from bonfire babies ttc to july bumps due!!

Thanks nb -and I painted all the wee fish and chips (wee dog in the boat) myself -so pleased with it. Eldest son says -''looks alright mum, considering you done it yourself'' lol Nice!!!
The swing is the Fisherprice Link-a-doos one -only prob is - it is battery only -I really fancied one of the Fisherprice papasan crib swings which can plug in too but at £160 I decided against it. Annoyingly though, I could've gotten the pink version for £90 but could only find the blue one at the dearer price.

Good Luck at your mw appt today.

Have a good day ladies xx
Wow! I am even more impressed knowing that you painted them yourself, nothing I drew/painted would resemble anything known to man!!

Well the midwife was ok, I started off pleased that I had lost some weight, and chatted to her about the pain in my ribs, and then she measured my fundal height.

And it has reduced by 1.5cm!! She checked and said the baby hasn't moved and with my weight loss as well, she wants me to have a scan at my next appointment in 2 weeks, she thinks that maybe the lakes in my placenta are causing the baby to be thin, and she said that from when I saw her a fortnight ago the baby alone should have gained a pound in weight.

She said from the scan they will see the size of the baby and decide whether I need an induction at 38 weeks, which is around the 2nd of July, I cant believe it! My friend is only 31 weeks pregnant and had a scan yesterday and was told her baby is already 4lb 8oz! And I seem to be the total opposite. Crazy!

So in a way it is exciting that I get to have another scan, but surreal to think I may have the baby early!!

I checked with her about my feet and hands swelling and my BP is fine so she wasnt worried about that, and she said the pain in my ribs is due to me having quite a low rib cage so the cartilage is just getting squashed by my uterus and nothing but good old paracetamol if it gets bad, but it doesn't keep me awake at night so I will just perservere!

On another note, when I woke up this morning I realised that my b00bs were leaking!! Has anyone else had this?! Sorry TMI! xxx
Hi!! I meant to post yesterday but hubby got me caught up in watching the finale of lost that we taped so got a bit sidetracked! by the way, it wasn't that good!

Scan went ok, cyst is now the same size, even though she originally said it was smaller she then measured a different way and got the same size! baby is little bit bigger than normal, and mw said it is about 5lbs at the minute... so another whopper here justm! When they took blood pressure mw at hospital was concerned that it was a bit higher than when I booked in so she wanted me to see my local mw this week so back in on Friday, she also took bloods to check for preeclampsia due to the increase in my blood pressure so we'll see. Works getting a bit more stressful so can't see bp will be any better on friday!!

wanna - your nursery looks gorgeous, I feel like i've only half-assed my nursery now!! :) Guess we still have time to sort it out, maybe you should hire yourself out as interior designer? where did you get the little curtain thing above the cot? very nice, might work lovely in our room too.

nb- i had trouble painting my toes, hubby did it a couple times then he was shit at it so I've since figured out a way to make my way down to my toes! not the most comfortable, but looks a lot better than his half hearted attempts! on the leaking front, I've noticed this too! Its not been a lot but it has happened on several occasions in the last couple of weeks... my current problem is I seem to be leaking another place too!!! sorry tmi!! At first I thought I was sweating a bit in my pants due to hot weather, but I think there is a little wee leakage down there, which is quite embarassing! I thought I had really good pelvic floor muscles so was quite suprised, not sure if its normal. Think I'm going to have to reference my preggo books later!

also dont stress too much about fundal height, It sounds like the same mw that did it, but I've found diff mw are different in measurements. at least you get to see babes again!! I've got another scan in four weeks, 3 weeks left at work! YAY!!

And i'm so excited, my pre-ordered pram should be arriving next week. Which is well in advance of what I thought, a lot of people have ordered the twin model, so because I only wanted the single and not the extra seat they can fill my order!!! yay!! I hope its everything I've been counting on!! I'm so excited to get it and set it up and maybe take it for a spin! (how pathetic I know!)

Well weather has turned a bit ugly now, so hoping the sun will come out again soon, I'm looking forward to maternity leave in the sunshine! xxxx
Hi Ladies- thanks for the nice comments re:my nursery.

nb- I am glad they are keeping an eye on babies growth, especially with the placental lakes but agree with MrsBB too -different mw's measure differently -I had two measure me one week ( I think the second mw didn't quite believe the first mw when she said i was smallish for dates lol) and the measures differed by nearly 2cm -putting me spot on for dates haha. However -the weight loss thing too; so definitely worth keeping an eye on -and you get to see baby again too. Although he/she must be so big now to fit on the screen. If there is poor growth at the next scan is that when they will make a decision about induction? Can they actually tell by looking at a scan of the placenta whether or not it is doing it's job adequately or not? -or is it just to check babies size? Doesn't the 2nd of July just sound so much closer- even though we'll all be classed as full term by then haha -just seems so near!!

MrsBB -I bought the canopy/ net thing above the cot in IKEA -was only £7 too.
I am excited to get my pram set up now too, I want to make sure I am a pro at putting it up/ folding it down/ attaching car seat etc before baby arrives and also making sure we know how car seat goes into the car etc lol
Hope all is well with your BP and cyst etc. Is the cyst likely to cause you any problems if it gets bigger?
Another good sized baby there, I just wont know until DD as I have no more scans but I feel huge and he feels huge in there lol -Dreamt he was a big 10lber lol - half my wee babygrows wouldn't fit him, if that was the case lol

My birthing pool has arrived yay!!!!! Will need to test it this weekend, make sure it fits in the livingroom and also that there are no punctures etc. My mum came to visit today and she was so excited to see it had arrived -she seemed so proud lol - I thought she'd be a bit against it or apprehensive tbh -dont know why? Am thinking now, that maybe she is now hoping she can be here too lol. Haven't told mil/ fil as they will have negative comments likely and I cant be bothered explaining myself to them; or my dad either lol -he'd probably flip haha.

Anyway, hope everyone is okay xxx
Morning all!

Mrsbeanbump - really pleased to hear your cyst is smaller, that is great news! And I cannot wait for a scan to find out the weight of our LO, it is so cool that you a JM already know!

I dont think I would waste my time asking hubby to assist with toe nail painting hahahaha, it would be a disaster! I managed a touch up yesterday so that might be the answer from now on, or just treat myself to a pedicure!

Well I asked my midwife about the leaking and she said it is totally normal so I might start sleeping in a vest with the inbuilt bra bit and use some pads! My pelvic floor is most definitely rubbish now, I have to concentrate when coughing or sneezing, slightly concerning!

I think had my fundal height been lower and my weight hadn't dropped as well, and also the lakes in my placenta hadn't been mentioned my midwife probably wouldn't have recommended another scan, but the combination of the three things she advised it. I am lucky I see the same lady each week so she knew how the baby was lying last time etc and said it hasn't moved for a 1.5cm difference, and then losing a kilo too!

Wana - She said the scan will be to check the growth of the baby as she thinks that it is probably the correct length, but not gaining enough body weight, which may be due to lack of nutrition from my placenta, so I think it will be a check what they think the baby weighs and have another look at my placenta to see if 20% of it is still these lakes they mentioned? It isn't until 12.20pm on the 10th of June so feels like ages to wait!!

How exciting your birthing pool has turned up, have you had a dip yet?

Well I was out last night for dinner and also on Wednesday so I am shattered today, thankfully the morning has gone quick so far so I am hoping my afternoon does too. Hubby and I are off to Makro tomorrow to see what bargains we can get in an attempt to reduce our food shopping bills!

I had a bit of a panic this morning as I don't have any bottles, I intend to breast feed but just in case! I don't have any bedding, other than a 2.5 tog sleeping bag which it will be far too warm for, and I don't really feel like I know what I am doing!!! I have everything I need on a wish list on amazon and my baby shower is next weekend so after that hubby and I are going to need to do some serious shopping and get all the last minute bits as there is a small chance this baby could be here in a months time, OMG! :happydance:

It feels ridiculously exciting to be so close to the end now, but equally terrifying at the same time!!

On Sunday I have a charity cricket match which you have probably seen me banging on about on facebook, once that is out of the way my full attention will be focused on baby, oh and the potential of moving house too, hahaha I really don't make life easy for myself do I?!

Have a fab bank holiday weekend ladies, don't forget feet up so we don't all have elephant ankles!!

Lots of love xxxx O:)O:)
Hi nb - I bought a steam sterilizer in ASDA for £10 -sure that seems to be about the going rate - and got two bottles with it, one regular size and one tiny. I plan on bf-ing too; did exclusively with my other three but wanted to be prepared just incase. In saying that I wont be buying formula, but baby may like a pacifier etc which I would be sterilising anyway. None of my others used dummies either, but you never know lol

Wont be long until the 10th June nb, hoping all is well with baby and he/she is continuing to grow well. xx

I am so jealous that each of you are going to have an estimated fetal weight -I haven't and wont lol except maybe a mw guess- although it's maybe good cos if they told me he was 6 lb already then I'd probably panic lol

Have a good weekend everyone, weather is crap here but hopefully some of you are getting sunshine xxx
Hey ladies!
Sorry I've not written for a while...another busy week at work, but now it's half term! Woohoo!

Wow, so much to catch up on!!

Wanna - so excited your pool has arrived!! It makes you realised how soon our babies might be here!! Do you think bubs will be early? Or late? I keep trying to guess the date! Me and hubby think a few days early, but I know she will probs be nice and cosy and make us wait 2 weeks past due date! Haha! Your nursery is FAB wanna! I promise to post piccies of our as soon as replacement wardrobe arrives....

NB - The 10th of June will be here before you know it....and its great seeing bubs again! However, our scan piccies were rubbish as she is so big it is hard to get clear shots of her....well thats what sonagrapher said! I had some boobie leakage the other day too...strange but at least I know they work! Hehe! Went to breastfeeding workshop the other day....HATED every minute of it....felt like it was being forced down my neck and that if I cant manage to do it I am a bad mother!!! Aaarrgghh! I am off to Tommy Tippee factory on Friday to get sterliser and bottles....they do 6 bottles for £10!! And sterilisers are half price!

MrsBeanbump - Wow at bubs' est weight!! 5lb already!! Did they say what bubs might be at birth? That's great about cyst too hun! Only 2 weeks on Friday til we finish work Mrsbb!! How exciting!!! Are you mega busy sorting things out for handover? I feel like I never stop at the min!!

Well I had my baby shower at work on goodness little lady and me were both ruined!!! (I've put a few pics on FB!) Honestly, people were so generous!!! I have another baby shower (with close friends and family) at my house on 18th June! So excited!!!
Off for tea with the girlies tonight then off to my mams with a dvd when they head off pubbing and clubbing. Hubby is out with his mates and keeps saying he would rather stay in cos I'll be home by 8ish, but if he knows Im at my mams he'll not be worried about me being lonely! Bless him!
Think we have everything for bubs now! Got travel cot and safety gate last week. Just ordered snuggle nest off net as mothercare wont have them for up to 8 weeks. Collected car seat last week and pram due to arrive on 14th June!

Well best get up and do something!
Love to all
Hi Justm - I am thinking he'll probably be late lol - am hoping not but as long as he's fully cooked and healthy I s'pose. My first was T+3; second T+9, and third 39+3 so no real pattern there at all. I just cant envisage having practically the whole of July still being pregnant and being imobile still -the kids finish for their summer hols on 1st July up here so would be nice if we could all do something as a family, without me on crutches, swolllen hippo feet and mega uncomfortable -plus the worry about going too far from the house incase I go into labour lol. But after my nephew being born 9 weeks early I feel kind of selfish hoping he comes early iykwim? I should be thankful for healthy babies really.

Sounds like your baby shower was a success, lucky you and another one to go with family and friends too -have fun xx I think we are organised too now- although I haven't bought a travel cot --but am sure that my sis has one we could borrow if needed. I still have to get a baby monitor and a night light but I keep getting told off for not 'leaving 'anything for other ppl to buy cos I went a bit mad shopping lol so I will leave them just now as they wont be needed immediately anyway. I am sure I'll get them as gifts but if not will buy them after baby is born -I know certain members of family who'll prob send money rather than presents.

Off now to sit in the garden, as the sun has decided to peek through the clouds and it's hot hot hot !!! ttfn ladies, love to mums n bumps xx
Good Morning,
How awful is it that bank holiday is over! :( However, mine wasn't too exciting as I had to work yesterday! only about 10 hours too! And on saturday I had to go get some new maternity jeans as the old ones were starting to get a bit tight!! oops! I think I've gained quite a bit in my legs and arms, I can't wait to start being more active once baby arrives so I can loose some of this excess weight!

I had mw appointment on Friday as at the scan last monday they wanted to keep their eye on my blood pressure, its not really high basis the figure but its high basis my booking in rate, and I guess anything over about 18 higher than the lower number they like to keep their eye on.. So I'm getting a home visit this morning from mw to take blood pressure again! Plus on friday I was about 33+4 and measuring 37cm fundal height! eek! hope I haven't grown much over the weekend!

nb- hope your charity cricket match went well, hope your resting now!
justm- i've started the countdown, getting well annoyed with the training of new staff that are covering maternity leave, which might be contributing to high bp! oops! Saw all your loot on fb from your baby shower! how spoilt you and lil ms. will be!
wanna-did you set the pool up yet? I made hubby buy a pool in argos at the weekend, about 8ft but only £15! I was like, the next time we have hot weather that will be going up and it was a bargain too!!

anyone waking up like 5x to go to toilet at night! and it seems like i've got a full bladder every time!! argh! but luckily I am straight back into bed and haven't gotten too tired from the waking up yet.

Well i'm just waiting now for mw, I should really be at work today as its super busy, but maybe its best that I'm going to have a mw appt first. Its supposed to be a really long week at work with lots of hours... I just hope I have the courage to know when enough is enough and go home. Plus I think I might have to work sat/sun too!

have a good day mummies and bumps! xxx
Morning ladies!

Where oh where has my nice long weekend gone?! It doesn't seem right to be back here already! In fact I have just asked to take a half day this afternoon as I am totally wrecked, I think it is a combination of being on my feet all day on Sunday for the cricket match, which went brilliantly! And not sleeping, I am up and down like a yoyo all night and finding it so difficult to get comfortable at the moment!

Mrsbb - I feel the same about my legs and arms, they seem to be the two places I have really gained weight as well, I cannot wait to get out dog walking again and start my fitness DVD's at home etc! I never thought I would look forward to exercise and weight watchers!

Good luck with the midwife this morning, I hope your blood pressure is down a little after a relaxing weekend. Pass some of your growth my way hehe! My fundal height was 28.5cm!

The cricket match went brilliantly, we have raised just over £8000 so we are thrilled!!

Justmarried - I saw your baby shower photos, mine is on Sunday and they got me really excited!!

Wana - I hope you had a bit less pain this weekend, my back is really getting to me now, so I can only imagine how frustrated you must feel after all this time :(

Only 9 days until the scan, I am so excited to see LO and find out the estimated weight, in a way it is very exciting to think they may induce me and I could actually know what date the baby will roughly come on, but then on the other hand I feel totally unprepared!

Work may be a little shocked too as I am supposed to be here until the 1st of July and I would be 38 weeks on the 2nd!! So I would have to leave earlier than anticipated.

No news on moving as yet, hopefully we might hear something this week so everything can fall into place

Lets hope this 4 day week goes nice and fast for us all, have a good day ladies! xxx
well mw just left... I'm off to assessment centre grrrr... my bp 130/82, which is normal for most people, but because I booked in at a consistant 100/60 (low) they are a bit concerned and when it goes 15 higher than the lower number it needs to be reviewed by consultant/hospital.... so off i go...

I started to panick a bit too as she was like 'dont worry about bringing a bag'... and In my head i'm thinking, I WASNt worried until you've just mentioned something about a bag!!!! then she saw I was starting to panick so said I wouldn't be staying over but she wouldn't promise!!

well just waiting for hubby to arrive home now from work so he can go up with me...

and did I mention its the absolute worst day in the whole entire year to be off work....

will kup xxx
well mw just left... I'm off to assessment centre grrrr... my bp 130/82, which is normal for most people, but because I booked in at a consistant 100/60 (low) they are a bit concerned and when it goes 15 higher than the lower number it needs to be reviewed by consultant/hospital.... so off i go...

I started to panick a bit too as she was like 'dont worry about bringing a bag'... and In my head i'm thinking, I WASNt worried until you've just mentioned something about a bag!!!! then she saw I was starting to panick so said I wouldn't be staying over but she wouldn't promise!!

well just waiting for hubby to arrive home now from work so he can go up with me...

and did I mention its the absolute worst day in the whole entire year to be off work....

will kup xxx

Oh I will keep everything crossed for you! I really hope they let you home again soon, and I am not surprised that worried you, it would me too!

Look forward to hearing from you soon, sending you lots of love and happy thoughts! xxx
Oh MrsBB - hope everything is okay :hugs::hugs: Let us know when you get back, try not to worry too much, you're in safe hands, baby is well developed and a good size and it is good that they are taking all precautions to make sure you and he are both healthy xxxx

nb -congrats on the cricket match -sounds like it went brilliantly -well done you!!!

Oh MrsBB how you doing? I am sure everything is ok, but at least they are checking you out just in case....I know hospital is scary, but sometimes its the best place. Try not to worry too much!!
Make sure you let us know how things are hun.
Sending big hugs to you and bubs
Okay so I'm home now, I went in to assessment and my bp was normal!!! which was crazy as mw just did it at my house and got the same reading she did on friday! and then when got in it was like 110/68 when an hour before it was 130/82 ish, I think those were the readings... anyways, it was a great experience though, the mw's at aac were lovely and I was seen to really quickly. As the BP was normalish she didn't want to have me see consultant as they would have done tests that might have been unneccessary so I came home, then went to work!! So got to work about 1 and then was told had to leave at about 7pm (as all colleagues working really late tonight, actually they're all still at work). Feel very guilty but going to get my jammies on and put my feet up. Thanks for the well wishes, but for my first aac visit, It went well and I wouldn't be nervous to go back again so all in all great care! Off for another mw on fri morning for her to check bp again so we will see!! xxxx

MrsBB - great news that your BP was back down, fingers crossed it will remain so for your appointment later this week, and really great that your visit went so well, that must have been really reassuring.

I ended up taking a half day from work yesterday as I was just totally shattered from the weekend and not sleeping well as my back was hurting so much, I slept for 2 hours which was bliss and then had a reflexology appointment, my god it was heaven!! I really recommend it if anyone had considered it.

She said she thought I would sleep well last night as I was nice and relaxed and I really did, apart from my 4 loo visits but I fell right back to sleep again!

I have ordered some belts she recommended so I am hoping one of those will do the trick to stop me limping around, sorry wana, I feel bad moaning when this is nothing like what you have to deal with!!

So my two questions today are!! What have you got/intend to wear during labour? I have some pyjamas for afterwards but I need to sort out some sort of night dress/shirt...any inspiration for me?

And also, are you getting a present for your hubby from the baby? I want to get him something he can keep but I can't think of anything!!

It is mid week, yay! I am off to Dymchurch in Kent tomorrow with my sister and my 2 nephews to visit my Aunt and Uncle, looks like the weather is going to be perfect for us so really pleased!

Have a good day ladies xxx
Morning ladies

Glad everything went well MrsBB and hoping your next mw appt is good too. xx

nb -hope your back is feeling better from having the reflexology -sounds lovely!!!

As for clothing in labour -I always just wore a huge nightie/ t-shirt; but this time around am planning on wearing a tankini top (preferably) or just a bra (as going to be at home and in water lol ) and I have a front opening nightie to wear for immediately after for ease of breast feeding.

And my prezzie to DH is going to be the birth of his new son lol - I expect flowers, and maybe a nice piece of jewellery or perfume for all my hardwork growing and delivering the baby, not to mention the coming months of being attached to a booby monster and doing all the night feeds etc (planning on exclusive bf-ing -my choice but still I expect some gratitude from DH for it lol). It's my birthday in July (actually my EDD lol) though so it will probably be a joint birthday /new baby present for me lol.

Maybe I'd feel differently if this was our first though, so prob the other ladies will be better at this question - my DH has had 10 years of Father's day etc already; and for Xmas I got him a gift from bump - a wee parcel with best daddy socks and boxers set, an I love daddy glass photo frame, superdaddy keyring, best dad mug etc -there were a few other wee things I picked up -all same theme haha but I forget now.
If you were looking for something to keep- what about a watch which you can get inscribed after baby has arrived?? - In fact Amazon have up to 70% off their watches for a few days only -'Police' and 'Firetrap' etc

Anyways gonna go, get some washing done and hopefully get to my sis's for lunch -I couldn't walk last night (nearly wee'd myself as I couldn't get up to the loo -DH to the rescue haha) so if I can safely make it to the car and drive without too much pain then I'll be out to lunch.

Have a good day ladies, take care xxxx
well...if uve seen my facebook it is true. had baby boy this morning! natural labour, bp was fine, 6lb 2oz..cant imgine full term weight! no name yet as wasnt ready, he in neonatal tonight to watch his breathing. well typing from hospital room so v difficult. will update u all later! cant believe my baby came in june! on hubbys bday too! plus our 5 yr anniversary is tomorrow! guess im on mat leave now!!! xxxxx
OMG WOW I cannot believe this - had to read it twice lol



You were due only the day before me aswell -

And not even started maternity leave yet OMG!!!!!!!

I am so happy for you, hope you are well and baby is doing great too- he was agood size for 5 + weeks early wasn't he.

Cant wait for the full birth story and pics
OMG OMG OMG -SO excited, and cannot wait to tell my DH when he comes in

Much love to you all, and well done mummy xxxxx :hugs: xxxxx
Also - have to add, You know I want a homebirth so need to get to 37 weeks; but other than that I am a tad jealous just now lol :haha::haha::haha:- I want my lil man too lol



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