from bonfire babies ttc to july bumps due!!

Evening girls!!

Lori I am so sorry to hear that they wouldn't even give you an internal :( if you fancy it & can find one I highly recommedna reflexologist, I really think that helped for me!

Donna sane for you my love, when is your next mwife appointment? Fingers crossed you get some baby signs very soon! I woke up at 3am on the ties, weds and thurs before going into labour on the thurs so I hope it means the same for you!

Chelsie how exciting congrats!!!! Can't wait to see pics I an stalking you on fcebook!

Liz I really hope it goes ok at the hospital I don't blame you for not feeling comfortable about it.

Well Ruby gave us 7 hours sleep last night which was heaven! She seems to be in a routine of sleep for 3 hours, feed and be awake for an hour then back down again for 3 but this morning went back down for 4! Yay! She is a little superstar and we just can't get enough of her!

I'm still shocked at how relaxed we are about moving on Monday, we both got so excited about going to see it yesterday & did so much packing today that all I hav left is the kitchen now, I just cannot wait!

Anyway got to go eat before Ruby Roo wakes at 8ish, lots of love and serious labour thoughts to Lori and Donna! Xxx
Morning ladies -
Well still here, still no twinges , no increased CM, no clear outs, no nausea/ vomitting, no cramps, no plug/ show, no waters, no period pains, NOTHING haha -think my body may be broken!!! 4 days overdue!!

Liz -how'd the hospital appt go? Everything okay I hope.

My wee nephew was seeing a neursurgeon yday as his skull bones have fused prematurely and they were considering breaking and re-setting his skull.Ouch!!!
Anyway ,good news - the neuro guy decided that his head looked okay and would develop fine and that, although they are still keeping an eye on things, they dont think he'll need surgery at all. So relieved -poor wee tike has been through enough.

Lori -anything? Woke up this morning and told DH -bet Lori had her baby yday/ last night. Then it will only be little ol' me left in here.

Liz -hope Ruby slept well for you again. Not long til the big move now -bet you are excited to get in there now.

Chelsie -hope you are home and all well with Macie, feeding and sleeping well etc. Are you b-feeding or formula? How's it all going?

Anyway -off for a nice bath (once I've checked to see if there are more July babies lol -obsessed some haha) then need to go buy more RLT -ran out last night and then another day of waiting (not so patiently). Was going to go to the higland games today but at £10 per adult and £7 per child, I am NOT risking it- to have me go into labour and waste all that money haha -plus its mainly field based -so my crutches aren't the best mode of transport.

Have a good day ladies, love to mums ,Lori- bump, Dylan, Ruby and Macie xxxxx
Hi Donna, sorry your not having very much luck with your symptoms!! he'll be here anytime now!! Try pineapple juice, I had two pints the night before Dylan was born! never know, might bring something on.

Hospital went okay, were in and out in just over an hour and then they called us to say the results that had come back were fine but we need to call back on Monday for the full results.

Well just got back from Next sale!! got loads of lil sleepsuit 3packs for £6 each! and then some other bits and bobs, was there for 5am!! its the only benefit of not getting anysleep is that getting up at 4 to go to next is a doddle!! I was already up feeding Dylan!

well off to make some lunch, take care all!! xxxx
Lol cant believe you were at Next for 5am haha -brilliant -glad you got some bargains -I had a look online but they had nothing really -and I am not in the mood for fighting my way through any crowds lol - not physically fit or mentally in a good place either tbh haha
Are you getting lots of smiles from gorgeous Dylan now? Such a sweet age he is at now!

Oh well -maybe will try some pineapple juice ,although I hve already tried fresh pineapples by the tonne too

have a good weekend

Hey all

Im still here too....had some mega pains last night and early this morning again and they have been on and off today but theyre not coming regular enough! My back is aching today!
A friend from work who was due 20/7 had her little girl this morning. Im so happy for her, but also so sad for myself....isnt that awful!!! Hoping something happens for me soon!

Donna - sending you lots of labour dust too hun!!! Hope something happens soon for us both!

Liz - glad hospital was ok. And check you out being at the sale so early! Woohoo!

Nat - think Im just gonna wait it out now hun. Decided I just have to let her come when she is ready. Thanks for recommending the reflexology tho.

Chelsie - huge congrats! Cant wait to hear your story and see pics!

I feel so down today....cried all morning and Im not usually like this. I just feel so Im letting people down. Sick of the texts and calls even tho I know people are only getting in touch cos they care! "Any signs?" "Is she here yet?" NOOOOOOOO she's bloody not!! Aarrgghhh!!

Know exactly how you feel hun - trying to put on a 'brave' face and smile when you just want to cry.

Lori- sorry to hear your feeling a bit down with all the 'pressure' to give birth. Maybe its worth tuning everyone out and turning off the technology for a bit to relax?

Sorry your and Donna are waiting so long to meet your little bundles, but I'm sure you won't have to wait much longer!!

sending you both lots of labour dust!! xxx
Hey girls,

Oh Lori and Donna I am so sorry to hear you are both so down, it totally sucks! The only thing I would say is that I was totally right that despite being together 24/7 Jody and I keep saying how much we miss each other!

So if I were you I would just cuddle up to hubby and let him console you as it should not be long until you miss that!

It is our village fete today so we took Ruby along in the pram, she was a good girl and slept the whole time, we definitely seem to have this 3 hours sleep and 1 hour awake down to a tee! Very proud of her.

Swaddling has been the way forward for us, she loves it! I am just worried what I will do come Monday when they are saying it will be 30 degrees again!

So I know my hormones are in overdrive but the thought of Jody going back to work a week on Monday terrifies me, I am loving having him around and although I will be excited to be in the new house I am nervous of the first time he closes the door and it's just me and Ruby, and again on the hormone front I am totally not coping with his Mum! She claims to only ever be coming for a '10 minute cuddle' which always ends up lasting at least 2 hours, I have stressed as much as I can to Jody without blatantly saying 'your Mum does my head in' as he is quite over sensitive about her....argh I duno what to do. Once I am on my own I think she is gona be a nightmare! At the moment she always calls him etc but when he is back at work she will be calling me. I think I am going to have to claim to be sleeping but I know how she works and she will eventually call Jody crying and say she hasn't seen Ruby and feels left out, so really I guess the point I am making is when will my hormones calm down for me to be able to tolerate her again?! I hope soon!

I think Ruby has a blocked tear duct as her eye is very weepy and dries up with goo in the poor thing, it isn't red or inflamed or anything but I am still going to take her to the doctors on Monday while Jody is busy with the move just to be sure, as I need to register her anyway.

Well little madam is stirring in her moses basket so I had better go, really, really hope something happens for you both tonight, will be keeping everything crossed for you.

Liz I am so glad you hospital visit went well and I might go and check out the Next sale on line now!

Well hello ladies.... thankyou all for the congrats!!!
I am so so happy that my baby girl is here, i couldn't believe it! I had it set in my mind that i was going to go over due!!!!

Well i woke up at 00.52 on the morning of the 16th having what i didn't realise at the time as mild cotractions... left Stu asleep untill about 3am when they started to get a little stronger but still didn't realise what was happening and he made me ring the labour ward. They told me to just sit it out and see how i get on. So i sent Stuart back to sleep, but i obviously didn't manage too :(. It got to about 5am ant the contractions were about 6 mins apart lasting about a min each. Went into hospital at about 7am when they were only 3 mins apart lasting a min/more each.

So at the hospital a MW checked me at about 7.40am and i was 4cm dilated so off i went to labour ward. At about 9.30am they checed me again and i was 6cm dilated. This went on till i was ready to push and she was born at 12.49pm.

I had gas and air, and an injetion but i cant remember wot it was (it wasnt pethadine sp?). I only realised after that i hadn't used the gas an air the whole time i was pushing!!!! Why?? haha.

After that i had to be stitched up as i had torn, then get cleaned up and go up to a ward. We were back home by 8pm.

She's absolutely fine and breast feeding well! She was 7lb 2oz wen she was born! I just love her to bits. Stu was absolutely amazing the whole labour and birth and really kept calm... it was amazing.

Well i got to fly and try to get some sleep and my stitches are killing lol.

Sending out lots of labour dust to Lori and Donna.....Sorry i jumped the que!!!!! :)

Lots of love to all mums, bumps, Dylan and Ruby love Chelsie and Macie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Just a couple of sneakys for you all xxxxxxx
Oh wow! We have all been so lucky with our labours, well done you! Those pics are gorgeous, my stitches have really calmed down the last couple of days but I lived in paracetamol that first week, good luck hun!!

She is SOOOOOOOOOO cute!! xxx
What a cutie Chelsie!! Well done!!!!!

Well girls I have lost my plug!! Woohooo! Hopefully a sign of something to come!!

Jsut wanted to share!

Chelsie -well done again hun- your birth story sounds fab and Macie is gorgeous

Nat -you are so right about the bonfire babies all having nice labours so far, I hope I am not the exception to the rule haha

Lori- woohoo -hope things progress a bit quicker for you now babe- Good Luck

Nothing here at all, STILL
Oh well xxxxx
Hey peeps!

More plug this morning, big ball of goop! Eerrgghhh! Having pains on and off....coming every 12 mins or so....fingers crossed! Although I reckon my body is good at playing tricks so who knows!!

Hope every one is well!!

Hey peeps!

More plug this morning, big ball of goop! Eerrgghhh! Having pains on and off....coming every 12 mins or so....fingers crossed! Although I reckon my body is good at playing tricks so who knows!!

Hope every one is well!!


Good Luck hun xxx :hugs: xxx
Hey peeps!

More plug this morning, big ball of goop! Eerrgghhh! Having pains on and off....coming every 12 mins or so....fingers crossed! Although I reckon my body is good at playing tricks so who knows!!

Hope every one is well!!


Ooh good luck Hun I've been thinking of you!!!xxx
Chelsie!!! Macie is gorgeous!! and what a lovely name, glad your labour went really smoothly, sounded like you were a pro at it!! well done!!! xx

Lori!! the plug!! woop woop... its getting very exciting now!! I'm so excited for you!! hoping the birth is moving along swiftly for you and you get the same labour dust that chelsie, nat, and I have had as it does sound like we're quite good at this birth malarky!!

Donna!! maybe lo is secretly staying in longer so you can enjoy being pregnant longer?? Know your not enjoying it as such with all the pain but its going to be anytime now thow!!

Nat! glad its all going well with you and Ruby! I can't imagine doing all that your doing at the moment with moving in the first couple weeks after giving birth! The pics you keep putting up on fb are gorgeous!!! how do you find the time to be so productive!! my house is a tip, can't imagine having to pack it all up too! good luck for monday!! hope you get the keys nice and early!

well just relaxing at the moment with dylan and dh so best not type too much so we can spend some time together now! xxxxx
Hey gorgeous mummys and mums-to-be!!

Hope you are all well!!

Lori - good luck- I hope this is it for you flower!!

Donna - I can imagine you are soooooo fed up! But it'll all be worth it!! He can't stay in there forever! X

Chelsie - your baby girl Macie is just beautiful!! Well done you xxx

Nat - good luck with the move flower! I've been cooing over your Ruby pics on FB!! Beautiful! I could eat her!! X

Liz, so glad to hear how well little Dylan is doing!! He sounds like a booby monster!! What a good boy he is!!

Love to you all!!!! Xxxxxxxxx
Morning ladies!!

Im still here but feeling more positive as keep having lots of pains (albeit irregular!) and losing more plug everytime I go to the toilet which I guess is a good thing. All the info says that it can still be a while for true labour to start when the plug starts to go....hoping it will be soon! Got a sweep on Friday so hopefully that will speed things up if need be!

Donna - how you doing hun? Hope youre ok! Sending you lots of labour dust!!xxx

Nat - good luck with the move hun!! Woohoo! Bet you cant wait! Ruby is so gorgeous!!! Hope she is excited for her new home! What a mental and amazing month you have baby and new home! So fab!! xxx

Nina - lovely to hear from you hun? Have you recovered from your hangover chic? Sounds like London was fab! I love hen do's! xxx

Liz - wow! Dylan is doing so well!! Bless him! He is def a booby monster! Hehe!!

Chelsie - hope you're good hun!! Big hugs to you and Macie xxx

My friend is popping round for a cuppa later with her 6 month old so I will have a bit of company then Im gonna make hubby something nice for tea as he has been so amazing this weekend! Ive been a hormonal emotional wreck and he has been fab! He's done loads of work in the garden (putting decking down) as well as looking after me while I was in my moods at different points! Took me for a walk down the coast yday with chips and ice cream! Yummy!

I hope everyone has a lovely day....and I hope Donna and me are in labour VERY soon!!

Lol me too Lori -today would be nice haha!! :haha:

TBH - I dont care now!!! :happydance::happydance:
My hubby has gone back to work today after having a weeks hols. His work had told him that they couldn't give him time off in Aug as they are too busy and kind of forced him into accepting his paternity starting from this week -He was SO sure that baby WOULD be here by now that he was nonchalent about it -I was furious :growlmad: -I wanted him to have the full 3 weeks with us (as in ALL of us , baby too) but he was adamant that this was the best way around it!!!! Anyway after a terribly low Saturday -where I cried ALL day and worried about the baby not coming ON TIME :cry::cry::cry:- and feeling like a failure for not fitting into the planned schedule etc - he sees the light haha

So he decides Sat night, that he IS going back to work today and they can just like it or lump it :happydance::happydance: -Dont know how all that went yet -haven't heard from him yet oo-er??? He is NOT going to be popular I s'pose. But you know what -they surely cannot legally enforce paterntiy leave when there is no baby yet? Stupid stupid people!!! :wacko:

So we are resigned (not happy about it and the prospect of hospital/ induction / possible c-sect etc fill me with dread :cry:) to the fact that baby Fox isn't coming until 27th July. But THEN hubby starts paternity leave!!
So, I am a happy bunny... unless DH comes home with a flea in his ear in the next hour or so then I will be mad :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad:

By then, the sun may have decided to come out again haha :haha: -and DH can appreciate the baby and get some sunshine -it poured down all last week -serves him right haha (he should never have given in to them in the first place IMO); the older kids are still off (so plenty of whole family time) and it will be fab!!!! So whether lil foxy4 decides to be a cancerian or a leo now I dont care. I am still sore with spd,still bored out my mind, and would still rather have a newborn than a bump but all the pressure is off now and it feels great!!!! :happydance::happydance: I can just wait on him coming now and stop bloody crying haha :haha:

Nat - hope all goes well with the move today hun, so exciting!!

Lori -sounding good hun -well not so much being in pain - but you know what I mean -C'mon baby - today would be good haha

Liz - thanks for the pep talk -I was so down on Saturday and it cheered me up just to know you were thinking of me; hope you and Dylan are doing well.

Chelsie -hope you nad Macie are enjoying getting to know each other, enjoy her hun, the newborn stage goes by SO fast!!

Nina -sounds like a mad weekend - I do miss those weekends haha :haha:... but NOT the hangovers. God I get the hangovers from hell , now I am older.
Hope you are feeling better today hun, take care xx

Have a fabbie day ladies, hope the sun is shining were you all are -its pouring down here AGAIN haha :haha::haha:

I have mw at 2 pm, so will get my induction date then probably. Dont think a sweep will be on the cards today, as lil guy is still sitting up high under my ribs but we'll see, and its not that long until 27th July now is it? Just another week and a day!! Going to go get some RLT, bounce on my ball and maybe crawl about on all fours for a bit haha. xxxx :hugs: xxxx

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