from bonfire babies ttc to july bumps due!!

Hi Ladies -Another terrible night not sleeping well (waking up in agony at 4am seems to be the pattern just now and thats with me taking my final painkillers at midnight too), but coping better during the day today but I just can't stop myself doing stuff lol- nesting gone mad I tell you. Totally gutted the boys bedroom, my bedroom, steam cleaned the sofa yesterday after promising myself an easier day lol, I went to my sis's today to escape the cleaning frenzy -she keeps me in check too lol.
I packed my labour, postnatal and baby bags today ( just incase I need to go in / dont make it past 37 weeks ) and every baby site I have registered with all sent e-mails today saying ''That's you 32 weeks, have you packed your bag yet? '' so I thought I'd better get organised lol.

Mrsbeanbump -your pram looks great, bet you cant wait to take it for a test run - I have just got mine down from the loft, just because it was infront of the cot and crib and I needed them down to measure for new mattresses but I am desperate to put it all together lol.

As for the blanket question, I have several cellulose blankets, and a couple of swaddling blankets which can be used in moses basket and crib, and then a few fleece blankets and a sleeping bag for when baby is older for use in the cot, also bought the cot quilt / bumper set that goes with my fish n chips lollipop lane nursery decor but purely for decorative purposes lol.

I am planning to return to work only part time (hopefully) as between my reduced shifts and DH's we should be able to work the childcare mainly around us only ,saving us a packet on childcare. Also, I worked full time when my other children were young and am looking forward to as much time as possible with this one, as he'll be my last (boohoo). I dont have quite the full year off with baby, aiming to go back next May so he'll be 9-10 months (although I am a bit nervous about returning to work as it will 16 months if you count my sick time too - I'll be the new start again!!!)

1 month today until justm and MrsBB finish for mat leave WOW - Mine officially starts on 14th June, I know I have been off ages but it'll be nice to be on maternity rather than sick lol.

Hope there's good news soon nb -Keep us updated !!!

MM -how'd the move go?- settling in okay I hope.

Hope everyone is well xx
eee how exciting! I cant believe how far on you all are! I cant wait to see all your baby pics!! x
Gossipgirly - I can't believe it either, I have to pinch myself and remember I could potentially have 8 weeks left, it is madness!

Wana - I was exactly the same on Sunday, once I got started on clearing things out I just couldnt stop! I feel another car boot sale coming on!

Less than a month until you are on official mat leave, yay! I wouldn't be surprised if I end up leaving sooner as I am starting to feel really tired too, plus if we move I think I will to give us time to get the house sorted, but who knows???

Thanks for the blanket info, I think I will get some fleece and cellulose ones, I can always keep them in the packet and return them if we don't end up using them!

Are you taking a different bag for the baby bits? At the moment I have just one pile of things and I think it will all fit in one bag, but should I keep it seperate?

Mrsbeanbump- I love your pushchair! I can't wait for ours to arrive at Mums, how exciting! Are you all set in your nursery now?

I hope your last NCT class went well, I must admit that hubby and I haven't been back as we were pretty unimpressed, which is a real shame after what we spent! But now I have spoken to a few people, mentioned who the lady taking the course was and they have all said the same thing, if only we had known!

Re the house - today is D-day so to speak, our buyers have asked to book a survey in for Friday, so we have told them they either take our offer today or we are done, I know we have said this before but I was kinda harsh this time and basically said they have messed us around for over a month now, and we need a definitive answer today, if they say no we will formally retract our offer, so they asked for last night to have a think. The problem we have is that they don't have a house to either purchase or rent, and they have received an offer £10k more than ours, but the people offering do not have a buyer, so while they dont have anywhere to go it obviously makes logical sense for them to hold out for the higher offer, we will only be an attractive option if they need to tie up a sale. But we cannot continue to hang around forever, we need to get our own home sorted as I need gates and ramps and things fixed and fitted if we are staying.

Fingers crossed they won't faff all day and will just answer our question this morning! Wish us luck!! xxx
Hey girls!
Any news NB??? Keeping everything crossed for you hun!
Thanks for the info on blankets, Im a bit clueless on those sorts of things so thanks for asking NB and thank you to all for answering!!
Mrsbeanbump I love your pram! It looks very cool!!! Bet you cant wait for it to arrive! Ours should be here in the next few weeks!! Yay that we leave work on the same day....its killing me being full time at the min, but want to hold off as long as I can!
I plan on either going back full time or 4 days per week....all depends on childcare costs and who actually looks after bubs. My mum was planning on taking early retirement (shes only 52) but she recently had a fantastic promotion opportunity at work and I told her to go for it and we would be happy to pay for childcare. My friends mum is a registered childminder so that is also an option too, and she wouldnt charge us full price either bless her!
I have had a bad day today. Woke up fine but by 10am my feet and hands had ballooned!! People at work were very concerned and made me ring mw. Had to go get bp and urine tested at local docs....all ok. Bp slightly high but nothing to worry about. I have been told to rest until the swelling goes down and if it is no better or any worse I have to visit MAU! Really just want to be able to get on with it atm as it is so busy at work I feel like I am letting the kids down if I miss lessons with them! I only missed 15 mins of last lesson (year 9s) today as managed to get an appt at 2.45 but worried doc will make me go on sick if I am still swollen!!
Ahhh!!! Well sorry for the rant! And I know I need to look after myself but its hard when Im so used to being able to do everything so easily!!
Wanna - hope you manage to get more sleep....are there no stronger painkillers they can give you that are safe in preg?
Love and hugs

Thought I would drop in with a house update, but I forewarn you it is coming from my iPhone so may not be particularly well Spelt/typed!!

They told us if we got closer to the other buyers offer they would take it off the market, but still weren't prepared to give us a timescale, so we have checked with our solicitor & offered them £2000 as a deposit for them to guarantee to vacate by the 12th of July, if they haven't then we get our £2000 back, so now we are just being kept ganging, AGAIN while they think about it!! God I don't ever want to move again after all if this!!

Justmarried - so sorry to hear you're all swollen, hopefully an evening with your feet up will do the trick! Good luck & I hope it's not so bad in the morning ;)

well that's all for now, will hopefully have some good news in the morning!!

o bless Nb, your still waiting for a decision!! it sounds like they're really taking the piss now, one can only be so greedy! Sorry to hear you didn't finish nct classes, ours weren't perfect but we made some friends and learned a little bit, the teacher was really nice and insightful and gave some really good tips.... such as, if you are going to breastfeed, if someone comes in to show you how to breastfeed and move the baby to the breast instead of letting the baby 'search' for it, it is a sure sign they are not unicef trained (I think its unicef, actually not 100% sure) but point is, baby should 'search' for your breast and turn head on its own.. something I didn't know. We did hear a lot of the same stories which I get annoyed with but other people didn't seem to mind, our teacher does a lot of classes everywhere so it must be hard to keep everyone straightt!

justm-sorry to hear you've swollen up, get those feet up! perhaps a bath will ease the swelling? yay for same last day!!! I Cannot wait!! not long now!

speaking of bath to ease the swelling, wanna, have you thought of getting a paddling pool if you dont have one already for the nicer weather? perhaps it would helpe with the pain? Its hard for me to fit in the bathtub now, but with a paddling pool you might be able to get more range of comfortable movement?

nothing exciting today going on with me, baby is moving a lot and its quite uncomfortable to lay down! I'm very excited for the pram and hope the shop calls us soon with an estimated delivery date that is more 'firm' as they don't have the stock yet... And we're off to the baby show this weekend at NEC.. anyone else going???

nb- hope you hear soon! let us know!!

We got the house!!!!!!! Yipeeeeeeeeee!!! And they have promised we will complete no later than the 12th of July!!!!! We are so excited!!!!!!!! Xxxxx
Yay !!! :happydance::happydance:Great news Nat -so pleased for you. Must have been a very stressful few weeks for you there; wondering what if. What a shame about your antenatal classes, can you not complain and get your money back (or some of it).I presume these NCT classes are quite expensive. You are going to be so busy packing and organising for the move that baby time is going to come around so quick for you xx

Liz -LOL :haha::haha: about the paddling pool - I would be a beached whale in the garden with all the neighbours kids peering over (or trying to jump in with me lol) but seriously was thinking of getting my birthing pool earlier and setting it up in the living room - I could lounge in there and watch tv haha - it's the expense of then worrying about damaging it before the baby arrives and having to get another. Plus our weather isn't that great usually even when the rest of the UK is having a heatwave lol. And with my pale scottish skin, I'd fry if it was that nice haha :haha:

Lori - OMG :hugs::hugs:Hoping you are less swollen today and that the rest helps. How uncomfortable for you, and you must have been so concerned. Glad your BP etc is okay -take care and keep your feet up.

The strongest painkillers my GP has given me is codeine (and she recommended taking them regular) but the last time I was in a lot of pain I took them every 4-6 hrs for 1 1/2 days and became very concerned that my baby's fetal movements had significantly reduced and gave myself a bit of a fright. So I went back to the paracetemol only; which did seem to be okay for a while. Then increased to one paracetemol and one codeine and now have given in and have started doubling up the dose on codeine again. Just at bedtime to try and help me sleep a bit better -and little man doesn't appear affected at all so that's good.

Slept better lst night and am now popping out to visit two of my sis's and my mum for lunch and am going to leave DD a list of things to do about the house -her attempts at cleaning are rubbish but at lesat it's a start haha -she hangs out the washing upside down or all squint and only cleans the floor on visible bits but I s'pose practice makes perfect lol.

I ordered my new mattresses yesterday -for moses basket, crib and cot and other than a baby monitor I think I have gotten all the essentials now. Exciting!!

Have a good day ladies, Congrats again on the house Nat, hope the swelling has gone down Lori, and have a great time at the baby show at the weekend Liz

take care mummies and bumps xx :hugs: xx
Thank you! We are very excited, but trying to not get carried away and plan everything as we have no idea of a moving date! I just hope it is sooner rather than later!

I am sort of tempted to complain, but we live in such a small village and I would just be mortified to bump in the woman and have her know I complained, I am rubbish at that sort of thing!

But yes it was about £140 and it just seemed quite patronising and like she didn't really know the answer to anything!

haha I can just imagine you loughing in your birth pool in front of Loose Women or something! Buster would attempt to get into any sort of paddling pool I had, and then burst it so thats a no go for me!

How exciting you have ordered your mattresses! Hubby said to me yesterday that he is jealous that parcels turn up for me nearly everyday! I have got to stop bidding on things on ebay hahaha! I have become a bit obsessed! I have a few more little Humphrey elephants on their way to me this week!

And the maxi cosi car seat I bought off ebay should come at some point too, I love it!

Justmarried how is the swelling today? I hope it is better.

It is officially sweltering in my office, and I have to be in a suit today as we had a client meeting, i am boiling!!!

I got a really bad pain in my ribs on Tuesday night, it is on my right hand side and feels almost like a lump is there that is bruised? I guess the baby is lying a funnny way, I keep trying to rub it to make it move but it doesnt seem to be helping so far!!

Hey girls!
NB that is fab news about the house!! Woohoo!!! Hope everthing goes smoothly for you chic!
Hehehe Wanna - I def think you should set up pool in living room! Would be so relaxing and soothing in this hot weather!
Mrsbean - were not going to the baby show, I bet it's fab tho! Have fun!!!

Well the swelling seemed better today, still a bit puffy but better than yday. I took today off work to rest and have literally been a lazy cow all day, but the swelling is back!!! Dont understand how or why I am so swollen after doing nothing! Hoping it goes down by tomorrow as I am going back to bored being off!
I have scan tomorrow to check excited to see bubs again!!! Scan is at 3.30 so Ill make sure I update asap!!
Love to mummies and bumps
Hey ladies!
Scan went really well!! Placenta has moved so Im good to have a natural birth! Woohoo!
Also, approx weight at the min is 4lb12!! What a whopper! Hehe! Still got almost 8 weeks to go! Hehe!
Well, Im on cloud 9 after seeing bubs again! Despite my swollen feet, today has been a great day!!
Love and hugs to mummies and bumps xxxxxxx
Justm- that's fab news!!!! And WOW good weight too.

Hope your swelling has gone down a bit (or gone totally would be even better)

Have a good w/end ladies n bumps
So how was everyones weekend?? It was a scortcher no? My feet are starting to swell up! I'm not sure if its the weather or it is just time for my feet to swell! Have a scan today so we'll see what they say and maybe I'll get to find out weight too! Is 4lb12 a whopper at this point justm?

Went to babyshow on saturday and we got a couple good deals, got a ziggy zebra moses basket and stand for £40 which I thought was a complete bargain and a few other bits and bobs. we expected to get more free samples but o well. Glad we went but not sure we'd go again, especially since we have all the big things now.

well I've got the day off, and scan later so going to have a restful day. Maybe I'll get my feet swelling to go down before off to hospital... anyone have any tips?

Hope everyone had a great weekend in this beautiful weather!! xxxx
Good Luck today MrsBB and congrats on reaching 33 weeks yay!!! That's me tomorrow haha - midway through third tri!!!!! :happydance:

My feet have been terribly swollen over the past two days too- huge hippo feet and ankles -thinking it must be the heat but I have never suffered from oedema in any other pregnancy -with 2 other mid summer babies too -bloody ugly looking feet at the best of time, but now just HUGE haha( Actually looking better today but then I haven't been out yet and its cooler today here)

I originally thought for 32 weeks 4lb 12oz IS a whopper - just going by the size of my premmie nephew who was born at 31 weeks and weighed 3lb 11oz (and my sis had been on steroids and everyone was pleasantly suprised at how big he was for so early lol ) but then even with gaining half a pound every week until term would only equate to another 4lb (or 5lb if 2 weeks late) so in terms of ppl having 12lb babies these days not SO huge I s'pose xxx

Seen a programme baby story on Friday where the baby was 11 lb 2oz -and WAS a whopper haha. My other babies ranged from 7lb -8lb so anything above 9lb I would think of as huge lol :haha::haha:

Have a good day ladies - I am ordering my birthing pool today yikes!!!! Feel a bit apprehensive about it (still being so soon lol) but it is on special offer and the size I need has been discontinued so it's now or never for the one I am looking at.

xx :hugs: xx
Hello ladies!

MrsBB how did the scan go? I am hoping that for some reason I get to have one when I see my midwife tomorrow!!

Wana I am seriously swollen too! The engagement ring is off, my wedding band looks very lonely! The band has always been too big and spins around but seems to fit now, I just didnt want to get stuck with my e ring on my finger! I am hoping it is just the heat as my ankles look horrendous!!

I had a bit of a silly weekend that I am attempting to snap out of, I had my best friends birthday on Saturday night and I got myself in a state about getting dressed to go out, I just don't feel like me and hubby sympathising tipped me over the edge and I burst into tears!! I didn't feel much better on Sunday which my Mum must have noticed and she called me at work yesterday morning and asked if I was ok, thankfully she realised not to push it as I didn't want to start crying at my desk! I feel better today, hubby and I had a lovely evening last night and I have booked myself some maternity reflexology which starts on Tuesday, hubby's treat!

It is such a strange feeling not being in control of my own emotions, I have always been very lucky and never been one for mood swings when AF was around, anyway, I have lots to look forward too and hubby and I chatted all about our new house last night so I am ultra positive today!

I don't have to go to work until about 11am today as we have the surveyor coming in from our buyer, really hoping he doesn't say anything is wrong with the house, it was built in 1880 so it wouldnt surprise me! Then tomorrow I have the midwife so another late start, fingers crossed this week will go quick.

Well today is certainly not as lovely as yesterday, I hope it is still nice and summery for everyone, hope all is well with my swollen bump buddies!! xxx
Oh nb - I had a very emotional (mad preggy hormones) weekend too lol -I was in tears a lot lol.

I was in pain and unable to do much and DH was amusing the boys by firstly on Sat going to the park (I sat on the bench nearest the car and waited on them returning sob) and then on Sunday ,they all went up the Loch to visit the Islands with my dad and family on his speed boat too -so feeling really sorry for myself. Can laugh about it now but I was so miserable and cried for ages at how useless, fat and sore I was lol. I couldn't even tell DH how I felt cos he'd have stayed with me, whiuch wasn't fair on the boys. As it was my youngest Ben said he wasn't going if I wasn't ''because it wouldn't be nice to leave mummy all alone'' and I had to persuade him that I'd be fine on my own lol and he could go enjoy himself lol

I eventually had a lovely day, went to visit my sis and sat in her garden in the sun with my huge hippo feet in the paddling pool but WOW Crazy hormonal woman lol !!!!

The sun has gone here too today (please come back!!!! -I'll stop complaining about hippo feet -I promise!!). Hope everyone else is having a nicer day, and good luck at your mw appt nb. How'd the scan go MrsBB??

xx yay!!! 33 weeks today xxx
Wana there must be something in the air! Or perhaps its a 32/33 week thing then! I am glad I am not cracking up :wacko:

Here is my complaining and I am perfectly able to do pretty much anything, except paint my toe nails!! So I can imagine how frustrated you must be feeling, have you got any more appointments booked to try and help with the pain? Is there any reason why your SPD would cause them to induce you or will they still let you go full term?

The people we are buying from still havent found anything so now I am panicking that baby is going to come early and we will be in the wrong house!!

Have a good day with those hippo feet up, I sure am! xx
I am back at mw for more massage therapy on Friday - dont actually think it helped with my pelvis but IS relaxing and it's a nice pamper hour for me, and the mw who does it is so lovely to talk too. I haven't got another actual mw appt scheduled until 36 weeks so it will be nice to see someone lol- seems like ages to wait tbh -even with baby number 4!!

As for being induced -there was talk of it a few months ago when I was in constant pain and taking lots of co-codamol, they wanted me to go under the consultant care pathway just incase but if I want my homebirth then I need to just shut up and put up lol -I'll see how it goes lol. I am expecting my birhting pool in the next 48 hours so I may be using that for hydrotherapy prior to the big day, as the water is very soothing lol.

I wouldn't worry too much about the house situation -you have it and that's all that matters. I am sure baby will sleeping be in with you and DH for the first while anyway and as long as he/she has a warm safe place to sleep, has clean nappies and is fed then that's all that matters and you'll be in your new house before you know it.
Although still hopeful that you'll get in before baby xxx
Hi again- just finished my nursery yay!!! And wanted to post some pics

Better be a boy lol -blue, blue, blue, hahaha

Picture 013.jpg

Picture 014.jpg

Picture 015.jpg

Picture 016.jpg

Picture 017.jpg

So exciting lol - you'd think I'd never had a nursery before and it's my fourth lol :haha::haha: and the crazy thing will be sleeping in his swinging crib in my room for the first 5-6 months lol :haha::haha:
Oh wow wana!! It looks amazing, I love the nautical theme!! Wow! And that baby swing looks very impressive, which one is it?

Oh how exciting, I want to be able to do my nursery now!!

Just off to midwife, will update later xx

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