitive. xx

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