from bonfire babies ttc to july bumps due!!

Yay - for Gossipgirly -See that ticker xxxx


And YAY!!! fpr you too justmarried -box 6 today on your ticker -getting so close now!! xx
I'm jealous!!!! :wacko:
Want to go up a box too.... lol
Got our cot now, and a mattress, and started sorting the baby's room soooo excited now! hehe. xxx
Hiya ladies!

Happy Mothers Day to you all!!!

Well it seems that my Angel Baby Bead has sent me a Mothers Day Present.............................................................................................



It's very early days though! Had a feeling yesterday and today so did a FRER this afternoon (so no FMU yet) and got a faint positive!

Keep your fingers crossed for me girls!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hiya ladies!

Happy Mothers Day to you all!!!

Well it seems that my Angel Baby Bead has sent me a Mothers Day Present.............................................................................................


It's very early days though! Had a feeling yesterday and today so did a FRER this afternoon (so no FMU yet) and got a faint positive!

Keep your fingers crossed for me girls!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

So so chuffed for you beadette :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Happy Mother's Day -and that must be the best present ever xx
Hiya ladies!

Happy Mothers Day to you all!!!

Well it seems that my Angel Baby Bead has sent me a Mothers Day Present.............................................................................................



It's very early days though! Had a feeling yesterday and today so did a FRER this afternoon (so no FMU yet) and got a faint positive!

Keep your fingers crossed for me girls!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

YAY Beadette!!! I'm so so soo happy for you!! Happy Mothers day to you too! my fingers and toes are crossed for you, what a wonderful mothers day present for you!!


So hi everyone! Sorry its been a while, I dont know where the time has gone! our kitchen is finished now, lucky for us we didn't have to do any of the work, just had the inconvenience! just slowly moving stuff back in... but I've been away at center parks this weekend on a hen do and we leave tomorrow to go to america for two weeks... and we haven't packed yet... I'm so tired!

I'm so jealous! it sounds like most of you have your prams and cots all picked out. We can't decide on anything! When we get back from america we're going to have to go back to kiddiecare again and make some purchases this time!

I met my new midwife on thursday as she wanted to meet me before I went on holiday, she came to my house and was really really nice so I'm very excited now. I feel like I've been in midwife limbo for a while but now it feels all settled. I got another scan booked for april 12th as have cyst on ovary and consultant wants to have a look, then I go back a couple weeks later for another anti d jab, which I'm deffo not looking forward to as not a big fan of needles or injections...

Well, off to do some packing, think I'm going to take the wedding dress to live at my mum's house for a while since space is going to be a bit tight soon when all the baby stuff starts arriving! (once we've chosen and ordered it that is!)

Hope your all having a lovely Mothers day!!

I'm jealous!!!! :wacko:
Want to go up a box too.... lol
Got our cot now, and a mattress, and started sorting the baby's room soooo excited now! hehe. xxx

Wont be long lol-I am sure it was 22w 2 days only. Isn't it great buying th baby stuff lol -I just love it!! :happydance:

MrsBeanbump- Have a great holiday, you'll need to fill us in when you get back; and there's still plenty of time for shopping. :hugs:

Oh my goodness! How exciting, I just logged in and saw your post Beadette, that is BRILLIANT news!
Mrs bean bump - you have probably gone already but i hope you have a fgab trip!

Wana - House selling is not going great, we have had only 4 viewings and I did think it would be more, they tried to book a last minute one in on Saturday but we had my Uncles 70th birthday lunch to go too and you may have seen pics of my dog on facebook! So we always try and take him out when a viewing is on as he may be a little overbearing for some, plus the house was a tip as we werent expecting anyone around, I did say I was happy to do it myself on Sunday but didn't hear anything back. We have seen one we like but no rush as they havent found anything and we dont have a buyer so will have to wait and see.

Fingers crossed now Spring is on the way people will be house hunting!

I have been sleeping really well the last 2 weeks, I am probably jinxing myself saying this! But hoping for a bit of respite in that area now as it's been awful waking up so early all the time, but I can't complain really seeing as all is well with bubba!

I went for lunch with a friend yesterday who I havent seen for 10 years! It was lovely as she is about 2 weeks ahead of me with her pregnancy so lovely to catch up. And I got to see my friends baby Hugo who was born on Wednesday, I could eat him!

We saw hubby's Mum yesterday and I had my first 'bump rub' from her, I thought to myself that I could probably deal with the occasional quick 'ooh you are getting bigger' but this was a full on 5-10 seconds all over rub, I said to hubby when we got home that I find it REALLY weird when people do that to me, and he said 'thats what people do when you are pregnant' and I said, 'ok well I find it weird, your Mum never feels the need to rub me any other time!' So I am hoping that gets conveyed to her!!

How is everyone else doing? My kicks are getting stronger but hubby is gutted he can't feel them yet, I read in my week by week book that the baby will double in size over the next 3 weeks so hopefully he will be able to feel them soon!

Can anyone else's partner feel them yet? xxx
MM -Congrats - you' ve reached box 6 lol xx

nb - lol at the bump rubbing - Why do ppl do that?? I must admit I really dont mind the odd pat from my sis or my mum (on infrequent occassion only) but if my MIL was to start rubbing my tum, I'd be mortified lol.
My DH felt a kick from baby a few weeks ago, but nothing since - he knows as soon as Dad puts his hand on my belly and stops moving, I swear he does lol. A few nights a go I was holding a book against my bump, and my little man was kicking it so hard lol the book was jumping; until I shouted DH to see -and then he stopped lol

Fingers crossed on the house front xx

Take care everyone, have a good day xx
YAY im on box six woop woop lol.
I know what you mean about the bump rubbing, i don't mind people i know touching my belly but i can't stand strangers, just makes me think "how would you like it if i came grouping you for not reason??" Talk about personal space invasion lol.
My DH still hasn't felt baby yet and i've started to feel her on the outside but as soon as hubby puts his hands there that's it she doesn't move at all.
Other than that i've been signed off work for the week grrrrrrrrrr. Suffering really bad migranes and been told to take paracetamol and rest!!! :(
Hope everyone is well xxx
MM - Yay for Box 6!! That's fab! I cannot believe we are less than a month away from the 3rd trimester, this is going so fast, I am ridiculously excited.

Sorry to hear about your migraines, I really hope they pass nice and fast.

Wana - How's your sps? Are you getting around any easier?

Well hubby felt the baby kick for the first time last night! I could feel when I got into bed that they were a lot stronger and he felt it! Which was very exciting but baby was not prepared to continute his/her performance after that.

I am glad I am not the only one who feels funny about being rubbed by randoms, my little nephew does it while he asks me questions about the baby but he is only 3 so it is really cute! I think next time MIL does it I might have to see if I have the balls to say 'so shall I rub you back now?' But I know I wont! Just will have to shoot hubby a look and hope he notices! Either that or just step backwards as that outstretched hand comes towards me hahahaha!

I am hoping this week at work goes very nice and fast, the weather is lovely and I want to be at home!! xxx
MM -Hope you are feeling better, I have never had a migraine but a bad headahce is bad enough for me -I hope you are getting some relief now.

nb - Thanks for asking - spd is really bad today but I had a relatively good day, pain wise yesterday and am paying now for doing too much then probably. But DH has made lovely little cushions for my crutches out of memory foam, so that is defiantely helping with the sore hand problem.And once he comes in I'll get to go for a nice warm bath, that always helps too but lol I cant get in and out very easily on my own so shouldn't really be doing it when home alone; incase I get stuck lol.

I bet your DH was so delighted at feeling the baby move, mine was -although he admits to being a tad jealous that he cant feel him move like I do; especially when I sit at night rubbing my bump and baby kicks in response and I just sit there grinning and chuckling to myself -he feels a bit left out lol -Aww !! And then he tries to at least feel it from the outside and our lil man stops haha. He's getting a bit of a complex really lol. Wont be that, later on when the kicks are uncomfortable lol -and I am sure he doesn't want the spd either !!!

Oh well, I am needed with the lego building, youngest son is home from school and needs my help, so I am off for now.
ttfn ladies xx
I am so jealous today -DH is away snowboarding -I wanna go do something exciting too.

Woo hoo ladies! I am 23 weeks, which I think means I am viable today! How exciting!! :happydance:

What has everyone got planned for the weekend? We have had lots of enquiries about DH's car so fingers crossed we will get that sold this weekend and then going to see some friends who live at Box Hill on Sunday so taking Buster for a nice walk over there.

Loving this spring time weather! Have a fab weekend bump buddies! xxx
Hello ladies- hope you all had a nice weekend, nb - hope the car sold and you got your nice walk in the nice spring weather (lol - which we aren't having here haha- its totally pissing it down outside, I can hear the rain bouncing off the ground outside lol) :rain:

We had a quiet weekend, DH still busy decorating, another visit to B&Q (although they did have 20% off this weekend so got loads of bargains lol -which I love ) and lots of doing nothing and really unhealthy eating (oo-er , not so good lol but DH was so busy and I really couldn't be bothered cooking much :blush::blush:) but I do feel much better for it today.

So, another week has gone past and I am nearly 24 weeks now ,I had thought 24 weeks was viable but your probably right nb as thinking about it, babies are rescusitated from 23 weeks onwards and given every opportunity to survive -so Yay!! Viable then!!!WOW Can't believe it -some days/weeks feel so long and dragging and then at other times the time seems to be flying past -DH was talking about the day we got our BFP (back on 5th Nov) and how it seemed it would be ages until 1) we could tel ppl; 2) we got our dating scan; 3) our anomaly scan and finding out he is a boy etc -OMG all the milestones we have passed already and so close to third tri.

Have a great day ladies and bumps xx :hugs:

p.s our little guy is bouncing around in sleep /awake cycles now -he tends to waken up and start bouncing about every morning from about 11am -12 noon, then again about 5pm and his most wakeful time is from 21:15 -when he goes crazy and bounces about for about 1-2 hours constantly lol -my youngest son thinks it is so cool to feel it -he sits n giggles and just looks amazed haha:haha::haha:
Hey girls.

Hope you all had a nice weekend. I did, just wish it lasted longer! Spent Saturday with my girlfriends enjoying a lovely meal and the cinema. Then went baby and house shopping with hubby yday! Ordered our furniture from M&S!!! Pram is causing a problem as we want a new design edition which isnt available to order til next week.....just hoping we can get it ordered asap!!!
Kitchen is coming along nicely....hopefully be totally completed in next 3-4 weeks! Hubby is fitting it himself as he is a joiner, so it will take a bit longer with him being at work full time, but it will save us a fortune! Ordered our amazing range cooker yday....cant wait to cook lots of lovely family meals on it (even tho I cant cook! hehe!!)
Wanna - I love that you eat unhealthily when house is being done....we are exactly the same....cant be bothered to make anything, plus kitchen is upside down!!! It's a great excuse for yummy takeaways!!!
NB - hope you got car sold! Are you replacing it? We decided to just part ex hubbys car as garage gave us a really good deal. We have ordered a new Qashqui....very excited for it to be delivered!!! Should be here by 20th April!! It will be our first proper family car as we have two 3door cars at the its our first grown up 5 door! hehe!!
Anyway lovely ladies.....I have a craving for fish finger sandwiches at the min so Im off to have some! Hahaha!!
Hi! just popping in while on hols! internet at my mothers house!

24 weeks today! wow how time has flown by! I'm back to work next week and i've still not officially given notice of when I want maternity leave to start... because I'm still not sure how close to the due date I want to try to work. And next week we get to send away for the maternity grant!

I feel so behind though, we haven't picked pram or furniture yet!! we might just buy a moses basket for now and a pram and not really rush on the furniture as we dont know how long will be in current house. Hubby in raf and is due to be promoted within next 6 months.

justmarried- we have a qashqai! how exciting, its a really nice car and drives really well... i only have difficulty with parking it.... but I have difficulty parking at all anyways! can't wait to get into those parent & child spaces!

well hope everyone has a great week! we've got some more sales to hit up this week before coming back next week. There are a lot of sales on children clothes at the minute plus a lot of extra %% off coupons floating about. I dont think we will have to buy anymore clothes until he's a year old!!

Morning ladies

Mrsbeanbump -hope you are having a fab time away and enjoying all the baby shopping lol -I have my appt with HR next week to discuss my current sickness, but also to arange my mat leave and return to work (after bubs is born -doesn't look like I'll get back this side of the pregnancy).I'm sure they are going to be none too happy with me, so not really looking forward to that. Got my MatB1 a few weeks ago, so will need to make sure DH takes it to his work this week to arrange his paternity leave too -Is becoming oh so real now lol!!! :happydance::happydance:

Yay!! :wohoo::wohoo: And congrats on reaching 24 weeks -totally viable now!!

justmarried -my DH is fitting our kitchen too -so taking a bit longer also, but has really saved us a fortune. We should have it totally completed this week(only last minute trimmings to be done now) , unless he gets side tracked with another job lol (which is totally possible as we bought our new paper for the hall, and new flooring too and he is itching to get that done now lol). I must admit, I think its looking brilliant -we were so badly in need of a new kitchen for soooooooooooooo long and its just great. I love it!!!:thumbup:
I'll be so glad to get the house back to normal though, it is much better than it was, but there is still a constant reminder of all the work thats to be done or going on -power tools lol, wallpapering equipt, and wood n nails etc lol.

I am a bit sore today so am going to have a nice chilled relaxing day, and the sun is shining here for a change lol- so HOW SAD is it?? that I am excited about getting some washing out on the line lol:haha::haha:


ttfn girls -have a good one xx :hugs:

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