From Spotters TTC thread to BFP! Success at last!

I tried the cotton nursing pads but I just soak right through them. The leaking has gotten better, but I need the disposables. I buy the lansinoh brand and in the first month I changed the pads multiple times a day, but now I usually change once a day. If you'e like me, buy a case :) they are cheaper like that on amazon (4 boxes, 60 pads/box $25 vs $12/ box if bought by the single box.)
wanted to add that the cotton ones would probably be fine now that i've been at this for about 3 months. In the beginning the leaking was really bad. Sometimes if i see someone's ultrasound pic on facebook, or hear a baby cry on tv, my boobs leak. At first i thought it was hilarious, now its just annoying. And at night, as i'm getting used to gabby sleeping longer, my boobs get really hard and sore, and will leak depending on how i sleep. And I can't feed from one side without also feeling the letdown on the other side. Maybe you'll be lucky like daydream, MrsP, and be able to use the washables.

I do plan to BF for a year, as much as it sucks pumping at work. There is really something totally awesome about giving my baby 100% of her nutrition. What do you girls plan to do?

Sorry if i seemed harsh earlier about the naps. Maybe you will be someone who can nap easily when baby does. I was just never able to, as much as i wanted/tried to. Gabby has woken up at 3:30 the past 2's hoping tonight is different!
Agree, I think it also depends on the type of cotton ones. I have thick organic ones (and like my cloth diapers, I can tell the organic is more absorbant. Have both on hand, you never know what will work for you. I have a stash of disposable ones that I plan on keeping at work when I go back.. you know.. just in case. For me, my letdown comes when I think of the fact that I need to feed him soon. If I'm driving I can feel it, but it doesn't really spray until he's actually on the breast. If he pulls off once on, woah it sprays everywhere. Good thing our rocker is leather.. otherwise it would be soaked!

And I plan on a year as well. We've made it through the hard part by now! No sense in stopping early.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you tonight. I'm sure the middle of the night feeds are much harder now that you're back at work.
I'm hoping to BF for a year if I can! At least 6 months hopefully. Obviously I'll have to pump at work after the first 3 months, but I hope I can stick with it. Good to know there are other working moms on here trying to do the same. Hopefully we'll actually be BFing at the same time eventually, even though I'm so far behind :) I just started reading the book I bought about BFing last night, actually. I know it's a little premature, but I'm trying to prepare myself as much as possible.
wanted to add that the cotton ones would probably be fine now that i've been at this for about 3 months. In the beginning the leaking was really bad. Sometimes if i see someone's ultrasound pic on facebook, or hear a baby cry on tv, my boobs leak. At first i thought it was hilarious, now its just annoying. And at night, as i'm getting used to gabby sleeping longer, my boobs get really hard and sore, and will leak depending on how i sleep. And I can't feed from one side without also feeling the letdown on the other side. Maybe you'll be lucky like daydream, MrsP, and be able to use the washables.

I do plan to BF for a year, as much as it sucks pumping at work. There is really something totally awesome about giving my baby 100% of her nutrition. What do you girls plan to do?

Sorry if i seemed harsh earlier about the naps. Maybe you will be someone who can nap easily when baby does. I was just never able to, as much as i wanted/tried to. Gabby has woken up at 3:30 the past 2's hoping tonight is different!

:rofl: wow that is so weird that your bbs leak at things like that. Mother Nature is really fascinating!

You weren't harsh at all Hun, I can imagine how hard it is bless you. Hope she sleeps a bit better soon!

Wow ladies I admire you bf'ing for a year. I'm sorry to say I'm not planning on doing it very long, prob 4 months at the most. It's not really something I want to do, more something I think I should at least try to do. We'll see how it goes though.

How's Nell and Layla?

Mrsp - just take it a month at a time, but really after the first six weeks it's so easy and comforting. They also get very quick at it. H will feed for only five minutes most feedings, sometimes before he sleeps he'll go for 15-20 but I think it's just to lull him to sleep.

Cat - yes I'll be pumping at work once I go back when he's four months. I've been pumping at home once a day since he was four weeks and I'm already ending up with a freezer stockpile. It's great you're already reading up! I listened to a podcast while pregnant called Pregtastic. It helped me feel SO informed. Also the website is the best resource on breast feeding.
Wow only 5 minute feeds? That's great, I've heard of some going hours! Yes I'll see how things go, the main thing I want to make sure i do is express & get it used to the bottle so dh can help with feeds & I can leave it x
How are you feeling mrsP? You're already more pregnant than me or Katie were! I keep waiting to see you announce the birth!

Gabby started daycare today! I called to check in, and DH went to visit, and so far she seems content. She was sleeping in a swing when DH went to visit, and had just woken from a nap when I called. But I could hear multiple babies crying in the background. Made me feel so guilty... Gabby has slept better the past few nights. Last night she went to bed at 830 and didn't wake up until 5 this morning! I would love every day to be like that :) even better would be to sleep until 6:thumbup:
Glad daycare went well and YAY gabby for sleeping so well.

We've seemed to fall into a routine with H. I follow his lead for sleeping but he usually does catnaps during the day but takes one or two longer naps. Then at night he goes down for his long sleep between 10-11. That one has ranged from 5-7.5 hours. After that he'll do a few 2-3 hour sleeps until we're up for the day. It's been nice being able to deal with his slightly fussy period at night knowing good sleep will come soon. Usually if he's crying I just feed feed feed him because I think he's trying to tank up for that long sleep.

We have our second round of vax on Thursday. He did great last time so I hope it's the same this time. I'm really just curious of how much he weighs now. He's getting close to being out of 0-3 clothes, but I think part of that is because his booty is so fluffy with the cloth diapers :haha:
Good luck to Harrison with his vaccines! When was round 1? Are you on an alternate vaccine schedule? Keep us posted on his weight! Its great if he has lasted in 0-3 months this long IMO. Gabby has actually outgrown some of her 6 months clothes, although others are still quite large on her. Would be nice if there was some consistency in sizing!

I too try to fill gabby up as much as possible in the evenings. If she falls asleep with less than 5 minutes at the boob, I know i'm going to be waking up earlier than I would like, but if I can manage a good 10 min on one, or better yet, both, I know we should be good until at least 5.
His first round was at 6 weeks. And next rounds 2-3 have at least four week spacing between them. It's a slightly accelerated schedule our dr offers to get the whopping cough vax in quickly due to the recent outbreaks. We opted for that just to be on the safe side.

And YES sizing is so varied. I put everything by size in his dresser and realized that some of the 6 month stuff I would have completely missed because it fits right now.
Hi ladies :wave: I'm feeling great thanks :thumbup: Ooh chloe that's scary that I'm already passed yours & katies dates! :wacko: I STILL haven't packed the hospital bag :rofl: BUT I've started washing the baby clothes... I was at the mw today, bump has finally caught up am 37cm though still compact, she said baby hasnt got a lot of room in there! Still engaged 2/5 so no change from last time but apparently they wouldn't expect any more yet. Going baby shopping with my mum tomorrow for last minute bits & bobs :)

Chloe I'm so pleased day care went well! And she sounds like a great sleeper. Did I read that right though she's almost out if 3-6 month clothes at 2 month old?!! :saywhat:

Daydream GL with Harrison's jabs. It sounds like he's sleeping pretty well at night! :D

Sizing varies so much! My friend whose son is now almost 2 months but was born 3 weeks early, so is relatively small for 2 months, is starting to fit into some of the smaller 3-6 months stuff too. I know my niece and nephew, who were both always large (my brother-in-law is 6'4), fit into some 3-6 months clothes right away. I'm coming to realize the labels don't mean too much.

Everyone seems to be doing really well with feeding, sleeping, adjusting to a new life. It's really great to hear positive stories!

Nothing new to report here really. I had bloodwork done at my regular annual check-up with my primary care doc and my platelet count was slightly low. Apparently it happens in some pregnancies, but they did the test again last week to be sure it wasn't getting worse. I haven't heard anything, so I'm thinking no news is good news.

We visited the daycare we will probably be using this morning. It seemed nice, the children all looked happy. A lot of people in the neighborhood use that daycare and we've heard only good things. They will also do cloth diapers, which is a huge plus! It's expensive, but seems well worth it.

People are noticing I'm pregnant already. It seems to me like I'm big for how far along I am, but my midwife said I'm measuring on target. I can't wait to feel something in there!
Wow, cat, good work with finding daycare early! If i would have gone when I was 16 weeks, I may have gotten the one i wanted. I have a friend in MD, Bethesda, and he said the daycare where he works has a 1500 person waiting list!! which i guess amounts to 2 years, and you have to sign up pretty much as soon as you get a due date. I couldn't believe that!

Gabby will be 3 months on Thursday, and yes, she is definitely too big for a couple of her 6 month outfits! she is 15 lbs already! I know some babies who are 8 months and only 15 lbs. My little chubster :) Totally in love with all of her rolls of baby fat :cloud9:

Daydream, that is nice that you can get the whooping cough vaccine in early. It is scary that it has become a threat again.

Major props to those who use cloth diapers! I wanted to, but I just couldn't imagine having the time to put them together every day. And Gabby literally has poop in her diaper at EVERY SINGLE DIAPER CHANGE! So i feel like I would go through many more cloth diapers than I would like. I try to buy the ones that are chlorine free at least, although I have to admit I really like the pampers. But I'm trying to switch over to the chlorine free ones.

MrsP, you better get packin!! That baby is gonna pop out any day now :) Any thoughts on what you are having? I'm thinking girl. Is your nursery all set up? How are you feeling?

Cat, you're probably done with any morning sickness now, right? I can't recall, did you have it bad? Hope the bloodwork is ok! I dont think I got that test. Was it one that would not normally be done to pregnant women?

Katie, how is everything going with your LO?

Nell, hope all is well with you!
Luckily the waiting list for this place isn't that long! I think it's about 8 months. Two years is insane! We plan are starting with daycare in a little less than a year. A year ago, we were still 6 months away from TTC! Bethesda is generally crazy though, so I'm not really surprised.

I'm glad you're in love with Gabby's fat rolls, Chloe. I was apparently an really fat baby, and my mom's doctor told her that she should think about putting me on a diet at some point. Fortunately, my mom said thanks, but no thanks. I lost the fat rolls soon after I started walking!

We are probably going to do cloth diapers with a cleaning service, which makes it a bit easier. And I imagine in the beginning we may need to supplement with disposables if we go over our weekly allotment.

I had some morning sickness, but really not bad at all. The main thing was that my appetite was way out of control, but that calmed down around 12 weeks.

My bloodwork results came yesterday. It was fine (my platelet count went up, though it was still on the low side), so she just sent the results in the mail instead of calling. She still wants me to come back in a month to test again. My primary care doc does a routine blood test annually for everyone, so it wasn't something that she did specifically because I'm pregnant. Honestly, I wish I hadn't had the blood test, because I really don't think there's anything wrong with me. So it's just a hassle to have to go to the doctor's office repeatedly. I thought about not going back at all to have it retested, and now she wants me to come back again!

Can't wait to read MrsP's birth post!
You guys are making me nervous....better start looking into daycare now. I'll wait until my scan tomorrow of course, to make sure everything is ok.

We haven't really decided what we will do for daycare. My husband doesn't really want to do daycare. He seems to think that we can just switch our schedules around so there will always be one of us available. He's crazy and doesn't really understand what goes into taking care of a baby yet. He works from home so he does have that flexibility and I'm in outside sales so I make my own hours, they still have to be somewhat normal though. I sell wine so I can't go making calls in the evening. Nor would I want to. I'm hoping I can cut back to three days a week. My mother has recently moved back (her and her husband are living with us until they sell their house...we are ready for them to go!). Depending on what kind of job she gets she can watch the baby a couple days a week. I like the idea of daycare though. I want the socialization.
I know Chloe I really need to get things sorted! Bought last minute baby things with my mum today so that was nice, it's the only time we've been shopping for baby together. I'm kinda thinking girl too, but think its cos everyone is saying its a girl with my bump so compact lol. I'll have to upload another bump pic soon. The nursery was done but is a mess at the minute as the whole house is upside down with the extension. Hopefully get it sorted this week. Only thing we need is the nursing chair & a big tree/owl wall sticker but we're waiting for the sex before we order that so I can get some blue or pink in there... I'm feeling fine thanks, pretty fit for 38 weeks! I went walking with my preggo friend & our dogs this morning & was out an hour & a half :)

Wow cat you're very organised! We're not sure what we're doing about nursery yet, but sbmack I agree I think it's good for them, ideally we would like one day a week, but most nurseries over here will only do a minimum of 2 half days so we'll see.

Everything is great! Baby is measuring perfect. Saw a heartbeat!!

I told the midwife I saw today that I didn't want to see the one who told me I was probably miscarrying. She thought I should give her another try and showed me the report on the last US. It wasn't good and said not a viable pregnancy. I guess she didn't want to give me false hope. I'm still not sure why they thought that when I was only 5 weeks. I thought it was pretty common not to see a fetal pole that early. Oh well, none of that matters now.

I hope everyone has as great a day as I am today!

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