from bonfire babies ttc to july bumps due!!

No didn't have to go to hospital hun. Doc said she is worried about me, but wants to try these new tablets and get test results first....was such a relief! Hubby said he thought I was going to cry when she said it is still an option! Hopefully, these new tablets are going to help...fingers crossed. I have had a small glass of water, and it came back up! Oh dear!! But, I am still positive.
I promise to keep you updated ladies....thanks for your concern xxxxxx
hi girls hope u are all well! just popping in to check up on you! were still not trying offically but oddly think we actually did this month but are just not admitting it lol i think were gonna start again next month with the cbfm again no temping tho cos my sister in law had her little boy on tues, although we were overwelmed with joy for her we just felt so sad aswel that it isnt us yet! im sure i will squeeze into my dress at 6/7 months preg? hehe xxx
hi girls hope u are all well! just popping in to check up on you! were still not trying offically but oddly think we actually did this month but are just not admitting it lol i think were gonna start again next month with the cbfm again no temping tho cos my sister in law had her little boy on tues, although we were overwelmed with joy for her we just felt so sad aswel that it isnt us yet! im sure i will squeeze into my dress at 6/7 months preg? hehe xxx

Hello hun! I think thats the best way, a nice relaxed attitude and just see what happens! None of you happen to have heard from charmed have you? She told us about her :bfp: and then vanished!

You will most definitely squeeze into your dress, you must make sure to let us know what happens!! Good luck hun! :dust:

Ooh I just saw from my post that my ticker is 15 weeks today, I had actually forgotten!! How exciting! xx
Hi GossipGirly -Isn't time flying by?? -your wedding will be here before you know it.
Good Luck when you do start ttc too - baby and wedding , how exciting!!!

nb - It is great and exciting when you reach another week isn't it? lol Wow - talk about wishing your life away lol. I promised myself I wouldn't do it this pregnancy too, cos it will prob be my last (Notice how I said probably - lol -in the height of my MS i was saying never ever again lol and I am gradually getting back to probably no more lol )and i want to cherish every minute but it's not exactly working out that way, I have a countdown in my diary to my next scan date; countdown to my maternity leave, countdown to baby EDD -I just cant wait for any of it, so looking forward to holding my lil baby in my arms and being a mummy of a new born again.

Anyhow, going to visit my sis and 5 mnth old nephew now for lunch -he is all smiley now and oh so cute.

And I am working all weekend -that's a bummer -doesn'y happen too often I s'pose thats a blessing (in my old job I worked 3 out of 4 weekends but still I don't want to work all weekend lol)

ttfn ladies, hope everyone is well and bumps are all growing beautifully. xx
I know! Wishing the time away is terrible, I spent all last year doing that in the countdown to the wedding and now I am doing it again. I have just set up 2 wishlists on amazon and mothercare of all the baby things I would like, hubby sold his fish tank, PSP and xbox on ebay this week and made £500!! So we can use that for baby stuff, very exciting!

I think we are pretty much decided on names...we have always liked Leo for a boy, we are hoping we might hit the jackpot and get in the star sign bracket! It starts on the 23rd July and I am due on the 16th so it could happen as I am likely to be a week late!

And for a girl we like Ruby, I picked up the baby club info in Mothercare and it had some names on the front and I saw that and liked it, then I noticed on some peoples sigs on here that there was a club called July Rubies, like our bonfire babies, so I looked it up and it is the July birthstone! Told hubby it has to be a sign! I was really pleased he liked it as we hadnt been able to agree on a girls name until now!

Has anyone else got names picked out yet?

Wana I know just what you mean, I cannot wait to hold a teeny tiny baby, it is so exciting, hubby tells me to hurry up and pop s/he out everyday!! Sorry to hear you have to work all weekend, we have a DIY weekend ahead of us so not too many exciting plans in my house anyway! xx
hiya everyone just found this thread and thought id stop by.
im due my first baby on the 23rd of july :thumbup: and currently waiting for my second scan. any thoughts on whether or not i should find out the gender??
Hi Haylie_bbz and welcome to the thread :flower:

My 20w scan is 23rd Feb and I am definately hoping to find out the sex.
This is baby number 4 for me, and strangely enough I never wanted to find out before; felt it ruined the suprise and anticipation so I can see both sides of the coin here. :shrug:

This time I want to know, because I want to buy pink or blue for my moses basket, blankets, towels, tiny babygrows, vests everything lol. I think its because this will probably be my last pregnancy and with every other baby I have had the neutral beiges, lemons, mints and whites so this time want gender specific. Also I have seen a lovely pram I want and it comes in a variety of colours, some more suited to boy,some more suited to girl.

Also, I have had terrible MS this time and was only like this with my daughter (no sickness or nausea at all with my two boys) so keep getting the feeling that this one is pink flavoured lol - as does my DH and I need to know before the birth to prepare for another blue one, if thats what we have.( Not that I will be disappointed really, as long as LO is healthy but it would be nice to buy frilly knickers and wee tights and dresses again -my daughter is 16 this year lol -well past that stage haha)

Nb -lovely names, I love both of them. We haven't really sat down and spoke about it in length yet -waiting until we can limit it to one gender -try and make it easier lol.
I love Sienna, Willow, Evie, Gracie or Allysa for a girl or for a boy Cole, Max (although doesn't sound right with my surname), Finlay (DH vetoed it -just doen't like it), Oliver and Tyler. But we'll see lol -Last time we only came up with one girls name and one boys name we both liked and agreed on and that was it haha :haha::haha: I s'pose we only need one!!!

Middle names we have already lol - Lily (after DH's gran who passed away last July) or David (DH's name)

Have a great weekend everyone xx:hugs:
Hi! we've got our gender scan on tuesday, I can't wait! and then we're going to go to kiddicare next weekend as its only about an hour away from us and I've heard its amazing!! we've not picked out names as hubby has been suggesting ridiculous ones and I can't be fussed to take him seriously until we know gender and then we'll just choose 1 or 2 to have for the birth and then see baby and match with name... and I've got another mw appt next week for 16 weeks! eek how did this time pass so fast!? Well I've not got anything else exciting to say! we're in for a very exciting night of movies and pizza! Tomorrow I'm supposed to be tackling my closet and getting rid of clothes that I dont want anymore as my 'closet' aka second bedroom, will soon become a nursery... anyone buy any furniture / prams yet? any ideas for anything? xx
Hey haylie.... I am defo finding out!!! This is my 1st aswell and i am FAR to nosey not to hehe. I wouldn't be able to wait lol.! We have our gender scan on 24th feb, so hopefully will be able to find out as im going to be abit earlier but that's what they've given me hehe. So excited.
Oh Militarymummy -what brilliant scan pictures- they are so clear!
And your next scan is getting closer too -its the day after mine This time next month we should hopefully know if we are having boys or girls Yay!!!!!

About the pram question - I am currently looking at the Jane slalom pro pushchair and matrix cup car seat but haven't yet taken it for a test drive so not 100% decided, but looking very favourable. It is very light, all terrain with pneumtic wheels, suspension, dual braking system, large winter hood/ summer canopy and comes in a range of lovely colours to pick from. The car seat has a complete lie flat function which I love as we have a dog and plan to take baby with us on long walks with poochy ensuring the baby is as comfortable as possible. I already have a cot and a swinging crib -the only two items of past baby stuff that I didn't give away so just need new mattresses and bedding for those. Cant wait for the next scan- then going to go mad shopping lol

Hope everyone is keeping well - I am waiting on the physio phoning me back as I am hardly able to walk today because of my SPD -and stairs are a nightmare -and the loo is up there sobsob -oh well a great excuse to have a lazy day and get in some more online baby window shopping lol

Mrsbeanbump -just read you post -OMG gender scan tomorrow??? Are you going private? Wow you'll be the first here to find out babys sex!!!!!

Keep us posted - I am so excited for you xx
Oh your scan pics are brilliant MM!!! So clear! God I am quite envious that you will all know soon what gender the baby is, I am going to have to be very strong willed to come out of there and not know!

I got some terrible news over the weekend that a friend lost her baby, and she only had a week to go :( she is doing increibly well, but it really does give you a reality check! :cry:

We went pram shopping on Sunday, just to check out the prices so I could see if I could get anything cheaper in New York and we loved the icandy apple as we can use it as a 3 or 4 wheeler for our off terrain dog walking!

I am so uncomfortable at night, I wake up every 2 hours for a wee and the black bags under my eyes are just awful as I feel so tired all the time, and then I am wide awake at 8am even on the weekends, it is driving me bonkers. I wish my midwife had said I did have a urine infection so that it wasnt just pregnancy doing this to me, I dont even drink liquid during the night so how anything is there is beyond me, is anyone else having this? Or just me going slowly insane!! xx
nb yep me too -terrible insomnia, coupled with the need to pee often overnight, inability to get comfortable when I am in bed - zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz so tired

So sorry to hear about your friend -that is so tragic -a loss at any time is horrible but at that late stage Omg - how would you deal with that? It makes me cry just thinking about it.

Hope your friend and family and you are okay. So sorry!!
I know it is awful isn't it, it plays on my mind sometimes, my Mum thought I was worried for me but I said I am really not dwelling, just cant imgaine how she must be feeling. I dont know her all that well, just by association really but since being pregnant she has chatted to me a bit on facebook.

I am glad I am not the only one not sleeping! Do you get out of breath really easily too? I find if I am standing up and down too quickly cleaning or something I get so breathless and need to sit down, I am like an old woman hahaha! :haha:

I can't believe I am 16 weeks this week, we are all 4 months, how exciting! Only 5 to go! It won't be long until we are saying we are half cooked!
Nat xxx
Hey girls!
Im not doing too well. Had to be put on a drip on Thursday night! Two bags of fluid and I felt much better on Friday. Had a bad weekend though, not kept much down. Feeling very drained today! Rang midwife and waiting for her to ring me back. It seems that liquids are the major problem....they just make anything in my tummy come back up!

NB - I am so sorry to hear about your friend, that must be so awful. Honestly doesnt even bear thinking about. I am so worried about things going wrong, and having a hard time at the moment worrying that me not keeping things down will affect the baby! Being pregnant is a wonderful, but incredibly scary thing!!!

You guys seem really clued up on buggies and equipment! I have no idea! We have been looking, but just casually so not took that much notice of exact details! We're going to get all the big thinks after the 20 week scan!
Justmarried - so sorry you are having such a horrible time - makes you feel kinda sad doesn't it when you re s'posed to be feeling blooming and happy and excited and you just feel sick n miserable. Hope it passes for you soon. My nausea and vomitting seems to have passed over the past few weeks but I still remember how horrid it felt. Hope your mw gets back to you soon. xx

nb -yep breathless, and as of yesterday headachey and dizzy too - oh the joys of pregnancy lol - wondering if I am becoming slightly anaemic, I have my 16w mw appt on wednesday so I am going to mention it then. Between waddling like a duck (yep I waddle already -due to the PSD) and puffing and panting on exertion I feel about 6-7months gone already -so glad I have a rather large bump for dates - so ppl outside dont realise I am such a wreck at only 4 months lol. Loving it really haha

Well physio have not gotten back to me again -second attempt too!!! AAArrghgh - I am so frustrated - they are based in the hospital where I used to work and I couldv'e just popped in anytime whilst working there but I have since moved hospitals and my new hospital doesn't have obstetrics. Think i'll pop in tomorrow and see if I can speak to anyone cos phoning doesn't seem to be working and the physios only work in the self referral clinic for 3 hours in the mornings.

haha I promise I have no idea what I am talking about really, our friends showed us theirs and it fit in the boot so it was a winner! I was feeling totally overwhelmed by the choice, and what swung it was that my sister still has the maxi cosi car seat that works with it, and the iso fix base so saves us £220!!

I thought I would want everything new for the baby but I am loving hand me downs!!

Justmarried I am so sorry you are still suffering, I am sure the nurses have already reassured you but my sister threw up constantly until 7 months and her LO is now 18 months and such a chunky little man so I am sure the baby is growing absolutely fine! But I agree, I have never been so scared and excited at the same time!! xxx
Hi girls,

thought i'd pop in and see how you are all getting on! Hope you are all well and your bumps are growing nicely! Lots of love x x x

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