Morning all!
Mrsbeanbump - really pleased to hear your cyst is smaller, that is great news! And I cannot wait for a scan to find out the weight of our LO, it is so cool that you a JM already know!
I dont think I would waste my time asking hubby to assist with toe nail painting hahahaha, it would be a disaster! I managed a touch up yesterday so that might be the answer from now on, or just treat myself to a pedicure!
Well I asked my midwife about the leaking and she said it is totally normal so I might start sleeping in a vest with the inbuilt bra bit and use some pads! My pelvic floor is most definitely rubbish now, I have to concentrate when coughing or sneezing, slightly concerning!
I think had my fundal height been lower and my weight hadn't dropped as well, and also the lakes in my placenta hadn't been mentioned my midwife probably wouldn't have recommended another scan, but the combination of the three things she advised it. I am lucky I see the same lady each week so she knew how the baby was lying last time etc and said it hasn't moved for a 1.5cm difference, and then losing a kilo too!
Wana - She said the scan will be to check the growth of the baby as she thinks that it is probably the correct length, but not gaining enough body weight, which may be due to lack of nutrition from my placenta, so I think it will be a check what they think the baby weighs and have another look at my placenta to see if 20% of it is still these lakes they mentioned? It isn't until 12.20pm on the 10th of June so feels like ages to wait!!
How exciting your birthing pool has turned up, have you had a dip yet?
Well I was out last night for dinner and also on Wednesday so I am shattered today, thankfully the morning has gone quick so far so I am hoping my afternoon does too. Hubby and I are off to Makro tomorrow to see what bargains we can get in an attempt to reduce our food shopping bills!
I had a bit of a panic this morning as I don't have any bottles, I intend to breast feed but just in case! I don't have any bedding, other than a 2.5 tog sleeping bag which it will be far too warm for, and I don't really feel like I know what I am doing!!! I have everything I need on a wish list on amazon and my baby shower is next weekend so after that hubby and I are going to need to do some serious shopping and get all the last minute bits as there is a small chance this baby could be here in a months time, OMG!
It feels ridiculously exciting to be so close to the end now, but equally terrifying at the same time!!
On Sunday I have a charity cricket match which you have probably seen me banging on about on facebook, once that is out of the way my full attention will be focused on baby, oh and the potential of moving house too, hahaha I really don't make life easy for myself do I?!
Have a fab bank holiday weekend ladies, don't forget feet up so we don't all have elephant ankles!!
Lots of love xxxx