Morning Ladies
Nat - I cant believe that mw told you NOT to feed her -stupid cow!!!

Glad you are managing a feeding plan now, hope the breastfeeding gets established real soon. Good news about all that colostrum too, my milk supply has always been really rubbish the first few days and I am expecting the same again lol -I haven't leaked once haha. At least I know from prev experience that I should still be able to do it -I hope!!! As long as he's not a HUGE 10lb-er and comes out ravenous haha (which by the size of my bump looks likely haha

I have been looking at all your pics on Fb and showing them off to anyone who'll look haha -Ruby is so gorgeous -I would be non stop kissing and hugging her too haha. I remember so clearly the first few weeks with Ben, DH and I used to just sit for hours looking at him in awe of how gorgeous and perfect we thought he was.
Lori- hope all is well with you, are you having any more pain, twinges or anything to report???

Had a show or waters breaking?? Anything? Wont be long now for any of us I s'pose -think I am going to be the last lol!
Chelsie -hope your backache has eased off a bit, now you aren't at work. Yay for single figures hun - your lil cupcake will be here soon too.
They do tell you that boys can be lazy haha and in no rush to be born (Dylan obviously the exception to the rule Liz haha) so both your girls will be here before my lazy wee sod, I am sure. Anything from your end either -twinges, painful BH, show etc?
I am having NOTHING at all. My lil guy is waiting til the end.

Liz -hope you and Dylan are doing well, and that b-feeding is going well. See he put on an other pound in weight - that really is great - well done mummy!

Nina -thanks for popping in, must be SO hard for you just now

; I am sure you'll have your BFP real soon babe.
Gemma -thanks for popping in too- lovely little bump you are develeping there, the next few months will fly past hun, then you'll be at this stage haha -'when time stood still' haha

-Only kidding- I think it's just me haha -So impatient to meet my little guy -I mean I am NOT even overdue yet!!!!! What the hell will I be like next week; or the week after haha.
So at least DH is feeling much better, he is still occassionally really sore and would rattle if I shook him due to the mountains of tablets he is now on haha, but he is getting some sleep and not spending hours on end going ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow -really couldn't have coped with that had I went into labour; I had already spoken to my sis about being my birth partner cos if he thought (or even jested) that his pain was in any way like /similar/ equal to mine in labour I may have killed him haha

My dad goes on his hols tonight, so only a few hours left for his newest grandson to arrive before he leaves -oh well, I am just hoping he doesn't hold on the full week until he gets back tbh!!! DH is taking them to the airport at 1am, so hopefully that will guarantee I am in labour lol

Well I'd better go get some b/fast, some painkillers and put some washing on etc -but it is SO wet here, cannot get anything out to get dried, I dread my house looking like a chinese laundry when the mw's come ,clothes hanging off every doorframe, radiator etc but I jsut cant get anything dry and its still too muggy to put on any heating -it'd be like a sauna in here lol
ttfn ladies, have agood day ,wonder if we hav enaother baby today??? love n hugs

to all mums, bumps, and the gorgeous Dylan and Ruby