from bonfire babies ttc to july bumps due!!

Justm- so glad everything is okay, and just think -as uncomfortable as it is just now, your mucscles are really putting in some practice for the real thing lol - hopefully make things a bit easier when labour does start. I had really uncomfortable BH with my last pregnancy and went on to have a 2 hour labour lol.

The massage on friday was lovely, a bit uncomfortable getting into and out of the massage chair, but really relaxing and worth every penny of the £5 charge. It didn't help with the spd pain though, in fact my inner thigh ached for hours afterwards after sitting in the same position for so long but nothing my heated whaetbag and paracetemol couldn't cope with. It did however help with my shoulder and lumbar tension -which is probably due to my use of crutches and for my over-compenating parts of my body to protect my pelvis and abs, so that's good. I am booked in for regular sessions from now up until babe is due, that was so surreal being given those appt's -there are only 3 but at 3/4 weekly intervals so the last one is 9th July -OMG so close when you think of it like that haha. Hoping to have had the lil man by then but if not must be real close.

Anyway off now to direct my DD on painting a ceiling as we are now onto her new bedroom -oh the mess!!!! lol

ttfn xxx
Hey Ladies

Hope everyone is well.

I am now onto decorating my nursery yay!!! DD's room finished, Living room finished, hall practically finished and kitchen just needing a few finishing touches to complete in there too. DD's room is lovely and I cant wait to see my lil man's room all done too.
Only prob is my 8 y.o is so jealous - he wants his siters room lol -but in blue instead of pink haha -his room was only decorated last year but that was ages ago to an 8 yr old - he is going to be worse once he sees his new little brothers room, I just know it!!! Oh Dear!!!
As it is ,I have started to hide things as I buy them, cos he gets a bit huffy '' MORE things for the baby tut'' but then I s'pose I have gone a little mad lol haha

Anyway, I'll be busy painting this weekend, but whatever everyone else is up to, have fun!!!

Take care, love to all mums n bumps xx
Hey ladies!!
I am back on line!!!! Woohoo!! BT man has been this morning and fixed our phone line so the Internet now works! Thank goodness!!
Wanna - so pleased your house is nearly done! Ours is almost done too. Kitchen appliances arrived this excited as they are pretty much the finishing touches! Also, we have bought a dishwasher and we've never had one before.... Hubby wasnt so keen but I said it was a vital part of a new kitchen with a baby on the way!! And I got my way! Hehe!! Bless him!
Well, I am off to visit my mum and maybe go for some lunch! Hope everyone has a nice weekend! The sun is shining here but it's very windy!! At least I am getting my washing done!!
Love to mummies and bumps
Hi Ladies, well what a nice (but definitely overdoing it lol) weekend.
Saturday was gorgeous here, bit windy too Justm but lovely when the sun got through and we went to the park with my youngest son and two friends -nearly killed me that damn walk again lol. At least I had DH for moral support this time and to keep me company and the boys ran ahead and had extra time playing at the kids play area whilst we caught up lol.

Sunday I started to paint the nursery, just the first undercoat to cover the cerise pink which my daughter had previously, and all the woodwork too; just need to get DD to do the ceiling and tops for me (although I just mentioned it now and got a huge huff and tut -nice!!; now her room's done with all new furniture etc, she is back to being her usual non helpful self).

Keep thinking that if my little guy (God forbid) came really early then I'd not have time to get it all finished - I mean I'd be spending every moment splitting myself between him in hospital and the other three kids at home and it kind of worries me a bit. Not that there is any reason to think I'll have him this early of course lol - just probably on my mind so much because my nephew was born at 31weeks. At exactly this stage in her pregnacy my sis had been admitted and they were anticipating the c-section. I am so going to be gutted when I go 10 days (or even 2 haha) overdue lol, have myself kind of convinced that this one will be at least a tiny bit earlier lol. (2 out of 3 of my previous babies were late)

Anyway, hope everyone else and bumps are doing well xx
Hello ladies!

Sorry for being AWOL life has got manic!

I can't remember where I was at last time I posted so sorry if some of this is repeated! Our sales guy walked out almost 2 weeks ago now as he went on a client visit which was very unsuccesful so when our office manager started to dig deeper we realised a few had gone the same way, so rather than get a damn good telling off he walked, so guess who has taken over?!

I am supposed to be going to Edinburgh tomorrow but I am keeping a very close eye on the volcanic ash cloud as I do not want to get stuck there!

My back has gone this weekend, I am in agony! Sleeping is ridiculously uncomfortable, laying on my back is not an option at all any longer, and I am living with a microwave beanie bag on my back for the pain, it does seem to help which is good.

We semi-packed my hospital bag this weekend, my midwife told me to get it done for when I see her which is on Friday, so I need to pick up a few more bits this week to finish it off, felt very odd doing that!

Choosing what clothes to take, which means the babies first photos would be taken in those clothes was such a strange thing to be doing!

Our buyer is very keen to proceed on our house and luckily something has come up on a water search from our HIPS report so they havent spent any money on conveyancing yet, I am keen to stop them from doing this until we know what we are doing.

The people's house we like asked yesterday if our offer is still there as they have seen something they like, which is an empty property, I am trying to not get too excited at the moment!

So how is everyone doing? Wana your decorating sounds like it is all coming along nicely, you'll have to post some pics! xxx
nb -so hope the house sale works out for you -you must be going mad waiting.

Yay!!! Ladies -I have just reached my 8th box on my ticker- and only 1 more to go after this. So silly that this pointless piece of info has gotten me so excited but it has yay!!!!!

Been to see my mw today, bloods were all perfect from my last appt so its all go for the home birth. Yay!!! And the mws I saw today were great, ''oh home confinement how lovely!!!'', No negativity at all- despite my crutches lol. Only thing was -she said make sure to phone at the first sign of anything starting as it can take them 50 minutes to get to mine lol; especially with labour number 3 being so quick. TBH -as long as one comes along to cut the cord and assist with 3rd stage if neccessary then that's all I care about at the moment haha. Only slight (possible) hiccup is, that my local CMU has been closed from this week at nights and I need to phone the not so local hospital when I go into labour for advice, and if they feel birth is close then they are saying they'll send an ambulance to take me there instead -no no no at least before, I had the option of going to my CMU. Here's hoping for a daytime baby lol.

Midwife actually said to me '' well see you at 36 w for next appt or if not, see you at home for delivery'' -OMG So close lol!!!!
Any news nb on the house??? Hope your back is feeling a bit better xx

Love to all ladies and bumps xx

Wana - I want to be in the 8th box! I still remember adding my ticker and how even reaching double figures on the weeks count seemed so far off, how exciting!

I just got sent one of those 'getting to know you emails' my Mum had filled it out and it said what are you looking forward to this year and she said 'my third grandchild!' Got me all excited!

That is absolutely brilliant news that you can have the home birth, and I will keep my fingers crossed for you that you get a during the day baby! I want a nighttime baby! I know that Jody won't cope that well with constant harrasment from his mum, my Mum and both of our sisters so we are going to try and sneak off if we can, but living so close to both of them it is going to be very hard! So I am hoping we go in the middle of the night so by the time they do realise where we have gone hopefully I might be quite far along!

On the house front we are going to see it again tonight, as we havent seen it in months, we basically have £2000 more and thats our top whack, which is still £12,000 under their asking price. So if we see it tonight and agree that we are happy to offer them it we are going to offer it subject to a completion date no later than the 1st of July, the house comes off the market and if they say no then we are going to tell them that we will cancel our own buyer and our offer is off the table.

I kinda am hoping that by being firm and saying that we will cancel everything our end it will make them realise that we are not a bottomless pit of cash!!

So hopefully by the end of tomorrow we will know for sure whats happening, and then we can set plans in motion this weekend. Either way we need to empty our spare room of an unused wardrobe and rubbish old bed so we will either be emptying it and prepping for a nursery or just emptying it ready to move!

I am seeing my midwife tomorrow, literally everyone I see says to me 'you are 31 weeks?' like I am totally bonkers, and then they say 'but your bump is so small!' so I am hoping this week she doesn't send me off for a growth scan or anything as it has been quite nice not having any of this scary 'lakes in my placenta' stuff discussed recently.

Thats about all from me for now, roll on Friday, hope all you mama's and bumps are well xxx
Hi ladies, I'm so sorry i haven't been on in so long!
So much is going on lol.
I found out a couple of weeks ago that i was posted to a new camp, so i've been having to sort out where and when and everything.
I've now started my new job at Northolt and get the keys to the new house tomorrow and will be moving next week which i'm not really looking forward to :)
I've had to be referred to a new hospital and am just waiting to hear back from a new MW now :(
I still haven't had my bloods done as they have struggled to get anything from me since about 28 weeks (i have very naughty veins lol)
I can't believe how quickly the 3rd Tri is going! I feel like i have no time left at all!!!

Wana, the house sounds like it's coming along lovely!

Love to all mummies and bumps xxxx
nb -Fingers crossed on the house front today and hope you get the entry date you want.:flower: You will have a busy few months ahead with moving and sorting the new house etc, and then your baby will be here- how exciting.:happydance::happydance:

With my second pregnancy we moved house when I was nearly 9months pregnant lol - I had 21 days sorting out the new house and then he arrived; and he was 9 days overdue . Not much needed done right enough, but I made sure the nursery and DD's room (she was only 3 and didn't want her getting upset by the move, so hers was done first to make her feel at home lol) was completed lol. It was really strange lol -I remember the day after my DS was born meeting a neighbour for the first time whilst out at the icecream van and her saying 'so it's a wee girl you've got?' and me adding' yes and a son too' and she hadn't even known I was pregnant - I s'pose if ppl dont know you, then its understandable that they'd maybe think that it was just fat lol.:haha::haha:

Justm -nice to have you abck. Is that your kitchen completed now and nursery? - you'll need to let us see pics xx My nursery is getting there, as is everything else... but DH seems to have been on strike the past few days lol - think the constant decorating of th epast few months has finally gotten to him. I just want it all done NOW lol :haha::haha:

MM -You too, moving house!!! Is it far away? Are you going to have any friends or family close? Hope you get the mw sorted out soon.:thumbup:

I am going for my swine flu jab today, hadn't heard anything about it all in ages until my physio mentioned it a few weeks ago - just about the continuing contingency plans that are being planned at the hospital incase of an outbreak and she was quite concerned I hadn't had it. I wasn't going to bother :shrug: !!! Spoke to my mw and she was a bit stunned that no-one had offered it to me in second tri - they dont offer it first tri here. So more for my little man than me (cos he'll not be able to get immunised until 6 months otherwise and this way he'll get immunity from this) I am going to get it today at lunch time. I am dreading my arm aching (silly I know lol :haha:) and using crutches - I seem to ache everywhere as it is, really feel I shouldn't be ading any more aches n pains lol:haha::haha:

Take care mums n bumps xx
Thank you! We went back for another look yesterday before we sealed our fate and made a final offer, we are in love! I know you should use your head and not your heart in making these decisions but we can't help it, it really is perfect for us. The estate agent told me he is going to be out of the office most of the day but would check emails on his phone so I guess it's just a horrid waiting game for now, I feel slightly better that after today we will know if we are moving or not.

In a way I will be hoping I am overdue so that I get some extra time to unpack and sort the nursery, like you say, as long as the baby has somewhere nice to sleep then we can sort ourselves out!

MM - I hope you get a lovely midwife where you move too, do you know how long until you go?

Wana - be careful with the swine flu jab, I had mine between Xmas and New Year and it really knocked me for 6 for a few days, be prepared to feel like you have the flu! As well as the painful arm, it didn't start to hurt for a good few hours and it was only for a couple of days, fingers crossed you feel right as reign after!

So I had the weirdest thing this morning, I woke up about 4am for a wee and when I got back into bed I was laying on my left side and I felt what I can only describe as similar to a pule in my left hand side, just above my hip, usually if I place my hands on my belly to try and count for 10 kicks I have to wait about 10 minutes, in 30 seconds I felt this 24 times! It didnt feel like kicks either, just little pulses, very strange! Any ideas?

I am off to see my midwife this afternoon so I am going to man up a bit and ask her about the lakes in my placenta as I am usually a total wuss about it and dont mention it!!

Hope you all have a good day bump buddies and fab weekends ahead, looks like we might get some sunshine, woo hoo! xx
Hello just back form docs, arm okay just now but still early I s'pose lol:wacko:
Wana - be careful with the swine flu jab, I had mine between Xmas and New Year and it really knocked me for 6 for a few days, be prepared to feel like you have the flu! As well as the painful arm, it didn't start to hurt for a good few hours and it was only for a couple of days, fingers crossed you feel right as reign after!

Oh I hope its not too bad -the weather has to be nice over the weekend and mil is coming to visit too, really cant cope with her and feeling flu-ish too. Although that may be a good excuse to put her off lol :haha::haha:

So I had the weirdest thing this morning, I woke up about 4am for a wee and when I got back into bed I was laying on my left side and I felt what I can only describe as similar to a pule in my left hand side, just above my hip, usually if I place my hands on my belly to try and count for 10 kicks I have to wait about 10 minutes, in 30 seconds I felt this 24 times! It didnt feel like kicks either, just little pulses, very strange! Any ideas?

Sounds like could be hiccups :happydance::happydance:
My lil man gets them every day and they last for a good 5 minutes some times -weird sensation but good - love to feel him :thumbup:

Good Luck with your mw appt, let us know how it all goes. P.s. I saw in another thread (I think ,dont think it was this one but baby brain hitting me lol:haha::haha:) you were concerned about your bump size -I was tiny with my DD (my first) -didn't even buy any maternity clothes until about 7months and mnaged to wear just a size bigger, leggings etc the rest of the time; was back in my regular size only days after she was born too. She was 40w+3d and weighed a lovely healthy 7lb 8oz.

Hey peeps!!
Sorry for being AWOL for a little so busy at work, Im exhausted! Currently in the middle of marking courseworks and needed a little break so thought I would pop and say hello!
Hope everyone is well. I'm good. Kitchen is very nearly complete, just need to gloss the woodwork and buy a few more accesories! Nursery is almost done too, apart from the damaged wardrobe that they delivered so we have to wait for the new one to come! So annoyed but nothing we can do!!!
NB - anymore news on the house?? It's so exciting but stressful at the same time! Especially as you're now so close to due date!!
Wanna - hope the swine flu jab didnt end up giving you any pain or problems. I havent had mine and Im not planning on having it at the moment either!
I have a scan to check placenta on excited to see bubs again! Going to ask an estimated weight as midwife thinks shes gonna be big and also long!
I have glucose in my urine (well did at midwife on Thurs) so need to try and eat more complex carbs....oh the joy! Haha!!
Well, best get back to tired but need to get them done!!
Love and hugs to all mummies and bumps!
Hi Ladies - well the flu jab was no bother, abit of heaviness in my arm for a few hours but that was it.

But what a painful w/end I have had with my spd -all my own fault too.

I spent hours on Saturday painting the nursery mural and at the time felt great. Kept thinking I should really just do a bit at a time, but wa desperate to see it completed and kept going and going and going.
Then Saturdy night had gone to bed about 11pm and forgotten to take my last dose of paracetemol, but though well it's only paracetemol and I have been okay for a few days; just maybe I dont need to take so much!!!!! Bad move -I woke up in agony at 3/4am and haven't been right since -have been taking regular co-codamol to try and ease it slightly, with little effect yesterday (but feeling abit easier today) and spent all day in pian, tired, feeling light headed and drowsy(due to codeine) and just miserable sob sob.

Going to have a chillaxing few days I think, get on top of the pain again, stop the codeine and hopefully start to feel more human again.

Justm -Hope everything goes well with your scan
nb -Any house news yet?

Hope all mums n bumps are well xx
Oh wana! I feel so sorry for you, my back has been really hurting and that's been bad enough, so I can't imagine how you must feel, you poor thing! Luckily using a heated lavendar bag thing seems to be enough at the moment, I really hope you have an easier day today.

We ended up having a baby day yesterday, we gave our double bed to a friend and then went and picked up the changing unit from my sisters, along with the crib, moses basket and new mattresses, all very exciting! So we got a few bits put together, its all a bit scrabbled together at the moment and in no way a nursery but at least if anything does happen we have a crib and a moses basket ready to go!

I have a bedding question...I have got a Humphreys Corner sleeping bag and 2 swaddle me thingies (sorry for terrible description!) do I need to go the whole hog and get sheets and blankets etc as well? I feel a bit lost when it comes to this! I know you can never tell with the British weather but considering it will be July would I need anything more than a swaddle? I can't believe I would need to put blankets on as well, but then I have never looked after a newborn before! What has everyone else gone for?

The forecast looks like the weather should really pick up this week, yay!

On the house front...nothing has really changed, apart from hubby bumped into the owners in our local pub yesterday and he said that if their offer is accepted on the house they like, they will accept our offer. Its a vacant property as it's a probate sale so it may mean we can all move within our time scale of July 1st, how good would that be?! The owner said he would tell us either way by Wednesday, and the estate agent said he hoped for an answer today so just got to keep our fingers crossed the agent is correct! Luckily the agent marketing the house we like is the same one selling the house they are interested in so that's proving very useful for being kept up to date with everything, unlike my useless estate agent!

Justmarried - would love to see some pics of your nursery if you have any!

Mrsbeanbump - is all ok with you?

Anyway, better crack on with some work, have a good Monday! xxx
Hi All! Sorry I've been awol too... trying to take it easy on the computer, since I'm on the computer all day at work I've kind of gotten sick of it the last couple weeks and only pop on real quick to check the email then I'm too lazy to do anything else!
Had a mw appointment last week, measuring 33cm at 31weeks last monday. I'm getting a growth/cyst check scan next monday, but I'm really dissappointed hubby can't come with me for the scan as he can't get out of work at the time of the scan as he has a meeting :( So I'm going to go to scary antenatel alone! I could ask a friend to go, who said she would go with me but now I can't really bring myself to ask her to take time off work to go to my scan (we are colleagues as well). I've not got any family close to us, hubbys parents live in north wales and my fam live in america.

Works been really stressful lately too, we've gotten in maternity replacements and training is just so time consuming and draining. There is so much I want to get done before leaving (june 18) that its frustrating that I cannot work as fast as normal.

I'm off to dinner tonight with work as we've got some guests visiting our office, I had today off but decided having a free meal can't be that bad! But now I dont really want to go and I'd rather just have a nap!

nb glad your speaking to the people that own the house you want, at least you have some knowledge of what is going on... good luck for wednesday (or hopefully earlier).
In regards to bedding, we've got a fitted cotbed sheet and then I have a gro bag and a couple swaddle bags. I need to get a couple more grobags as I'm unsure of the weather in July, I've got like a 1tog grobag now but I'm planning on getting a 2-2.5 tog before he arrives just so I can switch back and forth depending on temperature. But thats all I plan on using at first anyways.

Ooo and I've found my pram at last, we've not ordered it yet, and its not really out yet being sold, only pre-ordered, but I've spoken to a shop that said they could have it to me in June so we're 98% ready to put in the pre-order. Bit scary to go for it blind but it has really good reviews and I really like a different pram of theirs so this has to only be better, its the baby jogger city select. The seat reverses and it can turn into a tandem with another child ;) So maybe there is some money to be saved in the future!

My baby has hiccups a lot lately too wana/nb. I struggle to feel it on the outside, but I can really feel it on the inside! I've got my first faint stretch mark today, I'm so dissapointed!! I've loaded it with lotion and hopefully it will go away, its not on tummy just on side near my hip and only on one side!! I was hoping with all the lotion I've been putting on this wouldn't happen!

Well, I've decided while typing I want to go pre-order the pram then I need to get ready to meet for dinner so talk soon! it won't be so long next time! xxxxx
Hey ladies

Mrsbeanbump I am exactly the same as you about work! So much I want to sort, finish before hand over - 18th June too! It's such a busy time and I get tired so easily!! Hope you enjoy your meal tonight!!
Wanna I hope you're SPD is feeling a bit better. It must be frustrating when you want to get things done and then end up in pain. My back is painful and Im being referred for physio to be shown some exercises! Hopefully they might help although Im not holding my breath!
NB - Keeping EVERYTHING crossed for the house hun!!!
Well just a flying visit to say hello to everyone! Just had a yummy jacket potato for dinner and now Im going to have a rest and watch some crappy tv!! Hehe!
Love to mummies and bumps
Well I feel like this is all I ever write!! But today they have said we should know on the house. The house they are after is a probate sale and the family has said all offers have to be in by 1pm for them to review, they have basically said if they get that house they will accept our offer, if they dont get that house they cant accoomodate us to move by the 1st of July so wont say yes to our offer unless we can increase by another £10,000 and they will rent, obviously we can't do that!

So it is now just a long and painful wait until the estate agent calls me to say what happened, I just REALLY hope the family actually decide and give an answer today or it's going to be yet another day of waiting!

MrsBeanBump - Sorry you have to go to your scan alone, I had the same problem with our 20 weeks scan and hubby being able to get the time off work, I promise it is just as amazing! Fingers crossed you get good news ;)

Thank you for the info on bedding, I will check out what tog the sleeping bag is and perhaps get another as well. And very exciting about your pram! Did you go ahead and order it? Ours should come next month and is getting delivered to my Mums. My sister had offered us a maxi cosi car seat and base which works with the icandy peach but then remembered, after we had been in her loft and garage, that she actually sold it all on ebay! So she bought us the base as a present from her and my nephews and I managed to find the seat we need for £32 on ebay, bargain! So it hasnt dipped into our HIP grant too much at all!

Justmarried - I am so jealous of you both finishing work on the 18th of June, I don't finish until the 1st of July, so 6 weeks to go! It is scary to think I wont be here and know what is going on, and then have to catch up after a year! Do you intend to return full time?

Wana - Hope you are having an ok day today and got over all your adventures on the weekend!

Will update later if we hear anything on the house, I cannot stand suspense!! xxx
nb- I think you've got us all in suspense too!!! so do tell when you know!! but unfortunately, I've not heard anything good about probate sales, families arguing and some members might be more keen for a quick sale while others looking for best price... But once they make the decision at least they will most likely honour it and be less likely to pull out of a chain (compared to non-probate sales)

You're quite daring nb waiting for 1st July to start maternity!! I guess its not too far away, but I've started struggling just recently. Just feel really big and that baby has no room and is constantly moving!

Justm- yay for the same last day! I'm so looking forward to it!

I do plan on going back full time, but after a year! I got a letter from work the other day that said if they don't hear from me before my first day back is June 29th 2011! crazy to think about!

Wanna- how you coping today? fully recovered? Hope you take it easy now! Do you like reading to pass the time? have you read any good books? I enjoy reading and recently I've found it very relaxing to read non-pregnancy related books when I get the time.

I bought my pram today! bought it blind too!! eek, it is either the best or worst decision so we'll just watch this space. He suspects 3-4 weeks delivery but could be sooner, and as we pre-ordered it he gave us quite a good deal on the package (pram/cot/car seat adapters) and then mentioned he had a maxi cosi car seat on clearance so I've added that to my order too!! (I did buy one from boots but returned it last week as decided I didn't really like the colour!!)

Well I'm so excited for the pram... if you want to have a look there is a clip on you tube...

well, last nct class tonight!! Its gone by so quick!! and I'm in month 8!! where did the time go??!! apparently tonight we're going to learn about taking care of the baby post birth! how scary!

Anyways, take care everyone, have a good evening!! xxxx

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