from bonfire babies ttc to july bumps due!!

Awww Donna. Sending you big hugs hun....hope that little man moves down by Monday!! Come on little man, get shifting!!! Head down and in position please!!
Baby was 3/5 engaged at 36 and 38 week appts, and midwife thinks she will still be there til I go into active you think 3/5ths is enough for her to consider a sweep this week? I'm not getting hopes up as she did say 41 weeks when I last saw her!

I have had very few twinges today! Not sure what my body is doing! Little lady is quite quiet too, which always worries me, but maybe she is just relaxing! Hehe!

Awww Donna. Sending you big hugs hun....hope that little man moves down by Monday!! Come on little man, get shifting!!! Head down and in position please!!
Baby was 3/5 engaged at 36 and 38 week appts, and midwife thinks she will still be there til I go into active you think 3/5ths is enough for her to consider a sweep this week? I'm not getting hopes up as she did say 41 weeks when I last saw her!

I have had very few twinges today! Not sure what my body is doing! Little lady is quite quiet too, which always worries me, but maybe she is just relaxing! Hehe!


Yep Lori I am sure it is, last week my lil guy was' fixed at brim' and when I asked about the possibility of a sweep then, my mw said that was fine along as cervix was favourable and no low lying placenta -the mw today said baby was free again and she would be to scared to risk it, espec since it was in the Gp surgery only.
Mondays appt is at the CMU so fx'd lil guy is lower down. In fact C'mon lil baby -before Monday would be even better lol :haha:

Hi girls.....I really hope things get moving for you asap! I will think 'contraction' thoughts for you! Loads of love x x x x

So sorry, I don't think I live on this planet at the moment, I feel bad for abandoning my girls!! Ruby will sleep for 3 hour intervals, and during the day she will feed, change and pretty much to back to sleep...but during the night she can stay awake for anything up to 2 hours between naps!!! I have got no idea how to switch this!

She is a lot more alert today, really looking around & studying our faces. She is just divine I could eat her! We both can't get enough of her! Tomorrow we are going to see our new house & show little Ruby Roo around, I'm so excited as we haven't been there in over a month!!

Packing is going well, almost done bar the kitchen & the shed which we are dreading!

Donna - sorry to hear about your sweep, I really hope something changes before Monday, what did you get for your birthday?

Lori- sending positive thoughts your way, come on little lady!!! Fingers crossed you vanish on us tomorrow :)

chelsie- I hope you get a good sleep and the back ache let's up you poor thing :(

Liz - so sorry I haven't text you back yet, I promise to tomorrow!

Gemma - thanks for adding me on fbook, you must be so excited! I lived 2nd tri it was such a nice time.

And finally the lovely Neen!!! You are such a star & I love to hear from you, I know I already said it but I'm loving your attitude and PMA keep going girl Ruby is sending you baby dust xxxxxx

right off to bed for me, lots of live! And any night time tips do let me know!!!xxx
Morning girls!

Officially DUE today....and nothing happening yet! Come on baby, get moving! Hehe!

Lovely to hear from you Nat, dont apologise for not being on, I can imagine you're so busy and smitten with Ruby!!! She sounds fab! Hope you enjoy visiting the new house and that she loves where she is going to live and grow up!!

I'm off to a friends for lunch today, just having a normal day, hoping something might happen at some point, but Im not convinced!! At midwife tomorrow, wonder if she will do anything....probs not as Ill only be one day over!

Hope you're all well today girls!!

Lots of love xxxxxxx
Morning Ladies

I'll start again- had this all typed up ready to send haha and the computer decided to reconfigure windows and shut down - no option to save data or any bloody thing lol

So sorry now the shortrnrd version lol
Hi Nat ,nice to hear from you. Are you all ready for the move on the 19th still?
Lori -congrats on EDD, hoping your favouarable for a sweep tomorrow and mw is accomodating -you could have your lil princess by the weekend
Liz - hope you and Dylan are well
Chelsie - any twinges hun, are we going to get one more 'early' bonfire baby; or are the threee of us left going overdue??

Nina - thanks for popping in hun, so nice to hear from you -glad you are sounding nice n positive. Hopefully this will be your month babe PMA PMA PMA - but you are right, try not and stress it too much, It WILL happen xxxxx

And nothing at all to report from me -nada, nil, zilch - baby still sittting up under my ribs lol - 2 days OVERDUE !!

Have a good day ladies xxx
Hey ladies.... another one saying that there is nothing to report... can't see little cupcake coming before her due date!! She has given me no suggestion to say that she willl haha! Back is still really playing up and really suffering from tiredness with the anaemia, as the iron tablets don't seem to be working! :wacko:

Nat: i bet you can't wait to go and see the new house again! So glad everything is going well with Ruby! :)

Liz: How are you and Dylan?

Lori: Fingers crossed for MW tomorrow... i've got a MW appointment on sunday (due date) and hoping that they will help me along also fingers crossed.

Donna: sorry to hear that your having a rough time and they wont do anything for you! When have you got to go back again??? Keeping fingers crossed you'll go naturally and bubs start's making a move soon!!!! lol.

Love to all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
well, just had hv and lo is 9lb 7oz this week!!! weight gain of 1lb 6oz in one week!! I knew he liked the booby but didn't think we'd be this successful!! well off to my 6 week appointment this afternoon with the gp. hoping I dont have to get my who ha out....

tried to dtd the other night :sex: but wasn't very successful yet. going to try again soon as it wasn't too bad but I chickened out!! however, the funny thing is I mentioned birth control and dh said not to bother, and I was like, well I could get pregnant again, and he was like okay!! hahaha... but I'm sure we'll start using birth control when dtd again!

Nat - dont worry about it!! hope bfeeding is going well and you're doing well. Hope your not getting to stressed with all the moving/packing stuff. I couldn't imagine doing that as well as looking after Dylan in the first few weeks!

well, watching and waiting for Lori, Donna, & Chelsie.... and Neen, still stalking you too, hope you have fun in London this weekend!!

Good Luck all!! xxx
Wow Liz -Dylan is a booby monster lol -good weight gain little man x

Cant believe its been almost 6 weeks since you had him - amzing how time passes so quickly on one hand and feels soooooooo sloooooooooooooooow on the other haha

Hope your postnatal check went well and re: hubby and birth control -is he thinking a bro/ or sis for Dylan already ?? Must be really enjoying fatherhood xxx
Yes Donna, Dylan is a little booby monster!!! he is starting to feed constantly in the day as we've not given him a dummy yet and I think he's using my breast for a bit of comfort.... still goes 3-4 hours in the night though.

my checkup went well, stiches all healed up have to go get a scan though at some point to check if my cyst is still hanging out on my ovary! And yeah I think dh is quite open to the idea of another one, but I'm not sure it will be that soon, but the gp told me exclusive breastfeeding (not expressing) is 98% effective method of birth control!! go figure, I was suprised!!

any more twinges at all??? at least the weather is calmed down and is quite a bit cooler today!! well dh just made me some tea so I'm off xxxx
any more twinges at all??? xxxx

Nope haha -little guy is happy where he is I think haha:haha:

Although have been getting increased pelvis pain tday and shooting pain in my thighs - so either he is moving down slightly -yay for sweep on Mon; or more likely I have overdone it on my birth ball - bounce bounce bounce bounce haha

I exclusively b-fed each of my kids and unfortunately for me would have been one of the 2% as my periods regulated like clockwork and therefore I was as fertile as ever -but if I were NTNP then I'd go for it lol -although this IS my last lol :haha:- would have loved two close together but after my spd experience this time, not a good idea lol xxx
donna, who knows when lo#2 will come along! watch this space!

so gp just called and we have to go into hospital tomorrow for D to get blood tests done as gp called the hospital dr to discuss his yellowish colour and so off to hospital again!! not looking forward to going back for tests, didn't realise how traumatised I was by our whole hospital ordeal until the prospect of going back for more tests arose!!:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: poor dh didn't know what to do with me! I think I feel better now, It was initially the prospect of going to hospital on my own that was quite distressing, but I changed the appointment time and now dh going too. Its also distressing we'll prob be seeing some of the same drs that dealt with Dylan originally and I think one of them is prob in trouble for discharging us the first time as his weight was so low so we'll see what dr we see tomorrow that takes the bloods! so glad dh coming too!

wishing for an eventful night for you Donna, Chelsi, & Lori! xx
Hey ladies, just a quick one from me.... was in hospital earlier... nothing to worry about and no still no baby! haha....
I had a leak last night which was quite alot and another one this morning and had been feeling very wet all day so rung the community MW and they put me through to Triage... Triage asked me to go in and get checked out just incase it was my waters leaking.... was there for over 2 1/2 hours grrrrr... but no it wasn't my waters and they didn't say much else about bubs apart from she has a very strong heartbeat which is all good.
Got a feeling this little madam is in there for the long haul!!!! :(
Liz -hope everthting goes okay tomorrow, and glad your DH is able to go with you
xx be thinking of you then xxx

Chelsie- glad all is well hun, sorry it wasn't your waters - wont be long now though.. for any of us I am sure xx

Morning ladies!!

Im still here!!

Liz - hope all is well with Dylan at hospital today. Im sure it will be :hugs: Glad hubby is going with you.

Chelsie - ah gutted for you it wasnt your waters!! Did they do an internal to check for dilation or anything? Hope it happens soon hun!!

Donna - any twinges??

Nat - hope you enjoyed visiting the house yday!!

Well, not much going on here! Had a lot of strong pains last night and early this morning then they went away! They are coming and going now but not as strong! Think they are probs just BH!

At midwife at 10.30....praying she might do a little sweep....going to beg if need be! Haha!! My brother is taking me so his face will be a picture if she does one and anything happens on the way home! Haha!! Bless him! Wishful thinking that tho! Ha!

Hope everyone has a lovely Friday!! Come on you babies!!!

Good Luck for tday Lori -tell her you are NOT leaving til she does it haha -seems to be the norm everywhere else btw - it's in the NICE guidelines -first time mums should be offered 1st sweep at 40weeks unless low lying placenta, baby too high in pelvis or cervix not favourable- i.e closed and posterior (but she'll not know this without examining you ).

I cannot believe I am going to spend another w/end without having had my baby boohoo- sore pelvis today as well -so just feeling miserable and fedup. I really overdone it yday (trying to help things along) and it obviously never done anything -bloody waste of time and effort and now I am bloody sore too. Sorry to moan, p*ssed off tday.
And I awoke at 3am and wa sup for hours as I was so sore and then jsut couldn't sleep, so am tired zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz now haha. Maybe a few hours back in my kip will help my mood lmao.

Liz I am sure all wil be well today hun, thinking of you xx
Nat Hope your lil princess slept better for you both last night xx
Chelsie -anything hun? xx

Have a good day ladies, love to mums, bumps, Dylan and Ruby xxx
Well, nothing to report! She wouldnt do the sweep or even an internal!!! Im so gutted!

Booked in for sweep next Friday as no bloody appointments on the Thurs so Ill be 41+1 which Im not happy about either!! Also booked induction for 29th July....seems AGES away!

So I am not a happy lady, feel p*ssed off, in pain with BH and just want to meet my baby!!

Sorry for ranting girls!! Aaarrgghhhh!!!

Well, nothing to report! She wouldnt do the sweep or even an internal!!! Im so gutted!

Booked in for sweep next Friday as no bloody appointments on the Thurs so Ill be 41+1 which Im not happy about either!! Also booked induction for 29th July....seems AGES away!

So I am not a happy lady, feel p*ssed off, in pain with BH and just want to meet my baby!!

Sorry for ranting girls!! Aaarrgghhhh!!!


I feel your pain hun -OMG 29th July!!! Aarrghhhhh, please hurry up babies!!!

I will honestly break down if they make me go the full 14 days over before induction -would be 27 th July for me NO!!!!! :cry::cry::cry:

Good news about the BH though hun (as painful as they are - sorry!) as least it means your body must be gearing up for labour - I AM HAVING NOTHING !!And a sweep on the 23rd too- so hopefully (if you have not gone before)then that will work for you xxxx

Cant believe it, really thought he'd be here by now!! :growlmad::growlmad:

Take care and PMA PMA These babies cannot stay in there forever lol !!!!

I must admit I am worried about his size now though ,dont wont to give birth to a baby the size of a toddler -all my tiny baby stuff is NOT going to fit!!!!!

Congrats to Chelsie -had her lil girl this morning I see from Fb - many congrats hun and Macie is a lovely name. Good weight too. Is it bad that I am getting more than a tad jealous lol?????

Bet mine will be last and a 10lber haha- all my wee gorgeous tiny clothes I have bought will be wasted -oh well there's always EBay!!!

Looking forward to the birth story and pics hun xxxx

Just me and you now Lori to pop- can't be long now xxx

Lotta love to mums, Lori-bump, Dylan, Ruby and Macie xxxx
aww congrats chelsie!! hope everything went well, can't wait to hear about it!! :) xxx

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