from bonfire babies ttc to july bumps due!!

Well done Nat -so glad everything worked out so well -enjoy your precious little bundle- she is so adorable, really gorgeous - I am SO jealous, I want mine out too haha -and looke like they are going to let me go the full 13 days over -so could still be waiting come 26th July haha -PLEASE NO!!!

Wow cant believe we hae 2 Bonfire babies now -who'll be next????

love to mums, bumps , Dylan and Ruby xxx
Me again!! Miss Ruby has hiccups so we are awake!

By the time the anethatist came I was feeling the pain!! Jody said I was teLly doing 'the running man' by this point!! It felt painless going inwhich they did inbetween contractions & I could choose when it was topped up, provided it had been an hour since the last.

I'm not sure how many top ups I had but I managed the odd 10 mins doze here and there which really helped, I was checked at 7.45 and they said I was 9cm!!! We were so excited! I was worried how I would push as I was so tired but it was fine!

The midwife said to try a push on my next contraction as the lip was so thin around the babies head that she thought that it would get me to ten, it worked!!

So the pushing began, this all blurs into one now as I got very tired but the time between contractions was short so it was ok, ruby started to get a bit distressed after about an hour as she was looking off to the side slightly so couldn't come down the curve properly, so the midwife suggested a cap to pull her around the bend which again worked fab.

So another 30 mins or so and suddenly they said 'mygoodness that's a lot of hair!' to which both jody and I cried! Then soon after she was out, she was so grey and all caught up in the cord bur they soon got it off her and she was put on my tummy, they asked if they could tell us the sex to which they said she was a girl and I looked at jody and said 'oh my god, really!? Are they sure?!' we had both been so sure my bump was a boy!!

They got ruby cleaned up, I forgot to say halfway through pushing I threw up, I ha been feeling sick for a while, my body seems to do this with any pain killer stronger than paacetamol or nurofen! And I was still feeling really sick so unfortunately I was again.

The poor poor midwife who was trying to deliver my placenta, the force of me throwing up forced something to rupture and she was just covered in blood, little ruby was happily on my tummy without a care in the world!

The next hour or so was a blur as she was weighed etc and I had to be put on a drip as I couldn't eve. Sip water without being sick again. I felt so odd and tired and overwhelmed, the next few hours until morning were very hard and I didn't know what to feel, the modwife said I had a crazy amaoibt of colostum. She said she hasn't seen anyone with this much in years, I knew I had been leaking a lot in the night but didn't realise it was so much more than usual but ruby got a good feed from it at midnight then we went to our own room.

She slept terribly and at 4am she was so upset, jody had left around 2am after I showered, so I pushed the buzzer and asked if I should feed er and could I hve some help and the midwife said no she was fine from the midnight feed and just comfort her. She didn't want to be put down ad I was so worried I would fall asleep with her in the bed. We got some solid sleep from 5 til 7 and I asked the next midwife to help me feed and she was shocked I had been told no, she said they were changing shifts and someone would come by, finally about 8.30 they Did and she got some more milk but she was not latching well at all, she would take a lick and go to sleep!

In hindsight she must have been starving and warm and couldn't wake up bu I had no idea. They let us go home at 3 and mum came over which was lovely, my poor dad someone drove into the front of his car and wrote it off on his way to meet ruby!

He is fine thank god.

Anyway, it got to 2am this mronong and poor ruby was in such a state, we decided to give her 3oz which she took in a flash and then slept I would be surprised if she had had 0.5oz from me all day the poor tiny thing. Today the midwife came by and gave me a syringe and told me to hand express every 4 hours for 5 mins on each side, I did that tonight ad got so much out which my gorgeous girl happily took so I'm really glad I can do this and top up feeds too.

So today i feel like a new woman, I just adore her, can't kiss and cuddle her Enough and feel like I have a feeding plan in place too so that I can work with it tomorrow.

Sorry ifni just totaly rambled on I will try ad get on a pc tmrw and edit all my awful spelling fro. My phone!

Donna- really hope your lo is starting to play ball and not go overdue at all, keeping everything crossed for you.

Lori - can't wait to hear good news from your end and see some pics, you are in my thoughts!

Liz- thanks so much for your fab texts yesterday I was feeling so low and they really helped me, thank you!

Gossipgirly- thanks for dropping in. Feel free to add me on fbook if u want to see more pics of ruby!

Neen- I've been thinking of you today, sorry o haven't had time to check your journal, thank you for yournkibd congrats and I really hope all is ok with you, sending you a massive hug.

Chelsie- come on cupcake!!! Not long now!!

Right I have fed ruby and she is settled so hopefully sone sleep for me now, lots of love to all and thanks for Reading! Sorry for typos!!xxx
Morning Ladies :flower:

Nat - I cant believe that mw told you NOT to feed her -stupid cow!!!:growlmad: Glad you are managing a feeding plan now, hope the breastfeeding gets established real soon. Good news about all that colostrum too, my milk supply has always been really rubbish the first few days and I am expecting the same again lol -I haven't leaked once haha. At least I know from prev experience that I should still be able to do it -I hope!!! As long as he's not a HUGE 10lb-er and comes out ravenous haha (which by the size of my bump looks likely haha :haha:)
I have been looking at all your pics on Fb and showing them off to anyone who'll look haha -Ruby is so gorgeous -I would be non stop kissing and hugging her too haha. I remember so clearly the first few weeks with Ben, DH and I used to just sit for hours looking at him in awe of how gorgeous and perfect we thought he was. :hugs:

Lori- hope all is well with you, are you having any more pain, twinges or anything to report??? :shrug::shrug:Had a show or waters breaking?? Anything? Wont be long now for any of us I s'pose -think I am going to be the last lol! :hugs:

Chelsie -hope your backache has eased off a bit, now you aren't at work. Yay for single figures hun - your lil cupcake will be here soon too.
They do tell you that boys can be lazy haha and in no rush to be born (Dylan obviously the exception to the rule Liz haha) so both your girls will be here before my lazy wee sod, I am sure. Anything from your end either -twinges, painful BH, show etc? :hugs:

I am having NOTHING at all. My lil guy is waiting til the end. :nope::nope:

Liz -hope you and Dylan are doing well, and that b-feeding is going well. See he put on an other pound in weight - that really is great - well done mummy!

Nina -thanks for popping in, must be SO hard for you just now :hugs::kiss:; I am sure you'll have your BFP real soon babe.

Gemma -thanks for popping in too- lovely little bump you are develeping there, the next few months will fly past hun, then you'll be at this stage haha -'when time stood still' haha :haha:-Only kidding- I think it's just me haha -So impatient to meet my little guy -I mean I am NOT even overdue yet!!!!! What the hell will I be like next week; or the week after haha. :haha:

So at least DH is feeling much better, he is still occassionally really sore and would rattle if I shook him due to the mountains of tablets he is now on haha, but he is getting some sleep and not spending hours on end going ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow -really couldn't have coped with that had I went into labour; I had already spoken to my sis about being my birth partner cos if he thought (or even jested) that his pain was in any way like /similar/ equal to mine in labour I may have killed him haha :haha::haha:

My dad goes on his hols tonight, so only a few hours left for his newest grandson to arrive before he leaves -oh well, I am just hoping he doesn't hold on the full week until he gets back tbh!!! DH is taking them to the airport at 1am, so hopefully that will guarantee I am in labour lol:haha::haha:

Well I'd better go get some b/fast, some painkillers and put some washing on etc -but it is SO wet here, cannot get anything out to get dried, I dread my house looking like a chinese laundry when the mw's come ,clothes hanging off every doorframe, radiator etc but I jsut cant get anything dry and its still too muggy to put on any heating -it'd be like a sauna in here lol

ttfn ladies, have agood day ,wonder if we hav enaother baby today??? love n hugs :hugs: to all mums, bumps, and the gorgeous Dylan and Ruby :kiss::kiss:
Fab story Nat, looks like you had a few hiccups but alls well in the end!! Sorry the midwife said no to feeding, you might want to think about complaining about that, are you on demand feeding? especially if she was just born and was hungry!! the journey must make babies work up quite the apetite!!! Glad your feeding well now, saw more pics of Ruby on facebook, so adorable!!! you must be very eager to get out to the shops and get some proper girly little outfits? or are they all arriving in little parcels?? Sounds like your settling in well at home, and I saw buster for the first time on fb, I didn't know he was HUGE!! glad he is okay with Ruby! You must be well chuffed! and if you need any help at all you know where I am!!

Donna, Lori, Chelsea... this is the week!! good luck, can't wait to hear all about your experiences!!

fab story nat, I actually had tears in my eyes and then when u said about the all the hair I just bubbled.. must be hormones haha, horrible mw not letting you feed grrr who do they think they are? Il add you to facebook now :)

thanks donna :) I Cant wait to be at your stage!! I want to meet my little girl! xx
Hey girls!

Just a quick one, sorry Ive been awol....not been able to get on computer and I hate using net on my phone as it takes a lifetime!!

Nothing more to report here!! Gutted! But nothing I can do apart from wait, and I suppose Im not actually due til Thursday!!

Nat - hope all is well hun! I need to read your full birth story later on! Hope Ruby is doing well!!!! She is so so cute!!

Donna - not long now for us!!

Liz - hope Dylan and you are doing well!!

Chelsie - any twinges??

Well girls, Im off to go for some lunch and a drive in the countryside (over the hills and bumps hehe!) with hubby so will be back later on!

Lots of love and :hugs:

Lovely birth story Nat.... had tears in my eyes!!!! :blush:
I'm so jealous!!!!!
No twinges or anything at all for me, just worsening back ache which is really starting to get annoying.... had shooting pains from my lower back all the way up to my neck earlier got i was in agony lol.
But other than that nothing new this end!!!!!
Hope all Mums and bubs are good!
Lots of love and hugs to all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey girls

Just checking in....still nothing here....but got a lovely day planned having lunch with my best friends for one of their bdays! So Im off to buy a cake and some candles for our little party! Hehe!

Hope everyone is well, hope Ruby and Dylan are good!! Cannot wait to meet my little baby now!

Chelsie - my back is the same hun! Agony! Especially at night! Hopefully it's a sign of something good to start!

Lots of love
Still here too haha, who'll be next??

I quite fancy a birthday baby haha -so anytime after midnight lil guy, and my fave mw, Fiona is on call tonight and I would so LOVE for her to deliver my wee man -she is so pro home birth and just so easy going and friendly. She has been doing my antenatal massage the past few months so I really feel I know her better than the rest -in fact the other two I have seen regularly are both on their hols, so more likely it will be a complete stranger if not Fiona. So come on my little man -need to go bouncing on my ball again -its not working in the slightest lmao- but makes me feel like I am doing something haha :haha::haha:

Other than wishful thinking though, not even a twinge her still :shrug::shrug:

xxx :hugs:
Hey ladies...

Well still no twinges or niggles or anything to suggest cupcake is going to make an appearance... :cry:
Suppose there is still 5 days till due date :haha:
Well the back ache is worse than ever and am now getting shootig pains from the bottom of my back all the way up to the top of my neck... god it stops me in my tracks!!!! Hips are also giving me quite alot of jip now especially during the night... and sleep deprivation is soooooo not good :haha:
They managed to get me an earlier MW appointment than what i was ment to have, so am now going to see MW on sunday (due date) and hopefully will be getting a sweep done aswell if baby has made no signs!!!! So fingers crossed :wacko:.

So how are you ladies... are we getting any signs from Lori or Donna??

Liz - hope you and Dylan are good?

Nat - how are you settling with Ruby??

God i'm so jealous... i want her out now!!!!!!!!!

Lots of love to mums, bumps, Dylan and Ruby xxx
Morning peeps!!

Well nothing at this end apart from (like you Chelsie) serious sleep deprivation!! I was up at 2am vomitting too! Not pleasant!! Feel so wrecked today, got no motivation for anything! I have friends coming round at 1ish so I need to get a wiggle on and get showered, tidy around etc!

Chelsie - I hope you get your sweep on Sunday!! My MW best do one on Friday (40+1) but I dont hold out much hope as the standard procedure is 41 weeks here!!! So not fair if they make me wait another week!!!

Donna - Happy birthday hun!!! Hope your little man makes an appearance soon!!! I wonder who will be next!!

Liz and Nat - hope you're both good and your little bundles of joy are still fantastic! Cannot wait to meet my baby now!!!!

Lots of love and hugs
This is so exciting!

I read every morning to see if anyone has gone into labour!

Sorry Donna but I have a feeling Lori will be next! LOL

Such an exciting time for you!

Thanks for worrying about me and popping to my journal - i'm doing ok actually! Onwards and upwards!

Loads of love to mums, bumps, Dylan and Ruby! x x x x x
This is so exciting!

I read every morning to see if anyone has gone into labour!

Sorry Donna but I have a feeling Lori will be next! LOL

Such an exciting time for you!

Thanks for worrying about me and popping to my journal - i'm doing ok actually! Onwards and upwards!

Loads of love to mums, bumps, Dylan and Ruby! x x x x x

Yep lol :haha:- me too Nina -Lori has definitley been having more labour looking signs that me anyways xxxx And now being sick too -GO Lori !!!! Good day to have a baby today xxx
Hi, Just popping in!!
Not long now for the next bonfire baby!!

Dylan and I are doing well, was going to go to the cinema this morning to see eclipse with Dylan as it was a special showing that allowed babies with lower sound and a bit brighter lights, but we had an awful night last night!! Dylan couldn't settle properly, woke up at 1am and then not back to sleep until 3am and then up again I think around 6 and then he wouldn't settle in the moses basket after his feed so he came into bed with me and fell asleep on my chest but he woke up like every 5 minutes with a little cry so mummy didn't get very good sleep. So by the time we woke up around 10 (after another feed at 8) I realised there was no way I'd be at the cinema for 11 and plus he is still being a bit restless.... So the sleepless nights don't stop Lori!! hehe

Hubby will be really dissapointed we didn't go to cinema as he knew I really wanted to go see the movie and this special screening was the only one this week, maybe they will do again next week and we'll be able to go. He's fast asleep on me now though, I think I fed him up and now he's passed out from being so tired... but he only likes to sleep on someone!! Bad habits already, I know I know.... o well...

Happy Birthday Donna!!

This is so exciting!

I read every morning to see if anyone has gone into labour!

Sorry Donna but I have a feeling Lori will be next! LOL

Such an exciting time for you!

Thanks for worrying about me and popping to my journal - i'm doing ok actually! Onwards and upwards!

Loads of love to mums, bumps, Dylan and Ruby! x x x x x

Yep lol :haha:- me too Nina -Lori has definitley been having more labour looking signs that me anyways xxxx And now being sick too -GO Lori !!!! Good day to have a baby today xxx

Hmmm I'm not so sure about me being next....nothing really happening today, apart from the mega tiredness! I havent got much of an appetite and have a few little BH but nothing major - AGAIN!!

Ah poor Dylan, glad he managed to get some sleep but sorry you missed the special showing of Eclipse Liz.

Nina - glad you're good chic!! And thanks for thinking Ill be next..... its good having positive vibes being sent my way! But I wouldnt put money on it hun! hehehe!!

Off to make spicy spag bol for tea....see if that helps!!

Love and hugs
Hi Ladies - my mw has just phoned to say my iron levels are still low -wth?? been on iron 3 x daily, loads of vit c and making sure I am eating loads of haem iron too -I never took the call though, it was DH and he never asked about specifics so I'll find out exactly what tomorrow. It wont impact my homebirth though but may have an effect on me wanting a sweep tomorrow. Oh Shit -I hope not -really looks like I am going for the long haul now!!! haha AAAAAaarrghhhhh -want my lil baby now haha

Oh no Donna! Do you think it may prevent the sweep being done? Ill keep my fingers crossed that your MW will still do it! Are you having a sweep at 40+1 due to SPD? Im going to ask for one on Friday.....what do you think my chances of getting one are? It seems most MW's make you wait til 41wks which I think is cruel as they're not even guaranteed to work! Hmmmmppphh!! Really hope your MW will do one today and it works so you get to meet your little man MEGA soon!!!

Nothing to report at this end. Had a really good sleep last night...only woke up twice for the toilet, so I feel good today! Still going to have a nice lazy day tho as the weather is pants - raining and foggy!!!

Hope everyone is good today and that we might have another baby by the end of the day!! Hehehe!!

Love and hugs

:cry: just back from MW - no sweep carried out as baby is sitting too high, wee sod was at least fixed at the brim last week, and is now free again -so cos of the risk of cord prolapse they'll not do it. I have an appt for Monday to have anoter looks see if he has come down any but tbh my last two never engaged until active labour so that's that by the looks of things.

I cannot believe how gutted I fell, have been sobbing since I came home :cry::cry: , DH is really disappointed too and that makes me worse cos I feel I have let him down. Baby SHOULD be here by now! :nope::nope:

Soon the phone will start ringing too- how'd it go? get your sweep? any twinges? are we having a baby today? and on and on :cry::cry: ... think I'll just unplug the phone.

Lori -is your LO engaged, cos I was told today that national guidelines are 1st baby 40w as long as baby is engaged ,there is no risk of low lying placenta and that the cervix is forwards and thus favourable (which tends to be the case if baby is engaged as the cervix sits behind baby's head).
Hope your appt is more successful ladies

xxx :cry:

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