from bonfire babies ttc to july bumps due!!

hey nb, my edd is 12th july so everyone pretty much in a one week span!! how cool! nb I saw your scan on fb how cool! I've got to put mine on there soon! We've got a private gender scan this month on the 26th, I can't wait to get another picture and try to find out the sex if the lo cooperates!

I've not been on a lot lately, quite tired when get home from work and going to bed real early too.

Nb- You'll have so much fun in New York! I'm originally from Boston area and the east coast is so lovely, I'm sure you'll find loads to buy! (make sure you prebook extra luggage as luggage allowances changed recently if you didn't know) We're going back to Boston hopefully in March!

hey nb, my edd is 12th july so everyone pretty much in a one week span!! how cool! nb I saw your scan on fb how cool! I've got to put mine on there soon! We've got a private gender scan this month on the 26th, I can't wait to get another picture and try to find out the sex if the lo cooperates!

I've not been on a lot lately, quite tired when get home from work and going to bed real early too.

Nb- You'll have so much fun in New York! I'm originally from Boston area and the east coast is so lovely, I'm sure you'll find loads to buy! (make sure you prebook extra luggage as luggage allowances changed recently if you didn't know) We're going back to Boston hopefully in March!

Excellent mrsbeanbump I will update my sig today and add you in! That is nearly all of us now!

I still sometimes have moments of wanting to know the sex but I am 99% sure I don't, although that may all change when the baby is on the screen! I should find out the date of my next scan in the next few days, I hope someone is before me and can let me know if it is easy to tell!

I cannot wait for New York, I have always wanted to go to Boston, it will be some time before I do haha! I had heard luggage had changed, I will see what the limit is with Virgin, thanks hun!

We are going to try to go away in May for our first anniversary, but my husband is self employed so with all this snow he hasn't worked in a month so that plan may have to be shelved for a while :(

We went out for dinner last night and then I got a terrible pain when I got home and into bed which I still have if I cough or bend in half to stand up or sit down, I had a look on the baby centre this morning and it seems to be something called Round Ligament Pain from the ligaments around my uterus as it is stretching, apparently it is common in the second trimester, oh the things no one tells you!!

I was in the shower this morning and realised I can really only see the tips of my toes from above now!! I do have very small feet but even still, I can't believe how much I have ballooned!!

Hope everyone else is well, I am 14 weeks tomorrow, eek so exciting!! xxx
Hey Nb, I'm looking to fly virgin too and it is I believe £32 for the 2nd bag and first bag is free up to 23kg? or is it 32? I can never remember! I know it is 50lbs though! Hope you're feeling better now! I'm finding this growing bump more constrictive on my movements. Who knew getting out of the bathtub could become so difficult! And i'm not even that huge yet!! It is nice and roomy in these new maternity clothes though, o how I will ever go back to normal clothes I do not know!

Going shopping this weekend for some new bras! how exciting! but I've realized the underwire does hurt and I've kind of gone up a couple sizes! eek! Plus I need to get some more tops for work... if only I wore a uniform it would be so much easier!

Hope all is well, 14 weeks is exciting, officially second tri now!! x
Hey hey ladies!
Sorry I've not been on in a while.....very very tired at the min and work is mad due to exam season!!
NB I am going to New York on 15th February with my mam!! So excited! I went for honeymoon on the way back from Miami and we loved it! My mam decided we needed a girly trip there!! Will be nice to go at a different time of the year, August was so hot! And Feb is expected to be cold!! Brrrr!
Anyway, I hope everyone is feeling good! I am in the main, but very tired still! Also, still very sick on an evening!!
Mrs Beanbump - we are only 3 days apart! How exciting!!
When is everyone starting their maternity leave?? And how long are people taking off?
Hey ladies, sorry for the late reply!!!!
My EDD is 18th July..... which funnily enough is also my Wedding Anniversary.... That will be one hell of a present for us won't it? hehe. Sooooooo excited. lol
As for maternity leave, i will be taking mine as late as possible hehe. so maybe a week or 2 before i'm due, and i will be taking my full entitlement... which is roughly 6 1/2 months hehe. What bout everyone else??
Nb you're so lucky going to New York i'm so jealous lol.
Morning ladies!

I am 14 weeks today, feel very excited about this mile stone! I have a mid wife appointment Monday so I have started to make my list of questions as my memory is SHOCKING, I am usually brilliant but nothing seems to stay in my head anymore!

I went on Virgin's website mrsbeanbump and it says you can have two bags up to 32kg but I am going to call them and double check when I do our on line check in, I wont need it going out but you never know what I might buy!!!

justmarried24, ooh where are you staying when you go? I cannot wait, I have been once before and went in November, it was fine apart from when you were in the wind which was bitterly cold, so I am hoping it will be much the same, or that they will have a freak warm February!

I am going to try and stay at work until I am 34 weeks, which would be Friday 11th June, but my boss has said I can just play it by ear and if I want to go earlier of leave later then he is totally fine with it which is brilliant and I get a year from my company! There are times I hate working for a small family run business, but in instances like this when it is brill.

What about you? xxx
I can't wait for maternity leave!!! I'm planning to go off June 10th, so about 4 weeks before the edd. I can't risk getting myself stressed out with work and I've heard the closer you work to your edd the more likely you could suffer from high blood pressure.... and since work stresses me out most of the time, I'm going to make sure I have some 'relax' time. Then I'm taking the full year off! At least it should be nice weather during the 'relax' time! xx
Hi Ladies -I am so jealous too -I want to go to New York lol xx

As for maternity leave question - I need to take all my holiday entitlement prior to mat leave to make sure I dont lose any of it so I will have 6 weeks holiday to take, plus I'll take 2 weeks paternity prior ( eldest sons entitlement runs out soon lol - need to use it up before he is 14) so I could stop 9th of May, then start officially my maternity leave on 5th July (week before EDD) and i'll be retuning March - ish, maybe even stretch it out til after Easter Hols . Would rather work right up and take annual leave after baby is here to give me longer at the other end, but I would just lose them cos we'd have entered a new financial year .And my spd is getting worse everyday -didn't get helped by me jumping on a bed to do CPR today but hey ho that goes with the territory I s'pose. -so I think I'll end up with very limited movement by the end. Oh well - baby will be 8-9 months by then -not quite the year but not too bad I s'pose.

And then going part time when I return -Oh bliss!!!!

I have loads of holidays to take still from this year, so with nearly 2 weeks off in Feb, 2 weeks in March , 2 weeks at Easter then stopping in May WOW it should go in so quickly yay!!!

Cant wait for baby time xxx
Hey ladies....just a quick one as Im really tired, but got busy day tomorrow, so thought I would check in!
NB - Im staying in the Paramount on Times Square. Stayed at the Hudson last time (which was on Sex in the City when I was watchin it the other night! Hehehe!!)
I'm planning to leave about 4 weeks before, and just have a relaxing time and sort final things out. I'm taking a year off (last three months unpaid, but will be worth it!) and then I will be going back 4 days a week. My job is so child friendly I can't complain, I get all school hols off and I can leave work at 2.45pm when pupils leave unless I have a meeting (usually once per week). I can bring planning and marking home and do it when baby is alseep....all the mums at work have been giving me lots of tips for time management! Plus my mum is going to be our full time childminder, so I know I dont have to worry about rushing from work if anything does crop up!
So glad everyone is ok!
Wanna - you have loads of time off, which will be fab leading up to bubs!! You can get all sorted and also catch up on much needed rest!
I hope everyone has a lovely weekend and I will try to check in at some point for a catch up! Big hugs and love to all bumps!
Congrats to everyone reaching 14 weeks Yay - It really does feel like a milestone doesn't it?

How's everyones lil bumps developing. I have lost a lot of the bloat and am loving my bump. Here's todays pic at 14w +5 d.

Picture 274.jpg

DH and I went to Mothercare today - never bought anything (was actually hoping to buy a support belt -but they had none left ) but it was fun looking at prams and cribs, and bedding and lil tiny baby clothes. Oh I can't wait to go shopping for real lol!!

Hello all!

I saw my midwife yesterday and she confirmed that all my bloodwork came back fine and she is happy with everything from my scan. Hubby came with me which was great as we got to hear the heartbeat!

She answered all my flying questions about NY and I have my scan booked for the 8th March when I will be just over 21 weeks, yay!

I was really pleased as she weighed me and I have only gained a kilo, it feels like a lot more! So I am glad I am not piling it on like I thought I was.

I was sick on Sunday night, I thought it had all stopped but no such luck, I am definitely not doing well with meat at the moment so I had pasta last night which was great, I am even a bit funny with chicken which is annoying.

I am hoping this stops soon so we dont have to keep having seperate dinners!

A friend of mine went to Kiddicare on the weekend, I am not sure if it is near anyone, it is is Peterborough, but she said it's brilliant, it's apparently like an Ikea but 4 floors of baby only! We might go, but its a 2 hour drive so we shall see.

Hubby is still off work due to this stupid weather so busy painting the house and finishing off jobs before he is too busy!

I hope everyone is well and not feeling too bad, just think, only a few more months of work! xxx
Well ladies -I am feeling so GOOD and its fabulous. :happydance: :happydance: Just not being nauseous ,not being sick is great. I am still tired at the end of a 12 hr shift lol -but thats to be expected I s'pose and I am doing my pelvic floor exercises religiously everyday (about 10 times a day) and being really careful with my pelvis and that seems to be helping loads too. :thumbup::thumbup:

NB -Well done only putting on a kilo -I am up to between 4 - 5 kilo's so far, OMG Couldn't believe it when I stood on the scales.:wacko:
Kiddicare sounds fab -wish we had one -Is that the same company as

How much weight has everyone else gained so far?

Just over a month til I find out if we are on team pink :pink:or team blue :blue:-getting really excited!!! Hope lil one behaves on the day and isn't too bashful lol :haha:

Hope everyone is keeping well xx :hugs::hugs:
Well I must admit my kilo is only in the one month between my midwife weighing me! I am usually 9 stone 9 and I was 10 stone 3 on Monday so overall I have put on 6 pounds which seems more like it!

I am ridiculously envious of you not feeling sick anymore, I am almost a vegetarian! Even chicken is not nice to me now! My pelvis is killing me, can you point me in the direction of pelvic floor exercises?

Glad to hear you are better, that is great news! Have you got your scan date? Mine is the 8th of March which seems ages away! xx
My pelvis is killing me, can you point me in the direction of pelvic floor exercises?

Ow !!! -pelvic girdle pain ( pubis symphis dysfunction as it used to be called) can be so sore and debilitating so be careful and I hope some of the hints below help. I have a self referral system for physiotherapy here where I am, dont know how it works in your area but worth while getting yourself referred via midwife or Gp or phoning up yourself for advice and assessment. There are support belts which help a little too -which my physio supplied last time; i haven't got one yet this time but am waiting on my appointment.

Try this website for advice on how to do pelvic floor exercises properly

I do them up to 10 times a day, always when walking up and down stairs / watching the tv, driving the car etc lol

#Try to keep your knees together as best as you can, I know not always practical ( lol jumping on beds doing CPR etc -not so good).
#Take stairs one at a time -I feel like a fool when I do it outside but my pelvic pain is so much less since doing so.
#Limit driving -last time round I was advised latterly not to drive at all -and i DO find it painful just now, BUT I got so depressed being isolated last time as I didn't go anywhere the last 6 or 7 weeks of my pregnancy (couldn't drive then so no choice)
#Never stand on one leg -sit down to put on trousers, socks, boots etc rather than stepping into them etc
#No ball kicking
#No hoovering (like this one lol)
#no pushing supermarket trolleys (also like this one)

Sure there are more, so see your physio but hope this helps meantime xx

p.s my next scan is 23rd Feb Yay!!! cant wait

Thank you so much! That's fantastic! If it gets much worse I am going to get a support band, as I dont want to be wandering the streets of New York and be in agony, that's fab thank you!

It seems to come and go, and is very obvious if I cough, but it isn't unbearable at the moment which is great.

Oh you lucky thing, your scan is the day I get home from New York!

I have had to resort to tracky bottoms at work today, jeans are just too uncomfortable!! xx
I totally forgot to add - justmarried24 I hope you are ok? xxxxxxxx
Hey ladies.
I am feeling slightly better today. A good friend has popped by to see me and has really cheered me up! So that has made me feel better. No sickness so far today, managed to keep my breakfast I think that is an improvement....
Get the results of the other tests later on today so I will let you all know what happens with these.
Thanks again for all of your advice and support! Love you ladies!
Hey ladies.
I am feeling slightly better today. A good friend has popped by to see me and has really cheered me up! So that has made me feel better. No sickness so far today, managed to keep my breakfast I think that is an improvement....
Get the results of the other tests later on today so I will let you all know what happens with these.
Thanks again for all of your advice and support! Love you ladies!

Oh I am so pleased to hear you have been able to keep your breakfast down, I bet you feel so much better for it!! Did you end up having to go to hospital? Fingers crossed they find something nice and easy to resolve form your tests, good luck and keep us posted !xxx

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