from bonfire babies ttc to july bumps due!!

come on baby fox & baby b!!! get a move on!! we're all waiting to hear about you!! Glad I could share some encouraging words with you Donna!! Thats what this is all about isn't it? supporting each other!! :) He'll be here soon! 27th is just around the corner, just over a week!

lovely weather here, was supposed to go on a sponsored walk this morning for the SCBU but didn't make it as he kept wanting to feed!!! so we didn't get to go in the end but I didn't raise any money as only decided last week that I was going to go and I hate asking people for money so I'm just going to sponsor a friend that went. O well what can I do, some things we're not going to make it to.

on the plus side, take 2 on trying to go to the cinema!! eclipse is showing tomorrow again with a newbie session so going to try to make it to that!! I will be gutted if we miss it again!!

well the sun is out and we've got a date with the loungechair!!xxxxx
Oh lucky you -sunshine? what's that haha

It is torrential here, and forecast that way for all week too -with the occassional gale and thunderstorm haha -maybe clear up after the thunder I s'pose. I hope!!!!!

xxx Enjoy xxx
Hey ladies just a really quick stop off to say i'm sending lots and lots of labour dust to Donna and Lori..... Come on babies we want to see and hear about you!!! :flower:

Lori... sounds hopeful!!! :)

Hope everyone is well....
Breastfeeding is going really well and midwifes are happy :happydance:

Lots of love to all mums, bumps, Dylan and Ruby. xxxxxxxxxxx

Yay - had my sweep , really thought lil guy was still gonna be too high, but he was fixed at the brim and 2 - 3cm dilated (normal for mutipara) and waters bulging -all good signs seemingly haha - so come on baby lol

DH has texted me so many times haha -when will we know ??? lol

Prob wont work but at least cevix was favourable and baby wa slow enough -lost some plug on examination too so yay for losing plug -aren't we all mental haha? losing bodily fluid and gunk and we are happy haha. Midwife made me give her strict directions to my house too, she wasn't even going to bother booking my induction as she is sure I am going to go soon -ish. I made her make induction anyways lol -need that date to focus on at least. So induction booked for 27th July at 08:30 am -not for pitocin or anyhthin to augment labour just straight into labour suite and get waters broken as she said I dont need anything else -waters bulging just now and technically could have them broken now haha.

So exciting stuff -nothing happening yet though but at least there is some hope!!!!

Wow - sounds promising Donna! Really hope your boy comes tomorrow x x x x
Cant believe I am now a full week overdue haha -really expected with it being baby number 4 that things would happen much more quickly haha. Spoke to my mw yday ,and she reckons that its totally normal for para4 's(i.e ME!!) to go over due -she says the tone of the uterus is not as able to to start things off -(why the hell have I been drinking RLT like its going out of fashion ??haha) but once things get going , it tends to be quick. Here's hoping!!!!

DH says last night, worse case scenario : baby gets induced 27th -2 day labour :shock::shock: (thanks lovely hubby ) and then born on 29th haha, so end of next week :shock::shock: He is still really expecting something tday though I think- cos of my sweep yday ,but tbh -I feel no different at all haha :haha::haha:

So my dad came back his hols last night and my remaining 1 sis that is on hols is delighted cos she thought she was going to miss ALL the really newborn stage and she is now due back in only 10 days. Just a little too considerate baby boy :haha:, aunts uncles and papas can see you any time haha

Hoping Lori has had her lil princess by now -notice she's been AWOL from here and Fbook (although Fbook is hard in the last few days lol -everyone questioning all the time)

Have a fabbie day with your gorgeous little bundles ladies, sure I will be join gyou all sooner than later. Love to mums, Lori bump ,Dylan, Ruby and Macie xx :hugs: xx
Is it only me left now??? Has Lori popped haha?

MMmmmmmmmmm - I wonder!!

I wonder too.... :)

I made it to cinema today but left after 1 1/2 hours as Dylan was hungry and the movie was a bit slow, so fed/changed him in the handicap toilet and decided my car park money was better spent hitting the shops so didn't go back into the movie!!

Off to get some tea for hubby and I now, hoping to hear from Lori soon!!

Hang in there Donna!!

How is Macie and Ruby doing??
Just checking in lol -still here 41w +1d OMG!!! Baby is jsut toooooo comfy in there lol and nearly 48 hrs since my sweep, s odoesn't look like its worked. Hey ho!! there's always Friday for attempt two.

Hope everyone is having a good day, hope you had a nice retail therapy day yday Liz -buy anything nice??? Are you back in your regular clothes yet?? I am desperate to get buying some non preggie clothes but its going to take me months to get back to a size 8 and dont know what size to get in between lol; and there are great sales on too- what a bummer. I'll end up living in my maternity clothes still for the next few months haha. I did go up from maternity 8, to maternity 10 to maternity 12 lol so I can work my way back down again hopefully haha

How's the new house Nat -settling in okay I hope!
Glad the breastfeeding is going well Chelsie - thats ALL booby monsters so far -well done ladies. xxx
Lori -yoohoo!! Are you okay hun???? I know its the most annoying question ever but I gotta ask lol????? Have you popped yet????? Been AWOL a while so fx'd for you hun.
Nina - nice to hear from you hun, hope this will be your month for a sticky BFP xxx

So last night I had regular BH, lower back ache and lost more plug yday -still nothing to write home about really but at least got me excited enough to think that I MAY go before Tues and still get my home birth. Poor DH was watching me like a hawk and saying will I fill the pool, put the mw's biccies in the fridge lol -I never let him do anything as I wasn't convinced, and I was right -nada overnight lol but hey there's still a few days.

Love to mums and babies -am sure Lori must have had her little one by now lol -only my lazy bump left xxx
Okay just been on Fbook and yay!!! Lori IS in labour -no baby that I saw as yet but posted an hour ago from someone saying she IS definitley in labour -Hope it s not long hun -you've had hard week with painful BH etc so come on baby Bennett -get out!!!!

Good Luck babe -let us know when you can xxxx

I am SO sorry, Lori sent me a facebook message last night to ask me to update here but we had such a bad night, only 3 hours sleep so I never did, I am rubbish I am sorry!

Her waters broke at 11pm and she had to go back in this morning if nothing had happened, she said to update here and she would try and get back on if she could but hopefully she hasn't been able too cos she went in!

Ooh and she said not to post anything on facebook, so hopefully she won't mind that someone has!!

House move is going well, pretty much unpacked, promise to update properly tomorrow! xxx
Thanks Nat xx - hope you get to catch up on some zzzzzzzzzzzz's today xx

What a shame that someone posted about her being in labour though, if she didn't want ppl knowing -some ppl !!!!! :growlmad::growlmad:

I know I wouldn't want it on Fbook either, oh well- only thing that matters is that her and baby B are doing okay I s'pose but i'd still be annoyed.

And if /when I get induced then everyone will know I am in too haha -so I may not have a choice there. If I go into labour spontaneously before then, and get my home birth then I'll hopefully be updating on here (or getting DH to do so) but wont put it on Fbook until it's all over and done and all family have been informed of new arrival.

So officially, I am last boohoo :cry:

Little lazy man of mine lol :haha::haha::haha:

Please come out xxx :hugs: xxx
Hello ladies!

Dad is having a cuddle & my mum has gone to Tesco for us so I'm sitting in the sun, I'm sure I should be sleeping but I don't want to ruin tonight!

Well it's been a really hard few days, as hubby has been stressing to get the house done and unpacked so he's been quite moody & sleep deprived, so I've been trying to not disturb him at all at night if I can which is really stupid cos I then feel awful all day, but he is back to work on Monday so need to vet used to it!

With moving me expressing went out the window and my milk dried up :( really gutted as I wa glad she wa getting about 5oz of breast milk a day but oh well, she got it for nearly 2 weeks so it's not too bad and it means Jody can help more which he likes.

Ruby had got into the habit of sleeping for 3 hours and being up for one during the day but in the night up for 2 or 3!! The midwives came yesterday & said she has swapped night for day so today we have made a bog effort to keep her awake more in the day so I have everything crossed for a better night tonight.

Lori- so sorry I was rubbish at updating! And I really hope all is going well for you! My friend was induced on Monday, 4 days early due to a large baby, she had a little boy this morning at 8lb 11!! I can't believe how much bigger he will be than Ruby and she is 2 weeks old tomorrow!

Donna- I am so, so sorry hunny! I know that's not what you want to hear but I never would have thought you'd be last, I hope as I type this you're starting something!

Liz- so sorry I haven't text or been in touch life has been mental! I really hope Dylan is still doing well, our Internet is connected next week & then I'll set us up a group over in the babies section as I can't from my phone, it seems so weird posting over there but the ladies have been really helpful.

Chelsie- hope little one is doing well, can't wait for more pics! Hope you've been getting more sleep than Ruby an I!

Right ladies got to go, lots of love to all and sending all my PMA tour way Donna!xxxx
Hiya ladies,

Donna, I'm sorry he is taking his time - I bet you are soooo fed up! I hope he starts coming as soon as possible! I may have to come and give him a talking to, to hurry him up!! lol

Lori - Hope everything is going well and you have your little treasure screming in your arms right now!! Loves xx

Nat, don't be worried/gutted about the milk situation - it can't be helped, so don't beat youself up about it - you've had a really stressful couple of weeks! Its lvely that hubby can get more involved now too! Good luck with the sleeping situation! Just seen on FB you've had your first vino since Nov! Hope you enjoyed it babe x x x

Liz, how is Dylan doing? Is he changing everyday? He's so precious - I saw your most recent pics and I love him! Such a handsome boy! xxx

MM - how is Macie getting on? Are you geting to sleep or is she keeping you awake all night?

LOVE TO YOU ALL x x x x x
Thanks Nat and Nina - It really is an emotional rollercoaster lol -I have moments of ' oh well -I'll just enjoy feeling him inside, wriggling and hiccuping and feeling for his little feet sticking out the sides etc' and knowing that he'll be here by this time next week and it doesn't really matter inthe slightest as long sa he is healthy; and then out of the blue I am all tearful and wailing and thinking I am broken and that I have done something to stop him coming, maybe he's never coming, maybe I am going to need induced or even c-setioned sob sob...

Had a few teary moments earlier but feeling better now lol.

I have another sweep to get on Fri, so one last attempt before my planned induction on Tues. Still hope!!! Still nothing happening though either haha.

Nat - sorry to hear about the breast feeding , but as long as baby Ruby is happy and you are too then that's all that matters hun. Hope you get Ruby's night /day pattern sorted out -its' really hard when baby thinks she should be up during the night - you must be really tired - try and rest when Ruby sleeps xx

Hope Lori is doing okay -looking forward to hearing her birth story and see pics of her little princess. Love to mums and babies - from me and my bump xxx
Congrats to Lori -see she had her little princess jsut after midnight yay

Many congrats hun -hope you are getting a well deserved rest now !!!! Well done mummy

No name as yet, but weighed 7 lb 10 oz

Just me now -c'mon lil one!!!

I have phoned the CMU and made an appt for a sweep for today -was told to ring on Fri if nothing but I thought if I get one in tday, then I can possibly get another sneaky one on Sunday if still nothing haha - really dont want induced and its kind of looking that way!!! No real twinges of any sort yet!! And induction booked for Tuesday. My lovely little birthing pool is sitting here, jsut waiting to be filled and used too

Hope all you ladies and babies are well take care xxx
Yay!! congrats Lori!! Can't wait to hear what name you decided on, really happy for you!

Donna great news about your sweep, I really hope it works tonight for you, that would be fab!!

Nina, thanks for your positivity, really kind of you, she is def doing ok on formula bless her, she is a milk monster!!

Gota run xxxxx
Sweep couldn't be carried out lol - as two different mw's couldn't FIND my cervix lol - baby is 3/ 5 th engaged though so at least he is in the right region now haha.

Strange strange strange - so booked in for another attempt at sweep on Saturday at 2 pm - last ditch attempt before induction date.

Oh well!! xxxx

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