from bonfire babies ttc to july bumps due!!

Morning ladies

Hope everyone is well

Just popped in to say hi really, so ''Hi'' lol

Discovered my 15y.o(going on 25y.o) daughter has been bunking off school and forging letters from me, so I had to go down to her school yesterday to talk to her and her pastoral care teacher about it. Could have killed her lol -she looked so ashamed to be caught and has been put on a 'bad conduct' card for a few weeks so hopefully the lecture, how disappointed we all are etc with have some impact and she'll pull her socks up. She sits her 4th year exams in a few weeks. She is also grounded too, for a fortnight -so plenty of chores to be done around the house and ample time for studying too lol. Teenagers !!!!

I seen my physio yesterday -she says there is nothing else they can do for me, just to take it easy, keep taking the painkillers and to phone her if the pain changes in the future. Probably the best idea actually though, as I was struggling to get there some days and she wouldn't do anything anyways as there is no obvious mis-alignment that can be fixed and my pubis symphis is so unstable and painful so most of the time we met up and just chatted lol. Bit of waste of time really.

Anyway, hope everyone has a good day /week

Hugs to all mums and bumps xxxxxxx
Greetings bump buddies!

Sorry for being AWOL for a bit, it was my birthday on Tuesday and has been a busy week!

Justmarried - We sold the car, woo hoo! We got the full asking price and the guy left a deposit last week and is coming to collect it on Saturday morning, very exciting! Hubby mentioned to his boss he was selling it and he has offered his a wage increase if he gets a van rather than a car, he is a landscape gardener, so we think he will do that. I have an Audi A3 but it's a 3 door so we need to change it, I love it :( but I am sure I will love a new car too, the Qashqai's are gorgeous!

Mrsbeanbump - I am glad you had a fab trip, cannot wait to hear about all the things you have bought!

Wana - House sounds like it is coming along really well, we had 2 viewings this week who have both said they are interested but got to wait until Sat when they have viewed everything, the house we like is still available so just keeping everything crossed it doesn't go before we are under offer!

Sorry to hear you wont be able to get back to work, I really hope the pain lets up for you, I get the odd twinge and think that's bad so I cannot imagine how you must be feeling. And I hope your daughter has learnt her lesson! I must admit I did the same thing and when I got caught I was mortified!

I am 24 weeks tomorrow, yay! I told hubby we were viable now and he got all excited and we went baby shopping via ebay on the weekend! We got some gorgeous Humphreys Corner bits for the nursery, I found a seller who makes a lamp shade into a hot air balloon with the elephant in the basket, it arrived this morning and it is gorgeous!

My Mum also picked me up some Vegas baby gro's on her trip this week and my birthday present was a gorgeous nappy bag from A Pea in the Pod, so I have been very spolied!

It feels a bit more real now we are buying things! Also the kicks are getting stronger, I was sitting on the sofa yesterday and some of them were so hard I actually saw my belly move, I actually 'feel pregnant' now I can feel the baby and I am a bit fatter hahaha!

I can't believe we are all rapidly approaching the 3rd trimester, it has gone so fast! xxx
yay nb -congrats on week 24 -roll on third tri now. :happydance:

FX'd for your house selling soon, that sounds promising that you have had a few interested viewers anyway -so infact everything crossed for you (and thats REALLY difficult to do with spd lol) With you buying more Humphries corner stuff for the nursery you'll be desperate to get one done too, so hope the sale happens quickly. And your lampshade sounds adorable!!! :cloud9:

Well Kind of good news from my DH last night, he currently works a 11am -7 pm shift which means he is there to see me in the morning for a short while, help me get out of bed etc (when I am truly stuck lol) but doesn't get home until between 7:30 and 8 pm and hardly sees our youngest before bed, is never in in time to make dinner or do much around the house etc AND his shift is changing next week to 07:45 -15:45 -yay!!!! Early mornings for him again after a long time of not having to get up until 10am lol and I may need to get the kids to help me out of bed on the really bad days lol but he'll be home in the evenings again. Yay!!! It will be so much better for when the lil man has arrived too. I can't wait :happydance::happydance:

Went to Ben's (our youngest son age 8) parents evening last night and it was fab -my wee man is a superstar -al the teachers love him to bits, and he is doing so well. He's top of the class for maths and in the top group for english. He has always excelled at his maths but he struggled to catrch up with his english in primary 1 and 2 as he had glue ear as a toddler through until he was 6; and spent a lot of his developmental years with very poor hearing and subsequently developed speech problems. [ Bit of history - my health visitor and paediatrician for 18 months refused to believe his hearing was affected, and told me that 1) he was pretending he couldn't hear and 2) I was being a neurotic mother... until I demanded he be referred to ENT and it was discovered his ears were practically filled with the glue like substance. AArgghh - dont always believe what the health 'professionals' say' a mothers intuition is normally right. Anyay, he has since had 2 operations for grommit insertion to release the fluid and also had his adenoids removed, had 2 years of speech therapy and a lot of supported study in primary 1 and 2 and now YAY!!!! - His p3 teacher (new to the school) wasn't even aware there had ever been a problem]
SO proud !! :cloud9::cloud9:

Sorry for going on lol

Have a good day ladies and bumps

P.S My little man's kicks are getting so strong now too -It is so fab I love it
Well ladies a little over a week and we are all in the 3rd trimester, i can't believe it! It is so exciting!

Wana that is great news about your hubby's working hours, I love it that mine is at home before and after work and will have a good amount of time with the baby.

I had the exact same thing as a child and ended up with gromits twice and my adanoids out, I have such bad balance and walk into everything all the time as a result of it! I am glad Ben is on the right track though, that is really good news.

Mrsbeanbump - Are you back to normality now?

We have our 4d scan on Saturday, I cannot wait to see the baby again, I have called to say we most definitely don't want to know the sex, so fingers crossed we wont see anything we dont intend on seeing, although there is no chance I won't be having a look!

Loving that it is a 4 day week, then I am off on Tuesday as well and doing something with my nephews so looking forward to a good long weekend, it is hubby's birthday on Wednesday too so a busy week of celebrations too.

Hope everyone is well, I didnt sleep too well last night so I am shattered today but hopefully that means I will tonight.

Lots of love to all and the bumps xxxxxxxxxx
Ooh also I forgot to say, and it just reminded me by another post in the 2nd trimester forum, hubby and I :sex: on the weekend and MY GOD did it hurt, he said everything was def a lot smaller as well!

Has anyone else found this?! Christ knows how I am expected to push a baby out!! Sorry for TMI!! xxx
Ooh also I forgot to say, and it just reminded me by another post in the 2nd trimester forum, hubby and I :sex: on the weekend and MY GOD did it hurt, he said everything was def a lot smaller as well!

Has anyone else found this?! Christ knows how I am expected to push a baby out!! Sorry for TMI!! xxx

Lol I know how you feel about the feeling a bit more sensitive n swollen down there but as for :sex: WOW!!! It is amazing at the moment, all those extra juices flowing and tighter (yup , but sorry way TMI :blush:- All for the better just now lol:haha:) -OMG I am so horny lol :blush:(prob because we dont do it as often as previously cos of my spd and either me being too sore, or him being too afraid of making me sore lol but O.M.G. I am terrible at the moment - think about it all the time -too much time on my hands too I s'pose cos normally it would be the last thing on my mind after a few night shifts or after a twelve hour shift at all lol :haha:)

DH has never said anything about it (and I'd kill him if he did lol) but it must be really strange (and a bit gross) for the men -I mean I have put on over 2 stone already; have a huge bump which gets in the way and huge veiny boobs. Not very attractive at all. I mean if he developed a huge beer gut and love handles over the space of a few months I am sure it woiuld put me off a bit lol :wacko:

TTFN Ladies and bumps, I need to go give Ben some TLC -he's jsut come home, with a huge shiner of a blackeye - he bumped heads with another pupil - poor wee soul!!! Always full of bumps n scrapes haha- typical boy!!

Lotta love xxx
AAAaaaarrrghhhhhhhhh - It's bloody well snowing AGAIN!!!!!!!!

I am well and truly stuck at home today now -cant get out on the damn crutches in the snow, plus looks like the car will be snowed in anyway.

So much for the start of British summer time lol!!!!!
Oh god what a nightmare! We have rubbish weather but no actual snow, I can't believe how nice it was only a few days ago and now we have this, I bet my well planned summer off work will be a total washout too!

I have never had heartburn in my life before but my god did I get it last night, it was horrendous!!

I went for dinner with some friends and had to stop at MIL's on the way home for some Rennie tablets as there was no way I would have slept, I then watched the last Married, Single, Other and cried for a good hour!!

How is everyone else doing today? xx
HI! we're back to UK now, got back yesterday morning. Boy are those planes cramped!!! I couldn't move for basically the whole 7 hours! and I was so tired and cramped (the lady in front of me put her seat back) I basically cried the whole time! good thing it was a night flight and it was dark! I'm glad to be back now but not looking forward to going on a plane again december time with a lil one to visit family!

Back to work today, glad it was only today and tomorrow then long bh weekend! woop woop! we're thinking of going to kiddicare again but not sure... but we're starting to panic we have not made any of the 'big' decisions yet...

Baby has been kicking loads! all day long practically! Last night hubby saw it happen for the first time, he's felt it for a while now but now you can see my skin literally jump, its really weird!

We start NCT classes on tuesday... and 25 weeks this week so can apply for the maternity grant anytime now whenever I see the midwife! And being 25 weeks I'm supposed to tell work this week when my last day is but I'm clueless! I dont know when I want to finish, I always planned on June 10th but now I'm thinking I should try to work later into pregnancy, and If I can't hack it will just have to get signed off at the end...I know they wouldn't force maternity on me and I'm not entirely convinced I want to go back to work after... its a bit stressful at the minute and I'm not too keen on senior management of the company.

Well need to get some rest now, thinking it will be a 12 hour day tomorrow to ensure I get the 4 day weekend.... boo

Mrsbeanbump - Welcome back! Sorry to hear about your flight, fingers crossed it won't be so bad next time!
We have started to feel worringly unprepared as well, we might take the bull by the horns and go and order a pushchair this weekend, we shall see! I don't start NCT classes until the end of April so will be good to hear how yours go, my sister still has lots of friends she met through hers so I am looking forward to that.

What has everyone got planned for the bank holiday weekend? We are car shopping as we have not yet replaced hubby's so one car at the moment which isn't entirely practical for us as neither of us can get to work without one, public transport connections where we live are useless.

We have our 4d scan on Saturday, I cannot wait! But other than that no fixed plans but I have a feeling the weather is going to ruin any chance of doing anything nice.

Roll on 5pm as I am off on Tuesday as well so really looking forward to it! Happy Easter! xxx
Hi Ladies -Glad you had a nice time Mrsbeanbump, but sorry the flight was bad, you'd think ppl would be more considerate wouldn't you?

And yay!! the health in pregnancy grant -I'd forgotten about that -what's everyone planning on buying /or putting it towards???

Wish we were having a 4d scan now nb - seems so long since we seen our little man, and so long still to go too. If we hadn't found out the sex, then we'd be defiantely having another scan to find out but otherwise I can't seem to justify the extra money( I know I am prob just being tight but I keep thinking of all the other stuff we need /I want for the baby lol). Are you staying team yellow? Cos at 25 weeks and 4d there's a good chance you'll see something inadvertantly. Hope the heartburn is not too bad and settling down a bit -It's one ailment I have never suffered from ,but my poor sister had it terribly every pregnancy.

Well I am just back from HR- handed in my MatB1 and sorted out my maternity leave. I am owed 3 weeks A/L from last year so taking that from 33w -36w, then starting mat leave at 36 weeks. They know not to expect me back in the interim aswell, so that takes the pressure off me abit, I hate making that call saying ' another sickline' - so another 7 week sickline (after this one runs out), then hols then officially maternity leave Yay!!!!!. I should be due to go back next April /May. So Yay!!!
DH sorted out his paternity leave this week too, OMG!!! It makes everything so REAL having those bits of paper lol -strange as this sounds it really does!!!!!

Well have fun car shopping nb, hope the jetlag doesn't get you too hard Mrsbeanbump and everyone have a lovely Easter break, my kids are off from today so nice to have some company about the house (although I am going to feel bad that I am not physically able to get out and do much of anything fun with them) On the plus side, the snow has cleared an it's actually sunny today and feels much warmer than ever before -maybe spring has sprung afterall.

Have a good day ladies and bumps xxxx
ooo nb, 4d scan! I was just looking online today that the place where I got a gender scan has a special going fri/sat for 4d scans so really tempted... hubby has agreed so think we'll book ours for saturday too as that is the day he had two openings (I called to check today). We'll get some colour photos/ black and white photos and a dvd!
Wanna, glad you got your maternity sorted out with work, what a relief that must be, I've got to decide at the weekend what I want to do..... at least they didn't make you take your maternity leave now, as in my letter (which I said I didn't think they'd really enforce) is that I could be forced mat leave from 25th april!

So I think I'll put the grant money towards the 4d scan hehe! but wont be in time for that... but we've only got clothes and nappies at the minute so we'll see... We're going to do some shopping this weekend too hopefully and get something sorted! lots of cleaning in our near future too so will be procrastinating on bnb this weekend! Looking forward to having 4 days off!

Hopefully going to kiddiecare again this weekend, but I'm not sure when its open... want to try out some prams!

Ooh lucky you, both of you -4d scans at the weekend. Enjoy ,and remember to come back and let me know how it went. I read a story on here last week about a girl who was told boy at 20w scan and then had a girl lol - maybe you;ll get a suprise Mrsbeanbump. I have bought all blue lol- would be a big suprise for me haha.

Well, I have just won a bid for a Summer prenatal heart listening device from EBay -brand new for £10. I know , a bit late lol -everyoen else seemed to get their dopplers etc much earlier on but I couldn't resisit when I saw it. And so looking forward to hearing our little man's heart beat whenever I want now yay!!!!! He bounces about constantly so that should be reassuring enough but I want to hear it lol - this being off work boredom is going be really hard on my pocket haha.

Have a good weekend xx
So how did the 4d scans go???? Any thumb sucking, hand waving etc to tell of? :baby::baby: Any pics to show off?

Mrsbeanbump - congrats on getting your baby furniture -what did you buy? Any pics? And congrats on week 26 and getting down to double digits yay!! :happydance:

I am on double digits today too -yay!!!! So excited, roll on third tri and then baby time :happydance: 99 days on my ticker to go.

I have just realised this weekend; that we are quickly running out of time with the home improvements lol :haha:
I want it all completed by week 36 (just in case baby makes an early apearance, although he'll probably be late lol :haha:) SO only 10 weeks (weekends really) to get it al done, wouldn't be a problem at all if I could help more, but DH is having to do all the shopping, majority of tidying up too and the renovations lol. OMG Well I am sure it will make the next 10 weeks fly past; and then time will stop still haha.

Have a good week ladies xx Haven't heard from militarymummy or justmarried recently. Everything okay ladies?? xx :hugs:
Wanna - so you should have said you wanted one of those summer heart things, I've got one that I'm prob going to put on ebay because I could only hear my belly rumbling on it... but I haven't tried it again recently so maybe I'll try it again today as baby has gotten a lot bigger since the last time I was trying to use the monitor!

We got furniture at kiddiecare, heres the link, for some reason white and beech colour sets were half off, but the dark wood was only like £100 off or something so we're getting a white set, which I prefer anyways so then I can use whatever in the room and never have to worry about matching furntiure. So.. the sales assistant said 4-6 weeks and I had an internal sigh of relief that I had extra time to sort out the spare bedroom but we got a phone call today that says they want to deliver on April 12th! the best bit about the furniture is they deliver it and put it up!! so no flat packs for hubby!

After goign to kiddicare and another big baby warehouse in grantham I think we've narrowed the pram down to a graco symbio, quinny buzz, or concord neo... still not sure but thats the style we like. But we like a city out and about thing too thats not a travel set but folds really easy so having a hard time spending all that money on something we might want to replace in a years time! the plan now is the furniture is out of the way and thats a relief and now we might wait until the baby show in birmingham in May to get the pram as I heard good deals at baby show.... unless theres a huge sale before then.

And best news ever, theres a mamas and papas coming to our town on the 29th April so maybe I'll get a pram there instead, love that store!

we ended up not having 4d scan yet, hopefully they'll be another special offer soon but we really needed to get out and buy some furniture / prams.... so put the 4d off until another day.. we've got another nhs scan on 12th april for the consultant to take a peek at my cyst on my ovary. I believe it hasn't changed size and is 5cm big on ovary so they're just going to check it out...

and wanna... I wont get a suprise about gender :) ... because I had the amnio, not funnest time ever, but the upside was they looked at the chromosomes and theres deffo a boy in there!

well off to cook some lunch, my friend who's getting married next saturday is coming over so I can try out some hairstyles on her as she wasn't real happy with her 'test run'... and I'm trying to de-stress her!

and double digits is exciting!! I think I've decided to have June 18th as my last day at work is well... so something else to look forward too! I'm looking forward to being a domestic goddess for a year! (I'll probably change my mind later on but we'll leave it at that for now)

Hey there lovely girls!!!

Sorry Ive been away a is manic and work has been crazy for the past week!
Mrsbeanbump - your furniture looks lovely!!! Ours is being delivered on 1st May, so got a little bit of time to give room a lick of paint and to put up border. Here's our furniture

I am off work for 2 weeks now so gonna get cracking! Really hard to get completely organised with house still being upside down! Going to buy nursery things this week. Also bought bag for hospital today so going to gradually start to fill it.
We ordered our pram yday!! Eventually decided on the Babystyle Oyster. We loved the iCandy cherry due to the size and how light it is but just not keen on the colours. The Oyster is very similar but can come with funky colour pack. We went for the purple grape colour. It comes automatically in black so if baby turns out to be boy we can still use it and just change the colour pack. They are only £50 each so be a good way to make pram look different without buying a new one!
Here's the link if anyone wants to peek
I am so glad to be off for 2 weeks! So exciting!!
Wanna - Im sure you'll get all the diy done hunni. I know exactly how you feel atm. Did you have your other children early or late? I also want all house done by 36 weeks (when maternity is due to start also) just in case. Also, it means I can chill out for a couple of weeks before baby arrives! is so excting! And time is flying by!!!!
I promise to be on more this week....probs spend all of my time on here! Haha!
Love to all yummy mummies and bumps!
Hey ladies and bumps

Mrsbeanbump -your furniture is lovely, and love the fact that they deliver and erect it for you too.
And so exciting choosing prams isn't it?? There is so much choice though, it gets a bit over whelming at times haha -I love mine -Jane slalom pro with matrix car seat but worried endlessly about making the final decision to purchase it and continued worrying until it arrived lol -Now I absolutely love it and know it is the perfect one for us.

Justmarried -I love your pram choice, love the colour you have chosen too, it's gorgeous and I love the fact that you can change the colour scheme too -it' brill!!!

I got so excited when you mentioned buying your hospital bag, and starting to get things ready!!!! OMG -You are right!!!! Really should start getting bits n bobs ready for that too, more shopping!! haha

Talking about more shopping, I bought our baby swing yesterday - Fisherprice Link-a-doos magical mobile swing. It is so sweet (Sure DH would agree more if I wasn't buying more clutter whilst he was trying to decorate lol, but it was a bargain and I couldn't resist haha). Main things I need now are mattresses for my moses basket, swinging crib and cot -using all beds from previous babies ( It's the only stuff I kept, strangely enough!! When everything else was given away to the local charity shop 5 years ago, I held onto these).
We are having the Mammut wardrobe and chest from IKEA for our little guys room -I just think it is so cute.

nb -seen your lil bubs 4d pic on FB -WOW -It is so great !!! -the detail is fab, must've been even better seeing him/her moving on the screen. What a cute little button nose. So precious!! :cloud9:
Hey ladies and bumps

Mrsbeanbump -your furniture is lovely, and love the fact that they deliver and erect it for you too.
And so exciting choosing prams isn't it?? There is so much choice though, it gets a bit over whelming at times haha -I love mine -Jane slalom pro with matrix car seat but worried endlessly about making the final decision to purchase it and continued worrying until it arrived lol -Now I absolutely love it and know it is the perfect one for us.

Justmarried -I love your pram choice, love the colour you have chosen too, it's gorgeous and I love the fact that you can change the colour scheme too -it' brill!!!

I got so excited when you mentioned buying your hospital bag, and starting to get things ready!!!! OMG -You are right!!!! Really should start getting bits n bobs ready for that too, more shopping!! haha

Talking about more shopping, I bought our baby swing yesterday - Fisherprice Link-a-doos magical mobile swing. It is so sweet (Sure DH would agree more if I wasn't buying more clutter whilst he was trying to decorate lol, but it was a bargain and I couldn't resist haha). Main things I need now are mattresses for my moses basket, swinging crib and cot -using all beds from previous babies ( It's the only stuff I kept, strangely enough!! When everything else was given away to the local charity shop 5 years ago, I held onto these).
We are having the Mammut wardrobe and chest from IKEA for our little guys room -I just think it is so cute.

nb -seen your lil bubs 4d pic on FB -WOW -It is so great !!! -the detail is fab, must've been even better seeing him/her moving on the screen. What a cute little button nose. So precious!! :cloud9:

Anyway - listen to me ramble on and on -Enjoy the Easter break Justmarried, take care everyone xxx :hugs:
Hey again girls!
Wanna - that furniture is gorgeous! Reminds me of Disney for some reason! So cute and love the colour! Think it will be a contender for little ladies room when she gets older (the same in pink)!! Hoping to start trying again when she is 18 -24 months ish so we are planning on using the nursery furniture again and moving little lady into the spare double room, so no doubt it will turn into a pink palace! Haha!
Eeeee I am just getting so excited! Love my bump at the min and love how much baby moves around! It is such a fab time....I can't wait to meet little lady, but also love being pregnant! I might try to persuade hubby to let us have 3 or 4! Haha! He ideally wants 2 but I would like a big family. What's it like wanna? Is it crazy but fun? How do you manage financially if you dont mind me asking.....I think we're so used to being comfortable and I know this is going to change with one baby, so with 3 or 4 I can only imagine it must be hard at times to manage everyone's wants and demands and run a home too. My mum always says that everything always works out.....hope she is right as I dream of a big family one day!!
Anyway, I have had a semi-productive day. Been into work and done a bit of marking, got some new paint samples for the kitchen (which is coming on Thurs!!), had a clean and tidy as far as is possible with all the building work mess. I'm getting my hair done tonight, needs a good cut to give it some bounce!
Hope you are all well lovely ladies! :hugs:
Justmarried -that described my house totally -when the kids were smaller lol. Lots of activities, lots of dropping off, picking up from friends, friends staying over -never a quiet moment lol BUT great fun- they wanted to go with us to the park and play football/ rounders whatever; they wanted to to all cuddle up on the sofa and watch movies with a huge bucket of popcorn etc; unfortunately my two elder ones have grown up too quickly and do there own thing most of the time, and dont want to do things with us now - apart from my biological clock ticking so loudly and me being scared I was running out of time; this probably went a long way to explaining my broodiness for baby number 4 lol . Our house remains full all the time, kids coming and going lol but they tend to just grunt a hello in my direction now lol. I have 3 sisters, and that means lots of cousins for our kids too, so always a full house at birthdays and occassions lol -this lil guy is grandchild number 14 for my mum, 12 for my dad -and it has been great - All the steps n stages of childhood!!! My only regret is that I wont be able to give this lil guy a 'close' sibling to grow up with, although I have a 7 month old nephew and a 2 1/2 y.o nephew so there will be other small folk about.

And financially -you do cope - Personally for me ,I am more financially secure this time around and am looking forward to dropping my hours at work, but previously worked fulltime with the others and managed fine, Kids always got what they needed and most items they wanted too. My first hubby was a gambling addict, and an alcoholic [which escalated in my second pregnancy - not a nice time for any of us] and I relied totally on my wages to support me and the kids, we split up shortly after my second child was born -so single parent on a crappy wage with no child support -no choice but to work full time (well 30hours /4 days really) then but we managed and still had fun. I did have a fab sister who took care of the child care for me though, or I don't know where I'd have been tbh.

Look at me rambling again lol xx

Have a fab day ladies - I am stuck home today as awaiting some parcels (one was due yesterday but never came, so I sat in all day yesterday too -and getting cabin fever).My new GHD's YAY!!!! My old ones are slowly dying. And a couple of dresses I have ordered for a christening I am attending on Sunday. Just hope they fit, I am not fit enough to go around the shops in search of things so its online all the way now -just a pain when the sizes differ so much from store to store - I have size 12 maternity stuff that are too small, and size 12 maternity stuff that are really huge lol.

Anyway ,going to half hobble / half waddle off and make some tea, maybe hang out a washing -cos it's NOT raining today yay!!!!!! The sun is actually trying to peep through the clouds lol.

Have a great day ladies, love to all bumps xx

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