from bonfire babies ttc to july bumps due!!

Hello yummy mummys!

Sorry for being AWOL for a bit I had an extra long weekend so played catch up at work all day yesterday so have just read everyone's posts.

Justmarried - I LOVE your cot, the storage underneath is lovely, and we are hoping to try too when our baby is around 20 months, so we could end up being bump buddies again, how exciting!

Wana - I agree that your nursery bits look very Disney, I love it!

Mrsbeanbump - If you do manage to see an offer for a 4D scan I highly recommend it, it was just amazing! I will try and find a pic but I cannot tell you how much the baby looks like my hubby when he was younger! It is unreal, we both gasped in shock when the little one popped up on the screen as we just couldn't believe the resemblance!

It has made us even more convinced it is a boy now because of how much it looks like my hubby!

We have been shopping a bit over the weekend and even went to look at some buggys, we had decided on the icandy apple but then the lady gave us a demonstration of the peach, which although smaller folds away a lot easier than the apple, so we are unsure which to go for friends sister is the manager but she wasnt in that particular day so we are going to go back when she is working and see what she suggests!

Our Humphreys Corner cot has arrived at my Mums so over the bank holiday weekend at the start of May we are going to get rid of the make shift wardrode and spare bed we have and start on the nursery.

We have reduced our house by £10,000 in the hope to shift it, we have 3 weeks left with our agent that we are contracted to use them, so at the end of those 3 weeks we are going to decide what we do going forward. The house we like they still havent found anywhere, or received any offers either so at least they are not rushing us, if we lose that house we will likely take ours off right away as there hasnt even been anything else that has caught our eye to go and view!

I can't believe I am 26 weeks tomorrow! I see my midwife on MOnday and then I see her every fortnight after that, it is our 1 year wedding anniversary on May 1st and hubby has a surprise planned which is very unlike him so I am really excited! I have so much on over the next few weeks, as I got married in Vegas last year I joined a forum called 'TheKnot' and met a group of fellow English brides getting married over there, we then moved over and have our own facebook group and next Saturday 8 of us are meeting up, I can't wait!

I have already met up with 2 of the girls and I am going shopping with them on Sunday at Bluewater, Vicky is 10 days behind me with her pregnancy so I am really excited about meeting them all in person.

Also on the horizon is a charity cricket match to raise some money for a school friend that died almost 2 years ago from a diabetes attack so with all this to keep me busy I am thinking the next 3 months are going to fly by!!

I am useless at posting pictures on here so feel free to check out my facebook if you want to see my 4d scan!

Lots of love to my lovely bump buddies, this sunshine has made me feel fab today! xxxx
nb -Happy 26weeks and yay for double digits lol

Hope the house sale is quick!! Are you going to start a nursery in your current home, just in case?

Can't believe we are all practically 2/3rds cooked lol - Has anyone left second tri yet for the more scary third tri?? I pop in from time to time but think I'll wait until at least 26+6 haha -so real over there with all the ' I have had my baby ' threads.

nb - hope all goes well with your mw appt and wow every two weeks now - that seems a lot, must be a first baby thing is it? I have my next appt at 28weeks (has been approx 6weekly)then I think it's 4 weekly after that, until 36 weeks then fortnightly -although they have offered me more frequent visits, but only due to my spd so I declined. I have been booked in for aromatherapy massage with the midwifes every 3weeks from end of April until baby is born(they are hoping it will relieve some of the spd pain) which I am really looking forward too; and hoping it works too.

Have a good day / weekend ladies and bumps, speak to you all soon - take care xx
Yay! I am loving my ticker says 26 weeks, I still cannot believe it does! I have seen a lot of posts about people getting to double digits and couldnt imagine when I would be! It still doesnt seem real.

Yes we will start a nursery at our house, the plan at the moment is on the May bank holiday get rid of the bed which is in our spare room, I will be 29 weeks by then. And then by the second bank holiday in May I will be 33 weeks so if we arent under offer by then we will start doing the nursery at ours and putting the furniture together. God I can't believe how quickly that is going to come around!!

I havent even peeked into 3rd trimester yet, I may do today but will hold out a few more days before I say a hello! That will be crazy to see posts about people actually having their babies!

I have been feeling really bunged up this last week, not like I have a cold, just that I need to blow my nose all the time and I am having a LOT of nose bleeds, is anyone else getting this?

A friend of mine said her appointments are every 4 weeks so I am not sure why mine are every 2, perhaps it is something to do with these lakes in my placenta as they said they wanted to keep an eye on the babies growth?

I will ask on Monday!

I cannot believe how gorgeous this weather is at the moment, I love it!

Have a fab weekend everyone, I did 'oven pride' on the BBQ grills yesterday so that they are ready for use this weekend! xx
Hey ladies!
Nb - hope someone offers on your house soon! Is it a 2 bed youre in at the min? Or are you moving to change areas? We moved Nov 2008 and the house has been a complete project.....almost finished now thank goodness! I cant imagine us moving for a long time yet.....its a 3 bed with opportunity to extend and add 4 bedroom and conservatory or downstairs extension as play think I would rather do that than move as it was so stressful!! Hope you manage to get sorted before baby comes hunni.....fingers crossed for you!
Wanna - hope the massage helps your SPD....poor thing. I cant imagine how painful it must be at times!
I have had a lovely day today!! Been down the coast since 11am with my 4 friends. One has a 3 month old, one has 3 year old and is about to pop with her second, one has a 6 year old and one is neither a mummy or broody! Such a good combination! We had a lovely lunch and played on the beach....then a yummy cake and hot chocolate! Then we played in the park for a bit.....Im shattered now! Haha!
Off to a friends house for a Chinese takeaway tonight....our kitchen is half done now, but it is so much easier to eat out or have takeaway....hopefully I will be able to cook a proper meal on our new range cooker next weekend! Its being delivered on Thursday hopefully! So exciting but stressful too!!!!
Well ladies, I hope the weather stays lovely for us all weekend!!!!!
Big hugs to bumps and mummies!
Oh NB - I LOVE that you have did 'over pride' on the BBQ equip and grills in prep for nice weather this weekend! Hope you get to have a BBQ sweetie!!
well, I just wrote a big long message and my comp decided to use the back key and move the web... and now I can't be bothered to type it all again.

Basically it said, love everyones furniture /pram choices. our furniture is being delivered on monday (so guess not really 4-6 weeks) and so we've got lots to clean before then.

we're going to try to get our pram at the baby show in birmingham next month, is anyone else planning on going?

justmarried - are you on facebook?
nb- saw your 4d pic on facebook - looks amazing! I so need to go but have nhs one on monday so will have to stick to the 2d for now.
wanna-i've not stalked 3rd tri yet but can't believe monday will be 27 weeks so officially 3rd tri, wow how scary, its gone by so quick! home stretch now girlies!

well I'm tired of typing, sorry i've not been on but i've tried and the websites not been working so I was suprised at all the posts that i've missed (guess the email update didn't send either)

Have a lovely weekend all, it should be great weather! finally!
o and I was going to say that hubby and I will prob try soon after for #2 as well, as long as the first experience goes relatively well!!

and is anyone getting a lot of bump movement, my lil boy doens't stop moving, its not just kicking now, we both can feel him moving all around doing spins and such... its so amazing! but sometimes uncomfortable when trying to sleep...and starting to get in the way when :sex: sorry tmi!! :)

yay for 3rd try, 27 weeks on monday for me! woop woop

Morning ladies.

Hey MrsBeanBump!! I had probs with website the other day, just wouldnt let me on!!
Glad all is good with you - bet youre so excited for furniture to arrive!! Woohoo! You will have to take piccies once its in!!
Yeah I'm on facebook hun....Lori Bennett (Newcastle). Add me if you want.
found you justmarried! I think nb/wanna will agree its nice to keep up on there too, especially later when there are pictures!!! and important updates!! :)

so I'm working from home today, waiting for baby furniture to arrive, then a scan in the afternoon (nhs). I'm so excited for both! hopefully there is nothing wrong with my cyst on ovary which is why i'm assuming I'm getting the extra scan.

so 3rd tri today..... woohoo... seems like only yesterday he was a twinkle in the eye and now I'm in the home stretch.... wanna your next!

and I ordered the car seat last night! is having another baby event with bonus points and they had 20% off maxi cosi car seats (which is the best I've ever seen) plus I'm getting like £20 back in points to spend too!!
I got this one... bit nervous about the white but I really like the polka dots!
plus the isofix base was 20% off too!

well hope all ladies and bumps are doing well! enjoy the day, looks like another sunny one here!


Is it just me or does everyone feel in higher spirits with lovely weather?!

Justmarried - Yes our house is 2 bedrooms, I so wish it was 3! We did have some plans drawn last year to extend but it would mean accessing it via the second bedroom making it very small, and also costing £20,000!! We just didn't think we would ever recoup that so decided to move instead.

We had a viewing on Saturday from a single lady wanting to move down from Wimbledon, so hoping for some positive feedback today, she has no chain which is just too good to be true so please keep everything crossed for us as we really dont want to lose the house we have our eye on!

When we got ours it was a total project too, I have lots of renovation pics on facebook you can have a look at if you like! The house we like is a 3 bed with potential to extend to 4 and perhaps 5 with a loft so no need to ever move, and in such a lovely quite residential road, man we want it!!

We did get to have our BBQ on Saturday night, it was yummy!!

Mrsbeanbump - Ooooh please tell me where you got the discount code for boots? I just went on line and couldnt see it and I need to order a maxi cosi base and pebble seat for hubby's new car! We went on the maxi cosi website on the weekend and put in his car model and that's what it said to get, my sister is giving me her base and seat which will hopefully work in whatever car I end up with! If you can share the code I will love you forever!!

Wana - I hope you had a good weekend and enjoyed the sunshine, they say the warm weather helps your joints so I hope that is the case for you!!

I met up with 2 friends at Bluewater yesterday for some shopping, Vicky is 11 days behind me with her pregnancy and is way bigger than me :( no fair!! I want a nice baby bump!

I am seeing my midwife today for my 26 week appointment so will be interesting to see how much weight I have gained and whether she thinks my bump is a nice average size or whether the sonographer was right at my 21 week scan and that I will need another, would be lovely to see the bubba again but I hope not too as well.

Have a fab Monday all! xxx
Hi Ladies :flower:

Well - totally gorgeous here today again -and YES Everyone does feel better when the sun is shining !!! Me anyway.

Although my son, Ben is really annoyed being stuck at home today- ALL his friends are doing something good fun and he is stuck here with me -so far he hates me and the new baby -cos it's his fault according to Ben!! sob!!!:cry::cry: My DH's car broke down yesterday, so he has taken mine and I am totally housebound because of it. Dont see the problem getting resolved in the next few days either. :cry:

Hope the scan goes well today Mrsbeanbump and hope you get good news regarding your house nb

YAY!! I have moved up a box -box 7 :happydance::happydance::happydance:

So third tri yay!!!!

Enjoy the sun ladies and have a good day.
Hi Again!
Scan went well today, cyst shrinking, but very slowly, 5cm to 4.7cm, need to get rescanned at 34 weeks to check again, so yay get to see baby again. But we were at hospital 3 hours, apparently all behind as the consultant died and they've got the registrar in.
Furniture arrived and looks really nice, Ive bumped it already though with my jumper and the white shows the mark! I've rubbed it out but now I'm wondering if white was the right decision! O well...

wanna, -sorry to hear about your son being grumpy and being without four wheels today... hopefully you'll car will get fixed soon so you can have a car again.
nb, hope you got what you needed for boots, if you decide to wait, i think this is the second baby event with the 10 points per £1 they've had this year so there is bound to be another one! Did you get feedback on the house yet?

well, I've been selling loads of stuff on ebay and its finishing tonight so I've got lots of packing up to do ready for posting tomorrow, hopefully I'll make enough to buy something nice for baby!

Hi Again!
Scan went well today, cyst shrinking, but very slowly, 5cm to 4.7cm, need to get rescanned at 34 weeks to check again, so yay get to see baby again. But we were at hospital 3 hours, apparently all behind as the consultant died and they've got the registrar in.
Furniture arrived and looks really nice, Ive bumped it already though with my jumper and the white shows the mark! I've rubbed it out but now I'm wondering if white was the right decision! O well...

wanna, -sorry to hear about your son being grumpy and being without four wheels today... hopefully you'll car will get fixed soon so you can have a car again.
nb, hope you got what you needed for boots, if you decide to wait, i think this is the second baby event with the 10 points per £1 they've had this year so there is bound to be another one! Did you get feedback on the house yet?

well, I've been selling loads of stuff on ebay and its finishing tonight so I've got lots of packing up to do ready for posting tomorrow, hopefully I'll make enough to buy something nice for baby!

Hey ladies!
Hope everyone is well today.
Any news on the house NB? Hope it's good news so you can get your dream home. I had a peek at your facebooks pics and your current home is fab, but I understand why you want to move.
MrsBeanbump - good news about the cyst, and at least you get to see bubs again soon! Ah that is a long time to be at hospital!! I have to go back at 32 weeks for rescan to check placenta.
Wanna - 15 years olds are strange creatures arent they? I love my year 10s and 11s but they can be very hormonal at times. But most of the time they make me laugh. Hope Ben is happier today. What's the weather like at your end today? It's bad here, rainy and miserable!!
Well my mam has taken the day off today so we are going baby shopping!!! Woohoo!!! So excited! Got my list ready and hope I can get sorted as much as poss! I will let you know if it is a success! Weather is miserable so looks like the flip flops are going back in the shoe cupboard for another day!! Had them on yday and even took Charlie (our dog) down to the beach.....oh what a diff a day makes!!
Have a lovely Tuesday mummies and bumps :hugs:
Hi ladies. Hope you are all well.
Loving the sunshine!!!!! Just makes me feel so much happier! lol
Also got my 4d scan on saturday and cannot wait!
Justmarried-sorry to hear about your car, hopefully it will be sorted soon for you!
Mrsbeanbump - glad to hear that your cyst is shrinking!

hope you are all well. xxxxxxx
Morning all!

Well I am very lucky as so far today looks lovely, and I still have my flip flops on! Hubby is a gardener so he loves this time of year.

I got a call from the estate agent yesterday afternoon, he said that when the lady was walking around our house she said she really liked it and would want a family member to come again with her so that she could get a second opinion as its her first house purchase and she is on her own etc etc so then when they got outside our agent asked her is she had a particular time in mind as we are keen to get under offer on the house we like so would be very flexible etc and she said that she had been told when she saw a house she would 'just know' and she had another viewing after ours so would let them know, he had left her a message yesterday but as of 3pm not heard anything back :(

So I guess it is most likely a no or she would have arranged a viewing by now, oh this is so frustrating!!

Wana - Sorry to hear about your car, I hope you get it sorted! We have an Audi A3 on a lease agreement which hubby is trying to get changed for me this week so we avoid paying another months charges on it, I might be getting an X3, woo hoo! Would love to be a 4x4 Mum even though everyone hates them hahahaha!

Justmarried - have fun baby shopping! And I hope the sun comes out for you!

Militarymummy- good to hear from you, glad all going well, we loved our 4d scan, it is amazing how much you can see, our baby looks so much like hubby, enjoy!

Mrsbeanbump - That is a shame about your furniture! Ours is white too, and second hand from my sister so I hope it is ok!

My sisters have sent out the invites for my baby shower this week, very exciting! And I have made a wishlist on amazon of all the things we would like, I cannot wait for it, although it isnt until the 6th of June and I have another friends to go to on the 5th xxx
Hi Ladies

Well, not so nice here today either lol -yeah what a differnece a day makes, right enough, yesterday vest top and shorts and today I'm thankful for the belly tubigrip for extra heat lol.

I am still off the road but at least have sorted out some of my youngest, Ben's grumbles lol (he's the 8 y.o justmarried btw; the elder two go off and do their own thing now; which just adds to the littler owns frustration and anger -poor wee soul SHOULD have a more active fit mummy to play with him :cry:) Anyway got DH to go up into the loft last night and bring down some of the garden toys last night his huge paddling pool ( but shame the sun has gone oops!!) and a basket ball hoop game ( very noisy and I'll have every kid in the street in the garden later lol but he has a smile on his face so far). Hoping the car will be fixed within the next couple of days.

Hope the rain stays off though, or it'll be back to grumbles for me.:growlmad:

Have my sister coming for lunch too, so will be very nice to have some adult conversation -and get a cuddle with my wee nephew too.:cloud9:

nb -fx'd for you -hope the lady gets back to you for another viewing! And yay!! for having a baby shower -how exciting - i have never had or been to one.:happydance:

Militarymummy - nice to hear from you, hope all is well at your 4d scan at the weekend and make sure you come back and post pics - or are you on facebook?- you could post them on there.
Justmarried -enjoy your baby shopping, silver lining to the rain and cold lol -who wants to trail around shops when its too hot? lol Think that's us maybe had our 'summer' lol - but at least it's still dry here today. Are you off to buy something in particular? or just window shopping?:happydance:

Mrsbeanbump - glad to hear the cyst is shrinking, albeit slowly AND you get to see your lil one again yay!!! I keep pricing up scans and then talking myself out of it lol - can't really justify the cost, especially since with my first three children I only had one scan (and that was mega early; between 7-10 weeks lol) and this time at least I have had two scans.:happydance:

Anyway ladies, whatever you are doing today -have a good one, for those lucky enough to still be enjoying the sunshine, I AM SO JEALOUS lol :haha:

love to mums n bumps xxx:hugs:
Hey peeps.....well I am back after a mammoth shopping spree!! Think I bought half of mothercare!!! I have everything apart from curtains for the nursery now!! So so so cute! I cant stop looking at it! It's all so exciting! I even LOVE the baby's so little and I cant wait to be bathing little lady in it!! We went for the Classic Pooh range...pretty neutral but so gorgeous! Off for round 2 tomorrow to get curtains and start to get things for kitchen, accessories etc! This has to be one of the most expensive Easter hols ever! Haha! Oh, and we had a call today to say new car is being delivered next week so it's all go go go here! Kitchen, nursery, new car all in a few weeks! An expensive but exciting time!!

Wanna - sorry I got mixed up! Ah bless Ben, at least he has a smile today. Hope the weather stayed ok and he got to play basketball! Hope you enjoyed lunch with your sister x

Militarymummy - have fun at the scan! We were going to get one but have so much to sort in the house etc we are gonna use the money for something else.

NB - You never know about that lady hun, we 'knew' with this house but were sorting out finances etc so left it 2 days to arrange 2nd viewing and put an offer in. I have my fingers and toes crossed for you hun!! Hope you get the car you want too hun....let us know! It's all exciting at your end hunting, baby and new car!!

Mrsbeanbump - hope you got all of your things packed and sorted to send off!

On the subject of baby showers, I havent set a list up or anything, and it's not until 18th June so think Im probs gonna have most of the major things sorted by then, so hoping to just get clothes, bibs, scratch mitts etc as gifts. We have asked for a baby gym from our really close friends, so they can all chip in and get the more expensive one. Oh, and a travel cot from another set of friends. Everyone is so generous....friends have already been spoiling little lady and I havent even had baby shower yet!!
NB - did your sister make your invites or buy them? My mam is sorting mine and wanted to know if there is anyone that sells cute invites to save her making them....any ideas?

Love and hugs ladies and bumps
Morning girls!

Well hubby and I went for a bike ride last night as it was still looking nice out, it wasn't as nice as it looked though! We were only out for about 15 minutes and when we got back oh my goodness was I in pain! I think it may have been braxton hicks? As I could feel how tight the muscles were really low down under my belly, and I was pacing and rocking trying to get it to subside, it really hurt! Then I started to feel really nauseous and was heaving a bit but hadn't eaten since lunch so I wasn't actually sick, hubby ran me a bath and then I felt ok, I said to him 'my god that hurt, and that's not even labour!!'

So I think cycling may not be the way forward in my exercise regime!!

Wana - Ooh do you think you will have a baby shower this time around? I have been to my sisters and that's it but I have 3 to go to this year, they seem to be a lot more popular now. Hope you are all sorted on the car front today and Ben is busy and happy!

MrsBeanBump - Really great news that your cyst is shrinking, my midwife didnt say anything about another scan to me so I am very jealous you get to see LO again! Thank you very much for the link to Boots, we ordered the maxi cosi base from there and it arrived yesterday!

Justmarried - Ooh we have been doing lots of shopping this week too! We got a cot mattress, changing mat and a base to go in hubby's new car, I am keeping my eye on ebay for the seat we need, which is a maxi cosi pebble as they are £150 and one just sold which was brand new for £85 so would rather save a bit and get it from there.

I really hope the lady does come back about the house but still didn't hear anything yesterday, the estate agent that is selling the house we like called me yesterday and we were talking at length about our position, he seems a lot less sales driven and far nicer than the agents we have, we went with them as at the time we liked a house they had on the market so we got a better rate for buying and selling with the same agent. We wrote to them last night to say we are giving our 2 weeks notice to end our contract, so I am expecting a phone call today! We did warn them last week but I am sure they thought we had forgotten about putting it in writing and thought they would have us for another fortnight!

I am going to sit down with my Dad this weekend and talk finances and see what he thinks we should do as I think the houses in our area are being over priced and people are thinking the market is stronger than it is, and seeing as we have been on for almost 3 months now and not even had a second viewing I think we need to decide how much we are prepared to take a hit for and what we would have to offer on the house we like. Decisions, decisions!

My sister got my invites from but she also said is a good website too, mine have rubber ducks on them!

Apparently I have lots of surprises to expect so I dread to think what my sisters have up their sleeves! My best friend arranged my hen night so I think they may be taking this opportunity to embarrass me!

Well have a good day ladies, I might get our new car tomorrow, yipeeeeeeee! xxx
Hey ladies... i am on Facebook yes.... if you want to add me my name on there is Chelsie Gornall and my profile pic is one of my scan pics. Im in the london network :thumbup:

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