from bonfire babies ttc to july bumps due!!

Hiya ladies!

I hope that everyone is well! We got home from mexico on Wed morning and had the most amazing time, it was almost better than our honeymoon!

The resort was fab, currently uploading pics onto facebook if you want to see!

So exciting to come back and see team blue and pink in peoples sigs, congrats guys!!! wana - I thought I would want a girl but I have 3 nephews and they are all fab so you are gona love it!!

Travelling was not fun, I seem to have developed really awful travel sickness, if I am driving then I am ok but otherwise not so! We did off airport parking at Gatwick and had to get a coach to the airport, so that started me off, the flight outbound was ok, they let us pay £30 each for extra legroom which was brilliant, but then we had a 2 hour transfer, which the tour agent had said would only be an hour! So I had to ask the poor guy to pull over a few times, thank god it wasnt a big coach and just the two of us in the taxi!

The hotel was perfect, we went all inclusive and only spent $40 in the whole week! We had some vouchers as compensation from our honeymoon and just decided it was now or never so off we went, hubby had a week off work before his next contract starts so if we didnt go now by the time he was off again I wouldnt be allowed to fly. So we paid £75 each and off we went!

The return journey was not good, they now decided I wasnt allowed extra leg room as pregnant people are not allowed to operate the emergency exit, so I got quite claustraphobic but the staff were brilliant and let me sit on their seat next to the loo. We got very well acquainted with each other! Poor Jody was having to hold sick bags for me as we landed!

We then got held up another 2 hours as there was a problem getting our lugggage off the plane so it was a long journey home but I still feel totally worth it.

Sleeping seemed to get a lot better while we were away, and I slept the whole night through on Wed but last night I couldnt get to sleep until gone 2am and then was awake when hubby got up at 5.45 today, so its going to be a long Friday.

My scan is on Monday, I am so excited!! Kicks really started to get strong while we were away and I feel them a lot, especially when I am in bed. Hubby is gutted he cant feel them yet! Can anyone else feel them on the outside yet?

Well I think that is all from me, nice to be home and catch up with you all!

Nat xxxx
WOW!!! Nat that sounds fab -all apart from the travel sickness that is. Thats horrid, I get it too, unless I am driving lol -not much fun but then I only ever do 20-30 minute car journeys at the moment lol

My DH felt our lil man kick for the first time on Wednesday night -YAY!! It was so cool -I have been feeling the odd kick on the outside for about a week but DH was always too late, or as soon as he put his hand on my bump, baby would stop kicking lol -my youngest son is desperate to feel it too, asks every day but unfortunately he isn't quite patient enough to sit for 10-15 mins with his hand on mummy's tum lol.

Your scan date is so soon now too, bet you can't wait to see your lil one again too -are you going to find out he sex, or stay team yellow?

Glad you had a great time, I'll pop onto FB at some time and have a nosy at your pics if thats okay?

Have a good day everyone xx
ooh yes do have a nosy at the photos, I love looking at peoples holiday pics!

Oh I am so excited your DH can feel kicks, I will tell mine and he will be pleased, hopefully it won't be long. LO seems to move about when I am laying down in bed so I do keep his hand on it for ages but he never seems to kick when he is holding my belly!!

We are going to stay team yellow, even though we are both convinved it's a boy and refer to the baby as 'he' all the time! Part of me thinks it would be nice to know but also I think it will get me through labour with the excitement of finding out the sex!

My sisters are currently planning me a baby shower for the 6th of June, I am so excited!! xxx
How nice, a baby shower. This is defiantely a tradition that we brits should take up on more often. I have never had one.

Had a look at your holiday pics -the resort looks lovely and you look like you had a great time. You are looking really well too, your bump is just lovely, pregnancy definately suits you. Going by bump shape though, I'd guess girl for you lol -only because I had a lovely neat baby bump with my daughter lol -ppl couldn't tell from behind that I was preggers lol - and was the size of the back-end of a bus with my boys lol -and definately that way again with this little man. Although everyone carries differnetly I s'pose so we'll not know til he or she arrives.

We were out last night for a nice meal with my dad and family to celebrate his 60th birhtday -OMG cannot believe he is 60!!. All the OAP / bus pass jokes were out in full force lol. Was a really nice evening, except the toilets were at eh opposite end of the restaraunt and my poor wee hands are killing me this morning from using my crutches back n forth back in froth back in forth lol.

Anyway - some exciting news -I bought my pushchair and car seat yesterday. Cant wait to get a shot of 'playing' with it lol. It is the Jane slalom pro pushchair with matrix car seat (lies flat like a carrycot). I am so excited, although terrified too -Is it far too early to buy such things?? Being off work is costing me a fortune lol - on online shopping. Bought loads of stuff for the nursery -to-be too and some more baby clothes lol -so am looking forward to receiving lots of parcels this week. Gives me something to look forward too.

Hope everyone is having / had a good weekend .Take care mummies and bumps xx
Wana - ooh no one has commented on my bump shape yet! How exciting!

And I made our 1st purchase this week too! The cot bed from Humphreys Corner was in the sale from £300 down to £225! It is out of stock until April and being delivered to my Mums, I cant wait to see it!

Our scan is today then we are going to hit mamas and papas on Regent Street, cannot wait!

Have a good day all! xxx
nb -How exciting - your scan today -hope everything goes really well - keep us posted

And enjoy your shopping, I have just received an email to say my nursery stuff is getting delivered today -so yay!!!!! Cannot wait to see it all xxx
Hey hey ladies!
So sorry Ive been away for a few days...just so busy having kitchen renovated and work is manic so havent had time to catch up!
NB - glad you had a fab holiday! So jealous!
Wanna - cant believe your furniture is arriving already! We've only just started looking....we have decided on the one now so need to order it at the weekend! Picked pram too, and nursery just need to order everything at the weekend! Woohoo!
Got scan on Wed to check placenta and babies tummy.
We were team yellow, but hubby wanted to know so they wrote it down.....we werent going to look but couldnt resist......we are team PINK!!! Hehe! So excited! Going to get them to double check again on Wed, and were not telling anyone....we want it to be our little secret for now!
We are concerned about Wed, but not too much! Just hope babies tummy is filtering properly and everything is working the way it should be....midwife says it will probs be a 3D scan to get a detailed view! So I will let you know asap! And hopefully add photos!!
Well, hope everyone is ok ladies.....sorry if I've missed out any important catch ups! I've had Year 9 parents eve til 8 and Im really tired!
Big hugs!!
Hi girls,

Well the scan was good and bad yesterday, well not bad, but not the news I wanted to hear either! Apparently I have lakes in my placenta which they want to keep an eye on to make sure that the baby continues to grow correctly. So I have to have another scan at 28 weeks, if the baby isn't the size they would like then I will have to have another at 32 weeks, if in that 4 week period the growth is still not as they would like they would induce me! So that's in 10 weeks...which is a very daunting thought!

Our house is on the market, and we havent bought anything, and I dont want to shelve all our plans when there is a chance that none of this will be a problem...but equally I dont want to be in the middle of house moving and be told I have to have the baby!

I am seeing my midwife on Monday, the lady who did my scan was pretty useless, I asked if there was anything I could do, vitamins to take etc to help the baby if the placenta isnt enough and she didnt know anything!!! So once I have seen my midwife on Monday I will hopefully be able to make a more informed decision.

Otherwise, everything at the moment is great, all babys measurements are accurate and he/she was wriggling around like a crazy thing! I couldnt believe how clear the image was, and how big it was compared to last time!

We have booked a 4d scan for hubbys birthday weekend in April, cannot wait for that! I will be 24 weeks then so maybe I will be able to get them to confirm some measurements for me then, although it is just a babybond clinic so they may not.

Other than that not too much to report from my world, I hope everyone else is good, justmarried24 will keep my fingers crossed for you too!

wana - how is all the nursery stuff?! I am so jealous! xxx
Hi Ladies

nb - Glad your lil baby was looing well, bouncing around and fx'd for you that everything progresses as it should.

I hadn't heard of this but found this on babycentre

''Placental lakes are seen on scans as black areas on the surface or deeper inside the placenta, and are actually pools of blood.

There have been one or two cases reported where very large placental lakes were thought to be associated with poor placental function, but it is now known that almost all placentas have one or more lakes by the third trimester, and they don't seem to affect your baby in any way.

Research has found that placental lakes are present in about two per cent of pregnancies and are more common in thicker placentas. There appears to be no association with placental abruption (bleeding from the placenta during pregnancy), high blood pressure or pre-eclampsia, premature labour, small babies or stillbirths.

Because it would seem placental lakes are so common and have no significance, most sonographers do not report them, or even mention them to women. ''

And you get to see your lil one again in about 6-7 weeks yay!!- think positive xx

justmarried -congrats on your pink bump and Good Luck on Wednesday with your scan xx

And I have to add, Are we all in the process or just had new kitchens fitted ?? lol - Must be a requisite for having new babies lol - good luck everyone with the buiding site lol -if your houses are anything like mine at the moment haha

Hi girls,

I had some light brown discharge today (sorry for TMI) along with sometimes stinging when I pass wee and it touches my skin :(

So my midwife has asked to see me this afternoon to discuss this and my scan results, I am pleased I get to talk about these lakes in my placenta, as it has been playing on my mind! And hoping the rest is just some kind of infection.

Hope all is well with everyone else and I shall update you later,

Nat xxx
Oh Nat -hope she can reassure you and get you some treatment for (what does sound like) your infection. :hugs::hugs:

Keep us up-dated on your progress xx

I have just been to my 22w mw appt and she has told me I'll need to go consultant -led. And that means delivering in the not so local hospital; as opposed to my lush new local Community midwife unit. She says we'll discuss it later on in depth but for reasons of pain control and safe postioning in birth due to my spd she'd prefer me under a consultant's care. I am only wanting G&A anyway (and epidural's are not recommended for ppl with spd) and what position can I get into in a hospital that I can't get into in a CMU? sob sob -pity party at my house!!! :cry::cry: My last son only just made it, delivered him minutes after going through the doors of my local hospital, he definately wouldn't have made it to the bigger hospital - would have been a hard shoulder baby - place of birth A82 lol.

Sorry about me going on, when you must be going through hell Nat, Hope everything is okay xx

Also justmarried -Hope your scan went well today. xx
Morning girls!

Well I am feeling a lot better today thankfully! My midwife is a superstar, I love her!

She said I shouldn't worry about the lakes as she is going to keep a close eye on me, she said that provided she is happy with the growth of me and my weight gain then she won't send me off to London again for a scan, I can just go to my local hospital, which is great. She is going to see me in 4 weeks and then every 2 weeks after that to keep an eye on me.

She also did bloods, urine and a swab to test for any infection and said if I dont hear in 5 days then I can assume all is ok, she also checked my cervix and said it isnt as closed as she would like so she will keep an eye on that and if need be she said they can stich it closed, which sounds horrid!! So hopefully that wont be the case but she said it may be the reason for an infection.

On the whole I feel happier and a lot better about it all, and my friend had a baby boy by c-section yesterday!! She had a low lying placenta so knew she wasn't going to be able to have a natural birth, so Hugo was born at 3.30pm yesterday weighing 7pounds 7oz! I cannot wait to meet him for a cuddle very soon, I spoke to her this morning and she sounds fab and said she cannot recommend a c-section highly enough!

So how is everyone doing? I can't believe I am 22 weeks tomorrow, I am hoping this month will fly by as I have my birthday on the 23rd and then hubby's on the 31st and lots of fun things to look forward too over the next few weeks so hoping I will be in the 3rd trimester in the blink of an eye.

Last night we ordered the curtains, tie backs, cot bumper and sleeping bag for the nursery, all Humphreys Corner and I just love it all! Wish I knew how to post pictures on here and I would show you all.

Hope everyone else is doing well, justmarried do update us and Wana I am sorry to hear about your hospital not being the one that you would rather, hopefully they may change their minds if things improve. Are you feeling any better?

Nat xxx
Morning all

Nb -So happy for you!! - fx'd everything continues along to plan. xx
I had a lovely midwife yesterday too, and isn't it so nice to have someone who you feel actually cares and spends some time explaining things and reassuring -the way it always should be. I wish I could ask for her every time I go lol. She is arranging for me to have some antenatal massage done, as she believes it could help with my pain and has told me to request home visits if needs be; she also offered for me to have more regualr appt's too if I want.
And I love Humphrey's corner -which design is it?, and I'll go google lol -another 4 week sickline lol, window shopping is almost as much fun as actual shopping. I loved the Humphrey's corner 'little red car' bedding bale and accessories; for me it was a tough decision between that one and the Lollipop Lane 'fish n chips' that I eventually bought.

Congrats to your friend on her lil boy - and Hugo is so unusual, I love it!!!

Well, on Dr's. advice I began taking regualr co-codamol on Tuesday (although she wanted me to take 2 x tabs - 4 times a day - I chose to take1 x tab as I was scared to take more) and my lil man hardly moved last night. I was so scared I'd hurt him. He has had a few stronger movements this morning and I am going to keep a close eye on it, and not take any more co-codamol for now. I'll never forgive myself if I harm him. My physio did tall me to watch out for reduced fetal movement,but my Dr. assured me it was fine, and she said that my baby could be more seriuosly affected by having mummy in pain and depresseed than by the effects of a small amount of codeine -who do you listen to????

justmarried - how did things go yesterday? Hope you and bubbs are both well
Militarymummy and MrsBeanbump -not heard from you both in a while -hope you are both okay!!

Have a great day everyone xxx
Just noticed I have moved up a box yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Box 6 OMG !!!!!
Hey lovely ladies!
Wanna - bless you and the spd....hope the pain isnt too bad petal!
NB - sorry about the placental lakes...Ive never heard of them either but at least your midwife is being really good about it. It is so reassuring when you are looked after by nice people!
Hehe about getting kitchens done....we have just had the final price quote for ours...I nearly keeled over! Our savings are well and truly going to take a hit, but we both love the design so we will just have to bite the bullet!!!
Scan went well looks great, got to see her on 4D but she wouldnt play ball and was all scrunched up in a ball! Bless her! Tummy looked ok, still large but within normal range so we feel better. Also placenta looks like its moved so hopefully I can have natural birth! Got next scan at 32 weeks.
I am so tired today, dont know whats up.....feel like I could sleep for a week!
We have changed our minds about prams (again!) and are now settled (fingers crossed) on the iCandy cherry....I love how light it is for when Im on my own (and will be on my own with having a years maternity!!) so think we are ordering this at the weekend! We are doing the nursery with classic pooh from cute. We were goin to go PINK but decided to keep neutral just incase the scans have been wrong! Haha! And we have also decided on nursery furniture from M&S but it is out of stock so aarrgghh!
Well, Im off to get something to eat.....probs best its just beans on toast on reflection of the kitchen quote! Hahaha!!

Giant hugs and lots and lots of love to mummies and bumps

justmarried -so glad everything is looking good on your recent scan -fx'd xx

I know what you mena about being a bit worried that the sonographer has got it wrong lol - i have bought a boys pram, blue nursery decor and even getting blue nursery furniture so if he did turn into being a she lol - she'd maybe have gender issues ?? haha -especially wearing all my lil mans clothing lol. But we actually seen it on the screen, pointing up there for all to see -infact it was my DH who said first - It's a boy -even before we were officially told lol.

My midwife has booked me in for antenatal massage therapy -not until end of April but I can't wait -aromatherapy massage -she thinks it may help with my pain, so she has pencilled me in every 3-4 weeks after that until I deliver. Oh How I love that lady lol -all the other mw's I have met have been so apathetic in comparison.

My ypungest son's birthday tomorrow- he'll be 8. I am taking him and a few friends to the cinema and then McD's -dont know how that will be with me unable to sit in the one position for too long lol - but he's worth it!! Poor wee soul wanted a party at home but our house is stil a building site so no way we could do that this year. DH had the realisation last night that if this baby comes early naturally or I get induced a few weeks early then he only has 16 weeks left to finish all the renovations gulp!!! The kitchen is nearly completed, but with him doing all the work himself and working full time -he is limited to how much time he can spend on it. After the kitchen, DD's room to be completed and decorated, Living room (not a big job here -just a freshen up really) hall decorated including new flooring and then the stairway and then the nursery lol.

Wish I could help more -I am normally very helpful with a bit of DIY - but can hardly lift a kettle these days.

Have a good day everyone -oh just thought - my lil man is bouncing about all the time again -sure it must have been the co-codamol made him sleepy or something -so I haven't had any since the night before last

omg wanna i cant believe you are in box 6 ! were does time go!! im so sorry to read u cant deliver were u want and your having such a poop time with the spd thingy :( !!! pray for me girls af was due on monday and still no sign, i dont think she will be long but im glad she is not here yet :) but im not getting my hopes up as I was 4 days late last month xx
Hi girls!

Justmarried - so glad everything went well, how exciting! I hope all continues that way.

Wana - Hopefully sitting in the cinema wont be too bad! Fingers crossed!

Here is the link to the Humphreys stuff we got, we have ordered the cot bed in white, the cot bed bumper, curtains, tie backs with the little bears on and the sleeping bag!

It has arrived at my Mums today so I am going to check it all out tomorrow, I cannot wait!

Gossipgirly - I will be keeping everything crossed for you that the :witch: doesnt arrive, make sure you keep us posted.

We have a busy weekend ahead, my Uncles 70th on Saturday and on Sunday I am meeting an old school friend for lunch, she is 10 days ahead of me so very exciting to have a bump buddy close by!

Hoping for a cuddle with my friends baby Hugo too but I will leave her alone until next week.

Have a fab weekend everyone, I got an iphone yesterday, gutted I am stuck at work and can't just play with it! xxx
Gossipgirly -fx'd (infact everything crossed) for you this month - Really hope you get your BFP soon xx

Nat - Your Humphrey's Corner stuff is so cute,bet you cant wait to get your nursery done now to see it all in place -I know I can hardly wait lol.
Any luck with the house selling?

Have a great weekend everyone xx
awww nb humphries corner stuff is soooo cute, cant wait till i can shop! thanks for encouragment girls hope i have some good news for you tomorrow :D xxx

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