From Spotters TTC thread to BFP! Success at last!

Yum, I dont see why a TVS would be best for baby, and I can't imagine they would not do one if they thought it was best. I wouldn't want one either unless it was absolutely necessary! its not standard for normal pregnancies to have one at this gestation, so I wouldn't worry.

Daydream, sorry you had such a rough week! I don't blame you for looking for a new daycare. They have no right to complain about that. Seems like laziness on their part. or else they have a bad caregiver:baby ratio. Do you know what that is? My daycare is 1:6, which I am not a fan of, but its in a good area and its a well known daycare around here, so I'm hoping its ok. It probably helps that I don't ever go to daycare (DH drops and picks up) so I can't be too picky about what I can't see!

We went to the Neurologist and I'm happy to report that Gabby has a perfectly moldable head and the Dr was not concerned with any premature skull fusing. She said if that was happening I would notice lots of vomiting, favoring one side of the body, baby not being able to look up, extreme fussiness. She did say she appeared to be developing a slight flattening of one side of her head, but did not think it necessary to wear a helmet, just to try to get her to look to her left more often. I'm to follow up in 2 months if I have any concerns, otherwise I can just enjoy my happy healthy baby! Yay!!
Chloe - yay for a healthy baby!!

I haven't told my friends yet, going walking with my closest on Saturday so will ask if they know and just don't care? And ratio is 1:4 for the infant area but owner just started a preschool area a few months ago and I think this is proof she's overextending herself
Hi ladies, I haven't been posting for a while cause I had some health issues and a lot of company staying with us and helping. I will have to catch up on posts. Would love to see some more pictures of your little ones. Hope pregnant ladies are feeling well.
chlo- thanks 4r the info..they dint say anythin else, just that i'll b gettin a tvs & wen i askd , she said i can get abdo as i dont need to b measured..its my dh that thought i should have said whatever is good bcuz he's worried they wudnt do whatever is necessary just bcuz i refused..wen i get there, i'll talk to them first & tell them to do watever is necessary !

gud to know abt gabby :) must b such a relief..i dunno abt day care but is 1:6 a normal ratio..isn't it high ?

katie- gud to see u ! hope its nothin too bad..get better soon & hope to c more of u !
Chloe - so glad to hear that Gabby is doing fine :) That ratio does seem pretty high. In Maryland, you have to maintain a 1:3 ratio and group sizes no larger than 6 as a licensing requirement, which is what is recommended. I know Maryland is ahead of the curve as compared to other states though.

Katie - sorry to hear you've been having some issues. I hope you're doing OK!
Cat - those ratios seem much more manageable! I'm specifically looking now for in home daycares that stay at the low end of the ratios. It's just way too chaotic with what California says are "large family home daycares", infant ratios are still 1:4, but max kids total can be 14. It's a madhouse.

Katie - So sorry to hear about your health issues. I work from home today so I will try to get on our home computer and post some more of H to my journal.

I will share my favorite ones I've taken recently :)



him goofing around with my water bottle

And did I post this one of him rolling already?
yeah, 1:6 is high, but thats how most of them around me are. Ohio has a pretty high limit, I think it can go up to 1:8 for infants, but i'm not positive. Unfortunately I don't have many good options around. The daycare i wanted is still booked, and its looking like we wont ever get in, and even if we do, DH said its too inconvenient for him. Its so hard to work around mine and DH's schedules, we just kinda make this one work. I don't work in the best neighborhood so i dont trust daycares near my work, and we live in an area surrounded by very rich people who can probably afford to just not work or hire a nanny, and I don't quite fall into that category either. So not many good options, unfortunately.

How is everything going with your LO, katie?? Would love to see an updated pic! I hope your health is improving!

This is Gabby last week.


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Chloe that is marvellous news!!!!! :wohoo: Gabby is beautiful!

Hi Katie, hope you’re ok hun :hugs:

Daydream sorry you’re having bother with your daycare. I’m sure in the UK its currently 1:3 under 1 but I might be wrong. I know they were looking to increase it though.. Your pics of Harrison are gorgeous, what a cutie!

Yum I hope your scan went well!

Eventually my birth story!! :coffee:

So on my due date 13/03/13 DH and I went out for a meal with his family to celebrate his brother and girlfriend’s unexpected pregnancy, and also the imminent arrival of Baby P. DH had a drink that night and I drove us, getting into the car I had a couple of twinges but nothing to think labour was starting. I woke up during the night with AF type dull cramps and at 4.30am on 14/03/13 went to the loo and as I wiped some “stuff” fell out of me! It was just a trickle and was more watery than CM or what I expected a show to be, but not quite water IYKWIM, and it had a pinky tinge to it. I rang the hospital and she told me to put on a pad which I’d already done and call back after an hour with an update of what was on the pad. I had nothing more after that, rang the hospital back who said it sounded like a show rather than my water. They told me what my contractions needed to be in order to call them again, but if I bled or my waters went to call them back. So I got on with my day as best as I could, I sent DH off to work as he had to sort out his workload so he could start paternity as soon as, and my mam came round about 10:30am. I wasn’t sure what contractions really felt like and was getting twinges all morning, then just before my mam came I decided I was getting them, they weren’t just cramps - yikes things were happening! My mam did some ironing for me whilst I closed up my hospital bag, packed DH’s bag and sorted the car seat and nursery, no rest for the wicked! :winkwink: I downloaded an app on the ipad to time my contractions, they were all over the place, sometimes 3 minutes apart, sometimes 15 and they subsided and were less painful (thought TBH they were hardly that painful compared to the “real” contractions hours later!) when I bounced on my gym ball :thumbup:. I remember sitting down with my mam at lunchtime eating and the contractions were getting stronger, she said I’d better warn DH he’ll need to come home very soon! He came home about 3pm-ish and DH’s parents popped over to see how I was doing, it was funny being in labour and having a house full :haha: They also took the dog away with them to look after. So I rang the hospital to see where I stood and they said the contractions weren’t enough to go in yet, to take paracetamol and if the pain went away then it wasn’t proper labour they really need to take my breath away. The pain didn’t go with the paracetamol so I just kept on monitoring the contractions. My mam left at 6:50pm whilst I was in the middle of my tea (McDonalds!) as the hospital said I had to eat so DH got a drive through, then at 7pm I was eating my mcflurry (funny the things you remember) when I felt a gush and ran to the loo. There was liquid everywhere and a few bits of brown – uh oh!! I rang the hospital who said I had to go in though they might send me away again depending on how dilated I was. DH was great, was on autopilot and got everything together, rushed me into the car and off we went. My waters went again with each contraction in the car and boy were they bloody painful!! Water everywhere :wacko: though luckily I had a pad on, a maternity mat on the seat and also a bath towel – my jogging bottoms were soaked through though I looked a right mess :dohh:. I was assessed at 8pm at the hospital and was 4cm dilated – no going home for me, this was it! It was very likely the way I was going I would give birth in the early hours…I went into the birthing centre, a pink room (omen?!) with a birthing pool, flat screen TV and en suite shower room, great! The midwife looked very young, probably about 25 if that, but was so nice! She said I could use the pool straight away but would advise against it until I was further gone, so I lay down on the couch thing – no beds in there as is supposed to be home from home – expecting to get changed into my tankini later on. The rest of the night was a blur, the pain was pretty bad but I was sleeping and watching tv inbetween contractions, the same for DH who was on the sofa. The mw keep on disappearing for an hour at a time when she was coming back in to monitor me and the baby, but no internal as it has to be every 4 hours :shrug: DH kept giving me water and helping me to the toilet. She asked if I wanted to go in the pool later on, but I was so exhausted I just wanted to lie there, and as the pain was pretty bad I opted for diamorphine which meant no water birth, but could still stay in the nice room. The diamorphine was a dream! I only had a half a dose with the option of having the other half later on, but wow I would recommend it! However it started to wear off after a few hours and the pain was getting pretty bad. I decided against having the other half dose as the first lot had already slowed my contractions down and I was worried about it affecting the baby. I eventually got the pushing stage at about 6:30am (what a long night!) but needed a pee and I couldn’t go! I had to have a catheter and boy I filled the pot! :rofl: 25 minutes roughly (so DH recalls) of pushing and she was here, our baby girl! At 7:10am. It bloody hurt I’ll not lie, but I honestly think my birth was pretty good – perhaps its how fit I kept myself during pregnancy, all the walking the dog, and basically just carrying on with life, housework etc.. I didn’t put my feet up. Or maybe it was the raspberry leaf capsules or gym ball action…Or maybe I was just lucky! Baby P was TINY! So much smaller than expected as the growth scan showed she was 5lb 9 at 35 weeks. We knew before she was weighed she was just a little un :) She was 6lb 5 and was perfect. DH despite saying no throughout pregnancy cut the cord. He was shocked she was a girl, all our friends had girls so he was sure a boy had to come sooner or later! I had to have some stitches though no idea how many, oh how dignified I felt with my legs up in stirrups! :blush: We did skin to skin though the bf didn’t happen straight away. After a few hours I showered then we moved rooms so someone could have the birthing pool and both dh and I napped in the sofa bed they’d made up for us. Penny who was un-named for 3 days was in the plastic cot thing next to us. I tried feeding again and after some help from the midwife she latched on which went we could go home that night! :yipee: Our parents and my brother in law and his girlfriend came to visit around 6pm with balloons and presents for little miss. Luckily my mam had bought some tiny baby clothes as only one of the newborn outfits I took to the hospital fit her! We all left together at 8pm when I was discharged. When we got home MIL had decorated the house with banners and balloons and she’d bought a beautiful flower arrangement :) . And so our life as a family begins……….

Pics to follow!

pics x


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day - i luv the first pic ! lolz ! wonder wat he's thinking ?

chlo - gabby is such a sweetheart !

mrsp - wow! thtas a great story & little p is such a cutie pie ! does she have golden locks, so cuuuute!
thanks 4r all the info ladies..i had an abdo u/s
i have gud & sum disappointing news !
the baby is right on with the gestation age..
v dint wanted to know the gender..she couldn't get all the pics so, scheduled for another after 4 weeks..

on the downside, i've comple placenta previa :(
it was such a bummer..she said its early & hopefully move but i did sum research & complete previa dont move..she adviced no sex, nothin in & not to do stuff which would put pressure on the pelvis & she said i could b put on bed rest later....i dont mind the c-section but with my itp condition of low platelets & reading all the bleeding horror stories, i'm disappointed & scared !

i'm to start my new job on, i dont know if its a gud dh says i shud b glad all looked gud & hope 4r the best...

sorry abt the long post & rant !
mrsp - yay look at little Penny! She's beautiful and such gorgeous light hair!

yum - so sorry to hear about that. There have been plenty of ladies here with c sections so they can talk about that. Don't be too scared, the doctors know what they are doing. :hugs:
P, adorable little penny! How big was she when she was born? I already forgot how tiny they are! What type of drug is that diamorphine? Is that just morphine? Or is it a sleep aid? Did u have a natural birth then, since the drugs had worn off?

Yum, what is itp? I had a c section with no complications, and I really didn't want one. I hope the placenta moves for you! Is your new job going to require you to be on your feet much?
Penny is so cute!!! Thanks for sharing your birth story. Glad you are doing well. I'm hoping for a water birth. Who knows what will happen though.

Sorry about the placenta previa, yum!

I may hire a doula. I'm meeting with her on Tuesday.

Daydream, have you talked to your friends about the it common to feed the, that way? Good luck.
hi ladies - thanks 4r the support !

chlo- i dont mind the c-section but its the bed rest & bleeding (which could start anytime from the end of second tri & may need imm delivery if they cant stop the bleed ) that scares me.. itp is an auto immune condition where my platelets are low & may go lower to a scary level which might cause internal bleeding & this can b controlled with steroids(with many side effects but wont pass thru placenta) far,my numbers r lurking close to lower end of normal so fx !

my job is desk job(computers,acounting) but its on first floor with stairs & have stairs at my home too..

y'day wen she said i may bleed, i was disappointed & frankly if the spotting 4rm past 7yrs was not enough ..i'm trying to b positive though !
Thanks ladies. Yes Yum she's a blondie like her parents, though DH is darker but was white blonde when he was little. She's lost her hair at the top front now but it seems to be coming in even lighter, but I think she'll be almost bald for a while (I was practically bald til 2!) Hmm Chloe that's an interesting question on the diamorphine, i assume you don't have it in the US?! It's a pain relief given by injection. No idea on thfe difference between it & plain morphine! So yes you could say it was natural on gas an air as it had pretty.much worn off...

Oh yum sorry to hear about your placenta hun :hugs:

yum - I'm so sorry to hear about placenta previa and low platelets :( I'm sure you're in good hands with your doctors and they will take care of you. Make sure they keep you informed of what's going on.

sbmack - I'm thinking of hiring a doula too. We're interviewing 4 doulas in the next week or so! The doulas in this area are pretty expensive, but I think it will be worth it.
Cat, can i ask how much a doula charges? I briefly considered that, but didn't have enough time to really research and then it turns out she wouldn't have done me any good anyway with my EmCS!

P, yeah, i think that is a UK thing. I had a friend get offered something that was a combo sleep/pain reliever and she said she barely remembers her birth as a result. I would have hated that (not that i remember mine anyway, as i was out cold!), but if i was awake and still couldn't remember it, that would not be good at all! I got lots of morphine when I woke up from my C section, and it was great. They let you push the little button to get as much as you need, within reason. I don't know if they do gas in the US either. I've only ever heard of it on the BNB forums. crazy the differences in medical practices between the two places!

Yum, I hope you have a great first day of work! Do take it easy tho, and even if you can only work for a couple months, that should still be good. Will you need regular blood work to monitor your platelets?

gabby is 5 months now! She's so close to rolling over (although she is behind the curve on that milestone already), and I think she is also pretty close to crawling. Here is her 5 month picture


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sbmack - I'm thinking of hiring a doula too. We're interviewing 4 doulas in the next week or so! The doulas in this area are pretty expensive, but I think it will be worth it.

I hope I like the one I'm seeing next week because I haven't really thought of anyone else or researched it. She was recommended by a friend. It was my friend's third birth and she said it was her best to date. I've spoken to her on the phone a few times and she seems great. My husband isn't really convinced, but he will go along with it if that's what I want.

Wow, Chloe....Gabby is already 5 months!

Yum, good luck at the new job today! Hope everything goes smoothly.
Mrs P - gorgeous pics, glad you had a good birth

Chloe glad all was well at your appointment

Yum - sorry it was the news you were hoping for but hopefully the placenta will move for you xx

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